Site News
Festival of the Stars 2025
Posted 1 week ago :: Last edited 1 week ago by ccbestiaryLong ago, or maybe just yesterday, a tiny star pipped. Out hatched a black and white wyrm, her scales shimmering with the light of the skies. She wandered the world, watching it from the stars, seeing all the amazing life below her. She especially loved the lovers. Watching two dragons become soul mates and make little eggs that became hatchlings that were nearly as cute as her that grew up and found their heart with someone new again that went on to make new eggs and then–it was all so much fun! She adored the little gifts that everyone under the sky could afford. Eventually, just watching was not enough. It was time for her to do something! She mustered all her powers and began a devious plan.
Elsewhere, or maybe right around there, Luna checked their bag and found it empty of all silver tickets. They gasped and went on a hunt to find them right away. Apollo calmly checked the ledgers of their store and found the registers all cleared. Not a single silver ticket was in sight. The silver tickets were all spirited away!
Introducing…Stella! After guarding the skies for a while, she decided to descend and join in the fun! She’s giving out silver tickets whenever she sees a scene that warms her heart. Hopefully Luna does not catch her before the event ends! To enter, draw gift art of someone else’s dragon with one of the following themes (no repeats). The Festival lasts until March 3rd at 11:59:59 PM. Once you complete the event, scroll down to learn about the victory lap!
- Confection
- Love Letter
- Secret Admirer
- Cupid
- Kiss
- Date Night
- Drama
- Love at First Sight
- Confession
- Tsundere
- Tough Love
- Hearts
- Love Birds
- Dress Up
- Devotion
Each prompt gives 1 Silver Ticket per gifted dragon. You may include up to three different dragons per gift (for a maximum of 3 silver tickets per piece). Each prompt will come with Love Bird Tracking Tools. If you complete all 15 themes, you may receive a trait Blessing of choice (from any existing rarity). If you do not complete them all, you still keep the prizes earned along the way!
Click Here to Turn in Your Prompts
Fill out the following form in the notes area:
Attach ALL characters in the piece to this prompt submission so we can check their gift art rules and give out EXP.
- All prompts must be turned in before the deadline (March 3rd at 11:59:59 PM) .
- The same dragon may not be used more than once to gain a Silver Ticket.
- Link to characters used in the description and on the prompt turn-in.
- You may use tickets from past events to gain prizes. Tickets may not be traded, sold, or gifted
- Only the artist(s) of an image will receive the prizes.
- Gifts must follow gift art rules. You can check dragons with open gift art HERE and open gift writing HERE. If you are unsure of drawing strange dragons in romantic situations, additional permissions are below! Feel free to add your ships or off-limit dragons to a comment on this page.
- Gifts must be of dragons; While including Riders is always good, they do not count towards prizes.
- Art images must have a full body dragon, coloring, shading, and a background. All traits of the dragon must be clearly visible. Art must be fully rendered and not rushed.
- Written entries have a minimum of 600 words. If three dragons are depicted, this goes up to 900. The focus of the story should be the giftee's dragon(s).
- Collaborations are allowed, but requirements are doubled (two guest dragons for art, double word count for writing). Additionally, the gift must be for a player that is not an artist of a piece.
- You may only get the reward for a prompt once until you are on the victory lap.
- You may choose to depict different Emissaries instead of giving gift art, if desired.
- All dragon elements receive 2 Event EXP in each event entry. If a dragon in the gift has access to a calendar, they get an additional +2 EXP. If a dragon has access to a Party Parrot, they get an additional +2 EXP. These bonuses stack if multiple are present.
- You can’t receive any sort of compensation for a gift. It should not be part of an art payment, trade, entry for a giftee’s contest, or anything similar.
- Art from the main event cannot be used for other types of rolls in the game, such as Adventures or Affiliation Quests.
Festival Victory Lap
Once you've completed the rest of the event, you can continue earning tickets by giving out gift art. For each piece of gift art, you will receive 1 Silver Ticket (up to 3 per entry). Victory Lap gift art may be combined with activities, as long as the giftee dragon does not claim an activity.
Victory Lap Rules:
- The same dragon may not be used more than once to gain a Silver Ticket.
- To prevent accidental double dipping, please put a description of who is doing what in any art pieces that will have tickets claimed.
- Illustration rules follow the same requirements as the main event.
- Written requirements follow the same rules as the main event unless a character is turning in an activity. In that case, it is the base required word count +300 words.
- Only dragons that have their prompt labelled as Event will get the event bonus or Party Parrot perks.
You may spend your tickets at Apollo's Wares.
