

An NPC may be included for a Lore bonus. NPC dragons may be used as companions. Some NPCs come with small art restrictions to get the bonus (such as drawing Stella fullbody, with both her head and tail showing).


Category: Sex

Eclipse is a sex separate from male and female, but during breedings, they may fill in for either one. At least one male or female still needs to be in the breeding--two Eclipse dragons can't breed together. As with all sexes in this game, these dragons may use any pronouns and identify as any gender. This sex only appears when the Eclipse Gene mutation is present on a dragon. Rites of Renewal cannot transform a dragon into this sex. Please be mindful of any pronouns that come after the dragon's sex, should you see them.


Category: Sex

These dragons may breed with dragons of female or eclipse sex. They may use any pronouns and identify as any gender they like. They may use Rites of Renewal to change their sex, if desired. This trait only describes the physical ability of a dragon's nether regions, not their identity. Please be mindful of any pronouns that come after the dragon's sex, should you see them.


Category: Sex

These dragons may breed with dragons of male or eclipse sex. They may use any pronouns and identify as any gender they like. They may use Rites of Renewal to change their sex, if desired. This trait only describes the physical ability of a dragon's nether regions, not their identity. Please be mindful of any pronouns that come after the dragon's sex, should you see them.


Category: Element

Day dragons appear at a very specific time of year, no matter what world a person might find themselves on. They will usually appear after the Winter Solstice and depart before Spring. Things get tricky when more than one sun is involved, but the concept is roughly the same. They appear in the coldest time of year and then leave shortly before Spring in those odd situations. Day dragons are rumored to have power similar to the great Ancestors of all creatures. Rather than being original or basal forms, they are a mutation that further advances the magical capabilities of elemental dragons.

Purebred dragons with completely mythical-tier traits only occur once per year. These legendary dragons are influencers which can affect the dragons around them. A Day dragon enhances the elements of dragons it encounters in its youth, leading to some unpredictable magic. It learns to control this ability and support others as it ages.



Day dragons do not have default physical traits. This means that purebred Day dragons cannot swap out traits. Crossbreeds may still switch out for their secondary element's traits. It is exceptionally rare for the Day element to pass through breeding. When the Day element does not pass to offspring, a random element from a certain pool passes instead. These are the same elements that Day is compatible with.

Light | Fire | Jungle | Thunder | Earth


Day dragons do not appear to look for specific temperaments in their Riders. It is noted that their own temperaments are a mixture of their affiliated elements–with Day dragons being slightly extroverted. This varies from dragon to dragon, especially since Day dragons might inherit a bit more haughtiness from their Light affinity. They may bond with any element of Rider. Further preferences are difficult to understand due to their extreme rarity.


The incredible physical versatility also reflects in the magic they can learn. They are born with Tier II magic in the following elements:

Light | Fire | Jungle | Thunder | Earth

They may show minimal effects of these forms of magic--in example, tiny fires at the end of their horns, small plants in their footsteps, or little sparks that come out when they breathe. Additionally, if they have a Rider, they may choose one of these elements to rank up to Tier IV for its normal Tier IV magic. In this case, they skip Tier III learning.

Along with these learned magics, the Day dragons are rumored to possess innate abilities. The day dragon can look up to a year into the future. The extent of this ability–or if it even exists–is only known by their Riders. When a conversational dragon is asked about it, they will quickly dodge the question. Whether the magic comes at a price, or is forbidden, or is much more meager than believed, is something the general populace can only speculate on.


Day dragons are treated as being albino and follow those design rules. In addition, their scales will sparkle like stars and shimmer with iridescence. Crossbreeds may show partial albinism with either a hard or soft edge.

The following traits may display their normal colors over the albinism effect, if desired:

  • Appaloosa
  • Tobiano
  • Vampire
  • Zebra
  • Hailstorm
  • Nebula
  • Aurora
  • Starry
  • Dust
  • Grunge
  • Veil
  • Pollen

Additionally, Somatic may create patches of any coloration where they cover the Day dragon, so long as all markings are distinguishable and follow regular brightness rules (IE: sooty is still black, inside of rosettes is still lighter than outside, etc.).


They inherit markings of affiliated elements as if they were that element. Day semi-customs are not normally available.


Category: Element


Purebred fire dragons are most similar to classical Western dragons. They have four feet, leather bat-like wings, hard scales, and frequently have lines of spikes and horns. Their wings are long and large, and their silhouette during flight is rectangular. They do not practice any type of camouflage, as their natural environment is usually full of smoke. Their long necks, tails, and wings can be deceitful, since they are very light. They have a gland that produces volatile gasses they can release at will, generating their fire breath in an instant.

Free Trait: Spaded Tail
Default Physical Traits:


Fire dragons are bold, brash, temperamental, and independent. They seek out Riders that are filled with feelings of frustration, anger, vengeance, fear, and other powerful negative emotions. They can sense such emotions from other creatures and alert their Rider to any danger. When fire dragons form a bond with their Rider, their Riders gradually learn to use their emotions as a type of fuel that can propel them through tense situations, rather than something that they fester over. Fear turns to bravery, anger turns to understanding, and frustration turns to motivation. Of course, flare ups of negative behavior are still expected. Those who are well aligned with their dragons can manipulate flames.

Preferred Rider Attributes:

  • Vengeful
  • Courageous
  • Sense of Justice
  • Aggressive
  • Honorable
  • Founded
  • Outsider
  • Brave
  • Honest
  • Loyal
  • Intense
  • Temperamental
  • Independent
  • Strong


They can breathe fire, naturally. They are capable of generating smoke, ash, and creating explosions with their own body as a fuel source. Conjuring fire out of thin air is child’s play for a fire dragon. Fire dragons can generate heat even without a fire, and when properly used, this can cause objects to ‘spontaneously’ combust. They are resistant to both extreme colds and intense heats. In battle, they give off an incredibly intimidating aura that can freeze their enemies through pure fear. Such intimidation won’t affect those who have done no wrong to the dragon.

Magic Physiology

On top of the general Tier IV magic effects, your dragon can have these traits. This is only available to dragons with Tier IV Fire magic or Elemental Anomaly. Feel free to get creative and use things outside of this list.

  • Spaded Tail
  • Horns/spines anywhere and everywhere
  • Fiery traits
  • Flames and sparks around it
  • Fire on feet, wings of fire, etc.
  • Plated Underbelly


Their most common colors are gold, red, orange, and brown. By desaturating it or darkening it, you can get acceptable browns and maroons. It should not stray too close to white or black. Below you can find an in-depth example of Fire Dragon palettes, though you do not need to pick directly from it. Click to view the full image.


Element Compatibilities

Light - While the Light magic is known for being manipulative, Fire dragons see it for what it is–a means to communicate. A Light dragon can easily indicate the health of a community based on its status, which allows Fire dragons to easily determine if something is amiss. Additionally, a dragon that is able to balance socializing with community needs is attractive to a Fire dragon.

Jungle - Jungles are strongly independent, a trait which is admirable to Fire dragons. Rather than doing what they are told, Jungles do what they feel is right, and their ‘right’ always has its reasons. They avoid conflict and even point out areas of the forest that are safe to burn. Their mischief is a bit of a let-down, but usually their mischief is as small as they are, and never antagonistic.

Storm - As the upholders of balance and justice, Fire dragons have a distinct hatred of the chaotic Storm dragons. Fire dragons require motive and reason behind every destructive action, while Storms do it on a whim. Storm dragons are seen as nuisances and instigators.


Fire Display and Modifier Traits

The following traits are founded in the Fire element, and thus have a better chance of passing to offspring.

Origin | Vibrancy | Detonation | Emblazoned | Pharaoh | Magma | Scorched | Sable 
Phoenix | Double Crest | Aegis | Thorned Spine | Translucent | Spaded Tail | Dorsal Spines


Fire Dragons are equally compatible with these Light and Jungle traits:

Flaunt | Zebra | Roan | Faded | Rabicano | Suntouched | Pangare | Appaloosa
Radiance | Spectrum | Star Pearl | Iridescence | Bioluminescence | Bearded | Heraldry
Fairy | Leafy | Rosettes | False Eyes | Chameleon | Foliage | Dart Frog | Rattlesnake
Swarm | Dazzle | Insectified | Floral Parasite | Frog Throat | Antennae | Miniature


However, they are incompatible with Storm Traits, and the following traits have a reduced pass rate. Fire semi-customs and Fire SC cross breeds have the rarity of these traits increased by two:

Somatic | Frost | Vampire | Mist | Pollen | Hailstorm | Panda | Striped
Avalanche | Debris | Split Tail | Bumble | Tailless | Odd Ears | Webbed Tail


Category: Element


Purebred jungle dragons are typically small, since their strength lies in their craftiness. They blend in with smaller wildlife and resemble insects or amphibians. Large jungle dragons are fairly rare and jungle dragons that can ferry more than their rider are almost legendary. They are frequently multicolored, with the majority of them sporting orange scales as a base. Their wings are thin and fragile, almost like an insect’s. Their body appears similar to that of a skink or frog. They are primarily tree dwellers and live off of insects, nectar, small rodents, and juvenile mammals. Despite their size, they are the deadliest dragons, with a multitude of poisons available at their disposal. They are prone to biting their Riders with small amounts of these poisons, building their immunity over time. Young jungle dragons have difficulty controlling the amount of venom they release, so it is best for inexperienced Riders to handle them with gloves until they are old enough to hunt or have built up an immunity.

Free Trait: Miniature
Default Physical Traits:


Jungle dragons seek out cleverness in Riders. While this can be exhibited in many ways, it is most common for their Riders to have a proclivity towards chemistry, medicine, constructing, or cooking. Quick wit is also seen as desirable. After forming a bond with a Rider, the Rider gains a powerful assistant that can help make observations, discuss complex ideas, and even aid in the study of poisons, medicines, botany, and zoology. Jungle dragons consciously decide which venoms they carry and what they can eat to gain the required elements, so their Riders will always have an aptitude for identifying unconventional treatments or recipes. Furthermore, Riders are much more likely to catch on to tricks, lies, and pranks. Having a prankster constantly by their side helps with that.

Preferred Rider Attributes:

  • Devil’s Advocate
  • Resourceful (MacGuyver-style)
  • Clever
  • Curious
  • Quick-witted
  • Humorous
  • Crafty
  • Unique
  • Argumentative
  • Lazy
  • Insensitive
  • Goes Against the Flow

Jungle MAGIC

Jungle dragons are quick to adapt to the world around them. They can quickly camouflage with their environment. They are covered in poisonous secretions at all times, ensuring they are safe from their foes. They can manipulate these secretions to shoot acid or form a solid web that they can use to capture prey. They recognize the ‘language’ that plants use to communicate—in example, they can see if a creature bothered the plant recently or if a cold front blew through a week ago. To a limited extent, they can regenerate lost limbs. They usually use plant life to refuel this generation, though bugs will do in a pinch. Large, circular clearings in the woods are an indicator that a Jungle dragon had its fill of plantlife to regenerate a lost tail.

More than anything else, Jungle dragons excel at making poisons and cures. They are immune to all known deadly substances and will eat anything to learn its composition. Once they have a taste of something, they will know exactly what it’s made of and be able to replicate it after eating all the right ingredients. Mature dragons can also immediately tell what the ‘opposite’ of a substance is, allowing them to quickly neutralize poisons with an antivenin. This knowledge gets passed on to their Rider, who can then use it to craft medicines or excellent meals out of normal ingredients. Over time, the Rider will develop both a physical immunity to poisons through the nips of their own dragon as well as similar abilities to taste and resist poisons on a magical level.

Magic Physiology

On top of the general Tier IV magic effects, your dragon can have these traits. This is only available to dragons with Tier IV Jungle magic or Elemental Anomaly. Feel free to get creative and use things outside of this list.

  • Dazzle
  • Insectified
  • Floral Parasite
  • Frog Throat
  • Antennae
  • A Personal Bug Swarm


They sport highly saturated, warm colors (sometimes extending into the bright green range). This is because they give off the same warning that butterflies and dart frogs do with their flashy colors–they’re very poisonous! Here is a suggested color range. You can lighten or darken it, so long as the colors still appear vivid. Click the image to see the palette in closer detail.


  • Fire - Jungle dragons do occasionally have duties, and Fire dragons are very helpful in that. They can scorch forests that need a ‘refresher’ in a controlled manner, which provides important habitat for insects, worms, bugs, fungi, sprouts, and generally tasty things. If a Jungle dragon is ever ‘bullied,’ the stronger and more intimidating Fire dragons are quick to defend. The tiny Jungle dragons can easily hide if their cry for help was a white lie of some sort. The main connection between Jungles and Fires is their independent attitude. Neither of them adhere to social constructs and they both follow their own morals when it comes to conundrums.
  • Thunder - The relationship between Jungles and Thunders is…an interesting one. On a basic level, both have a love of knowledge, research, and discovering new things. On a slightly less basic level, Thunders are lovely creatures to mess with. Their pride is both easily boosted and harmed, so any kind of remark towards them is sure to lead to amusing results. Most come with accessories that are easy to hide–and thus, they are easy to prank.
  • Wind - Though Jungle dragons do not necessarily hate their opposing element, Wind dragons can be a pain. They can spot pranks-in-progress and fix them. If a Jungle dragon has a particular target they’ve latched on to, Wind dragons will notice and prevent long-term shenanigans. They are relentless tattle-tales, and if one is in charge, they dole out punishments befitting of their ‘crime.’ As small creatures, even small punishments are too much to bear for the mischievous Jungle dragon.

Jungle Display and Modifier Traits

The following traits are founded in the Jungle element, and thus have a better chance of passing to offspring.

Fairy | Leafy | Rosettes | False Eyes | Chameleon | Foliage | Dart Frog | Rattlesnake
Swarm | Dazzle | Insectified | Floral Parasite | Frog Throat | Antennae | Miniature


They are equally compatible with these Fire and Thunder traits:

Origin | Vibrancy | Detonation | Emblazoned | Pharaoh | Magma | Scorched | Sable 
Phoenix | Double Crest | Aegis | Thorned Spine | Translucent | Spaded Tail | Dorsal Spines
Echo | Glass | Runemarks | Aurora | Sparks | Checkered | Fractal | Stamp

Electric | Disassembly | Glitch | Coils | Halo | Display | Whiskers


However, they are incompatible with Wind Traits, and the following traits have a reduced pass rate. Jungle semi-customs and Jungle SC cross breeds have the rarity of these traits increased by two:

Dancer | Breeze | Flight Bars | Barred | Streaks | Cap | Collared | Tipped
Cirrus | Curled | Seraph | Frilled | Plumes | Beaked | Extensions


Category: Element


Purebred thunder dragons are sickly creatures that die without the intervention of their Rider or some serious planning. They have smooth skin with no scales, feathers, or hair. They are typically wingless, though this can be changed by their rider. When they are born, they select incredibly intelligent individuals that are capable of building golems or mechanical contraptions for them to inhabitant. This new body helps them survive. If there is a multitude of qualified individuals, they will choose the most charitable one. Thunder dragons grow to be incredibly long, so their artificial parts will have to be adjusted over time. The form of their final body obviously varies from dragon to dragon, and their Riders may even choose to adjust their parts based on their current needs--racing, hunting, hauling, and so on.

Free Trait: Whiskers
Default Physical Traits:


Stereotypically, they are full of themselves and conceited. They are more likely to treat their Rider as a personal servant than a partner. Thunder dragons are considered untamable and only protect or help their Rider if it is necessary for their survival. They do treat their Riders with more respect than any other creature, but that isn’t saying much. This does not apply to all thunder dragons, but it's prevalent enough that new Riders are given some helpful tips on reining in their ego. They select kind, caring, and selfless Riders, so it's all the more crucial that these Riders prepare themselves and adapt quickly. The initial construction of a body is often full of mistakes, and this event usually sets the dynamic of their future. Riders may adopt an aloof or superior attitude towards others and are prone to sarcasm. On the other hand, it is possible for thunder dragons to gain the empathetic qualities of their Rider and acknowledge the existence of other creatures. Thunder dragons are ridiculously intelligent and capable of complex magics or advanced engineering, which they can pass on to their Rider to ensure they get the best treatment possible.

Preferred Rider Attributes:

  • Intelligent
  • Kind
  • Selfless
  • Generous
  • Introverted
  • Caring
  • Knowledge-Seeker
  • Sarcastic
  • Naive
  • Tinkerer
  • Imaginative
  • Magician
  • Meek
  • Eccentric
  • Anxious
  • Self-deprecating

Thunder MAGIC

Thunder dragons are incredibly good at detecting their opponent’s health and magical potential. They can notice their opponent’s abilities quite quickly, analyze it, and then create their best attempt at a copy. Being weak creatures by nature, they use body substitutes, powerful electric shields, and incredibly quick movement to get out of trouble. They can travel through the electrical currents of wires, though they will need to leave their artificial bodies behind to do so. They can inhabit multiple bodies if their Rider provides it for them, as long as they are connected with a wire somehow. While not on par with the spectacles of Light dragons, they can create crude holographs to portray images.

They are capable of reading the memories of artificial objects and communicating with all sorts of magical constructs and machines. They can even possess machines with enough processing power to handle them. As they grow stronger, they unlock an eidetic memory that allows their Riders to construct an ideal form for them. Oh, and of course, they can shoot out lightning bolts and powerful bursts of plasma magic--what sort of thunder dragon would they be without that sort of skill?

Magic Physiology

On top of the general Tier IV magic effects, your dragon can have these traits. This is only available to dragons with Tier IV Thunder magic or Elemental Anomaly. Feel free to get creative and use things outside of this list.

  • Disassembly
  • Glitch
  • Coils
  • Display
  • Electricity coming from the dragon
  • Auroras floating around it


Their most common scale colors are yellow, electric blue, neon green, or any other natural lightning/aurora color. They will occasionally have a pallid or sickly complexion, which desaturates their colors a bit. Gray and black may also appear.

Thunder dragons often have artificial parts covering their base colors. If this is the case for your dragon, then refer to the artificial trait page to find some more colors you can use! Otherwise, click here to view the full Thunder palette:


  • Jungle - Jungles are one of the few dragons that can think as quickly as Thunders. While Thunders are clearly superior when it comes to knowledge, they can at least hold a conversation without downgrading their vocabulary and concepts. Jungle dragons are also small creatures that can use their tiny feet to help Thunders tinker with smaller machinations. Their flowers make lovely decorations for the Cottagecore Thunders.
  • Earth - Earth dragons are dumb and, with enough rocks, can be convinced to do some heavy lifting for frail Thunders. They are bringers of jewels–perfect for any artificial enhancements. Any sort of rude quips from Thunders go right over their heads, so they make a good wall for Thunder ranting. Additionally, Earths make good magic guinea pigs, what with many having a conductive layer of filth on their skin.
  • Dark - Dark dragons exist outside of the corporeal realm and can shapeshift into any form they desire. While not universal, Thunders do have to put up with a lot of physical disadvantages, and many find themselves jealous of the dragons that ‘made the cut’ and got to enjoy a life without ‘the burden of pain’ (according to them). The feeling is mutual, albeit for different reasons.

Thunder Display and Modifier Traits

The following traits are founded in the Thunder element, and thus have a better chance of passing to offspring.

Echo | Glass | Runemarks | Aurora | Sparks | Checkered | Fractal | Stamp

Electric | Disassembly | Glitch | Coils | Halo | Display | Whiskers


They are equally compatible with these Jungle and Earth traits:

Fairy | Leafy | Rosettes | False Eyes | Chameleon | Foliage | Dart Frog | Rattlesnake
Swarm | Dazzle | Insectified | Floral Parasite | Frog Throat | Antennae | Miniature
Wild | Crackle | Sandstone | Skunk | Tobiano | Brindle | Fawn Spots | Underbelly
Jeweled | Brawn | Neckfrill | Fanged | Protofeathers | Club Tail | Maned


However, they are incompatible with Dark Traits, and the following traits have a reduced pass rate. Thunder semi-customs and Thunder SC cross breeds have the rarity of these traits increased by two:

Veil | Nebula | Stitched | Starry | Wisp | Comet | Dust | Sooty
Celestial | Companion | Multi-limbed | Transparent Skin | True Sight | Wither | Tattered


Category: Element


Purebred earth dragons are the strongest and heaviest of this list, and their appearance varies depending on their talent. Most are flightless and have razor-like teeth and intense crushing power. Their forelegs may be short or even useless, while their hindlegs can withstand tremendous pressure. They are often covered in stone and crystals and are capable of burrowing in an instant using their immense strength and elemental magic to break into the earth. They often hunt by crushing their prey with their jaws or feet after emerging from the ground, and they can use their tail like a battering ram if they feel threatened. It is rare for an earth dragon to feel fear because they are so massive—they are easily the heaviest land-dwelling dragons of them all. They enjoy using their strength to its maximum and how they use it is a reflection of their Rider. Their bodies, especially their crests, resemble the forms of ancient dinosaurs and modern reptiles.

Free Trait: Club Tail
Default Physical Traits:


They choose Riders who have a similar desire to gain or show off their strength. Due to the discipline that body training normally takes, their Riders are often responsible and their dragons are set to work in quarries, farms, mines, construction, or other occupations which require heavy lifting. Hunting is also a talent, and they show particular affinity towards feral animals. They impart great strength to their Riders, who often gain a fair bit of muscle themselves. An earth dragon that has bonded with a more sinister person or a show-off can run rampant and injure many others. For this reason, earth Riders and their dragons are sent to train with other earth Riders until they and their dragon are certified for unsupervised work.

Preferred Rider Attributes:

  • Strength
  • Fortitude
  • Focus
  • Hard Worker
  • Achiever
  • Confident
  • Competitive
  • Fast Learner
  • Optimist
  • Simple
  • Callous
  • Perseverance


On top of being physically adept, Earth dragons can concentrate their power to make themselves a monstrous force. To a lesser extent, they can diminish the strength of their foes. Both Riders and dragons have an innate combat ability and enhanced reflexes that only become more apparent as the dragon uses more magic. Particularly strong Dragons and Riders can unlock a feral mindset that helps them battle on pure instinct without being hindered by emotion. Their bodies may transform to match.

Earth dragons can generate dust and stone from thin air. They can manipulate rocks and crystals, which makes burrowing through the ground a quick and simple process. On top of manipulating dirt and stone, they can snack on them like rock candy whenever they want. Due to their somewhat simple natures compared to other dragons, they are able to communicate with creatures slightly less than sentient. This includes wildlife like birds, deer, and wolves.

Magic Physiology

On top of the general Tier IV magic effects, your dragon can have these traits. This is only available to dragons with Tier IV Earth magic or Elemental Anomaly. Feel free to get creative and use things outside of this list.

  • Crystalline Growths
  • Parts Melting Into Sand
  • Brawn
  • Neckfrill
  • Fangs
  • Club Tail


Their scales are invariably a verdant green, but the color of the dirt in the area will tint them over time or even form a solid barrier around the dragon. The end result is a dragon that looks like red clay, gray clay, brown dirt, yellow sand, and similar such colors. Feel free to take inspiration from natural dirt hues. When these dragons take a dip in the water, their normal colors might melt off as mud and show a bit of the green underneath! Their colors quickly return to normal once they have a good dust bath. You can use any green, along with any natural sand, dirt, or clay color. When referencing non-green colors, take care not to make them too saturated. You can find good examples of both greens and alternate earthy colors below.


  • Thunder - Thunder smart dragons. Trade shiny candies for food. Make smart decisions for Earth dragon problems, find good dig spots. Always win at brain games, but lose at strong games. Even footing.
  • Ocean - Ocean dragons live in water with big food. Much tasty fish. Trade rock stories for big fish, make both dragons very happy. Ocean dragons full of love, also very strong, make Earth dragons want to be even stronger! Earth dragon become best dragon for protecting big lovely family. Then whole family is strong in heart too.
  • Metal - Metal no like fighting. Very weak, probably. Sad when tiny hurt. Sometimes eat Earth dragon rock food, make Earth dragon very angry. Takes the shiny candies especially. Ouch when bit, Earth dragon tongue hurt if make fight.

Earth Display and Modifier Traits

The following traits are founded in the Earth element, and thus have a better chance of passing to offspring:

Wild | Crackle | Sandstone | Skunk | Tobiano | Brindle | Fawn Spots | Underbelly
Jeweled | Brawn | Neckfrill | Fanged | Protofeathers | Club Tail | Maned


They are equally compatible with these Thunder and Ocean traits:

Echo | Glass | Runemarks | Aurora | Sparks | Checkered | Fractal | Stamp
Electric | Disassembly | Glitch | Coils | Halo | Display | Whiskers
Shark | Koi | Marbled | Marked | Ripple | Blanket | Orca | Spotted
Torrent | Capricorn | Tentacles | Many-finned | Pelvic Fins | Dorsal Fin | Gilled


However, they are incompatible with Metal Traits, and the following traits have a reduced pass rate. Earth semi-customs and Earth SC cross breeds have the rarity of these traits increased by two:

Grunge | Patina | Stairstep | Forged | Veined | Chroma | Rusted | Splotched
Treasure | Engraved | Shimmer | Gilded | Sheen | Shell | Plating


Category: Element


Purebred ocean dragons are entirely aquatic and all of them are able to breathe in water and enjoy an underwater life. If they have legs, they tend to be small and stubby compared to their eel-like bodies. Flippers or fins are far more common. Their snouts are quite diverse, ranging from snake-like to shark-like and all sorts of appearances in between. Typical ocean dragons are the size of orca whales, though they are also seen at sizes up to 30 meters long. These leviathans rival or match the size of Earth dragons.

Free Trait: Gilled
Default Physical Traits:


Ocean dragons seek out those who exhibit dedication, compassion, or love. The larger they get, the more power they can impart to their Riders. Most riders will gain the ability to sense oncoming storms or bad water conditions. Larger dragons can impart a better lung capacity for water diving. The largest dragons can impart advanced prescience, convert their Rider’s lungs to a gill-like system, and grant them the ability to withstand a wide range of pressure. These Ocean Riders are referred to as leviathan riders and many of them take up an aquatic lifestyle if they do not already have one. They are quite capable of telepathy to keep in touch with land dwellers.

Preferred Rider Attributes:

  • Compassionate
  • Religious
  • Emotional
  • Dramatic
  • Empathetic
  • Fierce
  • Dedicated
  • Loving
  • Intuitive
  • Instinctive
  • Sensitive
  • History nerd
  • Charitable
  • Daydreamer


Ocean magic is based less on the strength of the dragon and more on the strength of others. They can manipulate and generate the element of water with skill, of course, but they also support those around them both physically and mentally. They can directly assist their Riders and a few others by providing a bit of water breathing. In time, water breathing becomes a passive skill for their Rider. They can quickly melt into water and travel vast distances to carry messages or witness events. They excel in casting blessings and healing spells upon others. They can instantly heal their Riders or cast a spell that improves their health over time. If a person comes to them with a malady or curse, they can quickly dispel it.

