R-108: Senara

Owned by ccbestiary
Name: Senara
Nickname: Sen
Sarcastic and honest, she can come across as a little caustic at first meeting. Quick to laugh, quicker to smile, and quickest to take something apart just to see how it ticks. Sometimes get lost in the wires and won't come out for weeks. A sucker for underdogs and those who have lost their way. Always bets on the longshot. Runs on her own clock, but if she says she'll be at the starting line, she'll be there.
26 July 2021, 16:25:05 UTC

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ccbestiary Staff Member

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2021-08-10 01:48:25

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ccbestiary Staff Member

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2021-08-10 01:48:18

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ccbestiary Staff Member

STR 10 | DEF 15 | INT 15 | WILL 5 | DEX 5

2021-08-10 01:48:56

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