Festival of the Night Exchange 2024
Posted 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 month ago by ccbestiaryAurelia’s Hatchery is running out of space for new eggs. Given that they all have crazy magic going on, she wants to find them their homes as soon as possible! The last thing she needs are two dozen eggs hatching early and destroying her Hatchery. She seeks the help of Riders the worlds over to find new homes for the eggs. Perhaps they will find their dragon here…or perhaps they can tell if someone else matches a dragon! This is a secret Santa event where players look for their dragon and find a dragon for others. Will you find who you’re looking for?
What is a Secret Santa?
For this Secret Santa, you make a custom dragon for someone. In return, you receive a custom dragon from someone else, along with a few other prizes! Who you get it from is a surprise, and the person you are assigned is also a surprise. You will not receive the same giftee or gifter as previous rounds in the season. Please keep your assignments a secret until February 1st. What you get is random, so only participate if you are open to any possibilities.
- One pre-designed secret santa dragon with a few custom traits to make you smile~
- It will have a new Uncommon trait of choice.
- 1 Slot to an Emissary of your choosing
- 1 Legendary Egg +10 SC -OR- 1 Ultra-rare Egg + 15 SC
Comment this Form to Join:
Desired Element (PICK ONE): (Any Element other than Day/Night/Stellar)
Chosen New Trait: Pick one: Afterglow, Flicker, Papillon, Soulmark, Skyline, Maze, Rainstorm, Alerion, Mortician, Welding
Theme Request: (Example: Cute! Keep it short and simple, one sentence max, no run-ons)
Phobias & Problem Colors: (optional. list any phobias and/or colors to avoid.)
Desired Emissary Slot: (click here for a list of emissaries or simply list an element)
Designer Rules:
- One element should match their preferred element. You can pick any other element for their second or choose to make it purebred.
- All physical traits should match their element(s).
- No base Ultra-rare traits allowed. All other traits are allowed. Element modifiers are not accounted for–use the Design Hub to see their base rarity!
- Five Display Traits and Five Modifier traits must be chosen. If you’re in a design pinch, contact the group.
- The chosen new trait counts towards the max display traits.
- You cannot use any new marks other than the one your giftee picked.
- Charged traits are allowed.
- Do not include a background/the background should be transparent.
- To finish your design, you must also have it approved. An exception to DM reviews is made for secret santas--reply to the person who assigned you the task in order to have it reviewed.
January 3rd — If you signed up, you will receive your Secret Santa target!
January 31st — Designs are due! No extensions.
February 1st — All prizes will be given out!
Do I need to enter on the Chronocompass site?
Yes, you will need a site account so that you can receive your prizes.
Can I include extra art/reference art for my secret santa?
Yes! Feel free to attach any art you like to your gift.
Can I include items with the design?
No, no items or paints are allowed this round.
What Happens if I Can’t Finish My Design?
The person who made your Secret Santa gift will keep the design they made for you, and you will not receive one. Your recipient will have their gift drawn by a moderator. You will not receive the 10 SC reward, legendary egg reward, or Emissary slot reward. If you are unable to finish your design and you know ahead of the deadline, let us know so we can reassign your task to someone else. Your dragon will be returned to the giftee, and they may choose to gift it to the community however they want (raffle, group contest, etc.) or keep the design.
I am having trouble designing. Can I have some help?
The mods are always happy to help! You can message cosmonstars on Discord or directly message the Chronocompass deviantart group. There is an exception to the no-mod-DMs rule for secret santas.
What Happens if I Don’t Like My Design?
If you would prefer to have the art in your style, you may redraw it. Slight changes in marking coverage/trait coverage are allowed (such as reducing the number of stripes, increasing the amount of Debris, adding items, etc.). However, you cannot change the design that is given to you beyond that, and you cannot use the geno for anything else. When the dragon unlocks magic on its import, the original design should still be apparent through the magical additions. What you get is random, so only participate if you are open to any possibilities.
Can I Sell, Trade, or Gift my Secret Santa egg?
No. If you choose not to use it, it will simply go unused.
Can I Sell, Trade, or Gift my dragon after it’s uploaded?
Once the dragon is uploaded, you may sell or transfer it like normal. There is a one month cooldown on ownership, so if you upload it on February 2nd, you can sell it on March 2nd.
Will the dragons have lineage?
Yes, they will have lineage assigned upon upload.
Can I enter Multiple Secret Santas in one season?
Yes! Have at it :)
Stellar Exchange
Posted 2 months ago :: Last edited 2 months ago by ccbestiaryThe Celestial Festivals are starting off small to keep the holiday season as stress-free as possible. While we will have TWO dragon exchange events in January and February, the new December event is a bit of a warmup. Instead of exchanging dragons, we are exchanging Familiars! Don’t let the ‘little,’ ‘small,’ or ‘warm-up’ words fool you, though. These are very special Familiars!
