R-042: Asher

Owned by ccbestiary

Name: Asher
Nickname: AJ

Unstable, Disobediant, Depressed, Impatient, Survivor, Emotional, Dramatic, Intuitive, Artistic, Brooding, Insightful, Frail, Anxious, Remorseful, Overwhelmed, Anti-social
Asher is terminally and mentally ill. He has a very newly discovered genetic disease linked to magic use. It's been named Degenerative Relativity Exergonic Disease, or "D.R.E.D." for short. Asher's father was one of the first to have the disease, and had already had him before they were able to find out it was something that could be passed on genetically. The constant use of certain magic over time seemed to drain the user and slowly make their bodies less and less corporal until they dissolved into the atmosphere and became nothing at all. It pained Asher growing up to watch his dad slowly fade away, and when he found that his faher had passed the disease on to him, he became angry and distant, almost as if he were fading away already. He has bad mood swings, remains jaded, grumpy, cynical, and angry at the world. He sees the worst in the world, and beyond just knowing that he will fade from existance sooner than others, he also feels like living is pointless since he will never get to enjoy life to its fullest. The DRED seems to be affecting him less than it did his father, but because it's such a new disease, Asher is constantly in and out of a research hospital, where there are scientists running tests and trying to learn more about DRED, and see if they can find a cure. Asher gave up hope of a cure long ago. He's 21, and though he can still walk and move around like a normal person, he gets tired easily and has to take breaks often. There may soon come a time when he's confined to a wheel chair. He's been slowly taking classes and going to school to appease his mom, but also as a sort of joke to himself. He's studying psychology and while he does have an intrest in the subject, he chose the major ironically since he knew that he should be going to a psychiatrist himself. He'd been recomended to one by the hospital since his dad had been diagnosed with the disease. He'd gone when he was little since his mom had made him, but he'd hated the sessions and thus found it apt that he study the subject further as a "screw you" to the world. He has very few friends and often times appears to talk to himself. What almost no one realizes is that Asher is almost never alone. His gremlin-like dark dragon often times perches on his shoulder invisibly and goes almost everywhere with him. They share a cynical view of the world and often people watch, making up back stories for passer-bys. Asher also keeps a journal. His other leviathan dragon acts as more of a mothering figure to him than a friend, or even his own mom, and she insisted he keep a journal of his feelings, his day, and his thoughts. In this journal, Asher has personified his illnesses and inner demons into a character he calls Shay. Sometimes in the journal, Asher attacks Shay, and sometimes Shay attacks him. It's a constant battle that Asher isn't even sure he wants to win. All in all though, his dragons have been the best therapy for him, and they constantly help him through life. To them he is grateful, and wouldn't trade them for anything, not even a cure.

20 July 2021, 21:00:48 UTC

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