

Category: Race
Species: Rider

Clothing Style: Cyberpunk
Language: Varies; Sign

The Naki are those of mixed race or unknown race. They have a bit of Abrendese, a bit of Shéar, some Erré, and maybe just a tiny bit of Irrít. It’s completely random and completely irrelevant. Their appearance can take from any of the races, including oddities from the Chronoscape that have settled in on Shérok. Despite their ambiguous origins, they form strong communities with each other. There are several waypoints on traveling roads that will constantly have Naki watching out for each other. They are also responsible for the traditional message relays across the country.

Along with these, there are many Shéar and Erré who become Naki over the course of their lifetime. People can develop odd mutations through experimentation or acquire a bit too many mechanical prosthetics for the liking of the general populace. Even when their appearance is unaffected, they may lose their magic and become shunned by others. While other races would shy away from these ‘abominations,’ the Naki take them in with open arms and help them get acclimated to a new life. If they decide to join the group for life, they will adopt the race as their own and their children will be Naki with them.

They are the originator of a peculiar sign language that takes as little effort to ‘speak’ as possible. It’s simple, but the subtle cues are enough to recognize each other immediately and get across important messages. Since Naki find themselves in dangerous situations more than any other group, a language that allows them to speak freely without arousing suspicion was a necessity.


Naki Alliance

Category: Affiliation
Species: Rider

The Naki Alliance is primarily focused on maintaining peace. They consider themselves allies to both Eredia and Shérok, but they do not actively work against the Abrendese Militia. Instead, they focus on liberating slaves, preventing future raids, gathering information, welcoming new inhabitants from the Chronoscape, and supporting those in need. They are widely respected among the all peoples due to their charity and effort to perform ethically. They believe that cooperating with the Abrendese to change their policies is superior to attacking them and attempting to claim power again.

Unlike other affiliations, memberships are implied when someone takes up the Naki title. Wanderers are very trusting of Naki, who are expected to refer those in need to practicing members of the Naki Alliance. The main organization will commission their own people for materials or services to strengthen this bond, so long as such workers are available. If a Naki is found to mislead escaped slaves or visitors of the Chronoscape, they are stripped of their title by the family and the information is passed on to the Shéar Rebellion. While the Shéar are more focused on liberation of the kingdoms rather than its inhabitants, they consider acting against the Alliance to be acting against them and will handle it accordingly.

Dragon Riders are surprisingly scarce in the group, with much of the central organization going without. Riders are therefore highly treasured and given special tasks that can’t be done through communication. The Riders use the gathered information to infiltrate Abrendese strongholds and free slaves. The information is mainly gathered through electronic intelligence gathering (hacking, of course), and they work to exchange information between all others groups to prevent bloodshed. This includes Abrendese nobles who disagree with the policy of slaves, even if they are content with the rest of the political situation.

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