A Fallen Star is a Familiar that can take on any form. It gives +2 EXP to any dragons depicted in an area with stars. Stellar Riders or Dragons get an additional bonus: +1 additional item during any loot activity. These Familiars only appear to certain Riders and do not count toward the total Rider Familiar limit (they will still apply to Independent dragon familiar limits, if you opt to use one instead).
In this event, you choose one of your Riders or Independent Dragons. A good choice is any Rider/Independent dragon you plan to give a Stellar Blessing to in the future, since Stellar element folk get an extra bonus from this Familiar. Even if you don’t apply it to a future Stellar character, the Familiar gives a nice bonus, and will look cool besides. Write a short one-three sentence story about how your character finds their Fallen Star. Put a concept/animal for your secret partner to use, phobias for your partner to avoid, and then comment here! Partners will be chosen on December 7th and informed through Discord.
Chosen Rider/Independent Dragon:
How did they meet:
Concept, Theme, or Animal: (one-three words or a tiny sentence)
Phobias or things to avoid:
What are the design rules?
They can take any shape, color, or markings. Stars should heavily feature in their design. They may look ghostly/spiritual/magical as long as stars are the main theme. Stars may be glowy dots, star shapes, star body features, or whatever is plainly star-like. This is very freestyle compared to dragon exchanges!
How big do the images need to be?
You can make them any size, but their final size will be lowered to 300 x 300, so you may want to make your canvas on the smaller side of things.
What if I don’t have a Rider or Independent Dragon?
Contact us in #help-and-suggestions discord channel and we will set you up!
Can I use existing Familiar Animals?
Yes! Because stars are incorporated into the design, it will be easy to tell the difference between them. Known future familiars (such as the Meerkat, Sloth, Tardigrade, and so on) may also be used. Using a certain animal will not exclude it from the future pool of possible Familiars, so don’t worry about that, either!
Are these Familiars exclusive to Stellar Riders/Dragons?
No, but characters that already have the Stellar element or gain it in the future will receive the bonuses for Stellar characters.
When is the Due Date?
Sunday, December 24th, Baker Island Time
Cryptid Party
Posted 4 months ago :: Last edited 4 months ago by ccbestiaryThe theme for this monthly event is Cryptids! This can include traditional cryptids like the Mothman or Loveland Frog, popular monsters like Vampires and Werewolves, or general spooky critters found in scary stories. They can be real or fantasy, but stay away from named persons. Depict your dragon using magic related to or inspired by this creature; Alternatively, depict them using magic while interacting with the creature.
- Including both a scary story and a piece of art doubles your prizes. Both must meet activity requirements.
- When pictured with a full-body Rider, you gain a Talent Show familiar in addition to your normal prizes.
- Depict your dragon using elemental magic inspired by a Cryptid.
- This follows normal Activity Rules.
- Collaborations are allowed. For collaborations during this event, Activity Rules are doubled.
- Turn it in via Queue.
5 SC, 3 BP, x1 Treasure Chest
- Doubled with accompaniment
- Extra Talent Show Familiar prize with Rider depicted
Entry Form:
Rider: (if shown)
Bonuses: (list all)
Items: (optional)
Do I need to use a cryptid-like dragon or depict a Rider?
You may use any dragon for this event! Depicting a Rider is not required.
Is a certain setting required?
No, you may set it anywhere. Illustrations don’t need to be on a stage, and stories don’t need to be part of a party. It can be any piece of art that follows the theme.
Are there any designs surprise prizes planned?
No, not this time.
What is BP?
BP stands for Battle Points and can unlock special Challenges for your dragon down the road.
Patchwork Farms Scavenger Hunt
Posted 4 months ago :: Last edited 4 months ago by ccbestiaryThis year, Patchwork Farms is running a special Scavenger Hunt during its peak hours! The goal is to find a character with a random trait.
First Scavenge Prompt:
Draw your character finding a dragon with Floral Parasite or Companion somewhere at the Patchwork Orchard. The next scavenger hunt trait will be rolled after your first is done. You may wait until your piece is processed OR request with the pinned form on the Discord #bot-channel to speed things up.
- 1 Garden Den Item for Participating (once)
- 1 Silver Ticket (per entry)
- 1 SC (per entry)
- Gem Summon (once, after completing ten entries)
Max of ten entries with prizes.
- All scavenged characters must belong to others. The prizes include silver tickets, so this must be gift art! If you are uncomfortable drawing the characters of others, you may use a matching Emissary.
- Gifted characters may receive rolls. These rolls must not be part of an art payment, commission, trade, or other agreement between gifter and giftee.
- The gifted character must follow Activity Requirements.
- All art must take place in the Patchwork Orchard. This means at least one of the landmarks should be depicted.