At the same time, the magic of these dragons can be quite abstract. Ocean dragons with any level of magic will be able to sense catastrophe before it happens. The stronger a dragon is, the more clear that danger becomes, and the more time they have before it strikes. Masters of Ocean magic will be able to see visions of the future, even without catastrophe involved. They can project their soul across the vast ocean of space in order to witness events far from their bodies. They can calm others so well that they can induce a slumber, and from there, they can manipulate dreams. Dreamwalking allows them to more clearly see the future of an individual, though the subject will generally notice if someone else is inhabiting their mind.

Magic Physiology

On top of the general Tier IV magic effects, your dragon can have these traits. This is only available to dragons with Tier IV Ocean magic or Elemental Anomaly. Feel free to get creative and use things outside of this list. Note: Blood is unrelated to the Ocean element. It is a Dark element magic trait.

  • Capricorn
  • Many-finned
  • Tentacles
  • Gilled
  • Froth
  • Turning Into Water
  • Coral, seashells, and sea life following it around or living on it.


Their most common colors are teals and blues, but occasionally you will find a black or white dragon. Here is a suggested color range for dragons showing color:



  • Earth - Earth dragons have the ability to talk to stones, which means they have literal mountains of stories on the tip of their tongue at all times. Ocean dragons can listen to an Earth dragon tell stories for hours–it would be even longer if Earth dragons would stop eating the rocks before finishing the stories. The simple nature of earth dragons also gives them confidence that the stories are not made up. An Earth and Ocean dragon with a particularly strong bond can make magnificent Dens that last for generations. Both dragons run on instinct of some sort, making any place they choose to lay their clutch a bonafide fortress.
  • Storm - As they understand Storms have it hard–especially with their reputation for destroying things–Oceans are extra compassionate towards them. As healers, Oceans are highly perceptive when it comes to illness of all types. They can tell when the chaotic actions of a Storm dragon are a symptom or an action from the heart. Alongside that, Storms rarely tame their emotions. The raw emotions and sensitive side of Storms make them very attractive to Oceans.
  • Light - Light magic is about communicating, but on a shallow level, it’s about manipulation. Oceans prefer rude words to sweet lies. The superficial nature of Light dragons goes against the emotionally charged Oceans. Ocean dragons are sensitive to the feelings of others and when a dragon goes out of their way to hide those feelings, it is a challenge to connect on an emotional level. When these two fight, things get very dramatic.

Ocean Display and Modifier Traits

The following traits are founded in the Ocean element, and thus have a better chance of passing to offspring:

Shark | Koi | Marbled | Marked | Ripple | Blanket | Orca | Spotted
Torrent | Capricorn | Tentacles | Many-finned | Pelvic Fins | Dorsal Fin | Gilled

They are equally compatible with these Earth and Storm traits:

Wild | Crackle | Sandstone | Skunk | Tobiano | Brindle | Fawn Spots | Underbelly
Jeweled | Brawn | Neckfrill | Fanged | Protofeathers | Club Tail | Maned
Somatic | Frost | Vampire | Mist | Pollen | Hailstorm | Panda | Striped
Avalanche | Debris | Split Tail | Bumble | Tailless | Odd Ears | Webbed Tail


However, they are incompatible with Light Traits, and the following traits have a reduced pass rate. Ocean semi-customs and Ocean SC cross breeds have the rarity of these traits increased by two:

Flaunt | Zebra | Roan | Faded | Rabicano | Suntouched | Pangare | Appaloosa
Radiance | Spectrum | Star Pearl | Iridescence | Bioluminescence | Bearded | Heraldry


Category: Element


The wings of a purebred storm dragon are large compared to their body, with the leather attaching at their shoulders and extending down the sides of their legs. Their tails are long and rat-like, trailing behind them as they fly. Their faces are flatter than other dragons, and their nose is enlarged  so they can smell their way through torrential downpours. Their ears are very sensitive to noise and their brain instinctively tunes out sounds similar to rain and wind. They eat large birds and insects that find themselves lost in the wind currents of a storm. Their velvet scales are hydrophobic, and combined with their leather wings, they can fly through a storm with ease and execute complex aerial maneuvers.

Free Trait: Odd Ears
Default Physical Traits:


Storm dragons are fairly rare, since they seek out traits that are sometimes frowned upon. They seek a bond with the mentally unstable or individuals that have faced far too much strife to give a care in the world. The constantly changing conditions of their favorite flight weather causes them to gravitate towards an equally adaptable Rider. Since a bonded dragon is considered a second self, the dragons and Riders are never a danger to each other. They also have a crooked sense of humor, so they will impart that to their Riders. These traits aren’t all bad, though—in the case of a Rider who is dealing with a troubled past, their dragons can help them cope and gain a new purpose in life. No matter the case, storm Riders appear inscrutable and keep their true intentions hidden.

Preferred Rider Attributes:

  • Unstable
  • Excitable
  • Clumsy
  • Disobedient
  • Poor Listener
  • Easily Distracted
  • Forgetful
  • Whimsical
  • Picky Eater
  • Depressed
  • Impatient
  • Talkative
  • Energetic
  • Psychopathic
  • Survivor


Storm magic is always a risky business. Unlike the other types of magic, even very skilled dragons can have their spells turned on them. Their spells might exhibit a bit of ocean, thunder, and wind tendencies. They can use noise manipulation of wind dragons to echolocate in the darkest environments. They can combine the magic of ocean, wind, and thunder dragons to conjure up a storm. They can whip up dust and debris through the power of Earth dragons and create a catastrophic landslide. Perhaps the only elemental magic of their own—something not made through combining the magic of others—is the ability to freeze other objects. Snow seems to be exclusive to their kind.

Of course, not all magic takes on a physical form. Probability manipulation is no issue for them, making gambling quite a lucrative occupation for incognito Storm Riders. They can curse those they hate with bad luck and grace people who win their favor with a streak of luck. Any time they apply a luck spell, the opposite amount of luck must be taken or applied to someone else. To cause a bit of mischief, they can imitate the voices of others perfectly…although their acting ability isn’t quite on par with Wind or Light dragons, so they won’t fool too many people.

Magic Physiology

On top of the general Tier IV magic effects, your dragon can have these traits. This is only available to dragons with Tier IV Storm magic or Elemental Anomaly. Feel free to get creative and use things outside of this list.

  • Frozen areas
  • Body parts turned into storm clouds or twisters
  • Odd Ears
  • Debris


Their most common colors are indigo hues. Naturally, this means a few people argue over whether they are mainly blue or purple. In some cases, you will find Storm dragons colored with white, gray, or cyan. Here is a recommended color range for Storm dragons. Click to view the full image.

Storm Compatibilities

  • Ocean - The minds of Storms are chaotic, to say the least. Ocean dragons? They help with that. Ocean dragons are some of the most understanding and gentle of dragonsWhen a Storm dragon is out of control, they can tame the situation with their kind words. They understand the erratic actions of Storm dragons and the chaotic mood swings even in situations that would make other dragons furious. 
  • Wind - Wind dragons may not like the chaos of Storms, but they will still do their best to understand them and take them under their wing. Winds know that there will always be disagreements and conflicting opinions in any relationship–friend, foe, child, or lover–and they will try to look beyond that. At heart, Storm dragons are innocent and carefree–something which jives well with adventurous Wind dragons.
  • Fire - Fire Dragons are the killjoys, downers, spoilsports, wet blankets, and otherwise most annoying of the other elements. They have no sense of humor or understanding when a Storm dragon wants to destroy a building for fun. They adhere to rules, reason, and justice, when the real world is not so nice as that.

Storm Display and Modifier Traits

The following traits are founded in the Storm element, and thus have a better chance of passing to offspring:

Somatic | Frost | Vampire | Mist | Pollen | Hailstorm | Panda | Striped
Avalanche | Debris | Split Tail | Bumble | Tailless | Odd Ears | Webbed Tail


They are equally compatible with these Ocean and Wind traits:

Shark | Koi | Marbled | Marked | Ripple | Blanket | Orca | Spotted
Torrent | Capricorn | Tentacles | Many-finned | Pelvic Fins | Dorsal Fin | Gilled
Dancer | Breeze | Flight Bars | Barred | Streaks | Cap | Collared | Tipped
Cirrus | Curled | Seraph | Frilled | Plumes | Beaked | Extensions


However, they are incompatible with Fire Traits, and the following traits have a reduced pass rate. Storm semi-customs and Storm SC cross breeds have the rarity of these traits increased by two:

Origin | Vibrancy | Detonation | Emblazoned | Pharaoh | Magma | Scorched | Sable 
Phoenix | Double Crest | Aegis | Thorned Spine | Translucent | Spaded Tail | Dorsal Spines


Category: Element


Purebred wind dragons can inhabit almost any environment—from the chilly arctic to the tropical beaches to the desert wasteland. Average chicks are as big as a turkey and adults have a wingspan of roughly 10 meters. Their bones are hollow and they are covered in aerodynamic feathers, giving them the greatest flying ability among all dragons. They are capable of carrying one to two riders in adulthood. They display their crest feathers when they are amused or upset. Their tails are long with flat feathers that aid in steering. While they are not as acrobatic as storm or fire dragons, they are capable of flying vast distances for extended time periods.

Free Trait: Beaked
Default Physical Traits:


Wind dragons seek out Riders who exhibit honesty, honor, and creativity. Riders who exemplify integrity are given a high rank in the wind dragon hierarchy and imparted greater power by their dragon. Wind Riders are very intuitive and can recognize the strength and abilities of those around them. Their instincts as a whole become acutely honed towards others, making them excellent leaders, diplomats, and commanders.

Preferred Rider Attributes:

  • Integrity
  • Exploratory
  • Brave
  • Inspirational
  • Commitment
  • Loyalty
  • Decisive
  • Communicator
  • Enjoys Literature, Poetry, Song, or other Art
  • Accountable
  • Empowering
  • Commanding
  • Diplomatic
  • Sincere
  • Competent


Wind dragons have a surprisingly small effect on the element they are named after. They can move the wind to a certain extent to make flight easier, but they can’t quite conjure up clouds like a Storm dragon can. Instead, their power lies in boosting the strength of others. They enhance the magic of all allied dragons around them. They can deflect attacks with ease. They can fly far higher than any other dragon and require less oxygen to do so. Their Riders and, once they master their magic, their allies can manifest wings of their own regardless of their race. If wings aren’t their thing, levitation serves them just as well.

Perhaps their true talent lies in their voice. They can speak the tongue of all sentient creatures, allowing them to communicate across all language barriers. They may not understand the specifics of a culture, but they can make themselves understood. They can weave their spells into intricate songs that either boost the strength of their allies or strikes fear into the foes unfortunate enough to hear the siren song. Not only are they exceptionally good at seeing the qualities in others, but they are also excellent at seeing in general. Their attacks are incredibly accurate and advanced magic users can see for miles.

Magic Physiology

On top of the general Tier IV magic effects, your dragon can have these traits. This is only available to dragons with Tier IV Wind magic or Elemental Anomaly. Feel free to get creative and use things outside of this list.

  • Curled
  • Seraph
  • Plumes
  • Beak
  • Clouds/Mist
  • Levitation


Their most common colors are hues of indigo, purple, black, pink, white, and tan. Every now and then, a brown Wind dragon will be born. Here is the suggested hue range:

Wind Compatibilities

  • Storm - Usually, the chaotic tendencies of Storms wards away dragons. However, Wind dragons do their best to look beyond surface level and understand the true wants and needs of their companions. Wind dragons understand that sometimes the actions of a person are not due to intent, but inexpressible circumstance. Is a Storm dragon ‘acting out’ because it is stressed? They will do their best to address the problem. Is there something in their nature that causes them to lash out? Wind dragons can de-escalate that. Their power over weather keeps crops safe, plus a friendly Storm dragon can bless their community with good luck. Storm dragons are especially good allies to have when some Chaotic Good actions are needed and the responsible Wind Dragon is out of ‘normal’ ideas. 
  • Dark - Dark dragons are wielders of wisdom, knowledge, and memory. Their insight is essential both to the solitary adventurer and the community leading Wind dragons. Having Dark dragons as an ally is an incredible boon when it comes to handling odd situations. As good leaders, Wind dragons know to seek help when they need it, and Dark dragons can provide a lot of help.
  • Jungle - Jungles are prank-loving creatures, and unlike Storms, everything they do is with intent. They base their actions on personal needs rather than community needs, and because of their blatant and knowing disregard for rules and laws, their little actions often domino into big consequences. More than anything, Jungle dragons are difficult to trust. They don’t wear their heart on their sleeve and even hide their good will under layers of sarcastic jokes and gentle pranks. This makes them difficult to keep as friends; As such, the honest Wind Dragons find them unpleasant.

Wind Display and Modifier Traits

The following traits are founded in the Wind element, and thus have a better chance of passing to offspring:

Dancer | Breeze | Flight Bars | Barred | Streaks | Cap | Collared | Tipped
Cirrus | Curled | Seraph | Frilled | Plumes | Beaked | Extensions


They are equally compatible with these Dark and Storm traits:

Somatic | Frost | Vampire | Mist | Pollen | Hailstorm | Panda | Striped
Avalanche | Debris | Split Tail | Bumble | Tailless | Odd Ears | Webbed Tail
Veil | Nebula | Stitched | Starry | Wisp | Comet | Dust | Sooty
Celestial | Companion | Multi-limbed | Transparent Skin | True Sight | Wither | Tattered


However, they are incompatible with Jungle Traits, and the following traits have a reduced pass rate. Wind semi-customs and Wind SC cross breeds have the rarity of these traits increased by two:

Fairy | Leafy | Rosettes | False Eyes | Chameleon | Foliage | Dart Frog | Rattlesnake
Swarm | Dazzle | Insectified | Floral Parasite | Frog Throat | Antennae | Miniature


Category: Element


Dark dragons are elusive creatures whose true forms are unknown. These strange-looking “lizards” do not typically fly, even when they appear to have wings, and instead float about. They have no scales and appear to absorb the light around them. If they do not want to be touched, hands and claws will pass right through them as if they were made of mist. They can interact with objects and even carry their riders despite this ability. Their Riders describe themselves and their dragon as blind interchangeably, although neither has trouble distinguishing between colors, locating light sources, or anything we considered normal sight.

Free Trait: Wither
Default Physical Traits:


Even the method of rider selection is unknown for this element, though Riders are often familiar with death or the supernatural. Individual Riders may cite a reason for the bond, but all of them are unique. Individuals will also claim that they know the true form of their dragon, with a similar predicament occurring. The ‘true’ form of their dragon may even change over the course of its life. Since dark dragons can take on any shape, size, and consistency that they desire, they explore everywhere and report their knowledge back to their rider. Riders claim that they gain the ability to see from their dragons–separate to the sight we know–but are unable to describe how it differs from the vision they had before. One peculiar ability that these dragons impart to their Riders is the ability to see wandering Spirits and the magical seams of the world.

Preferred Rider Attributes:

  • Brooding
  • Insightful
  • Dreamer
  • Empathetic
  • Superstitious
  • Frail
  • Anxious
  • Depressed
  • Remorseful
  • Overwhelmed
  • Easily Startled
  • Anti-social


Dark dragons use magic to become formless. This is something innate to them, but also something enhanced with magic. The stronger a dark dragon is, the more ‘solid’ they can make their form. In the meantime, the miasma they produce can unnerve others and even make people with sensitive personalities feel ill. They can move through the shadows, become invisible or intangible at will, and even shift their shape according to their needs. Their Riders can take part in the shapeshifting once the dragon has reached advance magic, allowing them to imitate the appearance of others.

Their magical vision is a strange thing, as it involves no sight at all. It is more similar to synesthesia combined with a bit of imagination. It provides far more information than normal sight without overwhelming the user. Dragons with True Sight can access these illusion-piercing abilities without needing any sort of magical training.

Their strongest and most fearsome magic involves the dead. They are perfectly capable of seeing and speaking to ghosts. Dragons that master magic have no issue seeing the identity of wandering souls. They can summon souls close to them at will and even have them possess uninhabited bodies nearby for hours at a time. This necromancy is forbidden in many places due to the stress it places on the spirit and the respect many cultures hold for the bodies of the dearly departed…but that doesn’t stop them and their Riders from being capable of such feats.

Magic Physiology

On top of the general Tier IV magic effects, your dragon can have these traits. This is only available to dragons with Tier IV Dark magic or Elemental Anomaly. Feel free to get creative and use things outside of this list.

  • Living Shadow
  • True Sight
  • Ghosts floating nearby
  • Blood
  • Body of Bones
  • Transparent Skin
  • Stars or Nebula floating nearby


The base coat will always be a dark color. Dark dragon colors will always be desaturated. If your dragon is pure black, the line work and all traits must still be visible with normal screen brightness. Here is an example of acceptable saturated colors for dark dragons. Click for a better view.



  • Wind - Wind dragons have it tough. They need to constantly socialize, think of the community, take risks, take responsibility for their wide-impact actions, and guard their friends. They are loyal like no other. However, Winds still have needs, wants, and desires. The fact that they can put that away and think of others first is very admirable to Dark dragons. As Wind dragons are one of the most honest elements–but also knowledgeable of the ways of the world–they make good company for even the moodiest of Dark dragons.
  • Metal - Dark dragons often act as supporters for Metals. They admire the naivete of Metals and their overflowing optimism about the nature of life. And, unlike many dragons, this optimism is not surface level. It is at the core of many Metal dragons’ hearts. They are the most honest and heartfelt dragons of all, even though they wield so much power. Dark dragons love to befriend Metals and linger around them to refresh their faith in the world.
  • Thunder - While Dark dragons consider themselves wise, they are not immune to emotion. There are penalties to being a Dark dragon; their existence is more comparable to a ghost than a living entity. All Dark dragons and Thunder dragons originated from the same Frail mutation; However, Thunder dragons are the ones who entered the world of the living, while the Dark dragons did not quite make it. Even if the life of a Thunder dragon comes with its own difficulties, Dark dragons would rather be alive and take those difficulties than ‘live’ as a ghost.

Dark Display and Modifier Traits

The following traits are founded in the Dark element, and thus have a better chance of passing to offspring:

Veil | Nebula | Stitched | Starry | Wisp | Comet | Dust | Sooty
Celestial | Companion | Multi-limbed | Transparent Skin | True Sight | Wither | Tattered


They are equally compatible with these Wind and Metal traits:

Dancer | Breeze | Flight Bars | Barred | Streaks | Cap | Collared | Tipped
Cirrus | Curled | Seraph | Frilled | Plumes | Beaked | Extensions
Grunge | Patina | Stairstep | Forged | Veined | Chroma | Rusted | Splotched
Treasure | Engraved | Shimmer | Gilded | Sheen | Shell | Plating


However, they are incompatible with Thunder Traits, and the following traits have a reduced pass rate. Dark semi-customs and Dark SC cross breeds have the rarity of these traits increased by two:

Echo | Glass | Runemarks | Aurora | Sparks | Checkered | Fractal | Stamp

Electric | Disassembly | Glitch | Coils | Halo | Display | Whiskers


Category: Element


With their sharp and rough scales, large horns, and long claws, it is highly recommended that even their Riders avoid petting them needlessly. Even the seemingly smooth and reflective scales have a razor-like texture at the microscopic level that can cause a rash at best and long cuts at worst when a Rider tries to pet their dragon without equipment. Purebred metal dragons cannot generate enough lift for themselves, but on windy days the winged dragons are capable of controlled gliding. Despite their terrifying physical composition, they are gentle giants and rarely start or finish disputes. They subsist on rocks, dirt, and small insects. Their long tongue is especially useful for licking up ants.

Free Trait: Plating
Default Physical Traits:


Metal dragons bond with Riders that show purity, innocence, or a good sense of what is right and wrong. As timid creatures, they then look to their Riders for how they should interact with others. Metal Riders and Earth Riders are similarly employed, but Metal Riders tend to be much more dependable when the situation calls for communication rather than strength. Riders can use the intuition of their dragon to easily perceive the intentions of others, making them excellent detectives and guards, even if they’re not that strong. The strongest Metal Riders are even capable of seeing the auras of others.

Preferred Rider Attributes:

  • Naive
  • Sense of Justice
  • Wholesome
  • Intuitive
  • Patient
  • Forgiving
  • Calm
  • Accountable
  • Philosophical
  • Honest
  • Sincere
  • Indecisive


Metal dragons are the hardiest dragons of all, having both elemental and mental strength. Their armor is impenetrable when they set their magic to it, and they can exist even in a vacuum without the need to breathe. They can manipulate anything magnetic and bend metal at will. Illusions have no effect on them—in fact, they have a peculiar relationship with light. They can enter the reflections of metal and travel through a ‘parallel’ world of sorts for several minutes at a time. They can exit from any other reflective surface or simply look through the 'window.' If their strength is spent while they are in this mirror world, they are ejected from the nearest reflective surface.

Another peculiar magic they wield is the ability to project their minds towards others. Weak dragons begin with telepathy, while the strongest dragons can superimpose their own mind upon others and control their body. The soul of their target is temporarily placed in their own body or the body of their Rider. When abused, this is the strongest magic dragons are capable of.

Despite these frightening abilities, metal dragons and their Riders are typically too pure to use these powers for nefarious ends. They are much more likely to use weaker abilities or simply talk things out to get what they need. Both dragons and their Riders can see auras surrounding all life forms. These can immediately tell them the mood, intentions, and personality of everyone they come across. It’s not an ability that switches off, either, so Metal dragons and their Riders will detect lies the moment they happen—even if they’re relaxed. They can dim their own aura and the aura of others to avoid detection. Along with that, their aura reading will occasionally reveal a curse or illness that the victim is unaware of.

Magic Physiology

On top of the general Tier IV magic effects, your dragon can have these traits. This is only available to dragons with Tier IV Metal magic or Elemental Anomaly. Feel free to get creative and use things outside of this list. Dragons with Tier IV Metal magic may be marked as Flighted, even if they have no traits for flying.

  • Engraved
  • Shimmer
  • Sheen
  • Armored
  • Large plating and scales
  • Gilded
  • Molten Metal
  • Metal Spines/Horns
  • Metal Gravitating around the dragon
  • Flight


Their most rare colors are gold, pink gold, and silver. Grays are the norm. Here are some suggestions for base color and markings:

Metal Display and Modifier Traits

The following traits are founded in the Metal element, and thus have a better chance of passing to offspring:

Grunge | Patina | Stairstep | Forged | Veined | Chroma | Rusted | Splotched
Treasure | Engraved | Shimmer | Gilded | Sheen | Shell | Plating


They are equally compatible with these Dark and Light traits:

Veil | Nebula | Stitched | Starry | Wisp | Comet | Dust | Sooty
Celestial | Companion | Multi-limbed | Transparent Skin | True Sight | Wither | Tattered
Flaunt | Zebra | Roan | Faded | Rabicano | Suntouched | Pangare | Appaloosa
Radiance | Spectrum | Star Pearl | Iridescence | Bioluminescence | Bearded | Heraldry


However, they are incompatible with Earth Traits, and the following traits have a reduced pass rate. Metal semi-customs and Metal SC cross breeds have the rarity of these traits increased by two:

Wild | Crackle | Sandstone | Skunk | Tobiano | Brindle | Fawn Spots | Underbelly
Jeweled | Brawn | Neckfrill | Fanged | Protofeathers | Club Tail | Maned


Category: Element

Night dragons appear at a very specific time of year, no matter what world a person might find themselves on. They will usually appear at the start of Winter and depart at the Winter Solstice. Things get tricky when more than one sun is involved, but the concept is roughly the same. They appear as the coldest time of year approaches and leave when it reaches peak intensity. Night dragons are rumored to have power similar to the great Ancestors of all creatures. Rather than being original or basal forms, they are a mutation that further advances the magical capabilities of elemental dragons.

Purebred dragons with completely mythical-tier traits only occur once per year. These legendary dragons are influencers which can affect the dragons around them. A Night dragon enhances the bonds of dragons it encounters in its youth, leading to some strange elemental pairings between dragons and Riders. It learns to control this ability and support others as it ages.



Night dragons do not have default physical traits. This means that purebred Night dragons cannot swap out traits. Crossbreeds may still switch out for their secondary element's traits. It is exceptionally rare for the Night element to pass through breeding. When the Night element does not pass to offspring, a random element from a certain pool passes instead. These are the same elements that Night is compatible with.

Ocean | Storm | Wind | Dark | Metal


Night dragons do not appear to look for specific temperaments in their Riders. It is noted that their own temperaments are a mixture of their affiliated elements–with Night dragons being slightly introverted. This varies from dragon to dragon, especially since Night dragons might inherit a bit more adventurous spirit from their Wind affinity. They may bond with any element of Rider. Further preferences are difficult to understand due to their extreme rarity.


The incredible physical versatility also reflects in the magic they can learn. They are born knowing Tier II magic in the following elements:

Ocean | Storm | Wind | Dark | Metal

They may show minimal effects of these forms of magic--in example, a short tuft of feathers on their tail, softly glowing eyes, or a few tiny metal scales scattered among their normal ones. Additionally, if they have a Rider, they may choose one of these elements to rank up to Tier IV for its normal Tier IV magic. In this case, they skip Tier III learning.

Along with these learned magics, the Night dragons are rumored to possess innate abilities. The night dragon can look up to a year into the past. The extent of this ability–or if it even exists–is only known by their Riders. When a conversational dragon is asked about it, they will quickly dodge the question. Whether the magic comes at a price, or is forbidden, or is much more meager than believed, is something the general populace can only speculate on.


Night dragons are treated as being melanistic and follow those design rules. In addition, their scales will sparkle like stars and shimmer with iridescence. Crossbreeds may show partial melanism with either a hard or soft edge.

The following traits may display their normal colors over the melanism effect, if desired:

  • Appaloosa
  • Tobiano
  • Vampire
  • Zebra
  • Hailstorm
  • Nebula
  • Aurora
  • Starry
  • Dust
  • Grunge
  • Veil
  • Pollen

Additionally, Somatic may create patches of any coloration where they cover the Night dragon, so long as all markings are distinguishable and follow regular brightness rules (IE: sooty is still black, inside of rosettes is still lighter than outside, etc.).


They inherit markings of affiliated elements as if they were that element. Night semi-customs are not normally available.


Category: Element


Purebred light dragons have thin and flexible scales that resemble velvet or fur. They often carry a set of antlers or a single split horn. Despite their docile appearance, their teeth are curved and ideal for tearing flesh. Their forelegs are typically cloven hooved. They have a thin, wiry tail that ends in a tuft of fur. They are said to resemble deer, zebra, antelope, or Kirin. Unless they are crossbred with a flighted element, they will only grace the fields and not the sky.

