

Category: Display

Creates a rusty marking on the dragon. The main mark may be any natural metal color. It may be soft or textured. It can also have an inner layer that matches the oxidation color of the main mark's metal. In example, Copper has a teal or green patina.

You may also have it affect another mark as a Color Modifier. The edge of the affected mark will remain the same shape/opacity/layer as usual, but the interior will have the color and texture of Patina.

Color Rules

The base may be any metal color. The optional interior will be the oxidation color of that metal. This is typically a red or brown rust, but other colors of oxidation are possible, and they can be used. In example, it is possible for iron to oxidize in a blue color. Additionally, it can have a metallic sheen.

Layering Rules

Patina presents as a single layer. You may choose whether it appears as a top layer marking or a marking with regular layering.


The interior, exterior, or both can be soft. Otherwise, they should have textured edges. The inner area can be solid, textured, or have soft variations. A scratchy texture can be applied on top.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. 


  • Splotched, Rusted - If a dragon displays Patina, then these marks are optional.
  • Forged - If Patina has a soft edge, then showing Forged elsewhere is optional.

Charged Patina

The corroded area of Charged Patina may ignore color rules. If a corrosion effect is used somewhere on the dragon, then the entire base can be the chosen metal. If a metal is used as the base, then the corrosion layer is treated as a separate mark, and marks can be layered above or below it.


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