Dens (D)DensCommon

D-096: Lost Temple

Owned by Returu

Theme: Lost Temple

Theme of Lost Temple
Deep within a vast forest in the Chronoscape lies a single building all but lost to the wilderness; hidden from an aerial perspective the temple itself was once part of a city, but now only it remains. Structurally intact, the building itself is much larger than it first appears, the door is large enough to fit a Quetzalcoatl in with room to spare, and inside, the foor descends, revealing an immense chamber, with ancient markings covering the expanse. A small spring, bubbles in the center, and above it a very hastily constructed (but hopefully) sturdy weaved nest. Below a second nest exists this one made up more of plants and greenery and the occasionally stolen feather.
14 August 2021, 11:23:03 UTC

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