Free Trait: Heraldry
Default Physical Traits:


Their Riders tend to be aesthetically pleasing, charismatic, vain, or manipulative. Light Riders get a boost in all of these attributes after they have bonded with their dragon. Looking at a light Rider or their dragon can give a sense of euphoria, peace, and happiness. This strange aura doesn’t affect other light riders, dark riders, or their dragons. Their abilities make them exceptionally good at convincing others of their cause, which has plenty of drawbacks.

Preferred Rider Attributes:

  • Charismatic
  • Attractive
  • Insufferable
  • Vain
  • Manipulative
  • Narcissistic
  • Sensitivity to Others
  • Self-confidence
  • Ambition
  • Consistency
  • Easily Bored
  • Power-hungry
  • Dramatic


More than anything else, light dragons are capable of stunning illusions. They can appear invisible, gigantic, beautiful, and all other kinds of shapes. These illusions are not true shape shifting, and only caused by particularly tantalizing pheromones that the dragons give off. The illusions cannot physically affect the world, although a good Light dragon is able to weave a very convincing illusion that may not need to do any physical work of their own to get the job done.

They can’t exactly mind control, but they can heavily influence the thoughts and memories of others for a short amount of time. Temporary hypnosis is quite possible for them. On the physical level, Light dragons can use magic to gain enhanced agility and jumping skills. Finally, they are capable of glowing or generating balls of light near them once they have learned magic.

Magic Physiology

On top of the general Tier IV magic effects, your dragon can have these traits. This is only available to dragons with Tier IV Light magic or Elemental Anomaly. These traits have no effect on breeding. Feel free to get creative and use things outside of this list.

  • Bioluminescence
  • Heraldry
  • Star Pearl
  • Iridescence
  • Shimmer
  • Light orbs around it


Their most common colors are pastel hues or simply white, though this range is incredibly versatile. If you want to learn how to push the limit, just think of your dragon as having the Faded display trait. Here is a suggested selection of colors. Below you can find an in-depth example of Light Dragon palettes, though you do not need to pick directly from it. Click to view the full image.

Light Display and Modifier Traits

The following traits are founded in the Light element, and thus have a better chance of passing to offspring.

Flaunt | Zebra | Roan | Faded | Rabicano | Suntouched | Pangare | Appaloosa
Radiance | Spectrum | Star Pearl | Iridescence | Bioluminescence | Bearded | Heraldry


They are equally compatible with these Metal and Fire traits:

Origin | Vibrancy | Detonation | Emblazoned | Pharaoh | Magma | Scorched | Sable 
Phoenix | Double Crest | Aegis | Thorned Spine | Translucent | Spaded Tail | Dorsal Spines
Grunge | Patina | Stairstep | Forged | Veined | Chroma | Rusted | Splotched
Treasure | Engraved | Shimmer | Gilded | Sheen | Shell | Plating


However, they are incompatible with Ocean Traits, and the following traits have a reduced pass rate. Light semi-customs and Light SC cross breeds have the rarity of these traits increased by two:

Shark | Koi | Marbled | Marked | Ripple | Blanket | Orca | Spotted
Torrent | Capricorn | Tentacles | Many-finned | Pelvic Fins | Dorsal Fin | Gilled



Category: Element


Stellar is an element only achieved through the blessings of higher powers. As such, much of this information is speculative and based on a tiny sample size. Any inaccuracies should be reported to Abrendese Research Unit 20.39.5 C.

Dragons that have been blessed with a stellar blessing may bond with any Rider. At the time a dragon receives a stellar blessing, their body goes through metamorphosis, and all of their traits may take on a fantastic appearance. This metamorphosis does have permanent effects on their reproductive abilities, lowering their clutch size to one in any circumstance. At the same time, their single egg will always hatch into a Day or Night dragon. It is believed that the hatchling itself chooses what element to be upon hatching.

Curiously, Riders may also receive this blessing. Those who have been blessed with a stellar blessing have an affinity with all of the elements. While metamorphosis into other forms is possible, there is no known instance of the Rider becoming an elemental dragon, and some Riders display no change at all.

The nature and origin of the blessing is the most mysterious of all. It is reported to involve several deity-like figures, though their existence cannot be confirmed.

Free Trait: All Of Them
Default Physical Traits:
Mythic Snout
Mythic Crest
Mythic Body
Mythic Scales
Mythic Wings
Mythic Limbs
Mythic Tail


Both Stellar dragons and Stellar Riders have no predisposition. Rather, their personality seems to be founded on whatever element they once were, and we all know how inaccurate the temperament assessment of typical dragons can be. While some Stellars do appear to undergo personality adjustments, it is likely a reaction to their new circumstances, rather than a predisposition of the element.


Stellar Magic

Stellar dragons will automatically receive a boost of magic in all ten standard elements. According to current research, these elements cannot be developed further, even with the assistance of expert Trainers. Additionally, they appear to have access to an odd, dimensional-based magic all their own. It is somewhere between the instance magic of powerful Metals and the star generation that experienced Darks can wield. Shapeshifting also appears to be one of their specialties. After Stellar magic tests resulted in the disappearance of two research labs and a vending machine in another building, it was decided that further research would be put on hold until they could be located.


Element Color Rules

Stellar dragons may display any markings or lack thereof, regardless of their genes. They may display any colors. Additionally, these colors and shapes may shift over time, though all subjects remain recognizable when compared to their Identification Images.


Game Notes

  • Unless updated by the person who wrote it, a slot written before a dragon’s Stellar Blessing will use their old elements.
  • Stella’s Blessing is given as an item which can be applied to any Rider or dragon, even if that Rider or dragon was not in attendance during the blessing.  It is exclusive to a rare and difficult chain of Expeditions.


Category: Origin
Species: Rider

A Rider from the Chronoscape came from a world other than Shérok and Eredia. These could be humans or something completely alien. Other ARPG or closed species (pending permission from their creators) are also in this category. It encompasses all alternate-dimension critters. Here are the details of the Chronoscape:


As something in between time and space, the Chronoscape has some pretty unique physics going on. Here’s one quick way to imagine it. You have a sheet of paper. The top of the paper has a red dot, while the bottom has a blue dot. These dots appear very far to each other. However, by folding the paper, these dots can be made closer. Now, let’s throw in another dot—this time, green. Rather than folding the paper to get all three to meet, it’s easier to use a thread and needle to sew them. The paper looks really weird now, but hey, they’re all together!

In this scenario, the universe is a piece of paper. The string represents path through the Chronoscape. All of the 3D space between the folds and the paper are the Chronoscape. Paths can go in every which direction. Time is manipulated just as easily as space. A trip that would take a million years through space suddenly becomes a walk in the park. Creatures with a Chronocompass can easily navigate through this realm, but all other Life ends up turning around and getting lost, either ending up in the wrong place or time, or perhaps even the wrong universe. It’s unlikely that a person can ever find their way home once they lose their way.

Doors to the Chronoscape are created by Instance Mages of all sorts. Metal Riders are particularly good at manipulating the space to connect a ‘string’ to their desired ‘dot.’ The Chronoscape doors are sometimes literal doors. Other times, they appear like a rippling mirror, a tunnel into a realm unknown, or a land that appears after passing through a thick fog. You are free to create your own entrances and exits to this realm.

Weather, Terrain, and Life

The Chronoscape appears as a flat plain that stretches infinitely in all directions. It breaks into desert-like patches, heavily forested areas, rocky pathways, volcanic regions, and any environment you can think of if you travel far enough. There is no perceptible curvature…in the third dimension, at least.

In regions with open sky, it will be shrouded in clouds. Sometimes they are thin, and light will shine through in rhythmic fashion akin to days and nights. Other times, the clouds will lay low and create a blue fog that blocks vision beyond two meters. In areas with deteriorating terrains, a sun-like star can be seen below the ground. If anyone was ever able to solve the mysteries of time and weather in the Chronoscape, they never returned to tell anyone about it.

Flora & Fauna

The land contains flora and fauna from every corner of the universe. Humanoids are the most common sentient species, but they are hardly the only ones. Sentiency comes in all shapes, sizes, and forms. From eldritch horrors to charming little creatures, you never know when something will try to communicate with you. As for normal fauna, there are all sorts of creatures running around in the Chronoscape. It’s unknown if any species can truly be extinct, since there surely exists a shadow of them in the Chronoscape somewhere.

It is incredibly dangerous to travel through the Chronoscape because of the flora and fauna. Of course, getting lost in space and time is horrible, but getting killed between space and time is a little worse. Just as anything could be sentient, anything can be a hunter. That set of mountainous boulders? A golem, ready to spring. That enchanting song? A siren searching for their prey. The sweet-smelling tree? It’s ready to put you to sleep and trap you in its roots. Without the protection of dragons or safety in numbers, the chance of surviving in the Chronoscape is slim to none.

Doors to the Chronoscape

There is a good reason Quetzalcoatl and Moondrifters are not frequently seen among the populace of Shérok and Eredia. The planets have several major hubs that are monitored by different entities to ensure dangerous individuals do not sneak in. The most popular doors are on Bestia d’la Mer and the city of Corli. These are guarded by the Bestia and the Abrendese Militia respectively. Tsotska d’la Mer contains a door that leads to very specific locations, guarded personally by the Tsotska-mar. The Phinae-mar guards many of the doors at sea and beyond, and they even have an influence within the Chronoscape itself. There are doors underwater which lead to corresponding watery terrains in the other realms. There are many minor doors outside of this which peoples of all kinds use. The Naki are most active in these locations and will only report to the Naki Alliance concerning those who cause trouble or endanger others.

Civilizations & Cultures

Choosing to live in the Chronoscape is dangerous and foolhardy, but a few people do it. There are some recognizable peoples and organizations that are known throughout the Chronoscape, and these are the notable ones.


[full peregrine info here]

Anyone who travels through the Chronoscape as a lifestyle is called a Peregrine. Many of the Naki were originally Peregrines that had their compass settle on Shérok. The compass of their dragons—if they even have one—won’t point anywhere. That’s how they like it. They learn the ins-and-outs of the world around them. While the dangers may shift and change, the doors go different places, and former colleagues disappear into the mists, the Peregrines learn how to deal with it. With practice and luck, a Peregrine will know danger when they see it and stay out of its path. They know how to approach game they’ve never seen before and can converse in some common languages that will get them by.

To stay safe, Peregrines will sometimes form caravans. Caravans consist of up to two hundred people traveling together. In order to stay in one place, it’s left to Riders to serve as navigators, guides, and hunters. Although caravans are faced with many troubles, the Peregrines keep them stable. While having so many mouths to feed and few ways to trade makes survival hard, the benefits of seeing the same faces every day and staying together with family vastly outweighs the struggles. Caravans typically exchange members between each other, rather than adopt vagrants traveling alone. A lone traveler is seen as a threat and someone who was potentially exiled from another caravan, and thus a danger.

With that said, not all caravans are benevolent. There are some that keep themselves occupied with the poaching of all types of wildlife–monsters, plants, humans, and whatever they believe is valuable–to sell on in the most profitable way. These groups are typically referred to as poachers.


[full Quetzalcoatl details here]

Quetzalcoatl are feared throughout the realms. They are dragons that can appear as large, feathered wyrms or as feathered humanoids. They possess a Chronocompass, just like any other dragon. They live in a huge community that could almost be called a metropolis. As they all have a Chronocompass, navigating throughout their ‘city’ never gives them a problem. They absolutely despise dragons and Riders, considering Riders to be brainwashers of some sort and dragons to be unwitting victims. Although they form mental bonds, they do so with their soul mates rather than a companion.

Also called Blood Serpents, the Quetzalcoatl will negotiate with visitors or even require passersby to give sacrifices. The sacrifices must be sapient, and the longer their lifespan, the better. The Quetzalcoatl do more than consume the sacrifices. They also use ancient magicks to perceive what their prey could not—a glimpse of a future that would never be. Their ability to learn the future, manipulate blood to their whims, and create venoms of all types instills fear and awe in all who learn of them. It’s not uncommon for powerful leaders to provide a surplus of sacrifices in exchange for a glimpse into the future or a morsel of forbidden knowledge. Below is a size chart for Quetzalcoatl and their forms. Click for full size.


[full moondrifter information here]

The Moondrifters are a caravan that has gained a reputation for their cult-like behavior. Their activities are strictly monitored by those within. Seemingly nonsensical laws are tied in with their religion to manipulate and command those within their ranks. It’s not unusual for god-like entities to exist in the Chronoscape, so for them to presume a god guides them isn’t outlandish. What is odd about this group and their god is the extent to which they follow the teachings. Those found to commit a sin or break a law are branded as an outlaw. Many can be condemned because they were associated with a criminal, and sometimes even victims of violence could be considered corrupted and driven out.

Unfortunately, they are known for their avid evangelism. They will try to convert unwitting lone Peregrines and execute them if they refuse to change their ways. When dealing with multiple individuals, the Moondrifters do not try to convert whole caravans. Instead, they kill all of the adults and take in the children as their own. The children are raised to hate their old community and taught that they deserved what happened to them, all alongside the normal cult rules. They are typically human, though will raise species outside of humans when they are adopted as children. Along with normal human skin tones, they may appear as a ghostly white or with hues of blue. They are one of the few communities the Naki do not actively communicate with.

Wild Inhabitants of the Chronoscape

The world between worlds is full of strange life. To learn about a few of the creatures, click here.


Category: Origin
Species: Rider

A resident of the world of Eredia. There are five distinct "races," which manifest as a person matures on the world. It depends on which spirit the particular person has earned a blessing from; The spirit imparts magic and/or animal traits to aid them. Not everyone earns the favor of a specific spirit or any spirit at all.

Note: Often called the furry race.

The people of Eredia (called Erré from now on) have some intriguing features that set them apart from other humans. Their planet appears to have an elemental fluctuation that changes their physical form over time. They begin to resemble the animals or beasts of other worlds, and some particularly powerful and wizened Erré can even transform into their beastly forms. The youngest Erré usually have a small muzzle, modified ears, and a tail. The eldest of them resemble animals on their hind feet more than humans.

They live on a planet covered almost entirely by water—something along the line of 95%. There are many Chronoscape entrances and exits that lead to Shérok, allowing for constant communication between the two planets. However, the two still possess vastly different cultures. In general, the Erré have a greater respect for nature and magic. Magic is openly taught and practiced, with or without a dragon involved.

Please note that not all animals are covered by the variety of Erré. If you use an animal outside of these specifications (such as a dragon person), their origin will invariably be marked as Chronoscape. When in doubt, ask! You are free to pursue your own stories.


All Erré speak Latin, with languages from other places showing up most often at Ere D’la Mer and Bestia D’la Mer.


National Colors

Since appearances can be deceiving, the Erré distinguish between classes and nationalities based on attire. The rulers of the islands (with the suffix -mar at the end of their name) will dress entirely in the primary color. The workers of all classes will wear a mix of the two colors. The unemployed, elderly, retired, and children will wear the secondary color. Those who wear solid colors will often wear accessories of their other color, since there is a lot of color overlap between the islands and the trinkets help differentiate them.


More information can be located on the specific race pages.


Category: Origin
Species: Rider

This trait describes characters from the world of Shérok. They are not necessarily Shéar.

Shérok has one incredibly large land mass with a single treacherous ocean surrounding it. There are a few islands along its shoreline, with a few being large enough to warrant their own name, but it is altogether a single continent. The areas are loosely divided into kingdoms (sometimes referred to as Pradeshes). All inhabitants appear human except for some Naki. You may use any natural skin tone for them, even if they have an average skin tone listed for their particular race. Incredibly dense cities are spaced intermittently in the land, usually by rivers. These cities are surprisingly scarce.

The Shéar continent is a united country in the present state of the game:

However, it has a long history that split it into several different countries.
  • Northwest Green: Murciélagia was a hot, humid, and tropical area that used Obsidians as their main companions, rather than dragons.
  • North Yellow: Inviernot is a realm of expansive, chilly tundra. The most common companions are still Tombre.
  • Northeast Orange: Halcyon is full of low-altitude mountains, hills, and pine forests.
  • Central Light Blue: Central Shérok contains a large sea–most likely formed by a cataclysmic celestial event–along with an island at its center. This sea is usually covered in dense fog, with many hidden doors into aquatic areas of the Chronoscape. Its western area is the most populated area of the world, while its easternmost region is filled with enough dangerous fauna to make it uninhabitable. South central Shérok has a small desert where the Irrit live to this day.
  • Southwest Red: Riosilvano is infamous for its southern swamps and rainforests. The western areas are mostly deciduous forests and flood plains.
  • Southeast Violet: Aviara is full of winding canyons and plantless regions. It is occupied by cliff-dwelling fauna--mainly Gryphons and independent wind dragons. The northern islands have a large amount of natural resources that supports the rest of the country.


Category: Race
Species: Rider

A member of the Abrendese race.

Clothing Style: Typical Victorian Garb
Language: English

The Abrendese are fairly recent arrivals to the world of Shérok—clocking in at about five centuries ago. Before their arrival, the world of Shérok was made of small villages with low technological ability but incredible magic skill. After their arrival, the Abrendese imparted their advanced knowledge of space travel, engineering, cloning, medical practices, and experimentation to the Shéar. They began to build huge cities and automate many old occupations. There are two distinct populations of Abrendese—your typical ‘street dweller’ and the nobility. The nobility are shunned, though they hardly notice. The street dwellers live alongside the Shéar and are only distinguishable through their accents and a fondness for gadgets.

Erré - Tsotska

Category: Race
Species: Rider

Clothing Style: Cold-faring Tribal Garb
Primary: Black ; Secondary: Gold

Tsotska d’la Mer is located on an incredibly remote and mountainous island. While it isn’t as expansive as the islands of the Bestia, it is covered in large, steep mountains. The extreme edge of the island has an incredibly high and active cone volcano. It is said that an ancient fire dragon in its center keeps the volcano from ever harming the people of the island. Despite this, the island itself is always cold and often covered in snow. These people are incredibly attuned to the world of dragons and even resemble them in a way. They take on reptilian appearances, though they never grow wings as a true dragon would.

Which is good and well, since they would only want to soar the skies with a dragon companion! A disproportionately large number of Tsotska become Riders. Learning to work with dragons is part of a child’s curriculum, just as important as math or magic, giving them lots of chances to impress a dragon. For those that don’t bond with an Elemental Dragon, there are always feral dragons to tame and use.

They are led by a Tsotska-mar, though a senate exercises great control over the Tsotska-mar’s power. A group of trained dragon riders is also considered a major political force alongside the senate, and they are much more influential on the Tsotska-mar thanks to the respect they have earned from dragons.

Their homes are made of brick and wood to maximize heat retention. Dragon Riders live close to the stables towards the top of the mountains, while the others live near a large port close to sea. The stables themselves have one entrance that opens to the side of the mountain and another that opens to a cliff—perfect for dragons to land and light. The island itself has very few wild animals, which leads Riders to feed their dragons with prey from the Chronoscape.

Tsotska Culture & Politics

Like Bestia d’la Mer, Tsotska d’la Mer is split into two islands. The first has a sparse population that continues to grow smaller. The second island is used to raise wild game exclusively to feed their dragons. It has mild summers and harsh winters. It’s the only place on the planet that hosts frozen seas in the winter. The beaches are covered in stones rather than sand. Their tailors are masters at what they do, though few visit their docks to take advantage of their skill. They have to be masters with all the cold-blooded creatures running around in need of warmth.

The inhabitants are highly distrustful of outsiders—even their own Erré. They particularly detest the T’terre, who ride mounts they consider sub-par, stupid, and demeaning to their rider. They think it reflects an inability to tame or deserve a dragon. Dragons are central to their culture and cause a huge rift within it. Not everyone becomes a Rider, so those that do are lauded as heroes. Those that don’t are the ones that determine the rules, but the Riders have huge political sway. On top of that, the Tsotska-mar is personally appointed by the vote of dragons. These two powers are constantly at odds on what is important for the island.

Although they learn no magic of their own, they can quickly tap into a dragon’s abilities and use it to its fullest extent. This exceptional learning speed and power, combined with their close affiliation with dragons, is the main reason that the Abrendese seek them out for experiments. The second reason is their isolation from the rest of the world. It takes several days of straight flight or swimming to reach the nearest populated island. The third reason is their cultural distance from the other races; In general, they are disliked for their inability to use ‘normal’ magic and their exclusive communities. The fourth is the general lack of wealth. While the Tsotska-mar frequents the Chronoscape more than any other living ruler, he does so purely to protect his island. Advantageous trades are not on his list of priorities, nor would he be very good at them.

It is something of a perfect storm that the Abrendese nobles have taken full advantage of. Raids of the island are not unusual, and the Tsotska are hindered in protecting themselves by a strict code set in place by their god. They can only defend their island while in flight or sailing.

Tsotska Religion & History

 Their god is the oldest of them all. Tsotska is called the father of all Riders; He was the very first among them. Prior to his bond, the dragons were seen as mortal enemies to life itself. He founded Tsotska d’la Mer as a sanctuary to anyone who sought it. Dragons, Riders, and anyone else who needed assistance were permitted to stay. At the same time, the requirements to do so were very strict. Dragons were not permitted to harm one another with ill intent. They were certainly not allowed to harm Riders and vice versa. Those found to disobey these rules on the soil of the island would be killed on the spot. There was a tiny bit of leniency for accidents and scuffles. Tiny. It was not a utopia by any means, but it was one of the first places of its kind.

Tsotska himself is weak compared to other gods, despite his age. He spreads out his existence through the consciousness of all Riders, allowing him to convey critical information to the Tsotska-mar and provide small pieces of assistance to Riders in far places. While he can’t interact directly with the world, he can command dragons to aid others and have complete conversations with the Tsotska-mar. He is not able to communicate with other Riders, though he knows all their concerns.

Tsotska Magic

Tsotska do not have any intrinsic magic of their own. However, they possess a vast wealth of potential that any dragon can tap into. Both they and their dragons are quick to learn dragon magic. This exceptional learning speed and power, combined with their close affiliation with dragons, is the main reason for their persecution.

At the same time, Tsotska have a strange ability to recognize the ailments of dragons and know exactly how to treat them. This could be due to their upbringing more than magic, even if the young ones are able to do it perfectly. There are some common signs that Tsotska can use to pose a dragon and check their health. They are not magical, though even foreign dragons will always know what the Tsotska is trying to indicate.

The only one to practice unique abilities is the Tsotska-mar. Through the blessing of Tsotska, he can read the minds of both dragons and their Riders. He is capable of singing dead dragon souls and Riders into a peaceful rest, which in turn strengthens Tsotska. He can command all dragons as if he himself was their Rider.


Erré - Bestia

Category: Race
Species: Rider

Clothing Style: Anything Goes
Primary: Brown ; Secondary: Gold
Bestia are the most plentiful of the Erré, and their animal forms tend to mimic mammals and marsupials.

The Bestia actually inhabit two islands. The first and largest of them has rolling hills that give most homes a view of the islands. People from all over Eredia and even the visiting Shéar live here alongside the Bestia.

Bestia Culture & Politics

Bestia d’la Mer has hundreds of doors to and from the Chronoscape, making it the de-facto hub of the entire planet. Their homes are typically made of four joined buildings (often inhabited by multiple generations) with a large courtyard or garden in the center. The buildings themselves are made of clay and stone, with each topped off with a thatched roof.

Races and refugees of all kinds mingle among the Bestia, and it’s sometimes difficult to tell whether someone is native or not. The locals take full advantage of the foot traffic, setting up stores and food stalls where the Peregrines like to take short cuts. On top of this commerce, the island is a popular hub for dealings with worlds beyond even Shérok. They possess the most wealth of any other island. This wealth is evenly dispersed, for the most part, so it’s difficult to notice when visiting the lands.

Not everyone enjoys the mingling of cultures on the main island of Bestia d’la Mer. Those on the smaller island show a clear distaste of visitors. After the Abrendese caused Shérok to plunge from a veritable paradise into a world of crime, some of them began to turn away all inhabitants of the Chronoscape. Eventually, this extended to the Shéar. Abrendese were certainly not welcome on their land. These people believe that the larger island is forsaken and that their island is the only true Bestia d’la Mer. They also believe that the current Bestia-mar must be out of touch with their god. Nonetheless, they are more than eager to receive monetary support from the mainland.

Bestia Religion & History

As with all other Erré islands, Bestia d’la Mer is named after its god, Bestia. What’s more, the god is appropriately named after his domain—the beasts of the world. It’s said that a great calamity occurred which caused the original Erré to flee to the Chronoscape. Bestia was the one who made a safe haven for the mammals, marsupials, vermin, and other creatures of the land. When he accepts someone into his domain as a Bestia, they will gradually grow attributes that match the animals whom he originally saved.  

Among the Erré gods, Bestia serves as the biggest troublemaker. The trickster can only be managed by Ere, though even she has trouble keeping him on a leash. The god once made a bet with Phinae on whose children were stronger. The winner would rule over the living, while the loser would rule over the dead. Phinae was quick to take the bet. The Bestia were strong, but the Phinae were much stronger. It almost seemed that their strength had no limit. However, Bestia had a plan. He had all of his children shapeshift into terrifying beasts and frighten the Phinae any time they attempted to perform a feat of strength. Unable to compete, Bestia and his children were the winners. Phinae and his children retreated to the sea, but out of revenge, the sea god split Bestia d’la Mer into two pieces.

The god himself is kind and welcoming of all people. He sees all of the living—even creatures outside of his domain or people from a different realm—as his own children. As such, the mainland of Bestia d’la Mer is full of people from all places, and those less welcoming to foreigners are tolerated all the same.

Bestia Magic

More than any other race, the Bestia have a penchant for shapeshifting. They can even revert to a fully human or animal form at will and—unlike the other races—it takes absolutely no magical effort to do so. They still receive magical training in their early years to make shifting a clean process. Those who show great magical talent are selected for further training among priests. From there, they can gradually learn to speak to certain animals. These animals include all the creatures whom Bestia originally saved.

Those who manage to speak fluently are made into a priest and receive further training from their fellow priests, the Bestia-mar, or the god himself. A fully trained Bestia priest will be able to read the minds of smaller creatures. The Bestia-mar is also granted the ability to control animals directly (this does not include people). This ability works best the tamer a creature is, though the Bestia-mar has no trouble commanding one or two non-cooperative animals at a time. His favorite color is brown, the color of the earth from which all things come. Second to that, he enjoys the gold of life-giving seeds.

Erré - Phinae

Category: Race
Species: Rider

Clothing Style: Ancient Greek or Roman Garb
Primary: Blue ; Secondary: Black

The Phinae are strange in that they do not always resemble creatures. Sure, you’ll see fish, eels, sharks, dolphins, and those sort of aquatic things around. But you’ll also see people growing coral, studded in urchins, or covered in kelp. You might also see people that look completely human plus some gills or a couple scales.

