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"Vina, would you mind fetching some more grass from outside? I don't want Mercy pulling on Miral's crest just because we didn't bring enough." Pouting from her position by the door, Vina was busy staring at Kri's dragon napping around the corner. The dragon had come to play at their temporary camp, rider in tow, but the trip seemed to have tuckered them out immediately. She had been debating going over to join him, but had too much energy right now to sit still for very long. It waaaas something to do to keep her moving, so she nodded and headed on out. Passing Kri on her way through the hall, she chirped once at him before continuing on her way, getting a raised eyebrow when sharing that she was getting grass for Folkren.
He might be a woodland elf, but that didn't make a request for grass of all things any less unusual. Though Folkren was unusual to start with, the way he adored the celestial. Straight faced as usual, Kri came up behind the elf to put a hand on their shoulder. "What are you up to today?" There was hardly a day they weren't doing something, but the satchel was new. Piled in were folded clothes, a couple small toys, and fresh fruits. Considering they tended to live off the land wherever he traveled, it was fairly suspicious.
Not easily startled, Folkren smiled over his shoulder at Kri, brushing the long blond strands of hair out of the way to briefly kiss the knuckles in greeting. He might get easily flustered by the guy he had fallen for, but that didn't mean his flirtatious attitude still didn't shine through. "Enjoying the sight of you?" That hum by the other was a clear sign he shouldn't push his luck if he wanted to keep packing in tranquility however. "Just packing for a trip. We'll only be gone for a few months, it's gotten pretty easy to track down the orb as well, so finding you again won't take too long." Kri was immortal, and while Folkren was mortal, he had a long lifespan, a few months not seeming like such a long time to be apart to him.
Still, the celestial showed more interest in the affair than he anticipated, going on to question, "Where to?" Blinking for a second, Folkren stopped folding to tilt his head at them. "South. I don't have a set destination in place, but it should be fine to sleep outside in the trees since it'll be warmer. It's just for this year's winter." Curiously, there was another short inquiry from Kri, making Folkren wonder what was up as they went on to ask further, "But why though?" He had been chasing after the other for awhile now, but this was the first time Kri had gotten interested in his activities beyond an, 'Is that so?' or simple having fun teasing him into backing off. It kind of made Folkren want a little revenge on them, but knew that was sure to backfire right away. "Hm, well, Mercy is a wind dragon, now that he's older, I was thinking it was about time to migrate along with another flock. I'd like to make sure it's a good experience on his first trip, so I'm going with him." Watching Kri's expression, there were only minor details to let him know they were thinking about something while staring at him. He was about to question it himself when they spoke up, "Alright, I'll tell the orb." It was a little abrupt, but that was just how Kri was with his whimsical ways. Figuring what they would tell it was that he'd be gone for awhile, and not to follow, Folkren went back to packing. Little did he know, there'd be a couple extra when starting their trip South for the winter.

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In Prestige, Jobs, and Classes ・ By kytazy
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Submitted By kytazy
Submitted: 2 years agoLast Updated: 2 years ago

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