- The ‘searching’ character does not need to meet activity requirements, but should be visible in the image or present in the literature. A simple hand pointing at the gifted character counts.
- You may only receive Scavenger Hunt prizes a maximum of ten times. You may keep going after ten for fun (just don't burn out!).
- You may draw the same dragon more than once if they meet the other requirements. However, we encourage sharing the love between different people and critters where you can!
- Collaborations are allowed. Two different dragons must be located and cannot belong to either artist.
- All entries are due the last second of November 30th (Baker Island Time).
- To claim prizes, use this form:
Link to Previous Art Piece :
Trait of Above Art Piece :
Entry # of Above Art Piece :
Was your next trait already rolled on Discord? :
Reverie Jamboree -- Romantic Scenery
Posted 6 months ago :: Last edited 6 months ago by ccbestiaryJamborie 2024: Color The World | Romantic Scenery | Flash Dating
Juatasapi is a hotspot for romance, where love between soulmates is reaffirmed or forged anew. During Reverie Jubilee, it's one of the top destinations!
Until the last second of August, art pieces that take place in Juatasapi will receive special bonuses.
Event Lore Bonuses:
- When a Second Bond takes place in Juatasapi or uses a crafted trinket from Juatasapi, the bond only requires two parts!
- Breedings with courtship art in Juatasapi will receive a free Chocolate OR Twilight Incense. Please put “Event - Chocolate” or “Event - Twilight Incense” in the item area. Remember only one of these can be used per breeding.
- Party Parrot may apply to any art that takes place in Juatasapi, even non-event pieces.
- Lovebird Trackers may be used for any prompt that takes place in Juatasapi.
- Den Prompts may take place in Juatasapi, even if the setting would not normally match the Den’s theme.
Remember that art pieces must feature a Landmark to count as that location. Juatasapi's landmark is simply a brown volcano!
Reverie Jamboree -- Flash Dating
Posted 6 months ago :: Last edited 6 months ago by ccbestiaryJamborie 2024: Color The World | Romantic Scenery | Flash Dating
Time for Reverie Jamboree to kick it up a notch! Adonis has invited any and all dragons to participate in a flash-dating festival. He has high hopes that this will make flash-dating a trend again. He has even stocked up on Twilight Incenses and all sorts of goodies to make breedings possible. Pick any one of your dragons and choose any other dragon in the world (read below for the only restrictions). Show the dragons courting in an art piece. This follows regular activity rules, but gets an Event EXP bonus, and any bonuses that would apply in a romantic or courtship-related scene!
- Both dragons must have their Grand Display OR Rite of Passage
- They must be able to pair normally, using an item or otherwise.
- This means same-sex pairs are allowed thanks to an item.
- This means that for related dragons, one dragon shared in the lineage is allowed thanks to an item.
- If using another player’s dragon (other than Emissaries), it must be done as a collaboration with that player. Art requirements ARE NOT INCREASED for collabs during this event.
- Art must follow regular activity rules.
- Art Pieces are due in the very last second of August.
- You can only participate once.
- 2 SC
- One Choice from the Following: Twilight Incense, Family Heirloom, x2 Chocolate, x2 Pure Beads, x2 Crystal Beads
- Mystery Prize for all participants!
Additionally, something interesting will happen for players who collaborate during this event! What could it be? Adonis isn’t giving any hints. Those who finish the event early might find out before everyone else!
How to Participate
To enter, comment below with the following form:
Art Piece: [link to piece on chronocompass, deviantart,, or your gallery site of choice]
Dragon 1 Import:
Dragon 2 Import:
Collaboration Partner?:
Are Any Items Needed?:
Reverie Jamboree -- Color the World
Posted 7 months ago :: Last edited 6 months ago by ccbestiaryJamborie 2024: Color The World | Romantic Scenery | Flash Dating
This event lasts until the very last second of August. This event focuses on diversity of all manners--love reaches across all barriers! Even, sometimes, opposing elements. Dragons are available in every color under the sun (and moon), and it’s time to highlight their differences. Draw a rainbow of dragons to complete the event!
How to Enter
Drawing a dragon of each basic element will net you 1 SC. If you include all ten different element dragons in one picture–with the dragons making a rainbow, in elemental order–then you get an extra 5 SC. For writing, just introduce the dragons in the order of their colors, and make sure to detail their appearance.
Gift art has extra prizes. If it is gift art, you get an extra reward that matches the element of the dragon below. Finally, if all of the dragons in the art piece or combined art entries are dragons that belong to others, you get 5 Silver Tickets.
Submit your entries to the Seasonal Event Prompt. Attach the dragon(s) that feature in the art. If it is a gift, please state which player the dragon belongs to, and make sure to tell them about the art.
