ED-718: Xibalba

Owned by Tehutiy

Personality: Regal | Dignified | Elegant | Eloquent | Aloof | Assertive | Vicious | 
She carries herself like a queen and will speak with the same airs. Expecting to be respected, and for those around her to carry themselves ‘appropriately’. Xibalba judges those she encounters before deigning to speak with anyone, and if she chooses to do so it means you have some level of worth in her eyes. She takes no nonsense, even less than her rider, and will ensure those around her remain focused and complete all they set out to do, rather than getting distracted.
She has a very dry wit, and refuses to indulge it until work is well and fully completed, though she seems to be gaining a sarcastic streak. Assertive and eloquent alike her tongue is a potent weapon when she chooses, and she’s not afraid to cut others down to size when she deems it necessary. Often though her ire is a slow thing, something to be savoured and meted out deliberately. You will often get away with leaving an argument with her unscathed, but rest assured that won’t last long. She’ll hit foes when they’ve let their guard down, and enjoy her vengeance all the more or the same.

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