ED-151: Dexoth

Owned by kytazy

Name: Dexoth
Nickname: Dex, Dee

Personality: While he might look a little intimidating at first the way he stares off into the distance, Dex is a chill, if rather strange, fellow. He doesn't speak normally, being naturally mute, so instead he'll mash songs together for fun or replicate someone else's voice using a built in recording device to talk. So the more you talk to him, the more he can use your words to talk back. He's got a bit of contradictions going on though, enjoying hanging out with people, but extreamly shy when it comes to actually interacting so he has a hard time getting to know them. More often then not, you can find him loitering around alone just listening to music being played out of the devices on his head or wings or beatboxing quietly to himself. The blackscreen on his face also changes or moves depending on his mood, sometimes bumping to the beat of the music as he bobs his head. And yes, he can make XD and owo faces on it as well.
Do be careful if the gentle dragons manages to get upset. He'll use his tail hand to crank up a dial on his back for some more ear splitting sounds that'll make everyone listening in want to tune out instead.