R-139: Fate

Owned by ccbestiary
Name: Fate
Nickname: Harbringer of Change, Shatterer
You see this collar around my neck little child? Yes, the gold feathers. It diesn't look like much to you, but a chain is still a chain however gilded. It is not the only binding on me. You do not believe me? Here, look at my legs. See the gilded lines? Those are shackles, binding me to this body and existence. I am chained in this world to live life after life in different bodies. My chains follow me everywhere to remind me of what I have done. What have I done? -nasty laugh- Oh litte child, you do not want to know. But I am atoning, I am in the service of those who bound me, and one day I will be free. But for now, I am their voice, their hand, their eye on this earth. They see what I see and they see what I do. They said one day I will be free if one day I learn. If I learn to form attachments and to care. But right now, I come with a message: Run little child, run. They are coming for you.

A creature cursed by the gods, doomed to be reincarnated on the rare occasion their body is killed. A being of unknown power, they are the voice and hand of the gods. They are reluctantly bound, to atone for some long ago terrible deed, and wish nothing more to be free. They have been bound so long though, that nobody knows what they would do if they were free... not even themselves.
Reference Sheet??? 11293
26 July 2021, 23:49:29 UTC

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