Phinae Culture & Politics

Young Phinae are exceptionally rare, and Phinae that visit land are even more rare. They have no islands of their own and instead spend their time at the bottom of the sea, ruled by a singular Phinae-mar. In the rare event that they have a visitor, magic is used to create corridors down to the cities. It is much more common for the Phinae-mar to visit land than the other way around. When Phinae do opt to leave the waters, they never stray far from the sea. When outsiders visit the world of the Phinae, the inhabitants are welcoming and very accommodating (almost to a frightening extent). Water dragon riders are incredibly common among them, thanks to their advantageous location and scrying abilities.

Because of their location and the nature of their ruler, they rarely partake in the politics of the land. They are acutely aware of the things that go on, though, making their information incredibly useful to those that can win their trust. Since the Erré sea extends into the Chronoscape, their knowledge about culture and the movement of people extends much farther than the margins of a map.

Phinae Religion & History

The god of the Phinae is the only one to directly interact with their people. They serve as the Phinae-mar and represent their people in all political events. However, their identity changes as the dominant spirit of the realm changes. Like many gods, Phinae represents the conglomeration of many souls, with one particular entity at the helm. This entity is the soul among them with the most attachment to the world above the sea, usually through lingering regrets or anger. Their shape shifts depending on this latest identity, along with their name and gender, but they are ultimately the same god. As time goes on and the new soul observes more of the world, they gradually forget their human memories and fade into the ‘old’ Phinae. By allowing human souls to lead the helm, Phinae remains connected to the realm of the living. It prevents them from doing something drastic (such as flooding the world to prevent suffering).

The current Phinae is female and takes great interest in the Tsotska. As such, she is more likely to appear when the Tsotska-mar calls him than any other entity of the worlds. Among all the gods of Eredia, Phinae is the strongest. Their power even reaches into the Chronoscape. They can instantly know what all creatures of the sea know. Since there are many underwater doors to the Chronoscape, they receive information from far-flung worlds and can travel quite swiftly by merging with the waters or hopping from the minds of fish to fish. It is only through this collective knowledge that Phinae knows the frivolous nature of abusing his powers. He is capable of bring the dead back to life—which is how all Phinae are born—so long as they die in the sea. While he is a god, the Phinae treat him more as a king or a great grandfather than an all-powerful being. The Phinae uses the color blue to represent their eternal home and the color black to represent the eternal sleep they are all too familiar with.

Phinae Magic

They are quite capable of breathing underwater, but there’s a bit more to their magic than modified appearances. No one appears to be born or die there. The cuts and injuries they incur are filled by sea life rather than skin and flesh. It isn’t unusual for some Phinae to have exposed bone, though they are just as jovial as ever. Land dwellers that spend too much time among the Phinae will find themselves drawn back to the sea, consequences be damned. It isn’t unusual to find people that resemble those lost to sea dwelling within the realm of the Phinae. However, upon prodding, they will insist they have always lived there.

Alongside their strange longevity and dubious origins, the Phinae can borrow the abilities of the Phinae-mar to perform small rituals and scry all kinds of things. They can see scenes from the future, determine the fate of others through cards, and even warn others of impending danger. On top of that, particularly adept Phinae may meld into the water and travel great distances quickly. Transforming or possessing sea life is second nature to them. Rumor has it that all feral sea serpents were once Phinae who aspired to be dragons themselves and never bothered to shift back. Alternatively, they may have forgotten their original identity in the first place.

Erré - Ere

Category: Race
Species: Rider

Clothing Style: Ancient Greek or Roman Garb
Primary: Gold ; Secondary: White

Ere are the only inhabitants that can appear entirely human in shape, though many have soft pastel skin akin to flowers. More than anything else, they value knowledge. They boast the largest library in all of Eredia, and certainly the largest physical library between Eredia and Shérok (it’s hard to compete with digital libraries). Due to the limited space of the library, recreational books are not permitted within its walls. It’s all historical tomes, scientific studies, researcher’s notes, and magical findings.

Ere Culture & Politics

The Ere are led by a council who host hundreds of souls. The living host is the one who takes the prominent role in communication, but the memories and thoughts of each spirit can be called at will. When calling upon multiple spirits, they will typically identify as female. More than anything else, they value knowledge. They boast the largest library in all of Eredia, and certainly the largest physical library between Eredia and Shérok (it’s hard to compete with digital libraries). Due to the limited space of the library, recreational books are not permitted within its walls. It’s all historical tomes, scientific studies, researcher’s notes, and magical findings. Their mandatory schooling includes not just magic but mathematics, science, literature, history, and so on. They believe that a variety of knowledge is just as crucial—if not more crucial—than physical health.

Because of all this, they have incredibly prominent guests that come to ask for legal counsel. Their architecture greatly resembles that of ancient Rome or Greece. They have the largest forum of all islands and host frequent festivals. It’s sometimes said that there’s a festival any time the council wants to drink. In any case, the Ere tend to be quiet towards outsiders, but will open up if food or gifts are involved.

Ere Religion & History

Unlike the other island gods, Ere is not seen as a single presence. All of the Ere host a small part of her power, which is returned to her upon their death. The more spirits you possess, the closer you are to using her power. Eventually, you end up with someone who has hundreds of souls. These ‘people’ serve on the council for hundreds or thousands of years, with each legion switching hosts every century or so. Each of these council members can speak on behalf of their god, Ere, and display enough power to be called a god in and of themselves. They can be killed like any mortal, and if they are outside of Ere d’la Mer’s boundaries, the legion will disperse entirely. As long as Ere inhabit the island, it is possible for a new legion to form and replace the one that was lost.

Ere is capable of some incredibly frightening feats. She can possess not just one but many living people at once. Along with that, she’s capable of reading the minds of others. The only people outside of her control are ones actively protected by Tsotska. She also has no command over simple animals or dragons beyond the ones her hosts bond to. Among the ‘living’ gods, she is undoubtedly the strongest, and she isn’t afraid to wield this power to intimidate her enemies.  

Ere Magic

Despite their subtle differences from the humanoids of Shérok and the Chronoscape, they do seem to have powerful magic abilities. The souls of the dead will attach to the living, which makes the oldest of the Ere a conglomerate of souls. The appearance of her spirits ranges from wispy tendrils to dainty butterflies to terrifying amalgations--all depending on the perception of the one viewing her. On top of this passive magic granted to them by their god, they train in an extensive variety of magical arts.  

The most prominent of their skills lie in healing magicks. They can cure many illnesses, heal many wounds, and identify the physical causes of many ailments. Combined with their anatomical knowledge and excellent surgeons, it’s where you need to go if you want an illness addressed. Even if their magic has no effect, they will take you in, pamper you, and research all of your symptoms in an attempt to save you and others. Beyond this, they practice simple magic. Lighting up small areas, levitating small objects, creating illusions, and so on are all within their power. Explosions and lightning bolts are not. They use wands of various materials (ranging from wood to bone to programmed devices) to channel their magical power.

Erré - T'terre

Category: Race
Species: Rider

Clothing Style: Ancient Greek or Roman Garb
Primary: Green ; Secondary: Red
Like the Ere, the T’teré appear quite human, with a single difference…those big wings of theirs which makes them look like birds. The wings can attach on their back or onto their limbs. Many also grow taloned hands and feet, with the most dramatic appearances involving feathered arms, legs, and a sharp beak.

T’teré Culture & Politics

T’teré are ruled by a single T’teré-mar, though their exact identity is unknown. Instead of revealing the identity of the T’teré-mar, a mixed council dictates and discusses the decisions. It is typically considered democratic, with the final word and major political decisions decided by the reclusive ruler. All members of the council treat each other equally, and outside of their Chamber, they are all treated as a T’teré-mar would be.

They live on the smallest islands in all of Eredia, and their little homes have to cling to the mountain at the center of the main island. Thanks to the tiny size of their islands, every roof has a view of the ocean. Roofs are flat and have large entrances and exits, since these tend to be used more than doors. Rain water from the roof is a serious problem for lazy families. They tend to dislike outsiders and keep them restricted to the docks unless it is urgent business for the council. Due to odd rumors coming from many directions, they show an obvious annoyance to any Tsotska they come across.

Very few become dragon riders, as they breed and raise Gryphons. These beasts do their job just fine without a magical bond. Those that do become Riders might still keep their old Gryphon around, much to the dismay of jealous dragons.

T’teré Religion & History

The history of the T’teré goes back quite far and is purposely muddled by the T’terré-mar’s efforts. The majority of people were immigrants from Bestia d’la Mer who were tired of overcrowding and visitors from every corner of the universe. They eventually considered themselves a separate people from the Bestia, though they had no god to call their own.

Eventually, a child appeared that had feathered wings. This was the first instance of any Erré in the world having wings at all. Birds were not under the domain of Phinae, Bestia, Ere, or Tsotska. The child was revered as their god, treated as their ruler, and otherwise allowed to do as he pleased. He had wisdom beyond his years and aged slower than the others, cementing their opinion. As their worship for the child grew, the child gained powers of his own. He became the god they sought and was able to grant the same shape-shifting skills that the other gods of Eredia could.

In reality, he was no god. He was a simple creature from the Chronoscape that held a humanoid appearance for far longer than he should have in that situation. Although he hailed from a race that hunted humans as prey, the worship and kindness of the Erré turned his heart for the better. Their strength became his strength, and with time and the assistance of whatever rested in the planet, he could grant the wings they desired. He still warned his newfound followers of the dangers of the Chronoscape and of accepting anyone under their wing without question. This gradually morphed into the xenophobia that many T’teré exhibit to this day.

The island took its name simply because it was easy for the bird-beaked people to say. The name was then attached to their god. As the original T’teré-mar grew slowly, he stole away from the public light to avoid scrutiny. He does not show himself in public or even visit the Council Chambers. His only ruling duties involve signing off on important decisions or settling quarrels. Though he has existed for almost as long as T’tere d’la Mer, he appears to be in his early fourties.

T’tere Magic

Being creatures of the wind, T’teré took control of the skies. In time, their magic developed to move and manipulate wind. When traveling in a flock, they can create a tailwind to travel vast distances. A hundred-mile trek across the sea is trivial for them, though taking a path through the Chronoscape is usually faster.

The advanced magic users of the T’teré are able to control storms or quell them. When the other islands are in drought or in peril from an impending storm, they call on the T’teré for aid. Combined with the endurance of a Gryphon or dragon, they are masters of the skies.

Erré - Other

Category: Race
Species: Rider

This is a member of the Erré race without a specific affinity. You can learn more about Eredia here.


Category: Race
Species: Rider

A member of the Shéar race or any older race from the world of Shérok.

Clothing Style: Typical Middle Eastern/Desert Garb
Language: Shéar (A mix of Spanish and Italian.) Written vertically right to left or horizontally left to right.

These are the main people that live everywhere on the planet. They are the name for natives of the planet that don’t have any other affiliation. Because the kingdoms (or Pradeshes) are currently united and several of them inhospitable, it is much more likely for Shéar to refer to themselves by their planetary origin rather than a particular kingdom. Their average skin tone is cinnamon, though they can have any natural human skin tone without being out of the ordinary.

Individual homes are scattered in the wilderness and made by hand. Their homes change depending on the climate—just draw what you would expect an Earth home to look like in a swamp, forest, and so on. In any place where many people gather, the architecture changes straight to urban skyscrapers. The density is also incredible—easily comparable to the densest areas of China and India. There’s not an in-between for the general populace! Shéar also tend to live alone, rather than family groups. It’s not unusual for families to become entirely fragmented over the land.



Category: Race
Species: Rider

Clothing Style: Cyberpunk
Language: Varies; Sign

The Naki are those of mixed race or unknown race. They have a bit of Abrendese, a bit of Shéar, some Erré, and maybe just a tiny bit of Irrít. It’s completely random and completely irrelevant. Their appearance can take from any of the races, including oddities from the Chronoscape that have settled in on Shérok. Despite their ambiguous origins, they form strong communities with each other. There are several waypoints on traveling roads that will constantly have Naki watching out for each other. They are also responsible for the traditional message relays across the country.

Along with these, there are many Shéar and Erré who become Naki over the course of their lifetime. People can develop odd mutations through experimentation or acquire a bit too many mechanical prosthetics for the liking of the general populace. Even when their appearance is unaffected, they may lose their magic and become shunned by others. While other races would shy away from these ‘abominations,’ the Naki take them in with open arms and help them get acclimated to a new life. If they decide to join the group for life, they will adopt the race as their own and their children will be Naki with them.

They are the originator of a peculiar sign language that takes as little effort to ‘speak’ as possible. It’s simple, but the subtle cues are enough to recognize each other immediately and get across important messages. Since Naki find themselves in dangerous situations more than any other group, a language that allows them to speak freely without arousing suspicion was a necessity.



Category: Race
Species: Rider

Quetzalcoatl are feared throughout the realms. They are dragons that can appear as large, feathered wyrms or as feathered humanoids. They possess a Chronocompass, just like any other dragon. They live in a huge community that could almost be called a metropolis. As they all have a Chronocompass, navigating throughout their ‘city’ never gives them a problem. They absolutely despise dragons and Riders, considering Riders to be brainwashers of some sort and dragons to be unwitting victims. Although they form mental bonds, they do so with their soul mates rather than a companion.



In their dragon form, they have four bird-like legs, a feathered crest of some kind, large feathered wings, a long tail covered in feathers…you get the idea. While in flight, they tuck their legs into their feathers, giving the illusion of a feathered serpent proper. They each maintain special speculum feathers that store the ingredients they need for magic. These speculum feathers are green, gold, red, or a mix of those (reflecting that Quetzalcoatl’s magic specialty). Outside of their speculum feathers, they can have any color feathers or skin. They will have natural-looking markings, though it’s not unusual for beauticians or magical prodigies to dye their feathers in weird patterns. They molt periodically by shedding and regrowing their feathers. They will live forever as long as they can consume other sapient creatures. Without a proper diet, their lifespan is greatly reduced and they can starve.


They will only take their largest form after a particularly good meal. Even in their most ‘humanoid,’ appearance, they will retain their wings and tail, and stand 6′ at shortest. When walking on two legs, they generally slouch to keep balanced. The level of dragon or human appearance in between these forms depends on the individual’s whims. No matter the form, they will always weigh the same. The air pockets of their bones expand and allow them to shrink or stretch without creating much new mass. They are physically weak in all forms and not suited to carrying things while in flight. Females are typically larger than males.


They possess fangs in all forms hooked into a venom gland. These are not visual in casual conversation, since they are tucked away when not in use. When they bite, they pull the fangs forward and unsheathe them. They are hollow and only able to channel venom when extended. Their venom has an enormous variety. Green-feathered Quetzalcoatl even have a biological ‘codex’ of sorts where they store information of all the poisons and medicines they tasted over the years. They can paralyze their victims or they can give a bit of relief to someone suffering from illness. Yes, they can even make aphrodisiacs. They will only have one type of venom at a time and it takes a few days to swap venom. The more complex a venom is, the more skill and time are needed. The serpent will also need the raw materials on hand–particularly ‘magical’ venoms will require a magical diet.


They do not put a lot of thought into eating beyond the sustenance and nutrients they get from it. Because their fangs are fragile, they most commonly swallow everything whole and raw. Those magically inclined may supplement their normal diet with herbs and even metals.


In addition to seeing the same spectrum of light as humans, Quetzalcoatl are able to sense infrared or heat signatures. Their ability to sense heat is much more complex and red-feathered Quetzalcoatl can even see fine details like veins. They are able to smell both with their tongue and their nostrils.


All Quetzalcoatl are born with some amount of magic. For most, it’s as simple as prolonging their life by eating people and switching between dragon and humanoid form. About a third of Quetzalcoatl show magical aptitude and are brought into the center of the capital to hone their skills. Only ten percent are able to master all three kinds.

Each magic is referred to by the color of its ‘materials.’ Quetzalcoatl store magic materials in their speculum feathers and draw from them when they use magic. Thus, a green-feathered Quetzalcoatl is someone good at green magic. Referring to a Quetzalcoatl by the color of their feathers is almost always referring to their speculum feathers. A ‘gold-feathered’ Quetzalcoatl could have blue feathers everywhere other than their speculum.

  • Green Magic – Concentrated biomass appears green in their speculum feathers. This greatly assists in the production of venom. They are able to passively store poisons that they taste and break it down into its components. Talented green-feathered serpents can then reconstruct it or improve upon that formula to use whenever they want.
  • Red Magic – Red represents a high iron content in their feathers. Red-feathered Quetzalcoatl specialize in the manipulation of blood, so having a simple store of normal blood helps a lot. These serpents are good in battle, as they are able to hinder their opponents without resorting to venoms or foresight.
  • Gold Magic – This is the main type of magic that impresses other species. Using precious metals and a bit of their latent magic, Quetzalcoatl can see into the future. While most serpents are able to trust in their ‘intuition’ or ‘gut feeling’ with confidence, gold-feathered Quetzalcoatl can see specific visions of the future and even interact with their visions. Visions of the future are considered a blessing from their goddess, whom they consider to be the mother of all dragons. The goddess despises humanity and those who would subject dragons to their will, and encourages their suffering. Singing hymns is a way to enhance and focus this magic. Every minute spent looking into the future is a minute taken from someone’s life. As such, gold-feathered serpents are the most ravenous.

Many magics are intertwined. Red magic is best for extracting the life force crucial to gold magic. Green magic might be required to change the bad fates spotted by gold magic. The list goes on. That’s why, despite specializations, Quetzalcoatl rely on each other as a community to use their magic to the best of its ability.

Home and Community

Their home is best described as a metropolis. They have buildings as large as skyscrapers throughout. However, instead of walled boxes, these structures have many open arch ways, floors, and bridges between them. Foul weather and predators are so unlikely that only personal quarters need walls. The architecture and clothing have a decidedly Mesoamerican aesthetic.

All Quetzalcoatl lay their eggs in the center of the city. Clutches are kept together and cared for by anyone broody in the vicinity. Gold-feathered dragons are tasked with raising the hatchlings. Children have a poor concept of danger–especially since adults seem to see everything–so they have a habit of getting into trouble. Once they grow out of that, they are sent to the outskirts of the city to be raised by caretakers. They do not go with siblings and they do not go to the care of their parents (unless by sheer coincidence). Because friends nip at each other to check their health, it’s very easy to tell if they are related, which makes lineage tracking for romantic reasons is a non-issue.

It’s important that hatchlings learn how to live without magic, along with how to respect those without magic, so caretakers are never magically inclined. When a child comes of age and shows magical talent, they are sent back into the city to hone their skills. Quetzalcoatl with magical abilities are expected to serve and support those without. Because they are very community-oriented, crimes against others are unthinkable and severely punished. In order to pull something off without alerting gold-feathered Quetzalcoatl, a criminal needs incredible premeditation.

Interactions with Outsiders

The Quetzalcoatl will negotiate with visitors or even require passersby to give sacrifices for safe passage. The sacrifices must be sapient, and the longer their lifespan, the better. The Quetzalcoatl do more than consume the sacrifices. They also use ancient magicks to perceive what their prey could not—a glimpse of a future that would never be. Their ability to learn the future, manipulate blood to their whims, and create venoms of all types instills fear and awe in all who learn of them. It’s not uncommon for powerful leaders to provide a surplus of sacrifices and luxuries in exchange for a glimpse into the future or a morsel of forbidden knowledge.



Category: Race
Species: Rider

Anyone who travels through the Chronoscape as a lifestyle is called a Peregrine. Many of the Naki were originally Peregrines that had their compass settle on Shérok. The compass of their dragons—if they even have one—won’t point anywhere. That’s how they like it. They learn the ins-and-outs of the world around them. While the dangers may shift and change, the doors go different places, and former colleagues disappear into the mists, the Peregrines learn how to deal with it. With practice and luck, a Peregrine will know danger when they see it and stay out of its path. They know how to approach game they’ve never seen before and can converse in some common languages that will get them by.

To stay safe, Peregrines will sometimes form caravans. Caravans consist of up to two hundred people traveling together. In order to stay in one place, it’s left to Riders to serve as navigators, guides, and hunters. Although caravans are faced with many troubles, the Peregrines keep them stable. While having so many mouths to feed and few ways to trade makes survival hard, the benefits of seeing the same faces every day and staying together with family vastly outweighs the struggles. Caravans typically exchange members between each other, rather than adopt vagrants traveling alone. A lone traveler is seen as a threat and someone who was potentially exiled from another caravan, and thus a danger.

With that said, not all caravans are benevolent. There are some that keep themselves occupied with the poaching of all types of wildlife–monsters, plants, humans, and whatever they believe is valuable–to sell on in the most profitable way. These groups are typically referred to as poachers.



Category: Race
Species: Rider

The Moondrifters are a caravan that has gained a reputation for their cult-like behavior. Their activities are strictly monitored by those within. Seemingly nonsensical laws are tied in with their religion to manipulate and command those within their ranks. It’s not unusual for god-like entities to exist in the Chronoscape, so for them to presume a god guides them isn’t outlandish. What is odd about this group and their god is the extent to which they follow the teachings. Those found to commit a sin or break a law are branded as an outlaw. Many can be condemned because they were associated with a criminal, and sometimes even victims of violence could be considered corrupted and driven out.

Unfortunately, they are known for their avid evangelism. They will try to convert unwitting lone Peregrines and execute them if they refuse to change their ways. When dealing with multiple individuals, the Moondrifters do not try to convert whole caravans. Instead, they kill all of the adults and take in the children as their own. The children are raised to hate their old community and taught that they deserved what happened to them, all alongside the normal cult rules. They are typically human, though will raise species outside of humans when they are adopted as children. Along with normal human skin tones, they may appear as a ghostly white or with hues of blue. They are one of the few communities the Naki do not actively communicate with.



Category: Race
Species: Rider

This is a catch-all group for races and species outside of the setting or undescribed in other areas. It can include other ARPG or closed species, so long as the owner of that species has given permission. Just a few examples are below:

  • Angels, demons, or species in-between
  • Humans from another world
  • Giant plant people
  • Sentient objects
  • Talking bugs
  • Slimes


Category: Race
Species: Rider

A member of the Irrit tribe. They are a group of united older tribes that don't necessarily consider themselves Shéar, despite their location on the continent.

Clothing Style: Typical Central Americal Garb
Language: Shéar (A mix of Spanish and Italian.) Written vertically right to left or horizontally left to right. Language Script Key

These are the singular magical peoples remaining in Shérok. They dwell in the small, inhospitable deserts of Shérok, but are blessed by their gods to a life of splendor. Those who would do them harm become turned around in thick sandstorms while their allies navigate the sands without an issue. They live a nomadic life throughout the desert, but an oasis will spring up wherever they rest. Whether this is the truly the work of gods or some sort of magic that follows them is up for debate. They are not led by anyone in particular and instead barter among each other as friends and family would. They track their family lines through their mothers, and their oral history goes quite far. Some tales may even occur before the Abrendese arrived to the planet—at least, that’s how far the generational tree seems to go.

Due to global perception of magic, they tend to stay within the sands and rely on travelers for foreign goods. Some will venture out of their lands, but their magic will dim. Similarly, most will not leave for the Chronoscape because their magic is intertwined with the land. Their skin is normally dark tan and they have bright red hair. Their eyes vary widely in color and will change when they cast magic. While their ancestry is very recognizable, they can easily masquerade as Naki when they travel, so long as they keep their magic under wraps.

Other Art Group

Category: Race
Species: Rider

These are open species, closed species, and other ARPG group critters that have entered the game as Riders! Permission was received from the associated species owners/group moderators before entering them into the game. These species remain 100% within the domain of their original creators. The parenthesis shows what species they are. The imports or masterlist pages for these characters are located in the notes section of the character profile.

If you would like to use another ARPG character as a Rider in Chronocompass, we require:

  1. Proof that this is allowed in screenshot form.
  2. A link to the masterlist entry for the character, so the correct group can be credited.
  3. Familiarity with the rules of both groups--don't break the rules of either when using your Rider! Two common rules that come up are:
    • Most groups do not allow import images to be used outside of their corresponding group. For these, you will need to make your own art to use on the Chronocompass import image, OR you may use gemstones on a background without an image of your Rider at all.
    • The world of 'double activity rolls' is very iffy when a character is being used in two different ARPGs. While this situation isn't written outright, it's frowned upon and we highly discourage doing this! In example, if a Rider is doing a hunt in the other group, the image should be redeemed as No Prompt in Chronocompass.


Category: Race
Species: Rider

Attyceps are the alliance of arthropods and fungi. Both of those groups became highly specialized over the years, with many species of arthropods and fungi represented. Most of these ‘families’ of arthropods work together, leading to hives with a huge variety. Amanita tarantulas and morel ants can work together side-by-side, although Hives are more likely to have ‘related’ arthropods, such as arachnids in one and lepidopterans in another. 


It is believed that the start of the largest Hive was brought about by a genetically modified species of cordyceps. In addition to controlling its ant host, it also granted the host great intelligence, and its preservation became more of a farming endeavor than an eat-the-host tactic. Because this is a huge win for both species, they developed in tandem to become smarter and more efficient farmers. They diversified and convergently evolved into their many arthropod forms. It’s worth noting that the potential of a dragon Rider is located in the fungi, not their host, and Attyceps Riders without a fungus have never been reported.

Host Size

Attyceps hosts are not shapeshifters, but they do go through metamorphosis or instars like modern arthropods. They start as an egg, develop into larva, and then go from there. Their pupa and chrysalises tend to be mobile, though they do not get very far. Shed exoskeletons are usually consumed by fungi. Like the host species, final size varies dramatically, with some hosts never ceasing to molt and grow. There are unfortunate incidents where hosts are unable to shed due to large size and die in their last molt.

Fungi Details

Like their hosts, the fungi have evolved convergently to resemble a variety of species we know. Before they create a bond, they feed on dews, pollens, shed exoskeletons, and other treats given to them by their host species. While some do go ‘rogue’ and actively hunt for a host, most of the farmed varieties are quite content to be treated like royalty even if they are not selected. Fungi are the source of magic and supernatural abilities in the Attyceps, with each species boasting its own specialties. Some fungi might excel at fire magic, while others can bond so well with their host that they cause physical enhancements. Multiple individuals of different species can infect the same host, though the host may grow weak if they take on too many. The Queen of the largest Hive has a sample of every fungi they care for, rendering her almost immobile. Her great size and wisdom allow her to survive and contribute to the hive.

Outside Interactions

The Hive has spread into separate divisions over time, with a select few choosing to fight with others, but most cooperating. Like their original parasite, they aim to ‘reproduce’--in this case, spread as far as possible, looking for new hosts. Since this is seen as greatly beneficial to the Attyceps, they don’t always understand that another species may not want to be a host, or that their fungi aren’t always compatible with other creatures. When they are not gently prodding others to become One of Them, they do a lot of work preserving nature, establishing environments in ‘dead’ areas, and protecting populations that they deem at risk.