Elemental Prizes:
- Light Dragon - Crystal Chandelier
- Fire Dragon - Decorative Sword
- Jungle Dragon - Spice Rack
- Thunder Dragon - Entertainment System
- Earth Dragon - Ancient Reconstruction
- Ocean Dragon - Koi Pond
- Storm Dragon - Roulette
- Wind Dragon - Bookshelf
- Dark Dragon - Star Chart
- Metal Dragon - Looking Glass
Two of these items are brand new and temporarily exclusive to the event! They will appear in the usual crafting tables and loot at a later point this season.
Do I need to enter on the Chronocompass site?
Yes, you will need a site account so that you can receive your prizes.
Can I use my own dragons?
Yes, but you will only receive an SC reward, not the items or silver tickets.
Can I turn in one part at a time?
You may create individual pieces that meet activity requirements, then combine them at the end for the additional prizes. This means that each entry still needs a finished dragon and background. Dragons that are reused will not receive additional EXP for the final version, even if the background receives updates to help it merge better. Dragons that only appear in the final version receive exp as normal.
Do I have to gift different people?
It is encouraged, but not required, to gift different players.
Can we collaborate?
Yes! An additional set of dragons is required in collaborations, and they must still appear in order when they appear in the larger version. Example: If two people collaborate, then two light dragons must appear. If three, then three light dragons. If a complete rainbow image is made together, the light dragons must appear together. Collaborators cannot gift each other for the gift rewards.
Activity Overhaul, Rider Romance, & Reverie Jamboree
Posted 8 months ago :: Last edited 8 months ago by ccbestiaryTo prevent event info from getting buried, Reverie Jamboree will have its own update. The events will be summarized here and gameplay updates–many major–revealed! Brace yourself for some highly requested features, transparency, and an overall gay time for Pride Month.
Second Bonds are Back in Action
Second Bonds were greatly nerfed when moving from CCBestiary to the current Lorekeeper setup. It became little more than a lore feature, maybe even a hassle. That changes this month. First, a Second Bond can be used to rank a Dragon Knight to Dragon Master. This has been highly requested over the years. I hesitated since having a romantic partner doesn’t quite correlate with skill as a Rider, but at the same time, this is a magical bond. Maybe there’s some magic talent involved. So it’s in there now!
Next, you can use Second Bonded Riders as a substitute Rider in activities where a dragon requires a Rider, or would get a bonus from a Rider. They must be depicted in the art, and you have to include that a Second Bond is being used when turning it in. By including a Second Bond Rider in art, the dragon can utilize both sets of buffs and Familiars. When calculating EXP, it will sense which character has the higher rank and grant EXP accordingly. This means if a dragon’s owner is a Dragon Companion, but the Second Bond is a Dragon Master, then depicting the dragon with both of them will give the +5 EXP buff rather than +3. Adventurer, Trainer, Rancher, and other buffs given will be provided when a Second Bond is depicted during activities. Again, if both Rider and Bond have differing job ranks, it will take from the higher rank! Breeding has a special caveat–the Breeder Buff still needs to come directly from their Rider, rather than the Second Bond. Familiars may still be used from either the usual Rider or Second Bond.
Rider Activities
Riders may complete activities on their own. They no longer need to be accompanied by any dragon. Rather than the highest level dragon, it will look at Prestige for Riders (one less thing for you to keep track of on forms!). Riders gain 1 item, Companions 2, Knights 3, and Masters 4. However, something official from the game needs to be depicted in the art piece. If a dragon is unavailable, then a landmark will do! Check the lore sections to see if any would suit your Rider’s activity. Landmarks are officially designated marks that show the character is in a place. In example, the Timber Township crest is a Landmark. It may appear on a flag in the background, on a poster, on an object, or however else you can imagine incorporating it.
Lore Team Unite!
Speaking of lore, it’s worth repeating that the world of Chronocompass is an open world. This means anyone can create their own canon with these creatures and places! A while ago, there was a Discord Prompt seeking particular locations people would like to see in lore. Given how popular it was, I’d like to provide a public place where anyone can contribute to the official lore. You can find more info on this in Questions and Suggestions. You even get a snazzy Lore Team award for your profile if your suggestion is added. Please note that there is no number limit to how many you can suggest. Submit as many as you like! Remember that this world is an open universe, so anything you submit will be available for anyone to use, edit, or adjust for their own stories. Do not submit things you would prefer to keep a copyright of.
For an example of what an accepted Lorecation looks like, take a look at Zincwolf’s and Frights-and-Nights’s Timber Township! Their Lorecation is the first to be player-contributed. A big thank you to them, and to anyone who would like to add to this open universe! The illustration for this location is available as a Jungle/Thunder/Metal background.
