Wild Dragon Taming

While exceedingly rare, there are some dragons that run rampant in the wild or hatch a bit early. If a character encounters one of these dragons, they can try and tame them. As long as you pick out a method, any Rider can start earning the trust of a dragon. Do you think your Rider has what it takes? Fill out this form and post a comment on the Challenge page to enter for a chance at the wild dragon. Tamable dragons are visible on the Challenge Page. Wild dragons are not always roaming around, so be sure to tame them while they're available!

| Comment Form | 

Wild: (put the name/title of the wild dragon)
Taming Method: 
Buffs: (Equipment, Familiars, etc.)
Previous Interactions: (link each interaction)

Click here for the CHALLENGE PAGE.

General Requirements: Must use one of the five taming methods listed below. A maximum of four Riders and four Dragons may gain exp/rolls from the art.
Illustration Requirements: Must have a full body tamer and full body wild dragon. Background must have 3-4 defined elements other than the ground and sky.
Writing Requirements: Taming has a minimum of 900 words. This goes up by 300 for each extra activity the piece is being used for.

Current Starting Odds: 400

Current Minimum Odds Limit: 20%

| Method |

To start with, your Rider needs to pick their approach. There are five different ways to try and tame a dragon, and each method uses a different stat. If a Rider has the assistance of a dragon, their dragon’s stats will be added to their own. Only one dragon may assist a Rider and that dragon must belong to them.






Depict your character battling the dragon.



Depict your character having a normal conversation with the dragon or hanging out.



Depict your character making mischief with their new friend.



Depict your character respecting or honoring the new friend by presenting an item or treasure.



Depict your character using magic or skill to impress the other.


| Personality |

A dragon’s personality will affect what approach they like most. Its favorite approach will lower the Maximum Roll by twice as much, while its least favorite approach will lower it by half as much.


Favorite Method

Least Favorite Method




















| Favorite Foods |

A wild dragon always has an appetite! Their favorite foods vary depending on their element and personality. Offering any food will lower the Maximum Roll by 15, but this is doubled to 30 if the dragon loves the food. On day one, you may use one food item. On day two, you may use two food items. On day three and beyond, you may use three food items.

Food Type

Loved By

Mutton Stew

Fierce, Fire, or Earth Dragons

Seared Salmon

Friendly, Light, or Storm Dragons

Carmine Yogurt

Calm, Metal, or Wind Dragons

Padrón Pepper Roulette

Curious, Jungle, or Thunder Dragons


Aloof, Dark, or Ocean Dragons


| Interactions |

The more a Rider interacts with a dragon, the more trusting that dragon becomes. Each time a Rider attempts to tame a dragon, their Maximum Roll goes down by 10. Each time a Trainer attempts to tame a dragon, their Minimum Roll also goes up by 1 for Novices, 2 for Trained, and 3 for Masters. These bonuses add up over time! They are tracked per tamer, not per player.

| Other Bonuses |

These bonuses apply per interaction and do not affect future taming odds.

  • Terrain - If the dragon feels at home in its environment, it will be more comfortable during the interaction. Maximum Roll goes down by 10 if the terrain matches the wild dragon’s element exactly.
  • Compatibility - If the Rider and Dragon have at least one matching element, then the Maximum Roll is lowered by 10. If the Rider has a dragon assisting them that also has matching elements, then they are lowered by 20 instead.
  • Second Bond - If a Rider has managed to form extra bonds, then they’re surely someone worth knowing. Having a Rider’s second bond present lowers the Maximum Roll by 10. Their element does not affect the odds.
  • Trainer - In addition to winning the trust of dragons faster, Trainers also make a better impression in the short-term. A Novice trainer has their Maximum Roll lowered by 25, 50 for trained Trainers, and 75 for master Trainers.
  • Other ARPG - If a Rider managed to handle an entirely different species, then they’re prepared to deal with anything. That’s very impressive to a wild dragon! The Maximum Roll goes down by 10 if a Rider can handle other species. The Rider themself does not count for this bonus.
  • Equipment - Large Pearl Jewelry lowers the Maximum Roll by 50 when worn by the supporting dragon.

| F.A.Q. | 

What are Maximum and Minimum Rolls?

  • Maximum Roll = The full number scale that is rolled. If the odds are 1/1000, then the Maximum Roll is 1000, and a number between 1-1000 will be rolled. Lowering this number is good. The Maximum Roll varies depending on the dragon.
  • Minimum Roll = The roll needed to win. If the odds are 3/1000, then a player needs to roll 1-3 in order to win. Raising this number is good. It is always 1 before buffs are applied.


Can I switch Riders in the middle of taming?
You may switch Riders/dragons, but the taming attempts are tracked per Rider, not per player or dragon.

Can other characters gain rolls, such as adventures?
Yes, the other characters in the art may be doing whatever they like.

Can I collaborate?
Yes, you may collaborate. Collaborators may also attempt to tame by using their own characters. Writing requirements for taming go up by +300 for each additional character using the art for taming or activity rolls.

How many entries can I turn in?
Your maximum player limit is the amount of days the dragon has been available to tame. You may turn in up to six attempts per day, but may not exceed your maximum player limit.

Can I use the same art piece to tame more than once?
An art piece may only be used once per player for Taming. The characters that do the taming cannot use it for any other activity.

Can I commission taming art?
Taming is a type of Challenge, so the art must be done by you in some way.

How do I tame with Independent Dragons?
If an independent dragon is the main Tamer, then the dragon must not have a Rider. This means they also do not have access to any extra buffs a Rider would give them. They cannot receive the support of another dragon’s stats. Instead of a Second Bond buff, they receive a Pair Bond buff that gives the same bonus. Otherwise, the method is all the same.