Naki Alliance

Category: Affiliation
Species: Rider

The Naki Alliance is primarily focused on maintaining peace. They consider themselves allies to both Eredia and Shérok, but they do not actively work against the Abrendese Militia. Instead, they focus on liberating slaves, preventing future raids, gathering information, welcoming new inhabitants from the Chronoscape, and supporting those in need. They are widely respected among the all peoples due to their charity and effort to perform ethically. They believe that cooperating with the Abrendese to change their policies is superior to attacking them and attempting to claim power again.

Unlike other affiliations, memberships are implied when someone takes up the Naki title. Wanderers are very trusting of Naki, who are expected to refer those in need to practicing members of the Naki Alliance. The main organization will commission their own people for materials or services to strengthen this bond, so long as such workers are available. If a Naki is found to mislead escaped slaves or visitors of the Chronoscape, they are stripped of their title by the family and the information is passed on to the Shéar Rebellion. While the Shéar are more focused on liberation of the kingdoms rather than its inhabitants, they consider acting against the Alliance to be acting against them and will handle it accordingly.

Dragon Riders are surprisingly scarce in the group, with much of the central organization going without. Riders are therefore highly treasured and given special tasks that can’t be done through communication. The Riders use the gathered information to infiltrate Abrendese strongholds and free slaves. The information is mainly gathered through electronic intelligence gathering (hacking, of course), and they work to exchange information between all others groups to prevent bloodshed. This includes Abrendese nobles who disagree with the policy of slaves, even if they are content with the rest of the political situation.

Erré Coalition

Category: Affiliation
Species: Rider

In order to protect their people from the Abrendese Militia and stand united on interplanetary issues, the Erré leaders formed the Erré Coalition. The larger islands send reinforcements to smaller islands and share all information of suspicious Shéar activities. It’s difficult to protect Tsotska d’la Mer, but for the most part, it’s an effective method of protecting their inhabitants from the dangers of the Chronoscape and system politics.

They are considered neutral and do not side with any other affiliations. At the same time, they abhor the collection of slaves, especially when such raids are on their own world. They share their information with the Naki Alliance, who will do their best to retrieve any lost inhabitants or pass on information about upcoming raids.


Abrendese Militia

Category: Affiliation
Species: Rider

Glory, grandeur, and grasp. These three g’s represent the central philosophy of the Abrendese. After destroying their own homeworld due to reasons beyond their comprehension, they have settled on Shérok and work to discover just where they went wrong. Their position here is temporary, but nonetheless, they see themselves as the rulers of this place. They brought with them technology of all kinds, medicine, research, and knowledge from all corners of the Chronoscape. They pride themselves on being able to run an entire world peacefully. Their accomplishments have brought great wealth to the system and nearby areas of the Chronoscape. Most importantly, their grasp on the solar system continues to expand.

Knowledge is their priority, and they use their power to secure it. The study of magic—which appears to be proliferous in the system—is done in the hopes that they can return and heal their own world. Although they don’t know whether or not their planet’s decline was due to a lack of magic, magic appears to be the best solution to regenerate the world. As the magical resources of Shérok diminish, they are struggling to understand why that is and how to reverse it.

They have no qualms with using humans or Chronoscape inhabitants as their subjects. From their view, they are taking their guinea pigs from the dangerous wilds and giving them a better life—albeit a shorter one. In the best situations, these people walk away with quite a few enhancements. The innate talents of dragon riders and how their dragons can generate elemental magic through them are of particular interest. Dragon riders who do not agree with their philosophies are used as subjects, while those that do are only subject to checkups at regular intervals and mandatory service in the militia.


Shéar Rebellion

Category: Affiliation
Species: Rider

When the Abrendese arrived at Shérok, they were welcomed with open arms. Unfortunately, the Abrendese went ahead and assassinated those in power and claimed the world as their own. After the capture of Shérok and dissolution of its original kingdoms, the people of Shérok took things into their own hands. They initially acted as traveling entertainers to recruit people to their rebellious cause. When they were discovered, they became a little more organized and formed a base of operations. Although their location is known to the Abrendese Militia, it is impossible to capture due to its proximity to their own stronghold and the many protections in place to combat physical, technological, biological, and magical forms of control.

Out of all groups, they are the most versatile and have the force of six former kingdoms behind them. The Ringleaders are separated by their specialties. Characters may choose any of the sects to join and occasionally do favors for other sects.

Common Roles

  • Support | These people provide healing of all sorts, maintain barriers where needed, and constantly develop new techniques to keep them ahead of the Abrendese without resorting to unethical research. The only time they run into danger is if they are acting as field medics. They assist in making physical weapons effective against advanced weaponry.
  • Physical Fighters | The strength and prowess of a fighter is highly prized among Shéar, even if it’s considered outdated by the Abrendese and puts them at a serious disadvantage. With the help of their support and technological fighters, they manage to fight on par with the Abrendese and successfully translate their traditions into modern warfare. The role of physical fighter is considered the greatest honor among the Rebellion, since it represents the original spirit of the Shéar kingdoms.
  • Magical Fighters | Their magic is rumored to be a gift from the god of life and death. They are particularly good at sailing, so they serve as the largest marine force in the small Shéar ocean. They practice all forms of magic, with the most powerful among them having dragon allies to assist in magic learning.
  • Technological Fighters | When you’re up against people with lasers and space ships, it’s foolish to rely on swordplay and martial arts. Technological fighters use mechanical weapons, including but not limited to lasers, guns, fighter vehicles, explosives, electronic interruption devices, and similar things. The only type of technology they do not dabble in is hacking. They communicate closely with the Naki Alliance, almost entirely funding them through their commissions, since they are more adept with digital warfare. The technological fighters also assist in making physical weapons effective against more powerful Abrendese weapons.
  • Erasers | Like the magical fighters, they are avid users of magic. Unlike them, they specialize in destructive magics. They aren’t beyond using physical means and biological agents to dispose of their targets. Concealed weapon training is mandatory for them. They get their information from other sects, the Ringleader decides who is the most dangerous from this information, and they are expected to execute their duties without question.
  • Espionage | These people are critical to the defense of the Rebellion. They intercept any and all attacks towards the main force. Unfortunately, they also act the part perfectly, often contributing to the mess. Only the Ringleader and their close associates know the identities of these people. The only way to keep them out of harm’s way is to warn them to avoid certain locations before a Rebellion attack.



Category: Jobs
Species: Rider

The Adventurer excels at activities! Activities include Gathering, Salvaging, Hunting, and Caving. An adventurer can easily bring uncommon items home or sell them to crafters. The chance of success is also much higher, and Master Adventurers never fail at their task.


Category: Jobs
Species: Rider

In a world where dragons can look like anything, it’s only natural that breeders appeared. They can affect the outcome of any clutch they oversee. Whether you want more eggs, more markings, or a magic boost to the babies, these breeders know exactly what to do!


Category: Jobs
Species: Rider

Familiars are an integral part of many Riders’ lives. They provide bonuses in every aspect of the game! Ranchers specialize in finding and raising these cute critters. If there’s a Familiar you want to find, they are the ones to do the job!


Category: Jobs
Species: Rider

Among competitors of all kinds, the Trainers stand out. They expertly raise their dragons to win at all kinds of competitions. Races, shows, and battles are their realm of expertise. They lend their dragons their strength and can even tutor the dragons of others.


Category: Jobs
Species: Rider

These chefs and potion peddlers can create a variety of consumables. While they do dabble in a bit of beauty treatments and health supplements, it’s their cuisine that really shines. Their food can even tame wild dragons! Alchemists also create some very important materials that other crafters can use.


Category: Jobs
Species: Rider

These workers stay far away from the glory of battle or the pride of appearance. Instead, they focus on the essentials. Anyone who furnishes their Den knows the importance of a good Carpenter. The Carpenter excels at comfortable furnish and effective contraptions that can be used around the Den.


Category: Jobs
Species: Rider

When it’s time to go to battle, the Blacksmiths suit you up. They provide weapons to use against wild beasts, along with well-fitted armor that meets your every need. They sometimes craft some heavy Den items that Carpenters have trouble managing. Blacksmiths with a careful hand may create smaller things, though–what one might consider a bit technological.


Category: Jobs
Species: Rider

When your dragon wants to look fierce or beautiful, the Tailor is the one to commission. They are masters of clothing and tack, and their equipment provides all sorts of benefits. They also dabble in toys and trinkets, which can help convince extra Familiars to live in your Den.

Ungulate Snout

Category: Physical

Default to: Light

The base for kirin snouts. You may choose any member of the ungulate family to reference for a snout except for the Whippomorpha clade. This means that horses, mules, antelope, bison, buffalo, llamas, and tapirs are fair game…but hippopotamuses and whales are out of the question. You may include a SHORT mane that resembles that of wild zebras. This mane should not go past the neck of the dragon. You may include ears which match the species you chose. Avoid making them stylistically larger than they appear on the species you reference.

Please note that horns, fur, barbels, and other protruding traits are excluded when looking at real-world species (unless otherwise stated)! Ears must have realistic proportions compared to the species referenced. Stylized ears that are too large will be pinged. When referring to species, you can’t combine multiple species. When looking for inspiration, only look at species with eyes (unless your dragon has the true sight ability).

Can I have slitted eyes?
Yes! Eye pupils are not tied to snout types. They just need to be natural for any living animal.

Can my dragon have fangs or tusks?
Fangs and tusks should not protrude the distance of the lower jaw (and definitely not hang out) without the Fanged mutation unless otherwise noted. Tiny little nibble fangs are fine. All dragons, regardless of snout type, may have carnivorous-looking teeth.

Amphibious Snout

Category: Physical

Default to: Jungle, Ocean

These snouts must reference living, real-world species, though lenience is allowed for simplified styles. Snouts that resemble fully matured amphibians! This typically means frogs, but salamander snouts are also quite common! Only reference living species of amphibians. Please note that horns, ears, fur, barbels, and other protruding traits are excluded when looking at real-world species (unless otherwise stated)! When referring to species, you can’t combine multiple species. When looking for inspiration, only look at species with eyes (unless your dragon has the true sight ability).

Can I have slitted eyes?
Yes! Eye pupils are not tied to snout types. They just need to be natural for any living animal.

Can my dragon have fangs or tusks?
Fangs and tusks should not protrude the distance of the lower jaw (and definitely not hang out) without the Fanged mutation unless otherwise noted. Tiny little nibble fangs are fine. All dragons, regardless of snout type, may have carnivorous-looking teeth.

Aquatic Snout

Category: Physical

Default to: Ocean

These snouts must reference real-world species, though lenience is allowed for simplified styles. May take from amphibious snouts, aquatic reptilian snouts, or any living sea-dwelling species. If you choose a species that does not live in water, then the snout should have specific adaptations for moving through water that are essential for the creature.

Please note that horns, ears, fur, barbels, and other protruding traits are excluded when looking at real-world species (unless otherwise stated)! Gills are also too far back for them to count as part of the snout. When referring to species, you can’t combine multiple species. When looking for inspiration, only look at species with eyes (unless your dragon has the true sight ability).

Can I have slitted eyes?
Yes! Eye pupils are not tied to snout types. They just need to be natural for any living animal.

Can my dragon have fangs or tusks?
Fangs and tusks should not protrude the distance of the lower jaw (and definitely not hang out) without the Fanged mutation unless otherwise noted. Tiny little nibble fangs are fine. All dragons, regardless of snout type, may have carnivorous-looking teeth.

Artificial Snout

Category: Physical

Default to: Thunder

Snouts may be made of metal, clay, bone, or some other artificial or sculpted substance. It covers at least 1/3rd of the underlying face. They can take any shape, but typically serve as a mask rather than a true snout. The eyes will still be visible. If depicted, artificial pieces must cover at least part of the snout. They will not create horns or crests without additional traits. It may blend and connect with other artificial traits, so long as it follows the other rules.

The following list has a few acceptable materials for artificial traits. Their colors must be at 90% opacity or more (see colors for more info on transparency and color). If you do not see something on this list, feel free to ask if it is available!

  • Plastic
  • Clay
  • Metal
  • Glass
  • Cloth
  • Wood
  • Bone (note–must be carved/shaped rather than a skeleton on top of the dragon)

All traits must be visibly artificial in order to pass. In example, clay would have a few cracks or flakes, cloth would have something tying it to the rest of the dragon, and metal would have screws on the edges holding them together. You may use up to two materials. Each material must be the same color as all matching materials. In example, if you want to use brown clay as a material, then all other clay must match. Wires, screws, and simple fasteners do not count towards the material limit and may have their own color that matches something else on the dragon. The colors of these extras must still match each other.


Artificial traits will only have colors natural to their material or colors in the elemental spectrum. For example, a fire dragon cannot be covered in lime green metal. The natural colors of plastics are white and tan. The natural colors of cloth depend on the material used to make them; For that, stick to plant materials in our known universe. Cloth traits cannot be dyed without the Scalestain item. Glass will always be tinted white or an elemental color. Clay will take on white, gray, light steel blue, red, orange, brown, or tan colors, similar to the ones seen in the Earth palette.

As elemental creatures, the magic of your dragon may also color its features their corresponding elemental color, even if it is outside of that material’s natural range. In this situation, it will only be one or the other (a red clay + blue ocean element color can’t equal purple). The reason that glass will never be fully transparent is because of this ‘leaking’ magic effect.

Artificial traits may have a sheen/shine if it’s a material that naturally does that.

Display Traits

Similarly to color, a dragon’s display traits will always show, even if they need to leak through the artificial materials. Accents are included in this, allowing some areas of the snout to take on colors that might not match the material it's made of. While you can have artificial materials cover traits, they must still be apparent somewhere on the dragon. In example, if your dragon has Zebra, you may limit its stripes to the face and legs if your dragon’s body is covered in artificial scales. When the artificial parts are removed, you may have markings appear underneath, or simply leave that area blank.

What’s Underneath

The purpose of artificial traits is typically to aid in the health of the dragon. No dragon is born with their artificial traits included–their Rider, a passerby, or they themselves will construct something for them. Here are some reasons that a dragon may need an artificial snout: Misaligned jaw, exposed flesh, sensitive snout.

With that in mind, the traits underneath resemble traits you can see in other dragons. When your dragon has their artificial parts off, they will resemble a malformed version of a parent’s trait (with the exception of mythical traits, which will only produce a default option) or a monstrous snout (although this monstrous snout will always have eyes unless true sight is present).

A Matter of Pride

Of course, there are many reasons that a dragon may not need artificial traits at all. There are crestless dragons that live their life just fine, wyrms that have no need of legs, and wingless critters that are content with their position on the ground. For dragons on the healthier scale of things--especially those of the Thunder element--artificial traits are a way to boost their confidence and have traits they believe is required for them, regardless of whether or not they really need that giant crown-shaped crest.

Going Without

Similar to healthy dragons which insist on their custom artificial traits, there may be some dragons with health issues that choose to go without. These dragons may choose to only partially cover their scales, replace only a single limb and leave the others mismatched, or even go without an aid entirely. If your dragon goes without, its design must follow the ‘What’s Underneath’ section above.

Can I have slitted eyes?
Yes! Eye pupils are not tied to snout types. They just need to be natural for any living animal.

Can my dragon have fangs or tusks?
Fangs and tusks should not protrude the distance of the lower jaw (and definitely not hang out) without the Fanged mutation unless otherwise noted. Tiny little nibble fangs are fine. All dragons, regardless of snout type, may have carnivorous-looking teeth.

Fruit Snout

Category: Physical

Default to: Storm

Flat snouts resembling that of a bat! These snouts must reference living real-world species, though lenience is allowed for simplified styles. It should be from the true family of bats. You can choose any single species of bat to base your snout on. You are free to include strange noses and ears, so long as it matches the species you choose. When referring to species, you can’t combine multiple species. When looking for inspiration, only look at species with eyes (unless your dragon has the true sight ability or a monstrous snout).

Can I have slitted eyes?
Yes! Eye pupils are not tied to snout types. They just need to be natural for any living animal.

Can my dragon have fangs or tusks?
Fangs and tusks should not protrude the distance of the lower jaw (and definitely not hang out) without the Fanged mutation unless otherwise noted. Tiny little nibble fangs are fine. All dragons, regardless of snout type, may have carnivorous-looking teeth.

Reptilian Snout

Category: Physical

Default to: Fire, Earth

The typical dragon snout! These snouts must reference real-world species, though lenience is allowed for simplified styles. You may reference any non-avian reptile for this. This includes extinct species. When referring to species, you can’t combine multiple species. When looking for inspiration, only look at species with eyes (unless your dragon has the true sight ability).

Can my dragon have fangs or tusks?
Fangs and tusks should not protrude the distance of the lower jaw (and definitely not hang out) without the Fanged mutation unless otherwise noted. Tiny little nibble fangs are fine. All dragons, regardless of snout type, may have carnivorous-looking teeth.

Theropod Snout

Category: Physical

Default to: Wind

The dragon’s head takes the shape of any theropod dinosaur (which does include avians, if you desire a beaked dragon). You may include strange beaks if your chosen species has it; However, any horns, spines, feathers, or other crests should not be included unless it is part of the beak. You may reference extinct species. You can’t combine multiple species. When looking for inspiration, only look at species with eyes (unless your dragon has the true sight ability).


The beak of a dragon may be treated like bone. You may use any elemental color, plus black, white, or desaturated browns and tans. Additionally, any area affected by Accents may follow the color rules of Accents, including beaks. Lastly, if you are referencing a species with distinct ceres (such as Parakeets or Pigeons), then the cere may be any color.

Can I have slitted eyes with non-reptilian snouts?
Yes! Eye pupils are not tied to snout types. They just need to be natural for any living animal.

Can my dragon have fangs or tusks?
Fangs and tusks should not protrude the distance of the lower jaw (and definitely not hang out) without the Fanged mutation unless otherwise noted. Tiny little nibble fangs are fine. All dragons, regardless of snout type, may have carnivorous-looking teeth.

Scrounge Snout

Category: Physical

Default to: Metal

Snouts designed for digging through substrate and finding small creatures. Their sensitive noses can detect slight electromagnetic fields that their prey exhibits.


You may reference opossums, moles, rodents, pangolins, anteaters, and the mammal order Eulipotyphla. If referencing a species, ears must have realistic proportions compared to the species referenced. Stylized ears that are too large will be pinged. If you are not referencing a species, ears should be very small or nonexistent, as in the above examples. You are free to include strange nose shapes if they match the species.

These are one of the most versatile type of snout, but they do have a very defining feature. Their brow will always be very concave or convex. A snout will never be both--it may only have one curve direction (though, it can be dramatic enough to loop around!) There may be a small area towards the snout that sharply flattens. For nostrils, you may use lizard-like nostrils or small mouse-like nostrils. If you do choose to refer to specific species for oddities like a star-shaped nose, you can’t combine multiple species, and it must look like that species. When looking for inspiration, only look at species with eyes (unless your dragon has the true sight ability).

Examples without a Specific Species Reference:

The left three all have dramatic concave or convex brows. The one on the right does not pass, as the brow is flat and not dynamic, AND it does not reference a species listed above.

Can scrounge snout have rabbit ears?
No, they are too large. The examples at the top of the page show how large Scrounge Snout ears are allowed to be.

Can I have slitted eyes with non-reptilian snouts?
Yes! Eye pupils are not tied to snout types.

Can my dragon have a flat brow/normal-looking brow if I reference a species?
Yes, as long as it's a species from opossums, moles, rodents, pangolins, anteaters, and the mammal order Eulipotyphla.

Can my dragon have fangs or tusks?
Fangs and tusks should not protrude the distance of the lower jaw (and definitely not hang out) without the Fanged mutation unless otherwise noted. Tiny little nibble fangs are fine. All dragons, regardless of snout type, may have carnivorous-looking teeth.

Monstrous Snout

Category: Physical

Default to: Dark

Monstrous Snout is a type of deteriorating face common to Dark dragons and--should they lack prosthetics--Thunder dragons. It can be as minimal as two large, malformed teeth (fangs!) or as extreme as odd mouth shapes and melting scales. Simple plating on the top or bottom of the dragon's snout also works.

You can use just about any shape, with one caveat–it must also be deteriorating in some way. This can be bones or flesh showing, unnatural mouth shapes, a mask of bone, more or less eyes than the normal two, or even turning into mist or goop. For minimal expression, a pair of fangs is enough (as seen on the second example above). Ears may be as large as a lion’s, in any shape (avoid stylizing this to be larger!). This snout may have small fangs, tusks, and bony material without the corresponding mutation. It may have between 0-4 eyes placed anywhere on the snout. When eyes are missing, you may choose whether or not there are sockets left behind. If the mouth is hard to see, then a reference must be provided in the Design Notes of your design submission.


When using stylized mouth shapes, the abnormal teeth should be apparent. The first example has consistent teeth shapes, while the latter two have noticeable fangs.

The dragon will never be actively bleeding, even if there is missing skin or scarring.

Can monstrous snout have cat ears?
Domestic cat ears are very large, so they are not allowed. The largest ears allowed are lion-like ears. Apophis is a good example of the largest ears allowed. Other types of ears are allowed as long as they are within the size range, resemble ears, and appear on the sides of the head as one or a symmetrical two ears.


Monstrous effects such as bones, misplaced eyes, misplaced mouthparts, and so on may extend to the neck. It will not go further than the shoulders and/or collarbone.

Color Rules

  • Bones and spines follow regular Bone Color rules.
  • Flesh may be any color, though it must be consistent with any other visible flesh.
  • Melting areas will always match the color of the melting area. It may have minimal sheen and transparency in areas it has dripped off of the body--these effects must very subtle!
  • Only skin, spines, plates, and ear tips may have accents. Flesh and regular bone will not have accents.
  • Traits similar to Monstrous effects may stack. In example, a dragon with a Fanged trait does not need to do anything extra for the snout to count as Monstrous. The same applies to Plating, Aegis, Transparent Skin, True Sight (other than color-changing), and other effects that resemble monstrous effects--as long as they appear somewhere on the snout.

Mythic Snout

Category: Physical

This allows you to have a free-for-all in how you design your dragon’s face! It is an incredibly rare trait, with a very low chance of passing down. It may have any of these modifiers for free, as long as they are in the snout and neck region: Iridescence, Bioluminescence, Bearded, Translucent, Insectified, Floral Parasite, Frog Throat, Antennae, Miniature, Odd Ears, Disassembly, Glitch, Coils, Halo, Display, Whiskers, Neckfrill, Fanged, Protofeathers, Maned, Tentacles, Many-finned, Gilled, Bumble, Curled, Frilled, Plumes, Beaked, Extensions, Companion, Transparent Skin, True Sight, Boneless, Tattered, Engraved, Shimmer, Gilded, Sheen, Armored, Plated Spine.

In addition to any of those modifiers, you can get creative. Want to reference extinct species? Go for it! Want to make up your own anatomy? That's an option, too! Want to keep things simple and just give them a wolf snout? Honestly, the options are limitless. Have fun!

No Crest

Category: Physical

This is pretty self-explanatory. The dragon has no extra horns, spines, or fins as a crest.

Crowned Crest

Category: Physical

Multi-pronged horns (antlers). They must have branches of some kind. While one or two prongs may be 'misaligned,' it should be roughly symmetrical. The ends do not need to be sharp, but they do need to be easily visible as different 'points.' This will not create fangs or tusks. The origin point of the crest must start in the colored area below:

Various Examples of Crowned Crest:

The crest may also be affected by a free gradient of two colors. The free gradient must take from the elemental color palette and/or white, tan, and black. The gradient may radiate from the prongs or affect the crest as a whole. The color and/or gradient will be the same on every horn. The gradient is optional, and you may choose to use a solid color instead. The very ends of the horns may be affected by minimal markings.

Spined Crest

Category: Physical

Porcupine-like spines on the head and neck. They should be thin and must contain at least three spines. Patches of spines should be roughly symmetrical. While they can bunch into regions, the individual spines should be apparent. It will not create a hair-like mane, fangs, or tusks. It can be anywhere except the throat of the dragon (the jawline is a-okay, though--just make sure your dragon can look down without stabbing itself on accident!).

The crest should appear somewhere in this range:

Here are some examples of Spined Crest:

The crest may also be affected by a free gradient. The free gradient must take from the elemental color palette and/or white, tan, and black. The gradient must start from the point. The colors and gradients will be the same on every horn, with a bit of leeway given for spines that are dramatically different sizes. The gradient is optional, and you may choose to use a solid color instead. The very ends of the horns may be affected by minimal markings. Here is a gradient example:


Thorned Crest

Category: Physical

Horns with one starting point and one ending point. They can be twisted and curved however you like as long as you follow that rule. They should be placed symmetrically along the head and neck. Avoid placing it at the top of the throat so that it doesn't hurt itself (the jawline is alright, though). You may choose the number of horns as long as they do not resemble sharp scales. This will not create fangs or tusks.

The crest should appear somewhere in this range:


Here are some examples of Thorned Crest:

The crest may also be affected by a free gradient of two colors. The free gradient must take from the elemental color palette and/or white, tan, and black. The gradient must start from the point. The colors and gradients will be the same on every horn. The gradient is optional, and you may choose to use a solid color instead. The very ends of the horns may be affected by minimal markings.

Examples of a color vs. a gradient:

Finned Crest

Category: Physical

This crest takes inspiration from fish. No matter what, this crest will either be centered or symmetrical. It may do one of these:

  • create up to two lures/barbels/spines/humps
  • create fins on the side of the head and/or down the neck

Lures/barbels/spines/humps will not glow. They must resemble structures on existing fish. Here are some examples of this style:

Gradients for this style will contain two colors in the elemental palette. If using a gradient, it will radiate from the end of the crest (or center, if using a hump). The very tip may be affected by minimal markings.

Finned styles may resemble the fins of any living fish. It may have one fin down the center of the neck, two fins on the side, or both.

Gradients can affect the center fin and side fins differently, but they will both use the same color, and the side fins will be symmetrical. Here are some examples of these free colors:

Feathered Crest

Category: Physical

A head of feathers that can resemble any real-world bird crest or simply a bunch of feathers looking pretty. The crest should appear somewhere in this range. The base of the jaw and top of the neck are not allowed. However, you may use the jawline and cheeks themselves! The feathers will never create a mane-like structure--it should be a focal point starting near the head!

Here are some examples of Feathered Crests:

Crests may take on a gradient from the furthest extreme or from the top feathers to the bottom feathers.

Minimum marks may affect the very tips of the mark.

The top layer of feathers may be the same color as the base.

Artificial Crest

Category: Physical

Default to: Thunder

Crests may be made of metal, clay, bone, or some other artificial or sculpted substance. They can take any shape as long as they look artificial. The eyes will still be visible. If depicted, artificial pieces must cover at least part of the head. It may blend and connect with other artificial traits, so long as it follows the other rules.