Activity Updates & Transparency
First, we are accepting Activity Moderators! If you are interested, please send a Mod Message along with what sort of Activity you would like to mod. It became apparent during the Expedition trial that more mods were needed; I’ll monitor things to see if more mods are needed to ensure the best gameplay experience.
Now for the chunky news. If you recently had an adventure processed, you’ll notice something new. Everything is now deposited into your inventory as a Lootbox Item, which you can open from there. No longer will you wonder if those Familiar rolls really are rolling (they are!). With this, we are able to combine elemental loot, so you no longer need to have 3 items for a chance at Neutral, Element 1, and Element 2. In example, instead of Fire/Jungle Caving dropping x1 Fire Loot, x2 Neutral Loot, and x1 Jungle Loot, you now get x4 Fire/Jungle Loot! Also, who doesn’t like opening up presents?
These changes go hand-in-hand with a new Activity Roller, which you can check out here. Other new automated buffs include any equipment and Jobs present on the dragon or their Rider. If you are using the benefit of a Second Bond, you will need to list them, but Riders are otherwise automatically checked the same way. This info pulls directly from the Dragon and Rider traits, so be sure that these are up-to-date when you put in rolls! Also include a gentle bump in the Buff area if a dragon’s Rider is present–sometimes we miss them, especially in sheets or images that hit the character cap. Just having a Rider present adds all sorts of bonuses to a dragon, so it’s a good thing to note down.
Like breedings, all buffs are now listed on the Prompts. You will know if Equipment was picked up, Familiars were applied, the correct level was used, Adventurer was noticed, Fortune included–anything that affects the results at all! Much of this is all automated, so if it’s on the import, it should be folded in automatically. Now you can know for sure though. Comfort in knowing and all that! As nearly all RNG is in the player’s hands now, all these updates ensure a completely transparent gaming experience for all players.
Remember when I said ‘nearly all?’ Expeditions has some of the RNG that is kept hush-hush for the moment. This is why, where possible, things will be rolled in Discord. The meaning of these rolls is for you detectives to out there to deduce 🔍 .
The staggering amount of activity that Expeditions inspired was a bit of a surprise, and a welcome one! Still, this caused a bit of a clog in how quickly things were processed. I don’t think that this was a ‘fair’ bit of a trial, so Expeditions will be extended. With more mods at the helm, activities–and by extension Expeditions–should go much faster.
Expeditions will temporarily close until both Activities and the Expedition queue are cleared. They will reopen immediately after that. A request for feedback will come at the end of June. Still, there are some changes that can be made before feedback that have become quite apparent!
The first part of the Celestial quest will be made a little more common. The rest of the quest will go unchanged, but Luna also gives hints that help complete it, so it will still be more accessible. I mean, what? Who said Luna?
Anyways, the Expedition turn-in will change a bit. You need to post a new comment when you complete the Expedition, rather than reply to the comment. This prevents it from getting lost in all the other Expeditions! As time goes on it will become easier and easier to miss your responses, so this change will fix that before it becomes a bigger problem.
Reverie Jamboree
This area might seem a bit small, but that’s because Reverie Jamboree is getting its own news update! After the crazy winter events, this one is much more mild-mannered. Drawing gift art of a dragon of each basic element will net you a corresponding reward. If you include all ten different element dragons in one picture–with the dragons making a rainbow, in elemental order–then you get 5 SC as well. If all of the dragons in the combined art are dragons that belong to others, you get 5 Silver Tickets. For writing, just introduce the dragons in the order of their colors, and make sure to detail their appearance.
Over 10 Tamables have landed! While this seems like a lot to be active at once–and honestly, it is–I hope it encourages people to go after their favorites rather than hold off for others to tame. Along with that, it means more players can chase Tamables and grab the related achievements! Along with that, a few adjustments are being made to tamables. First, odds are more visible. All rolls are made in Discord. Second, odds will be much better moving forward. If they turn out to be a scarcity, that will change, but in the meantime I foresee many tamables being active at once!
Furthermore, you can encounter the tamables during Expeditions. Expedition taming odds are usually better, though an experienced Trainer and food-wielding player can get the odds lower after a few attempts. You are also not guaranteed to encounter tamables–though if you figure out their condition keywords, they do become more likely. Check out the Challenge page here to see all active Tamables!
Awards have sort of lurked in the background. It’s time to end that! Awards has its own link on the hotbar, and each one links to the Mod Message area, where you can redeem them. Some Awards require links, so make sure to put those in the description! A new Award has been added: Little Bird, Big Adventures!
