

Category: Mutation

No Element | Mutation

Monochrome is a mutation that applies one hue across your entire dragon. You may also ignore brightness rules, as long as all traits are visible. This will never obscure traits. The hue must be the same, literally--two similar colors, such as indigo and purple, do not count as a Monochrome color scheme. The easiest way to create a Monochrome design is to design it normally, then apply a 'color' or 'hue' layer (depending on your program). When you color dip the dragon, it should all have the same hue, even if it varies in brightness or saturation. Black, white, and gray do not have saturation, so they may also be used.

Here is an example of a regular dragon, before and after a Monochrome mutation is applied. The dragon on the left has violet, red, and neon green. The dragon on the right has only blue.

You may also ignore  brightness rules. For example, an all-black marking like Dust may be brightened, and a marking like Sable which darkens things underneath it may brighten them instead. Here is an example of both in action, on the same design:


Monochrome affects the whole dragon.


Monochrome will not have and holes. It will cover the entire dragon.


Because Monochrome does not have holes, it will not allow for an edge.


Monochrome will not be affected by color effects. However, light effects may show through, and they may even break the color scheme. Here is an example of an iridescent, Monochrome dragon:

Notable Interactions

  • Skittertint may not be used to add a second color to Monochrome.
  • Pollen still follows regular color rules. It must still appear pastel, and it can be any pastel color.
  • Loremarks, scratches, and scars may follow the color scheme of Pollen.
  • Transparent Skin, flesh, tongue, and magic effects still follow regular color rules. Alternatively, you may optionally apply Monochrome to them.
  • If a dragon has Display, you may choose two different monochrome colors. It may switch between these two colors. The entire dragon's colorscheme will change--not just one or two marks. It will never show both colors at once.
  • If a dragon has Somatic, you may choose for each half to have a different Monochrome color. You may also choose for only one side to show the Monochrome mutation.

Common Problems

Below: This dragon has holes in Monochrome. While this effect is lovely, Monochrome should not have holes. You may achieve this effect when it is combined with the Somatic trait.

Below: This dragon has two different hues. The blue on the wings is a different hue than the blue of the body. The hue of the dragon must be the same throughout. Part of the free marks are also red instead of blue.


Do I need to provide the regular color scheme?
No--the design is judged based on Monochrome color rules, so the design without a mutation is not needed.

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