The following list has a few acceptable materials for artificial traits. Their colors must be at 90% opacity or more (see colors for more info on transparency and color). If you do not see something on this list, feel free to ask if it is available!

  • Plastic
  • Clay
  • Metal
  • Glass
  • Cloth
  • Wood
  • Bone

Additionally, artificial crests are allowed some decorative materials that do not contribute to the total:

  • Chains
  • Strings
  • Jewels

All traits must be visibly artificial in order to pass. In example, clay would have a few cracks or flakes, cloth would have something tying it to the rest of the dragon, and metal would have screws on the edges holding them together. You may use up to two materials. Each material must be the same color as all matching materials. In example, if you want to use brown clay as a material, then all other clay must match. Wires, screws, and simple fasteners do not count towards the material limit and may have their own color that matches something else on the dragon. The colors of these extras must still match each other.


Artificial traits will only have colors natural to their material or colors in the elemental spectrum. For example, a fire dragon cannot be covered in lime green metal. The natural colors of plastics are white and tan. The natural colors of cloth depend on the material used to make them; For that, stick to plant materials in our known universe. Cloth traits cannot be dyed without the Scalestain item. Glass will always be tinted white or an elemental color. Clay will take on white, gray, light steel blue, red, orange, brown, or tan colors, similar to the ones seen in the Earth palette.

As elemental creatures, the magic of your dragon may also color its features their corresponding elemental color, even if it is outside of that material’s natural range. In this situation, it will only be one or the other (a red clay + blue ocean element color can’t equal a pure purple metal). The reason that glass will never be fully transparent is because of this ‘leaking’ magic effect.

Artificial traits may have a sheen/shine if it’s a material that naturally does that. If you use a gradient, it will be consistent across each material, and start from the extremities.

Display Traits

Similarly to color, a dragon’s display traits will always show, even if they need to leak through the artificial materials. While you can have artificial materials cover traits, they must still be apparent somewhere on the dragon. In example, if your dragon has Zebra, you may limit its stripes to the face and legs if your dragon’s body is covered in artificial scales. When the artificial parts are removed, you may have markings appear underneath, or simply leave that area blank.

What’s Underneath

The purpose of artificial traits is typically to aid in the health of the dragon. No dragon is born with their artificial traits included–their Rider, a passerby, or they themselves will construct something for them. Here are some reasons that a dragon may need an artificial snout: Misaligned jaw, exposed flesh, sensitive snout. With that in mind, the traits underneath resemble traits you can see in other dragons. When your dragon has their artificial parts off, they will resemble a malformed version of a parent’s trait (with the exception of mythical traits, which will only produce a default option) or simply no crest.

A Matter of Pride

Of course, there are many reasons that a dragon may not need artificial traits at all. There are crestless dragons that live their life just fine, wyrms that have no need of legs, and wingless critters that are content with their position on the ground. For dragons on the healthier scale of things--especially those of the Thunder element--artificial traits are a way to boost their confidence and have traits they believe is required for them, regardless of whether or not they really need that giant crown-shaped crest. Which, speaking of, is what a lot of artificial crests look like. Unlike other artificial traits, crests may be decorative and abstract in nature, so long as they appear artificially created. There is also no need to create monstrous effects if dragons choose to go without an Artificial Crest.

Going Without

Similar to healthy dragons which insist on their custom artificial traits, there may be some dragons with health issues that choose to go without. These dragons may choose to only partially cover their scales, replace only a single limb and leave the others mismatched, or even go without an aid entirely. If your dragon goes without, its design must follow the ‘What’s Underneath’ section above.

Saurian Crest

Category: Physical

Takes inspiration from non-feathered crests of reptiles in general (not necessarily dinosaurs). Parasaurolophus, Carnotaurus, and Nyctosaurus are just a few examples of acceptable Saurian crests. It should have a noticeable real-world equivalent with similar shapes and proportions. Since a lot of dinosaur restorations are speculative, a bit of leeway is given for unusual crests (in example: whether some crests had membranes or not). It must appear somewhere on the head or upper neck. This will not touch the base of the neck or create expanding flaps or air sacks. Here are some examples of acceptable saurian crests:

Because these traits exhibit a lot of diversity, the free gradient/coloration can appear in many forms. Flesh, webbing, and horns may take on their own free gradient of two colors or a solid color. Webbing and flesh will use colors from the elemental color palette. Horns use the palette in addition to black, white, or tan. Gradients will radiate either from extremes or down the lining of the webbing. Here is an example of the same crest, colored in two different ways, both showing the bone with a unique color:

Here is an example with the flesh showing a gradient and the webbing showing a different gradient:

Here are more general examples:


The world of Saurian Crests is huge. If you want some ideas to bounce off of, here are some creatures with acceptable Saurian Crests: Pterosaurs, Ceratopsians, Carnotaurus, Pachycephalosaurs, crested Hadrosaurs, and even Plumed Basilisks. Avoid using overly speculative crest interpretations.


Mythic Crest

Category: Physical

This allows you a free-for-all in how to design your dragon's crest! This will not change the shape of the face itself, but may add on protrusions. You may add any of these traits to your dragon for free, as long as they affect the crest area:

Feathers, Plating, Scales, Fur, Double Crest (or more), Translucence, Horns, Spines, Antennae, Floating Pieces, Glitching, Wires, Halos, Display, Whiskers, Neckfrill, Maned, Tentacles, Fins, Debris, Odd Ears, Frilled, Plumes, Extensions, Companion (note: this will not give an extra snout and must affect the crest), Tattered, Engraved, Shimmer, Gilded, Sheen, Armored

In addition to any of those modifiers, you can get creative. Want to reference extinct species? Go for it! Want to make up your own anatomy? That's an option, too! Want to keep things simple and just give them a unicorn horn? Honestly, the options are limitless. Have fun!

Quadrupedal Body

Category: Physical

A dragon that stands on four legs. No matter the shape of its legs, its center of gravity should be near the belly or chest. It should not be overly long, as that would resemble the Wyrm body type. Here are two examples--one with and without wings. The dark area shows the amount required for a dragon to gain lined and shaded exp. The whole colored area shows the amount required for fullbody and background exp, as well as activity rolls. Note that the range for winged and wingless varies slightly!


Bipedal Body

Category: Physical

A dragon that stands on two legs and has a set of arms. Its center of mass while running should be between its thighs. It may rest on all fours when not in motion. Some dragons have longer front legs that they pull up when they are running, and are thus bipedal. These front legs are not adapted for walking and will end in sharp digging claws that prevent running on them. The dark area shows the amount required for a dragon to gain lined and shaded exp. The whole colored area shows the amount required for fullbody and background exp, as well as activity rolls. Note that the range for winged and wingless varies slightly!

Wyvern Body

Category: Physical

A dragon that stands on two legs and has no forelimbs (other than wings). A Wyvern that is also wingless is a sorry sight indeed. Winged wyverns sometimes walk with their wings to support them, similar to pterodactyls and bats. Red represents minimum coverage to gain colored/shaded exp, while the colored area represents the minimum for activities. The range is the same both for wingless and winged wyverns.

Wyrm Body

Category: Physical

A long and noodle-y dragon. May have zero, two, or four limbs of the same size; they should be proportionately small and/or distant from each other compared to the length of the body. Wyrm dragons may participate in Rite of Ascension without using an Ascension Elixir, even if they do not have wings. The color shows the amount required for full body credit. Note that winged and wingless dragons have a different minimum!

How long does a wyrm have to be?

The example below is a dragon that could count as either Quadrupedal or Wyrm. The body section of a Wyrm should appear this long or longer. Tail length does not contribute to how stretched-out a wyrm needs to be.

Design by AnimeFan4Eternity23

Monstrous Body

Category: Physical

Just…what is this dragon? Its body is unable to maintain a solid shape. It can resemble any body shape, but will clearly be melting or deteriorating in some fashion. Here are the options you can choose from (or pick all) to show that your dragon has a monstrous body:

  • Melting
  • Evaporating
  • Bones/flesh sticking out

It can have between zero to four legs…but this does not need to be an even number, or even symmetrical.  When melting or deteriorating, it will always move in the same direction. It will not create localized cloudy feathering, oozing manes, or so on (unless those traits are on the dragon’s genes).

Since the number of legs and length varies dramatically for these dragons, reference the nearest body type to your design to find out what coverage is needed for this dragon to gain EXP or activity rolls.

Avoid creating long trails of melting or evaporating material. Deterioration fizzles out very quickly, so adding long-lasting effects like that require magic. When adding bone structures, they should resemble bones that would naturally be in the area. In example, you can put a spine-like set of bones on the back, but not on the legs. Plating still needs the appropriate trait before it can be used as a monstrous effect.


Color Rules

  • Bones and spines follow regular Bone Color rules.
  • Flesh may be any color, though it must be consistent with any other visible flesh.
  • Melting areas will always match the color of the melting area. It may have minimal sheen and transparency in areas it has dripped off of the body--these effects must very subtle!
  • Only skin, spines, plates, and ear tips may have accents. Flesh and regular bone will not have accents.
  • Traits similar to Monstrous effects may stack. In example, a dragon with a Thorned Spine trait does not need to do anything extra for the snout to count as Monstrous. The same applies to Plating, Aegis, Transparent Skin, Dorsal Spines, Shell, True Sight (if it is somewhere on the body), Beaked, Shell, and other effects that resemble monstrous effects--as long as they appear somewhere on the body.

Mythic Body

Category: Physical

This allows you to have a free-for-all in how you design your dragon’s body! It allows you to choose the placement of wings, snout, limbs, and tail (if they have them). It may have up to four wings, one snout, four limbs, and one tail.

It is an incredibly rare trait, with a very low chance of passing down. It may have any of these modifiers for free, as long as they affecting the main body, rather than extremities: Iridescence, Bioluminescence, Heraldry, Plated Underbelly, Plated Spine, Thorned Spine, Translucent, Dorsal Spines, Frog Throat, Miniature, Disassembly, Glitch, Coils, Display, Neckfrill, Tentacles, Capricorn, Many-finned, Pelvic Spines, Dorsal Fin, Gilled, Debris, Bumble, Odd Ears, Curled, Frilled, Plumes, Extensions, Companion, Multi-limbed, Transparent Skin, True Sight, Boneless, Tattered, Engraved, Shimmer, Gilded, Sheen, Armored.

In addition to any of those modifiers, you can get creative. Want to reference extinct species? Go for it! Want to make up your own anatomy? That's an option, too! Want to keep things simple and just give them an extra pair of wings? Honestly, the options are limitless. Have fun!

Artificial Scales

Category: Physical

Scales may be made of metal, clay, bone, or some other artificial or sculpted substance. They can take any shape, but always serve as a functional covering rather than a decoration. If their natural scales are visible, then there should be an attachment where the artificial scales begin (screws, string, stitching, etc.). If depicted, artificial pieces must cover at least 1/6th of the body. It may blend and connect with other artificial traits, so long as it follows the other rules.

The following list has a few acceptable materials for artificial traits. Their colors must be at 90% opacity or more (see colors for more info on transparency and color). If you do not see something on this list, feel free to ask if it is available!

  • Plastic
  • Clay
  • Metal
  • Glass
  • Cloth
  • Wood
  • Bone (note–must be carved/shaped rather than a skeleton on top of the dragon)

All traits must be visibly artificial in order to pass. In example, clay would have a few cracks or flakes, cloth would have something tying it to the rest of the dragon, and metal would have screws on the edges holding them together. You may use up to two materials. Each material must be the same color as all matching materials. In example, if you want to use brown clay as a material, then all other clay must match. Wires, screws, and simple fasteners do not count towards the material limit and may have their own color that matches something else on the dragon. The colors of these extras must still match each other. Fur, feathers, and anything that resembles natural scales will not be accepted even if they are attached with strings, nails, plates, or other artificial things.


Artificial traits will only have colors natural to their material or colors in the elemental spectrum. For example, a fire dragon cannot be covered in lime green metal. The natural colors of plastics are white and tan. The natural colors of cloth depend on the material used to make them; For that, stick to plant materials in our known universe. Cloth traits cannot be dyed without the Scalestain item. Glass will always be tinted white or an elemental color. Clay will take on white, gray, light steel blue, red, orange, brown, or tan colors, similar to the ones seen in the Earth palette.

As elemental creatures, the magic of your dragon may also color its features their corresponding elemental color, even if it is outside of that material’s natural range. In this situation, it will only be one or the other (a red clay + blue ocean element color can’t equal purple). The reason that glass will never be fully transparent is because of this ‘leaking’ magic effect.

Artificial traits may have a sheen/shine if it’s a material that naturally does that.

Display Traits

Similarly to color, a dragon’s display traits will always show, even if they need to leak through the artificial materials. While you can have artificial materials cover traits, they must still be apparent somewhere on the dragon. In example, if your dragon has Zebra, you may limit its stripes to the face and legs if your dragon’s body is covered in artificial scales. When the artificial parts are removed, you may have markings appear underneath, or simply leave that area blank.

What’s Underneath

The purpose of artificial traits is typically to aid in the health of the dragon. No dragon is born with their artificial traits included–their Rider, a passerby, or they themselves will construct something for them. Here are some reasons that a dragon may need artificial scales: Scales prone to scratches, sunburns, and bruising; scales completely missing from areas.

With that in mind, the traits underneath resemble traits you can see in other dragons. When your dragon has their artificial parts off, they will resemble a malformed version of a parent’s trait (with the exception of mythical traits, which will only produce a default option) or smooth scales with some kind of visible issue.

A Matter of Pride

Of course, there are many reasons that a dragon may not need artificial traits at all. There are crestless dragons that live their life just fine, wyrms that have no need of legs, and wingless critters that are content with their position on the ground. For dragons on the healthier scale of things--especially those of the Thunder element--artificial traits are a way to boost their confidence and have traits they believe is required for them, regardless of whether or not they really need that giant crown-shaped crest.

Going Without

Similar to healthy dragons which insist on their custom artificial traits, there may be some dragons with health issues that choose to go without. These dragons may choose to only partially cover their scales, replace only a single limb and leave the others mismatched, or even go without an aid entirely. If your dragon goes without, its design must follow the ‘What’s Underneath’ section above.

Common Interactions

  • Accents - These affect the scales within the normal range. The edges of artificial scales do not add extra accents.
  • Skittertint - Skittertint does not affect base scales.
  • Scalestain - Scalestain does not affect Artificial Scales.
  • Loremark - Loremark can create etchings within its usual range. In places where Artificial Scales do not cover, Loremarks has a regular effect.
  • Tattered - Tattered may cause scales to have large breaks or hang off the body. It can affect up to 1/3rd of the artificial scales. Charged Tattered can affect 3/4ths of the artificial scales. These scales will never float.
  • Surgical Kit - Surgical Kit has no effect on Artificial Scales.
  • Transparent Skin - Artificial Scales will always be on top of Transparent Skin.
  • Pollen - If pollen appears elsewhere on the body and touches artificial scales, the artificial scales may optionally become discolored to match the body's Pollen. If there is no area where natural Pollen shows, then they have to show somewhere on the scales.
  • Display - Display will not affect the base scales.
  • Extensions - Extensions does not affect Artificial Scales. To create large artificial structures, you will need the Large Adornments item.
  • Coils - When Coils is present, it may be intertwined with the Artificial Scales without counting as part of the materials.
  • Companion - Mini-me type companions do not need to have Artificial Scales, even if the main dragon has them showing. The reverse is true--the Mini-me can show Artificial Scales while the main dragon goes without. Mini-mes do not need Monstrous effects when going without, but the main dragon will.


How do Artificial Scales react to Monstrous Body?
It's possible for the mist or goop from monstrous body to seep out around the edges of artificial scales. Artificial Scales will never go underneath bony structures created by monstrous body.

How do Bumble, Protofeathers, and other fuzzy traits affect Artificial Scales?
It's possible to have fur/feathers/hair come out from underneath the scales. As long as both traits are visible, you can layer them however you like.

Can Artificial traits discolor scales?
Yes, they can discolor scales! If your dragon wears their constructs frequently (it is depicted on their import sheet), you may choose to have the scales directly underneath be lighter or darker. The markings underneath will remain the same color.

Feathered Scales

Category: Physical

A coat of feathers that covers the dragon’s body. You may choose to leave the head and/or the legs bare, including just portions of them, free of feathers. They should not resemble thick fur or protofeathers. The feathers will have roughly the same length along the body. They will not form plumes or manes without the appropriate trait.

Feather and Fur Tips

The difference between feathers and fur can get very tricky with varying styles. Here is the general rule when drawing feathers. It will have the same flexibility as paper being pulled in the wind. This means paper makes for a very good reference in how feathers bend and fold. Feathers will generally move together and flow in the same direction, with the body. They will not wave in opposite directions or bend in more than one spot.

Common Interactions

  • Accents - These affect the scales within the normal range.
  • Skittertint - Skittertint does not affect base scales.
  • Scalestain - Scalestain may create stylized feathers that bend in odd ways or resemble plumes/manes. The coverage is determined by the base of the feathers affected.
  • Loremark - Loremark can remove scales where it touches. When long feathers are affected, only the base counts toward the coverage.
  • Tattered - Tattered may cause feathered scales to show shredding or even have patches missing. Patches will be small, no bigger than the size of the dragon's head, and never affecting more than 1/6th of the dragon.
  • Surgical Kit - Surgical Kit may remove feathered scales and reveal smooth skin underneath.
  • Transparent Skin - Feathers will not grow on top of transparent skin. However, the edges might have feathers that extend a bit over the trait.
  • Pollen - Pollen affects scales normally.
  • Display - Display will not affect the base scales.
  • Extensions - Extensions does not affect feathered scales. To create manes/plumes/similar structures, you will need to use Scalestains.

Smooth Scales

Category: Physical

Silky smooth reptilian scales that do not protrude out from the body. Smooth scales will never appear shiny unless they have a Sheen trait or something similar.

Common Interactions

  • Accents - These affect the scales within the normal range.
  • Skittertint - Skittertint does not affect base scales.
  • Scalestain - Scalestain may create stylized scales.
  • Loremark - Loremark can remove scales where it touches.
  • Tattered - Tattered can create small scratches on the scales.
  • Surgical Kit - Surgical Kit does not affect Smooth Scales.
  • Transparent Skin - Scales will not grow on top of transparent skin. However, the edges might have scales that extend a bit over the trait.
  • Pollen - Pollen affects scales normally.
  • Display - Display will not affect the base scales.
  • Extensions - Extensions does not affect scales. To create horns/spikes/similar structures, you will need to use Scalestains.

Velvet Scales

Category: Physical

Short spines that resemble fur or velvet. They will never be longer than the fur of a horse. They will not have feathering/extra long hair on the legs unless they also have the Heraldry modifier. You may choose to leave the head and/or the legs bare, including just portions of them, free of scales. They should not create a mane without the appropriate trait. The scales will have roughly the same length along the body.

Common Interactions

  • Accents - These affect the scales within the normal range.
  • Skittertint - Skittertint does not affect base scales.
  • Scalestain - Scalestain may create stylized fur that resemble tufts or manes. The coverage is determined by the base of the scales affected.
  • Loremark - Loremark can remove scales where it touches.
  • Tattered - Tattered may cause velvet scales to have patches missing. Patches will be small, no bigger than the size of the dragon's head, and never affecting more than 1/6th of the dragon.
  • Surgical Kit - Surgical Kit may remove velvet scales and reveal smooth skin underneath.
  • Transparent Skin - Velvet scales will not grow on top of transparent skin. However, the edges might have scales that extend a bit over the trait.
  • Pollen - Pollen affects scales normally.
  • Display - Display will not affect the base scales.
  • Extensions - Extensions does not affect velvet scales. To create manes/tufts/similar structures, you will need to use Scalestains.


Mythic Scales

Category: Physical

This allows you to have a free-for-all in how you design your dragon’s scales! It is an incredibly rare trait, with a very low chance of passing down. It may have any of these modifiers for free, as long as they affect the scales: Iridescence, Bioluminescence, Bearded,Heraldry, Plating, Spaded Tail, Spines, Disassembly, Glitch, Coils, Display, Whiskers, Protofeathers, Club Tail, Maned, Many-finned, Gilled, Debris, Bumble, Curled, Frilled, Plumes, Beaked, Extensions, Companion, Transparent Skin, True Sight, Boneless, Tattered, Engraved, Shimmer, Gilded, Sheen, Armored, Pollen.

In addition to any of those modifiers, you can get creative. Want to reference extinct species? Go for it! Want to make up your own anatomy? That's an option, too! Want to keep things simple and just give them some floating feathers? Honestly, the options are limitless. Have fun!


Category: Physical

Default to: Light, Earth, Ocean

Pretty self-explanatory. They have no wings.

Leather Wings

Category: Physical

Default to: Fire, Storm, Dark

Wings resembling a bat or pterodactyl. Leather wings do not create webbing between the tail and legs. You may choose to make the entire wings fingered or just add one finger. The ‘arm’ part and top finger are mandatory. If you don't want to draw them distinctly, you can make the shape apparent with shading or minimal line art. The leather must have at least 90% opacity. The leather must attach to the body.

The examples below are not accepted as leather wings without the corresponding traits. The first and second are missing supports, which can only be done with the boneless trait. The third has long extensions rather than a bat-like or pterodactyl-like structure. The last example shows a ‘tail’ of leather not attached to the body. Any leather on the bottom edge must attach to the body.


  • Scalestain - You may use Scalestain to add extensions or unnatural shape to the wings, as long as it's within the item's usual range.
  • Skittertint - You may add an extra color to the gradient of the wings. You may use multiple Skittertints for multiple extra colors.
  • Loremark - You may use Loremark as usual on the wings.
  • Tattered - You may use Tattered to create random holes and chips in the wings. Most of the damage will be on the edge of the wing.
  • Surgical Kit - You may use Surgical Kit to hide the trait. You may also remove all or significant parts of the leather.
  • Transparent Skin - Transparent Skin may affect the finger and arm part of the wing, but not the leather.
  • Pollen - Pollen affects wings normally, hiding any marking that would be in the area.

Unless the dragon has Mythic Wings, Mythic Body, or the Multi-winged mutation, wings will always attach on the back of the dragon, somewhere between the neck and tail and above the legs.


How do I make this type of wing?

You would use Extensions or Surgical Kit. A random/rough looking version may be achieved with Tattered. Please note that dragons should not imitate Closed or Copyrighted species. If the rest of the dragon looks too much like a Leonopteryx or similar species, it will be denied.

Feathered Wings

Category: Physical

Default to: Wind

Wings that resemble that of a bird or bird-like theropod. The feathers will usually be long and capable of flight. You may choose to replace the feathers with proto-feathers or shorten them if desired, but this will make the dragon flightless. Feathered wings may either use the normal gradient across the whole wing or use different solid colors for each layer of feathers (black flight feathers, white coverts, etc. within color rules) for up to three different-colored layers. You do not need to draw each individual feather.


  • Scalestain - You may use Scalestain to add extensions or unnatural shape to the wings, as long as it's within the item's usual range.
  • Skittertint - You may add an extra color to the gradient of the wings. You may use multiple Skittertints for multiple extra colors.
  • Loremark - You may use Loremark as usual on the wings. Removing a feather only counts for the area of the feather's base, no matter how long the removed feather might be.
  • Tattered - You may use Tattered to create random holes and chips in the wings. Most of the damage will be on the edge of the wing.
  • Surgical Kit - You may use Surgical Kit to hide the trait. You may also remove large amounts of feathers or even all of them.
  • Transparent Skin - Transparent Skin may affect the finger and arm part of the wing, but not the leather.
  • Pollen - Pollen affects wings normally, hiding any marking that would be in the area.

Unless the dragon has Mythic Wings, Mythic Body, or the Multi-winged mutation, wings will always attach on the back of the dragon, somewhere between the neck and tail and above the legs.

Insect Wings

Category: Physical

Default to: Jungle

Wings heavily inspired by insects! You may have one or two pairs of wings. The ‘cover’ typical of beetles counts as a set of wings. You may imitate the shape of any living insect wings (such as Luna Moths or beetles). They must have at least 90%  opacity, even if their inspiration is transparent. They will not show iridescence without the proper trait. Insect Wings will be in their own segment. The wing section will not be directly attached to the body.


  • Scalestain - You may use Scalestain to add extensions or unnatural shape to the wings, as long as it's within the item's usual range.
  • Skittertint - You may add an extra color to the gradient of the wings. You may use multiple Skittertints for multiple extra colors.
  • Loremark - You may use Loremark as usual on the wings.
  • Tattered - You may use Tattered to create random holes and chips in the wings. Most of the damage will be on the edge of the wing.
  • Surgical Kit - You may use Surgical Kit to hide the trait. You may also use it to create unnatural shapes. When using Surgical Kit to shape the wing, it only affects two wings symmetrically at a time.
  • Transparent Skin - Transparent Skin will not affect the wings.
  • Pollen - If Pollen affects Insect Wings, you may make it a normal skin tone or you may make the area transparent. These two effects don't mix. The transparency may be sharp or gradual from the regular colors.

Unless the dragon has Mythic Wings, Mythic Body, or the Multi-winged mutation, wings will always attach on the back of the dragon, somewhere between the neck and tail and above the legs.

Artificial Wings

Category: Physical

Default to: Thunder

These may resemble any sort of wings, as long as it is clear that they are constructed out of metal, clay, or another artificial material (see below for options). Materials (including glass and plastic) must have at least 90% opacity. You may choose to draw the dragon without artificial wings. In that situation, the dragon would be either wingless or show some sort of condition that would keep it from flying normally.

The shape may be close to natural wings or a little abstract, but it should be very obvious that the wings are artificial in some way. Artificial wings will not float off the body. You may put jetpacks on dragons with Artificial Wings, as long as they are simple in design/materials and have no stamps/labels/etc. without the proper trait or item.

The following list has a few acceptable materials for artificial traits. Their colors must be at 90% opacity or more (see colors for more info on transparency and color). If you do not see something on this list, feel free to ask if it is available!

  • Plastic
  • Clay
  • Metal
  • Glass
  • Cloth
  • Wood
  • Bone (note–must be carved/shaped rather than a skeleton on top of the dragon)

All traits must be visibly artificial in order to pass. In example, clay would have a few cracks or flakes, cloth would have something tying it to the rest of the dragon, and metal would have screws on the edges holding them together. You may use up to two materials. Each material must be the same color as all matching materials. In example, if you want to use brown clay as a material, then all other clay must match. Wires, screws, and simple fasteners do not count towards the material limit and may have their own color that matches something else on the dragon. The colors of these extras must still match each other.