Egg Backlog
Migrated eggs were originally intended to be traitless. It wasn’t feasible at the time to add traits to every single egg. There is a bit of coding I’ve done on the backend that has made this more feasible, and I intend to trait every single egg. I’d like to prioritize active players that would actually use the function before players that haven’t joined yet. If you would like to be one of those prioritized players, please send a Mod Message!
Miscellaneous Updates
- Ahuizotl, Whirlybug, Nyandroid, Soulstealer, Slime, and Yauhtli have had their effect changed.
- Egg-shaped Rocks are no longer trash. They open into a Fairy Armadillo Roll. If you previously tossed an Egg-shaped Rock or two or three, put in a claim and I'll send you the missing items. Good luck to everyone with these extra rolls!
- Claims has been changed to Mod Messages to better reflect what they are for.
- Elemental Adventure Loot Familiars now drop a box instead of a random elemental item which can sometimes be neutral. In other words, they are ALWAYS elemental now. The element is random, but it does include a high chance of black and white opals.
- Jewelry updates:
- Large Jewelry crafted with Floating Coral will give the equipped character +1 to the chosen stat when training.
- Small Jewelry crafted with Floating Coral will give the equipped dragon +3 EXP when depicted while Training.
- Large Jewelry crafted with Quartz will give the equipped character +3 to all stats during Expeditions.
- Small Jewelry crafted with Quartz will give the equipped dragon +3 EXP when depicted in Expeditions.
- Onyx Small Jewellery no longer says it requires Amethyst to craft it over Onyx.
- Silver Large Jewellery no longer has Diamond listed in its description text over Silver.
- Large Jewellery Geode no longer has Quartz listed in its ingredients over Geodes .
- Turquoise now has a Silvence price
- We are always on the hunt for tiny little errors, so feel free to send something in through Mod Messages if you spot one
- All Druid items drop from adventures now, so the mutation is at its full potential. However, Critter Cage and Trail Camera cannot be opened until their relevant collectibles are added.
Expeditions, Stellar Element, Lore Bonus, & More
Posted 9 months ago :: Last edited 9 months ago by ccbestiaryThey’re finally here! Expeditions have launched! Or, at least, the beta. You can find the complete details here. In short, Expeditions are special quests that are customized according to how you found them. During the months of April and May, when you turn in a piece of art that meets activity requirements, you have a 100% chance of obtaining a Chronocompass.
What’s so special about a Chronocompass? You can turn them in to generate three special quests. You may pick the quest that best suits your character and complete it. Many things can only be obtained from Expeditions. This includes the special Crafting Familiars, Blessing Items, Tamable Dragons, and even a special quest that ends with a new element: Stellar. More on that later. Although Expeditions have plenty to discover for low-level dragons and low-prestige Riders, more developed characters shine and can find rarer Expeditions.
Some Small Notes:
- You may only post one Expedition comment per day.
- You can post without completing previous Expedition comments.
- To help with testing this month, you may use dragons without a Rite of Passage.
- If you received a Chronocompass from an event, you may choose who does the expedition. Otherwise, the character that found it will always be the Expeditioner.
Expected Changes After Beta:
- Drop rates of a Chronocompass will be greatly reduced.
- After beta, Rites of Passage will be required, just like any other challenge.
- Limitations may be placed on what sort of prompts can drop them.
- A vote will be held on whether it should be only personal art that drops them.
- A vote will be held on whether companions can drop them.
- There will be no daily limit.
- The usual anonymous feedback form will be sent out, and adjustments made based on feedback.
Stellar Element and the Celestial Quests
The Stellar Element and Expeditions go hand-in-hand. Only very accomplished Dragons or Riders can complete this multi-stage event to its end.
Here are some highlights of a Stellar Element dragon:
- They may take on any appearance. ANY.
- Yes, any markings too.
- They automatically gain tier four magic in all regular elements.
- They gain access to Stellar Magic, which can do quite a few peculiar things when it comes to abilities and breeding. Stellar magic is leveled like regular magic, and more details will be available once the blessing is discovered.
- Stellar dragons lay one egg per month. This egg is guaranteed to be Night or Day and the breeder may pick which element it ends up prior to breeding.
- And more!
Here are some highlights of a Stellar Rider:
- They may bond with any Elemental Dragon, including ones that do not match their element.
- They may unlock every job.
- They may receive two extra job promotions.
- They may care for five more Familiars.
- And more!
“Pity Counter”
This is for the folks with bad luck. Individual characters will receive a tally each time they complete an Expedition while they meet the requirements to trigger the separate special Expedition. The tally also goes up extra during some secret circumstances. If a character does not trigger a quest after completing a certain amount of Expeditions, then the quest will automatically trigger the next time they roll a new Expedition. This number is very high and players are more likely to encounter the Expedition before the tally reaches its end. It is expected that very few players will accomplish this feat and unlock a Stellar character.
