R-129: Zebedel

Owned by ccbestiary

Name: Zebedel
Nickname: Zeb

Vengeful, Courageous, Sense of Justice, Honorable, Fearless, Strong, Charismatic, Attractive, Manipulative, Sensitivity to Others, Self-confidence, Ambition, Consistency, Knowledgeable, Insensitive, Intelligent, Sarcastic, Strength, Fortitude, Focus, Hard Worker, Confident, Apathy, Perseverance, Fierce, Impatient, Brave, Commitment, Accountable, Empowering, Commanding, Analytical
Zebedel is a quiet warrior. He is good at taking orders and giving orders to others and never stops at his task until it is complete. He is straightforward with what he wants, though he has no qualms about lying. He sees completeing his job as the most important thing in every situation, regardless of who gets hurt in the process. He is honorable though- among those who are his peers. Honor among thieves, right? Though thievery is one thing he does not do. He is a warrior, a collector of debts, and brawler. He is cold and distant from the rest of the world, aside from when picking up a one night stand. Zeb's contasting looks often times attract others to him and he uses this to his advantage in every situation.

26 July 2021, 23:12:31 UTC

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STR 15 | DEF 0 | INT 10 | WILL 10 | DEX 15

2021-08-10 23:25:54

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2021-08-10 23:25:32

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