Artificial traits will only have colors natural to their material or colors in the elemental spectrum. For example, a fire dragon cannot be covered in lime green metal. The natural colors of plastics are white and tan. The natural colors of cloth depend on the material used to make them; For that, stick to plant materials in our known universe. Cloth traits cannot be dyed without the Scalestain item. Glass will always be tinted white or an elemental color. Clay will take on white, gray, light steel blue, red, orange, brown, or tan colors, similar to the ones seen in the Earth palette.

As elemental creatures, the magic of your dragon may also color its features their corresponding elemental color, even if it is outside of that material’s natural range. In this situation, it will only be one or the other (a red clay + blue ocean element color can’t equal purple). The reason that glass will never be fully transparent is because of this ‘leaking’ magic effect.

Artificial traits may have a sheen/shine if it’s a material that naturally does that.

Display Traits

Similarly to color, a dragon’s display traits will always show, even if they need to leak through the artificial materials. While you can have artificial materials cover traits, they must still be apparent somewhere on the dragon. In example, if your dragon has Zebra, you may limit its stripes to the face and legs if your dragon’s body is covered in artificial scales. When the artificial parts are removed, you may have markings appear underneath, or simply leave that area blank.

What’s Underneath

The purpose of artificial traits is typically to aid in the health of the dragon. No dragon is born with their artificial traits included–their Rider, a passerby, or they themselves will construct something for them. Here are some reasons that a dragon may need an artificial wings: missing wings, malformed wings, can't fly, or simply wants wings.

With that in mind, the traits underneath resemble traits you can see in other dragons. When your dragon has their artificial parts off, they will resemble a malformed version of a parent’s trait (with the exception of mythical traits, which will only produce a default option) or malformed/missing leather wings.

A Matter of Pride

Of course, there are many reasons that a dragon may not need artificial traits at all. There are crestless dragons that live their life just fine, wyrms that have no need of legs, and wingless critters that are content with their position on the ground. For dragons on the healthier scale of things--especially those of the Thunder element--artificial traits are a way to boost their confidence and have traits they believe is required for them, regardless of whether or not they really need that giant crown-shaped crest.

Going Without

Similar to healthy dragons which insist on their custom artificial traits, there may be some dragons with health issues that choose to go without. These dragons may choose to only partially cover their scales, replace only a single limb and leave the others mismatched, or even go without an aid entirely. If your dragon goes without, its design must follow the ‘What’s Underneath’ section above.


  • Scalestain - You may use Scalestain to add extensions or unnatural shape to the wings, as long as it's within the item's usual range.
  • Skittertint - You may add an extra color to the gradient of the wings. You may use multiple Skittertints for multiple extra colors.
  • Loremark - You may use Loremark as usual on the wings.
  • Tattered - You may use Tattered to create random holes and chips in the wings. Most of the damage will be on the edge of the wing.
  • Surgical Kit - Surgical Kit has no effect on Artificial Wings.
  • Transparent Skin - Transparent Skin may affect the finger and arm part of the wing if present. It will not affect artificial materials, leather, feathers, or other natural wing parts that might be present.
  • Pollen - Pollen affects wings normally, hiding any marking that would be in the area.

Unless the dragon has Mythic Wings, Mythic Body, or the Multi-winged mutation, wings will always attach on the back of the dragon, somewhere between the neck and tail and above the legs.

Scythe Wings

Category: Physical

Default to: Metal

Large, curved, movable scales that project from the same area and loosely resemble wings.

They are created by a unique magnetic field around the dragon. This same magnetic field will allow some wings to float off of the body. Scythe Wings will start at the shoulders and the blades may float down to above the hip bones. No matter where they are, they will angle towards the shoulders, even if very slightly. The entire scale may also be spiraled. They are a solid material and are sharp enough to be used as their namesake; they usually appear bright and reflective, but some dragons may keep their blades dull. You may depict them with metal-like shading even without the Sheen trait. Scythe “wings” do not aid in flight, rendering dragons with scythe wings flightless. They will angle towards the shoulders, rather than down the back as spines.


  • Scalestain - You may use Scalestain to add extensions or unnatural shape to the wings, as well as additional points, as long as it's within the item's usual range.
  • Skittertint - You may add an extra color to the gradient of the wings. You may use multiple Skittertints for multiple extra colors. You may alternatively use Skittertint to make mis-matched wings, where one wing is pink and the other silver, for example. Mis-matched wings do not need to be symmetrical. Any number of blades may be affected by one Skittertint, as long as they are the same color.
  • Loremark - You may use Loremark as usual on the wings.
  • Tattered - You may use Tattered to create random holes and chips in the wings. Most of the damage will be on the edge of the wing.
  • Surgical Kit - Surgical Kit has no effect on Artificial Wings.
  • Transparent Skin - Transparent Skin will not affect Scythe Wings.
  • Pollen - Pollen affects wings normally, hiding any marking that would be in the area. Optionally, you may make shiny wings dull in areas that Pollen touches.

Unless the dragon has Mythic Wings, Mythic Body, or the Multi-winged mutation, wings will always attach on the back of the dragon, somewhere between the neck and tail and above the legs.

Mythic Wings

Category: Physical

This allows you to have a free-for-all in how you design your dragon’s wings! Your wings may also attach in any location and appear in any number. It is an incredibly rare trait, with a very low chance of passing down. It may have any of these modifiers for free, as long as they resemble wings/affect wings: Iridescence, Bioluminescence, Heraldry, Plating, Spines, Horns, Translucence, Transparency, Different Wing Types, Miniature, Disassembly, Glitch, Coils, Halo, Display, Protofeathers, Velvet Scales, Bumble, Curled, Smooth Scales, Tentacles, Many-finned, Gilled, Curled, Seraph, Filled, Plumes, Extensions, Companion, True Sight, Boneless, Tattered, Engraved, Shimmer, Gilded, Sheen, Armored.

In addition to any of those modifiers, you can get creative. Want to reference extinct species? Go for it! Want to make up your own anatomy? That's an option, too! Want to keep things simple and just give them a bunch of regular wings? Honestly, the options are limitless. Have fun!

Amphibious Limbs

Category: Physical

Legs should follow the body shape rules–the center of mass should be further forward for quadrupedal dragons and further back for bipedal dragons. The scales of all dragons may switch to smooth scales at some point between the shoulder and claws; if they do, it will match the color of anywhere else on the dragon with smooth scales. This smooth-scaled area may have a different color than the normal base, as long as it’s within elemental rules. If a dragon is already smooth-scaled, then it will all be one solid color.

Amphibious limbs are smooth limbs with nubs for fingers. The legs are quite flexible and can end up in strange positions. They don’t have claws. They can have webbing between their toes. When drawing amphibious limbs, you can reference any living amphibian for your design.

Unlike other dragons with smooth scales, amphibious limbs will not have scutes or plating on the feet. They will never have paw pads or claws without the corresponding modifier.

How do I make wolf feet/cat feet/[insert animal here]?
There are three ways to give your dragon paws. The first is to have mythic limbs, which allows lots of legs, different legs, and almost limitless possibilities for your limbs. The second method, and by far the easiest, is to have a dragon with fingered limbs. Lastly, there is the brawn trait. This rare Earth trait can give your dragon the feet of any land-based animal you can think of.

Can I make mis-matched legs?
If your feet are within the same type of leg (such as a sea turtle and a bird both being reptilian), then you may mix them without any extra stuff. Mythic limbs allow mis-matched legs. Brawn allows you to mix in pairs–which means the front can be bird-like, and the back can be paws–similar to a gryphon!


Artificial Limbs

Category: Physical

Legs should follow the body shape rules–the center of mass should be further forward for quadrupedal dragons and further back for bipedal dragons. The scales of all dragons may switch to smooth scales at some point between the shoulder and claws; if they do, it will match the color of anywhere else on the dragon with smooth scales. This smooth-scaled area may have a different color than the normal base, as long as it’s within elemental rules. If a dragon is already smooth-scaled, then it will all be one solid color.

Limbs which are made of metal, clay, or some other clearly manufactured/artificial substance. You may choose to have only one limb be artificial. If you do, the other limbs will resemble one of their parents or one of their natural element (excluding mythic limbs). They must be designed for grabbing, walking, or swimming, and movement functionality. It will not have an excess of materials, things hanging off of it, decorative designs, or frivolous add-ons. You may choose to draw your dragon without artificial parts, although there will be some sort of weakness or deformity underneath them.

Issues with the above legs:

Row 1: 1 – not designed for grabbing, walking, or swimming; 2 – artificial traits are not apparent; 3 – not designed for grabbing, walking, or swimming–they look like wings; 4 – too many unnecessary objects that do not serve a practical purpose, along with too many materials
Row 2: 1 – fur is not an artificial material, and faux fur is also not accepted; 2 – this is a firearm, not an actual arm; 3 – this is not designed for grabbing, walking, or swimming; 4 – this has a feature which is not practical and likely not part of the limb itself

The following list has a few acceptable materials for artificial traits. Their colors must be at 90% opacity or more (see colors for more info on transparency and color). If you do not see something on this list, feel free to ask if it is available!

  • Plastic
  • Clay
  • Metal
  • Glass
  • Cloth
  • Wood
  • Bone (note–must be carved/shaped rather than a skeleton on top of the dragon)

All traits must be visibly artificial in order to pass. In example, clay would have a few cracks or flakes, cloth would have something tying it to the rest of the dragon, and metal would have screws on the edges holding them together. You may use up to two materials. Each material must be the same color as all matching materials. In example, if you want to use brown clay as a material, then all other clay must match. Wires, screws, and simple fasteners do not count towards the material limit and may have their own color that matches something else on the dragon. The colors of these extras must still match each other.


Artificial traits will only have colors natural to their material or colors in the elemental spectrum. For example, a fire dragon cannot be covered in lime green metal. The natural colors of plastics are white and tan. The natural colors of cloth depend on the material used to make them; For that, stick to plant materials in our known universe. Cloth traits cannot be dyed without the Scalestain item. Glass will always be tinted white or an elemental color. Clay will take on white, gray, light steel blue, red, orange, brown, or tan colors, similar to the ones seen in the Earth palette.

As elemental creatures, the magic of your dragon may also color its features their corresponding elemental color, even if it is outside of that material’s natural range. In this situation, it will only be one or the other (a red clay + blue ocean element color can’t equal purple). The reason that glass will never be fully transparent is because of this ‘leaking’ magic effect.

Artificial traits may have a sheen/shine if it’s a material that naturally does that.

Display Traits

Similarly to color, a dragon’s display traits will always show, even if they need to leak through the artificial materials. While you can have artificial materials cover traits, they must still be apparent somewhere on the dragon. In example, if your dragon has Zebra, you may limit its stripes to the face and legs if your dragon’s body is covered in artificial scales. When the artificial parts are removed, you may have markings appear underneath, or simply leave that area blank.

What’s Underneath

The purpose of artificial traits is typically to aid in the health of the dragon. No dragon is born with their artificial traits included–their Rider, a passerby, or they themselves will construct something for them. Here are some reasons that a dragon may need artificial limbs: Malformed limbs, missing limbs, inability to walk, wants legs.

With that in mind, the traits underneath resemble traits you can see in other dragons. When your dragon has their artificial parts off, they will resemble a malformed version of a parent’s trait (with the exception of mythical traits, which will only produce a default option) or fingered limbs.

A Matter of Pride

Of course, there are many reasons that a dragon may not need artificial traits at all. There are crestless dragons that live their life just fine, wyrms that have no need of legs, and wingless critters that are content with their position on the ground. For dragons on the healthier scale of things--especially those of the Thunder element--artificial traits are a way to boost their confidence and have traits they believe is required for them, regardless of whether or not they really need that giant crown-shaped crest.

Going Without

Similar to healthy dragons which insist on their custom artificial traits, there may be some dragons with health issues that choose to go without. These dragons may choose to only partially cover their scales, replace only a single limb and leave the others mismatched, or even go without an aid entirely. If your dragon goes without, its design must follow the ‘What’s Underneath’ section above.

How do I make wolf feet/cat feet/[insert animal here]?
There are three ways to give your dragon paws. The first is to have mythic limbs, which allows lots of legs, different legs, and almost limitless possibilities for your limbs. The second method, and by far the easiest, is to have a dragon with fingered limbs. Lastly, there is the brawn trait. This rare Earth trait can give your dragon the feet of any land-based animal you can think of.

Can I make mis-matched legs?
If your feet are within the same type of leg (such as a sea turtle and a bird both being reptilian), then you may mix them without any extra stuff. Mythic limbs allow mis-matched legs. Brawn allows you to mix in pairs–which means the front can be bird-like, and the back can be paws–similar to a gryphon!

Aquatic Limbs

Category: Physical

Legs should follow the body shape rules–the center of mass should be further forward for quadrupedal dragons and further back for bipedal dragons. The scales of all dragons may switch to smooth scales at some point between the shoulder and claws; if they do, it will match the color of anywhere else on the dragon with smooth scales. This smooth-scaled area may have a different color than the normal base, as long as it’s within elemental rules. If a dragon is already smooth-scaled, then it will all be one solid color.

Fins, flippers, or limbs adapted to aquatic life! Animals that simply hunt in the water do not count for aquatic limbs if their feet are not adapted to water. You are still limited to the amount of limbs determined by the dragon’s body type, and the limbs must be in the appropriate parts of your dragon’s body type.

How do I make wolf feet/cat feet/[insert animal here]?
There are three ways to give your dragon paws. The first is to have mythic limbs, which allows lots of legs, different legs, and almost limitless possibilities for your limbs. The second method, and by far the easiest, is to have a dragon with fingered limbs. Lastly, there is the brawn trait. This rare Earth trait can give your dragon the feet of any land-based animal you can think of.

Can I make mis-matched legs?
If your feet are within the same type of leg (such as a sea turtle and a bird both being reptilian), then you may mix them without any extra stuff. Mythic limbs allow mis-matched legs. Brawn allows you to mix in pairs–which means the front can be bird-like, and the back can be paws–similar to a gryphon!

Fingered Limbs

Category: Physical

Legs should follow the body shape rules–the center of mass should be further forward for quadrupedal dragons and further back for bipedal dragons. The scales of all dragons may switch to smooth scales at some point between the shoulder and claws; if they do, it will match the color of anywhere else on the dragon with smooth scales. This smooth-scaled area may have a different color than the normal base, as long as it’s within elemental rules. If a dragon is already smooth-scaled, then it will all be one solid color.

Legs with fingered feet that resemble that of lemurs, monkeys, shrews, rabbits, bats, rodents, canines, or any members of Euarchontoglires. You may include digging claws and paw pads. They must always have some sort of opposing thumb on the front limbs–this can appear in the shape of a dewclaw if needed. They will have four or five toes per foot. The front limbs should be able to grasp.

How do I make wolf feet/cat feet/[insert animal here]?
There are three ways to give your dragon paws. The first is to have mythic limbs, which allows lots of legs, different legs, and almost limitless possibilities for your limbs. The second method, and by far the easiest, is to have a dragon with fingered limbs. Lastly, there is the brawn trait. This rare Earth trait can give your dragon the feet of any land-based animal you can think of.

Can I make mis-matched legs?
If your feet are within the same type of leg (such as a sea turtle and a bird both being reptilian), then you may mix them without any extra stuff. Mythic limbs allow mis-matched legs. Brawn allows you to mix in pairs–which means the front can be bird-like, and the back can be paws–similar to a gryphon!

Reptilian Limbs

Category: Physical

Legs should follow the body shape rules–the center of mass should be further forward for quadrupedal dragons and further back for bipedal dragons. The scales of all dragons may switch to smooth scales at some point between the shoulder and claws; if they do, it will match the color of anywhere else on the dragon with smooth scales. This smooth-scaled area may have a different color than the normal base, as long as it’s within elemental rules. If a dragon is already smooth-scaled, then it will all be one solid color.

Inspirations: Chameleons, Parrots, Hawks, Tortoises, Brachiosaurus, Sea Turtles, Velociraptors, Geckos, Lizards, Ducks, T-Rex

Reptilian legs ending in smooth, clawed, elongated toes. These toes usually have spaces in between them and will never look like paws. Lizards, birds, and dinosaurs are just a few examples you can pull from. They will always have claws. You may give them larger scales or scutes leading up to their toes. They typically point in different directions, rather than having the toes point towards a ‘center.’ You may use any reptile or bird as an example.

Here are some examples of Reptilian Limbs that don’t work:

Issues for each limb:
Row One: 1, there are no claws ; 2, there are no claws; 3, there are no claws ; 4, there are odd bumps. although the toes are pointy, that does not mean 100% they have claws, so they won’t count; 5: the scutes look more like armor and will need to be toned down; 6: the toes are too concentrated in one spot | Row Two: 1, This sea turtle fin does not show claws ; 2, While the feet are clawed and the toes are similar to alligators, there are no spaces between them and the four bottom toes point towards the center. Even though there are no paw pads, they resemble paws; 3, there are paw pads and no claws; 4, there are paw pads, no space between the toes, and the toes point inwards. they look too much like paws; 5, there are no claws. Points are not accepted as claws. ; 6, how did this even happen, it is a human hand and definitely not reptilian

How do I make wolf feet/cat feet/[insert animal here]?
There are three ways to give your dragon paws. The first is to have mythic limbs, which allows lots of legs, different legs, and almost limitless possibilities for your limbs. The second method, and by far the easiest, is to have a dragon with fingered limbs. Lastly, there is the brawn trait. This rare Earth trait can give your dragon the feet of any land-based animal you can think of.

Can I make mis-matched legs?
If your feet are within the same type of leg (such as a sea turtle and a bird both being reptilian), then you may mix them without any extra stuff. Mythic limbs allow mis-matched legs. Brawn allows you to mix in pairs–which means the front can be bird-like, and the back can be paws–similar to a gryphon!

Ungulate Limbs

Category: Physical

Legs should follow the body shape rules–the center of mass should be further forward for quadrupedal dragons and further back for bipedal dragons. The scales of all dragons may switch to smooth scales at some point between the shoulder and claws; if they do, it will match the color of anywhere else on the dragon with smooth scales. This smooth-scaled area may have a different color than the normal base, as long as it’s within elemental rules. If a dragon is already smooth-scaled, then it will all be one solid color.

Any sort of hooved legs from the ungulate family that are not extinct. This includes zebra, camels, rhinoceros, bison, hippopotami, horses, elephants, and pigs. This does not include whales or extinct ungulates. Below are examples of what not to do!

How do I make wolf feet/cat feet/[insert animal here]?
There are three ways to give your dragon paws. The first is to have mythic limbs, which allows lots of legs, different legs, and almost limitless possibilities for your limbs. The second method, and by far the easiest, is to have a dragon with fingered limbs. Lastly, there is the brawn trait. This rare Earth trait can give your dragon the feet of any land-based animal you can think of.

Can I make mis-matched legs?
If your feet are within the same type of leg (such as a sea turtle and a bird both being reptilian), then you may mix them without any extra stuff. Mythic limbs allow mis-matched legs. Brawn allows you to mix in pairs–which means the front can be bird-like, and the back can be paws–similar to a gryphon!

Mythic Limbs

Category: Physical

This allows you to have a free-for-all in how you design your dragon’s limbs! You may have any number and they may attach or float anywhere. It is an incredibly rare trait, with a very low chance of passing down. It may have any of these modifiers for free, as long as they are affecting the limbs: Iridescence, Bioluminescence, Heraldry, Plating, Spines, Translucence, Spines, Transparency, Insectified, Miniature, Disassembly, Glitch, Coils, Halo, Display, Brawn, Protofeathers, Capricorn, Tentacles, Fins, Debris, Bumble, Odd Ears, Curled, Seraph, Frilled, Plumes, Extensions, Companion, Multi-limbed, True Sight, Boneless, Tattered, Engraved, Shimmer, Gilded, Sheen, Armored.

In addition to any of those modifiers, you can get creative. Want to reference extinct species? Go for it! Want to make up your own anatomy? That's an option, too! Want to keep things simple and just give them some paws? Honestly, the options are limitless. Have fun!

Whip Tail

Category: Physical

There is no maximum limit on tail length. However, your dragon’s tail must be long enough to be able to touch the ground. Legs will not attach to the tail.

Whip tail is a long, serpentine tail that ends in a taper. Simple in shape. It has strong musculature and decent weight to help with stabilization. Some dragons may even use them as a weapon (thus, their name).

Color Rules

Whip Tail will always be the same color as the rest of the body. Traits may extend to it.

Size & Range

There is no maximum limit on tail length. However, your dragon’s tail must be long enough to be able to touch the ground. Legs will not attach to the tail. Unless a dragon has Tailless, there must be a central bony area that tapers as it reaches the end--the same as a lizard or snake.


Whip Tails start off at the same size as the body and tapers slowly to the end. It will NOT resemble a cat tail, dog tail, or rat tail--those tails start off much skinnier and only taper at the end. Iguanas are a good living example of a Whip Tail, but you can also look at Diplodocus and other dinosaurs for an idea of what to do.

What’s the difference between whip tail and rat tail?
Rat tail starts off skinny and ends up skinny, similar to rats and other mammals, with very little muscle. On the other hand, Whip tail starts the same width as the body and gradually tapers, similar to lizards and other reptiles, and it has strong musculature.

What is the maximum/minimum tail length?
There is no maximum limit on tail length. However, your dragon’s tail must be long enough to be able to touch the ground.

How can I get multiple tails?
The split tail mutation.

Tufted Tail

Category: Physical

A serpentine or wired tail that ends in a tuft of fur. The tuft of fur at the end may be any color within elemental rules. The bony part of the tail may be thin or thick, as well as short or long. There is also no length limit to the tuft. However, the tail will need at least part of it to be bony without the tuft. The tuft area may have minimal support, similar to a horse tail.

How do I make a wolf tail?
Rat tail + tailless + velvet scales or similar traits.

What is the maximum/minimum tail length?
There is no maximum limit on tail length. However, your dragon’s tail must be long enough to be able to touch the ground.

How can I get multiple tails?
The split tail mutation.

Rat Tail

Category: Physical

A thin tail that keeps its width throughout the tail. It starts abruptly and ends abruptly. It contains bone with very little flesh or muscle. You may choose whether or not scales appear on this tail.

Color Rules

You may choose for Rat Tail to have no scales. If you do remove them, then the tail will follow regular flesh color rules. If flesh is showing elsewhere on the dragon, then the tail will match that color.

If you decide to keep scales on the Rat Tail, then they are treated like regular scales and will be the same color as the base.

Size & Range

There is no maximum limit on tail length. However, your dragon’s tail must be long enough to be able to touch the ground. Legs will not attach to the tail. Unless a dragon has Tailless, there must be a central bony area.

What’s the difference between whip tail and rat tail?
Rat tail starts off skinny and ends up skinny, similar to rats and other mammals, with very little muscle. On the other hand, Whip tail starts the same width as the body and gradually tapers, similar to lizards and other reptiles, and it has strong musculature.

How can I get multiple tails?
The split tail mutation.

How do I Make a Rat-tailled Wyrm?
This should give you an idea on how a rat tail attaches to a wyrm body:


Raptor Tail

Category: Physical

A long tail with a frill of feathers that extends from the base to the tip. The feathers will always overlap each other, like a bird’s wings or tail feathers, and never be distanced apart. Alternatively, it may be covered in short protofeathers. It should resemble the tail of Archaeopteryx, though you can also use wiry protofeathers. The feathers attach to the bone of the tail and point outwards.

Color Rules

When presenting with full feathers, Raptor Tails may either use the normal gradient across the whole tail or use different solid colors for each layer of feathers (black primaries, white secondaries, etc. within color rules) for up to three different-colored layers. When presenting with protofeathers, it may have a gradient towards the end of the tail that lies below all other markings.

Size & Range

There is no maximum limit on tail length. However, your dragon’s tail must be long enough to be able to touch the ground. Legs will not attach to the tail. Unless a dragon has Tailless, there must be a central bony area that tapers as it reaches the end--the same as a lizard or ancient theropod.


Feathers and fur must both point towards the center area of the tail. For tails that present with full feathers, the end may have a spaded or frilled appearance that sticks out from the rest of the feathers.

Special Interactions

  • Accents (Feathered) -The end of the outer tail tips may be affected by accents. In addition, the end of the tail tip and feathers attached to it and up to three feathers attached to it may be affected by accents.
  • Accents (Protofeathers) - The very end of the tail may be affected by accents.
  • Transparent Skin - When presenting with full feathers, the feathers cannot be affected by Transparent Skin, but the central tail may be. When presenting as protofeathers, the fur will also be affected.
  • Pollen - Pollen may appear as a gradient mark. It may optionally remove plumes and protofeathers where it touches.
  • Tailless (Feathered) - In addition to completely removing the tail, you may also have plumes that attach to the base of a tail. These plumes may be tiny or long enough to touch the floor, but no longer.
  • Tailless (Protofeathers) - In addition to completely removing the tail, you may give it a small, dog-like tail. The tail will still have no tufts. The protofeathers will still be short.


  • Skittertint - This allows an additional color to be used when the tail presents with a gradient.
  • Scalestain - This allows stylizing of the feathers. You may have them curl or extend.
  • Loremark/Tattered - This may remove up to half of the feathers. Tattered must be random, but it may damage part of the feathers rather than remove the whole feather. Loremark may trim the feathers into a shape or leave just enough feathers for a plume on the end.
  • Surgical Kit - This trait may be removed with a single Surgical Kit, along with any modifiers that are exclusive to the tail.

Common Issues

Below, left: This dragon has feathers that point towards the base of the tail, rather than a central bony area. Shapes like these need at least a few lines to indicate that the tail feathers point to a central area.

Below, right: This tail presents with both protofeathers and full feathers. You can only pick one!

Below, left: This has a frill of feathers on the end, but not the reast of the tail. Feathers will always cover the entirety of the tail. You would need whip tail and Plumes--or similar traits--for this.

Below, right: The same applies when using protofeathers--feathers will noticeably cover the entire tail. Additionally, tails that present with protofeathers do not have a frill option for the end. You would need Heraldry or Tufted Tail for this.

Feather and Fur Tips

The difference between feathers and fur can get very tricky with varying styles. Here is the general rule when drawing feathers. It will have the same flexibility as paper being pulled in the wind. This means paper makes for a very good reference in how feathers bend and fold. Feathers will generally move together and flow in the same direction, with the body. They will not wave in opposite directions or bend in more than one spot.


Aquatic Tail

Category: Physical

There is no maximum limit on tail length. However, your dragon’s tail must be long enough to be able to touch the ground. Legs will not attach to the tail. When selecting species for a tail reference, do not mix them with other species.

You may use the tail of any water-dwelling species. The tail should only have one fin, and that fin will always be on the end of the tail. At least a small part of the tail will have a bony section—the end fin will not attach directly to the body. If you choose a species that does not live completely in water, then the tail should have specific adaptations to moving through water used in that animal's daily life.