Lore EXP Bonus & New Lore
Dragons will now get a 1 EXP bonus if they are drawn in a lore location. There might be a special familiar hidden in Expeditions that can improve this to 3 EXP…will you be the one to find it? If a location has a Landmark then it must be portrayed (in example: a location with a gryphon statue landmark needs a gryphon statue somewhere). Details will be added as they are discovered in Expeditions. For now, the following areas/concepts have been discovered or revealed:
Three new Design Mods have been added to the team– Doom, MilkRat, and Zincwolf! Please welcome them in :3 . They have already worked wonders by keeping the design queue tidy and helping with the character exchanges. It’s because of them that all this other stuff can happen, so here’s my thank you to you three, from the bottom of my heart <3 . Along with the new mods, the usual design buffs have arrived!
New Effects and Buffs:
- Charged Type Two Aegis may cover up to 40% of the dragon and greatly protrude from its body.
- Scorched - This may now appear black on any dragon.
- Charged Scorched - Charged Scorched can have a gradient up the whole legs/neck/tail. This now matches Charged Tipped's coverage.
- Suntouched - This may now appear white on any dragon.
- Charged Suntouched - Charged Suntouched can have a gradient up the whole legs/neck/tail. This now matches Charged Tipped's coverage.
- Extensions has a new effect – alternatively, you may charge a common trait on the dragon. Free elemental traits may be chosen. This trait may be a modifier OR a display trait
- An extra Finned Crest example was located and is now displayed on the page.
- Artificial Crest does not need to be decorative anymore (although it is still highly encouraged).
- Jewels on Artificial Crest may be different colors
- Flaunt no longer needs to show all marks if Flaunt’s special layering rules would cover them.
- Shading example images have been changed entirely on the 'creating your dragon page.' The text has also changed to better explain why dragon scales do not typically shine.
- Charged shell now has examples (found them in the depths™️)
- Capricorn buff: you may optionally remove the hind limbs or turn them into aquatic limbs. This means any leg shenanigans are optional now!
- If a dragon is born with a Soulbound Familiar, then Companion can take on the shape of that Familiar instead.
- You may choose not to cover extremities with Protofeathers (such as the face, neck, legs, tail, fingers, etc.), but the main body of the dragon must be covered. This can allow for some proper ostrich-like dragons!
- Charged Glitch may use visual 'glitches' from physical media. Some examples are a marking 'running out of ink' as it goes along the dragon, misaligned halftones/screens, double printing, or similar issues.
- Translucent Skittertint Option: Skittertint can be 'watered down' and allow traits underneath to show through. When this happens, the marks can have their color adjusted, but their true color should be visible somewhere outside of the Skittertint. If the entire mark is obscured by Skittertint, then a second reference is needed. This is the only way Skittertint affects display traits.
Missing text was added to these traits:
- If a dragon has at least one naturally long trait (such as a very long mane, long digging claws, etc.), then showing Extensions in another area is optional.
- When these ears are not located on the head, they must resemble ears in some way.
- This allows you to create two lines of fins, running symmetrically down the body. They should still be positioned very close to the belly.
- Charged Nebula may have white stars.
- A small list of glitch ideas has been added to glitch. it is not all-inclusive.
- Tattered creates tears and holes in the dragon’s wings, ears, webbing, fins, or thin areas of skin. It can create cracks in horns, nails, and similar hard objects. Lastly, it can create scars on the body. These scars follow the natural/small scar rules of Loremarkers. Tattered can affect any traits that have a flat surface or webbing, any trait that can be cracked, and any trait that can be scratched.
- Charged Tattered allows for large scars.
- Skittertint is applied on top of the trait and will solidly cover the area (unless using the new effect from above). It cannot not completely hide traits.
Other Updates
- Prestige has had some legacy crafting text updated.
- Lore information on compatible and opposing elements has been added to their respective Element pages.
- Text for Calendar updated to be clarified & expand use – Events give 3 Event EXP in images that have a member of the Den in it. This replaces the normal event exp, which is normally 1 or 2 for festivals. Calendar buffs are no longer restricted to den! have your celebrations anywhere :3
- Information on Riders is now prominent on the dragon pages.
- The following Familiars have been updated (hopefully to their final forms!):
- Vixen: Increases the chance of Encounter Expeditions.
- Border Collie: Prevents injuries during Expeditions.
- Black Cat: Removes the chance of a Critical Failure during expeditions.
- Lucky Duck: doubles chance of a Critical Success during expeditions.
What to Look Forward to:
- 10 New Marks are coming your way! The winners of the Discord marking prompt will be announced at that time :3 .
- June Reverie Jamboree
- Trail Cams and Critter Cages
- Much more Lore to munch!