How can I get multiple tails?
The split tail mutation.

Segmented Tail

Category: Physical

They resemble the tails of Leopard Geckos, Alligators, Spiny-Tailed Lizards, or similar lizards. You do not have to pick a specific species, as long as it shows the basics of a segmented tail: It has at least one segment that starts off smaller, grows larger, then smaller again. It can be as subtle as a few bumps on the edges of a thick tail.

Can I use this to make a scorpion tail?
No, you will need the Insectified trait for that.

How Long Can the Tail Be?
There is no maximum limit on tail length. However, your dragon’s tail must be long enough to be able to touch the ground while standing. Legs will not attach to the tail.

How can I get multiple tails?
The split tail mutation.

Mythic Tail

Category: Physical

This allows you to have a free-for-all in how you design your dragon’s tail! It is an incredibly rare trait, with a very low chance of passing down. It may have any of these modifiers for free, as long as they affect the tail: Star Pearl, Iridescence, Bioluminescence, Heraldry, Plating, Spines, Horns, Feathers, Fur, Scales, Spaded Tail, Translucense, Transparency, Miniature, Disassembly, Glitch, Coils, Halo, Display, Protofeathers, Club Tail, Maned, Capricorn, Tentacles, Many-finned, Dorsal Fin, Debris, Split Tail, Bumble, Tailless, Odd Ears, Webbed Tail, Curled, Frilled, Plumes, Extensions, Companion, True Sight, Boneless, Tattered, Engraved, Shimmer, Gilded, Sheen, Armored.

In addition to any of those modifiers, you can get creative. Want to reference extinct species? Go for it! Want to make up your own anatomy? That's an option, too! Want to keep things simple and just give them a wolf tail? Honestly, the options are limitless. Have fun!


Category: Display

Flaunt is an ultra-rare Light display trait that allows you to mix and match markings and colors on your dragon. All color rules are ignored. Layering rules are also ignored. Here are some examples of markings combined with Flaunt. Unlike Welding, Flaunt has no limit to the number of markings you can combine.

Left to right: Zebra + Ripple, Collared + Rabicano, Sable + Spotted


Left to right: Fractal + Underbelly, Underbelly + Pangare, Tobiano + Chameleon

You may combine as many or as few markings as you desire. However, all markings must be recognizable. The Ripple + Zebra shows a very minimal zebra in the form of stripes. Underbelly + Pangare shows a few small blurry areas among the normal underbelly.

Charged Flaunt

Charged Flaunt currently has no effect.


Category: Display

Light | Rare

Zebra is a white marking that covers between 25%-100% of your dragon, where stripes are ‘erased’ to allow the base to show through. The mark may have an erased stripe along the top that goes along the spine and top of tail. It may also have the snout area erased as a solid shape or gradient. You may add a slightly transparent border around the marking–the border will always be darker than the main marking. When in doubt, reference a real zebra! This marking may be any color from the light element color palette. Additionally, it may display a gradient between two of these colors.


Gray is the base scale color. The pink and red marking is zebra.



This mark may be one solid area or it may present in up to three patches. Any patches should cover at least 25% of the dragon.

Texture Rules

It should have a solid edge. You may have the marking as a whole fade into the scales.

Here are a few more examples of what you can do!

Color Rules

Zebra will always be from the light color scheme unless it is affected by color modifiers or charged. It may be affected by color modifiers. If you give Zebra a border, it will be darker than zebra and lighter than the base color. If this border is tinted, it will be brown, orange, yellow, or a similar color to the marking. The border will always be darker than the marking itself. The main marking of zebra will be at full opacity, but you can fade out the edges as a gradient. These gradients will not create holes in a patch, and there will be a clear chunk that is still at full opacity. In these examples, the base is dark gray, and the Zebra marking is the white stripes.

Zebra with a light brown border. It fades out as a gradient at the bottom.

Zebra with no border. It fades out as a gradient at the top.

Bordered Zebra with no gradient.

Simple solid Zebra.

Here are some examples of what NOT to do with Zebra.

All of the stripes are blurry. Zebra will always be solid.

The border is blurry. Zebra will always be solid.
These stripes are black. Zebra is a light-colored marking, not black!

Layering Rules

This is a Pigment Trait and follows those layer rules.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. It can also appear on modifiers that are not touching the marking. On the wings, the stripes will always go from the arm to the bottom of the wing. It will never resemble barred.

Special Interactions

  • Pharaoh - Pharaoh may affect individual Zebra stripes to create a pattern.

Charged Zebra

Charged Zebra may use any colors for the marking, gradient, and border. It may also follow any layering rules as long as it's still visible. You may invert the marking coverage, creating a solid dun-like marking!


Category: Display

Light | Rare

Creates a lighter, semi-transparent area on the dragon with spots erased out of it. All markings it sits on top of will show. Unlike the natural marking in horses, it may be anywhere on the dragon and it can be tinted in the dragon’s natural scale color. It should cover at least 25% of the dragon. You may have empty patches in between different sections of roan. In the picture below, the red area represents the light area of roan. You can have soft holes, solid holes, or a mix of them. They should be small to tiny in size. You can have the holes clustered or spread far apart.

Texture Rules

The edge of roan can be textured, a gradient, or solid. It should be slightly transparent overall and vary in opacity. The inside may be textured. Here are some more examples of what you can do with Roan:


There are some things you should avoid with roan. First, large holes. Second, solid patches of color instead of semi-transparent patches. The following two images are examples of what NOT to do:

Color Rules

Roan will always be lighter than what lays beneath it. It will have a slight transparency, letting colors underneath show. It can be affected by color modifiers, but it will still be slightly transparent.

Layering Rules

It is a Pigment Trait, so it follows those layering rules.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. It can also appear on modifiers that are not touching the marking.

Special Interactions

  • Gilded - Gilded turns the mark into a solid color with a physically textured surface.
  • Pharaoh - Pharaoh will not affect Roan.
  • Frost - If a design has Roan, displaying Frost is optional.
  • Forged - If Roan presents with a soft edge and soft holes, then displaying Forged is optional.
  • Splotched - Splotched will make Roan full opacity in addition to making the edge solid.

Charged Roan

In between areas of Roan and normal scales, you may put patches of a separate color. It should be in between the lightness of roan and the base scales. This color will always border the Roan somewhere and not create patches by itself. You may optionally put holes in this extra color, the same way the rest of the marking has. Here are examples of Charged Roan coverage and appearance:



Category: Display

Causes all traits of even the brightest dragons to appear bleached, even if elemental color rules would make them darker or more saturated. Their base scales or markings may be white as well, as long as all markings are visible on the dragon. Unless it is a Light or Dark dragon, the dragon should NOT appear grayscale. Here is an example that is split between two palettes–the left one is Faded and the right one is before Faded is applied.

Faded Red Palette VS Normal Red Palette:

Texture Rules

This affects the whole dragon, so it has no edge to make a texture.

Color Rules

The markings and base color of the dragon may not exceed 127 (out of 255) saturation (or 50%). It may also not go beneath 127 (out of 255) brightness (or 50%). This will also affect individual marking color sliders.

Here is another color chart with the full legal range of Faded for a single color. If your computer does not use scales of 255 or show you what percentage your color is at, simply match the hue of this image to the desired one from your slider and then color pick from it! Changing the hue will not change the brightness/saturation.

Layering Rules

It affects every trait, including top layer markings. You may optionally have it override color modifiers, Bone color rules, and Flesh color rules.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It affects all modifiers, traits, skin, nails, ears, and similar things.

Special Interactions

Charged Faded

All markings on a dragon may have gray, silver, or white even if the element or marking would not normally allow for it. Their base scales may be gray, silver, or white even if the element would not normally allow for it. Unless it is a Light or Dark dragon, the dragon should NOT appear grayscale. Additionally, the Faded effect may appear in patches instead of the whole body. These patches should have a soft, gradient edge.



Category: Display

Suntouched causes the color of at least two points of your dragon to appear lighter than what lies beneath them, a lighter color than the base in the color palette, or white. You can make it subtle as long as it is still visible. No matter what, it should appear as a smooth gradient. The color should be consistent throughout (unless a marking on top of or beneath it is affecting its color).

Texture Rules

It will always have an edge with a smooth gradient. You should not be able to distinguish shapes or solid patches.

Color Rules

Suntouched will always be lighter than what lays beneath it (‘lighter’ refers to value). This may be a layer set to screen or a color lighter than the base scales.

Layering Rules

This marking can go above or beneath other markings. It will not cover top layer markings.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.

Charged Suntouched

Each point of Suntouched may be a different color. The range expands to the whole body part (the whole leg, wing, etc.). It includes both the red and the purple parts below:



Category: Display

Pangare creates a light gradient on the undersides of your dragon. It should always have fully blended edges. The color must be lighter than what appears beneath it. It can be subtle as long as it is noticeable, but can also be a blinding white.

Texture Rules

It will always hIt will always have a soft edge.It will always have an edge with a smooth gradient. You should not be able to distinguish shapes or solid patches.

Color Rules

Pangare will always be lighter than what lays beneath it (‘lighter’ refers to value). This may be a layer set to screen or a color lighter than the base scales. It may also appear white.

Layering Rules

This marking can go above or beneath other markings. It will not cover top layer markings.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. If it extends to the wings, it will only appear on the underside of the dragon’s wings.

Charged Pangare

Charged Pangare may be darker than what lays beneath it or black. In addition, it can cover the whole bottom of the dragon.


Category: Display

This creates a solid white marking, normally situated over the rump, that has medium-sized holes erased into it. The edges may be textured, as long as the main marking is opaque and has solid holes. The holes allow other markings to show through. It does not have to be a contiguous shape. The entirety of the marking should have holes. It is a top layer marking.

Texture Rules

The edges may be textured, as long as the main marking is opaque and has solid holes. Here are three examples of acceptable appaloosa textures:

Here are examples of what NOT to do with Appaloosa:

All of these are slightly transparent, and even blurry in some places. Appaloosa is a solid white and its border will be solid or textured.

Color Rules

Appaloosa will always be white. It can be affected by color modifiers, but it will still be slightly transparent.

Layering Rules

It is a Top Layer marking, so it will always appear on top of all other markings.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. It can also appear on modifiers that are not touching the marking.

Charged Appaloosa

Charged Appaloosa may have large areas of white along with large holes. This creates an effect similar to the Piebald gene of dogs. There should be enough holes that it does not look like a solid shape.



Category: Display

Creates thin, vertical streaks that appear lighter than what lays beneath it. They must have a very soft or gradient edge. It may appear anywhere on the dragon, but should cover at least 25% or the sides of your dragon.

Texture Rules

Edges must be soft. Here are some examples of acceptable textures and coverage:

Here are some examples of what NOT to do for textures. These effects can be made using Striped or Zebra instead:

Color Rules

Rabicano will be always lighter than what lays beneath it, and the hue should be within elemental rules. Lighter refers to value, not saturation–so it can still be more vivid than what’s beneath it as long as it is a higher brightness value.

Layering Rules

This marking can go above or beneath other markings. It will not cover top layer markings.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. On the wings, the stripes will always go from the arm to the bottom of the wing. It will never resemble barred.

Charged Rabicano

Charged Rabicano allows you to create a gradient of two colors across the markings. They must still follow elemental color rules, but they may be darker OR lighter OR both of those compared to the dragon’s base color.



Category: Display

Origin allows you to add the markings and colors of any extant reptile to your dragon. It may apply to the body or the entirety of the body and wings. This will cover any markings beneath it. It may only take inspiration from a single species, which must be listed in Design Notes. If the animal has bioluminescence, translucence, iridescence, transparent skin, or similar coloring traits, they may be included.

Texture Rules

The marking has no edge, therefore it has no texture.

Color Rules

This marking will only display the colors of the reptile species it imitates.

Layering Rules

This overrides all other display traits. If your dragon has a mutation, the mutation will override it.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. These may be colored either to match adjacent colors/markings or to imitate the reptile’s features.  If the animal has bioluminescence, translucence, iridescence, transparent skin, or similar coloring traits, they may be included.

Charged Origin

Charged Origin allows you to use it as a base coat and display the other traits/markings on top.



Category: Display

Vibrancy lets you add a color to your dragon’s colors, even if it would normally fall outside of the elemental color scheme. This color can be anything (as such, it will never be recessive unless you really want it to be). This color does not have to obey the brightness rules of that marking (Faded, Monochrome, Albino, Melanism, and Greying will still override this). Vibrancy also does not effect the following traits: Vampire, Origin, Fairy, Wild, Shark, Dancer, Appaloosa, Dust, Tobiano, Pollen, and any color mutations. It can also add a gradient to existing markings. If the markings are separated (such as spots or pharaoh) then they can replace some of the colors as long as it goes in a pattern. If it is multi-layered (such as false eyes and dart frog), then it may affect one layer. It can also affect the base. All traits still need to be visible, so you can’t make fake albinos and whatnot. Let’s look at some examples!

This is a normal fire dragon with a normal palette.It has the markings Spotted, Scorched, and Underbelly.This is the design we’ll be applying Vibrancy to!

Here is a version with black Vibrancy.

The base color has been swapped to black.
Scorched is still there, but a bit darker.
Spotted was left alone.
Underbelly has a gradient that goes from black to orange.–Here is a version with cyan Vibrancy.

All markings are now cyan. Even though scorched normally needs to be darker, cyan Vibrancy allows it to be lighter here.–Here is yellow Vibrancy.

A yellow gradient has been added to the orange underbelly.Some of the scorched ends have been changed to yellow,
with the others left at their original color. This isan example of how even colors in the elementalpalette can change a design!–Here is a violet Vibrancy.

Violet has been added to the wings.The scorched marks on the legs are violet, with the rest staying the same.Some spots are violet instead of yellow. Some spots display a yellow-violet gradient.A violet gradient is on the underbelly (this time it’s horizontal!).

Charged Vibrancy

This allows you to add two colors rather than one.


Category: Display

A marking that resembles a firework explosion. It may be any color, so long as it is brighter than what lays beneath it. There will be tendrils and sparks leading out of the center. It may also glow with light and emit real sparks. There is no limit to the number of Detonations on a dragon.

Color Rules

Detonation can be any color, but it must appear to be brighter/glow compared to the area around it. The glow color can be white or a lighter version of the main color.

Layering Rules

The regular Detonation mark follows regular layer rules. However, if you choose for the mark to glow, it may also be used as a light effect.


Detonation may create a spiral pattern, fan pattern, or any shape recreational fireworks can have. It should be recognizable as a Detonation of some sort. Here are some examples of firework shapes.



Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. It can also appear on modifiers that are not touching the marking.


  • Vibrancy - Can create a second color of Detonations. These can be different bursts or a gradient within one Detonation.
  • Pharaoh - Pharaoh can affect individual sparks of Detonation, as long as the pattern is easy to spot.
  • Mist, Sooty, Wisp, Dust - If both Detonation and one of these traits are charged, then Detonation can create clouds that float off of the dragon's body that match the Charged trait.

Charged Detonation

Charged Detonation may have any number of colors.


Category: Display

Emblazoned forms long stripes that run along your dragon's body. It will be parallel with the spine. It should not be exclusive to the wings, and any stripes on the wings should be a small branch from the main mark.


Color Rules

You may have a gradient between two colors, a solid color, or a mix of the two. The gradient for each does not have to align. The marking follows normal elemental color rules. You can include small dots that match one of the chosen colors inside of the marking.


Shape Rules

Stripes will be long and flowing. It will run parallel to the dragon's spine. At minimum, one long stripe should be visible. You may create splits in the stripes, as long as the splits still follow the flow of the body. Only small branches of the stripes can affect the wings (shown below) and limbs.




Layering Rules

This marking can go above or beneath other markings. It will not cover top layer markings.



Texture Rules

Emblazoned has a solid edge.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.


  • It will not appear on wings and limbs unless it splits off from a longer body stripe.

Charged Emblazoned

This allows you to have a gradient of up to three colors, rather than just two. Charged Emblazoned can be any colors. It can also be much thicker and resemble blocks of color.




Category: Display

Pharaoh is a marking that creates a pattern of markings in two to four colors. They can be the shape of lines, scales, or feathers. They should alternate in a clear and consistent pattern. You may pick from the following colors:

  • Red
  • Gold
  • Black
  • Blue
  • White

Here are some suggested sliders:

Here are some correct and incorrect examples of patterns:

If a trait has distinct pattern shapes (such as a striped marking), you may choose to have Pharaoh affect that trait. It will create a pattern of color as usual, but instead of feathers or lines, it will use the shape of that trait. Pharaoh can affect any number of traits.

Charged Pharaoh

Charged Pharaoh may use any colors in the pattern, even if it's outside of the normal elemental palette or pharaoh palette. However, the pattern should still be consistent.



Category: Display

A marking similar to tanspots. It creates large, dark spots with slight transparency. The inner part of the spotted marking may have a gradient of the same color leading out, but all spots should still be discernible. It may fade into the base color on the edges. It may be slightly blurry, as long as the spots are visible. It must all be the same color and must be darker than the area around it. At least some of the markings underneath should be visible. Other than that, it follows regular marking rules.

Here are some examples of what NOT to do:

The left has small spots instead of large blotches. The right has a lighter color instead of a darker color.

Charged Magma

The top spots may be bright orange, red, white, yellow, or electric blue instead of a darker hue. The bottom gradient may be orange, blue, red, white, or yellow instead of black. You can choose one, both, or none of the Charged Magma effects. Additionally, you may choose colors brighter than what lays beneath it, as long as it is within the elemental color scheme.



Category: Display

Scorched causes two or more points of your dragon to appear darker than what lies beneath them, a darker color within their elemental palette, or black. You can make it subtle as long as it is still visible. No matter what, it should appear as a smooth gradient. The color should be consistent throughout (unless a marking on top of or beneath it is affecting its color).

Texture Rules

It will always have a soft edge.It will always have an edge with a smooth gradient. You should not be able to distinguish shapes or solid patches.

Color Rules

Scorched will always be darker than what lays beneath it (‘darker’ refers to value). This may be a layer set to multiply or a color darker than the base scales.

Layering Rules

This marking can go above or beneath other markings. It will not cover top layer markings.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.

Charged Scorched

Each point of Charged Scorched may be a different color. The range expands to the whole body part (the whole leg, wing, etc.). It includes both the red and the purple parts below:



Category: Display

Creates a dark gradient along the back of your dragon. It should always have fully blended edges. It should create a smooth gradient on the edges. The color must be darker than what appears beneath it. It can be subtle as long as it is noticeable, but can also be black. If tinted, it will follow elemental color rules.

Texture Rules

It will always have an edge with a smooth gradient. You should not be able to distinguish shapes or solid patches.

Color Rules

Sable will always be darker than what lays beneath it (‘darker’ refers to value). This may be a layer set to multiply or a color darker than the base scales. It may also appear near-black.

Layering Rules

This marking can go above or beneath other markings. It will not cover top layer markings.

Effects on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. If it extends to the wings, it will only appear on the top of the dragon’s wings.

Charged Sable

Charged Sable may be lighter than what lays beneath it or white.



Category: Display

Fairy allows you to add the markings and colors of any bug or amphibian to your dragon. It must apply to at least one side of the dragon’s wings, but you may choose for it to cover the entire body. This will cover any markings beneath it. It may only take inspiration from a single species, which must be listed in Design Notes. If the animal has bioluminescence, translucence, iridescence, transparent skin, or similar coloring traits, they may be included. While shells and tubes cannot be added, their patterns may be incorporated in areas that are not present on the animal normally (such as shell-colored wings on a slug-based dragon).

Texture Rules

The marking has no edge, therefore it has no texture.

Color Rules

This marking will only display the colors of the arthropod species it imitates.

Layering Rules

This overrides all other display traits. If your dragon has a mutation, the mutation will override it.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. These may be colored either to match adjacent colors/markings or to imitate the arthropod’s or amphibian’s features.  If the animal has bioluminescence, translucence, iridescence, transparent skin, or similar coloring traits, they may be included. You may choose not to use Fairy on traits that are not part of the main body, or on one side of the wings. Examples include fins, horns, spines, and armor. Regular markings may appear in places unaffected by Fairy.

Charged Fairy

Charged Fairy allows you to use it as a base coat and display the other traits/markings on top.



Category: Display

Leafy creates leaf and flower shapes on the dragon. They may be the same or different. They will have organic, sometimes random, placement (they will not create checkered patterns or artificial/tribal shapes). At minimum, you must show two flowers on the body somewhere (small ‘satellite’ shapes like petals do not count as a separate flower).

Shape Rules

The shape must be easily recognized as a flower or leaf shape. Diamonds or rounded diamonds without any associated petals/flowers will need veins or indents to show they are floral in nature.

Texture Rules

Leafy must have solid edges. The interior may display a gradient or several gradients or solid colors or a mix of these, as long as they follow color rules.

Color Rules

Leafy does not follow elemental color rules and may be any color. It may be one to two colors. The colors may create gradients, solid shapes, or a mix.

foliage3.png foliage4.png

Layering Rules

This marking can go above or beneath other markings. It will not cover top layer markings.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. It may also appear independently on these areas.

Charged Leafy

Charged Leafy may have a third color. You can also add vines, branches, buds, or thorns connecting Leafy together.





Category: Display

This marking gives your dragon some wildcat spots! It may cover the whole body or appear as a small cluster of markings. The rosettes should generally be grouped together.

Shape Rules

There are two pieces to the shape–the border, and the dot. The border will always be into at least two–but preferably more–pieces. Broken parts of the border may be inside of the dot. The border will have a solid edge. The inner area may be soft, solid, or erased as a gradient within the inside of the border. You can reference wildcats for different types of rosettes that follow those rules. Most rosettes boil down to the following three types:

‘Donut’ rosettes. These are large spots with a standard solid border around them.

‘Pawprint’ rosettes, which usually have a poorly defined border. About half of the border will be broken into dots that resemble the beans on cat paws.

‘Arrowhead’ rosettes, which look like regular rosettes have been tugged in the direction of the body’s movement. Their border is somewhere between Pawprint and Donut rosettes.

You may mix and match Rosette types as long as they follow the dot and border rule.

Color Rules

No matter what design you have, Rosettes has two different-colored parts. The ‘central’ part is darker than what lays beneath it, but lighter than the border. The ‘border’ part is darker than anything inside it. The color of rosettes should be consistent throughout the dragon.

Layering Rules

This marking can go above or beneath other markings. It will not cover top layer markings.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.

Charged Rosettes

Each rosette may be a different color, and the rosettes may be brighter than what lies beneath them.


False Eyes

Category: Display

This is based off of the false eyes of many insects, birds, and even mammals. There are generally three parts, in this order: an ‘iris’ part, a ‘pupil’ part, and a ‘shine’ part. Your marking must have at least two of the three parts.

Shape Rules

Here are some examples showing various types of mix and match. They can go a bit out-of-center, as long as the marking as a whole looks like a false eye. The overall shape of the iris should be a natural eye shape; the overall shape of the pupil may be any natural pupil shape.

Color Rules

The iris layer can be any color and may display a gradient between a similar color. The central layer is black or darker than the outside within elemental rules. The top layer is white or lighter than both layers beneath it within elemental rules. Each eye must have matching layer colors, though the amount of layers shown can vary.

Layering Rules

This marking can go above or beneath other markings. It will not cover top layer markings.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.

Charged False Eyes

Charged False Eyes do not need to match each others’ colors. In addition, they may overlap.


Category: Display

Chameleon is a complex marking that adds bright colors to your dragon. It first creates large bands on the legs and/or body of your dragon, with some splitting into a Y shape. It can also add a stripe down the side of the dragon which will end at the neck and the base of the tail. Then a border is drawn around this marking. You may choose to use just the shape or just the outline, rather than the whole set. There must be at least four bands visible on the dragon (or eight stripes if just using the outline).

Design with the Full Marking
Various types of Chameleon using only one part of the marking.

Texture Rules

Chameleon will always have a solid, hard edge.

Color Rules

You can see the markings a little more clearly below. The actual marking does not follow elemental color rules. It doesn’t matter if the inside is lighter or darker than the outside, as long as they are distinguishable. You may include subtle gradients on the inner parts of the marking.

You may choose for the inner color to fade away in during daily life art (and replace it with the border color) and flare back up when they become excited, just like a normal chameleon. This color change will not cause markings beneath it to appear.

Layering Rules

This marking can go above or beneath other markings. It will not cover top layer markings.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.

Charged Chameleon

Charged Chameleon currently has no effect.



Category: Display

Adds leaf-like markings to the edge of some extremities. It should be a gradient of one color that fades as it gets closer to the body with veins erased into it. It can be any color. If the marking is on a zone with thin material (wings, fins, webbing, etc.), then the edges of that material may take on a leafy texture.

Charged Foliage

Charged Foliage may take on a gradient of any number of colors.

Legacy Foliage

Legacy Foliage is referred to as Bib on genos. It creates a patch of color beneath the jaw of your dragon. It can be any solid color or display a gradient of two colors. It may have solid or soft edges. The bottom of bib may fade out as a gradient. It will otherwise have solid edges. Bib may be any color. Additionally, it may have a gradient with any other color. It does not follow elemental color rules. This marking can go above or beneath other markings. It will not cover top layer markings. It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. It does not wrap around the neck unless it is Charged.

Dart Frog

Category: Display

Dart Frog consists of two parts. The first is a series of heavy black splotching on the top of your dragon that becomes concentrated smaller spots as it reaches the belly and extremities. You can also use the black part of a living dart frog species’s markings, as long as there is at least some black on top and at least some of the base visible at the bottom. The second is a neon or highly saturated color that becomes the base color of your dragon. Here is an example of black spots for your dragon:

You may choose not to depict one of the layers. If you do not use the black spots, you erase holes in the ‘base’ that show the regular base color. If you do not use the base, you apply the black spots as usual.

Texture Rules

Dart Frog will always be have solid and smooth edges. If both the spots and the base are showing, there will be no ’empty’ space between the two layers. They fit together like pieces of a puzzle.

Various Types of Dart Frog Patterns

Color Rules

If depicted, the spots will always be black. If depicted, the base will always be a neon or highly saturated, bright color.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.

Charged Dart Frog

Charged Dart Frog may have an inverted color scheme. This means that the spots may be brightly colored and the base may be black.



Category: Display

Rattlesnake is a diamond-shaped marking that goes along the body of the dragon. The diamonds may overlap and be slightly curved, so long as they look like diamonds and not triangles or circles. If diamonds are separate from the main marking, then they should still go with flow of the body. You may have up to two borders around the diamonds. They follow normal elemental rules.

various examples of rattlesnake

Texture Rules

All areas of the marking will have a solid, smooth border.

Color Rules

Rattlesnake follows regular elemental color rules.

Layering Rules

This marking can go above or beneath other markings. It will not cover top layer markings.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.

Charged Rattlesnake

You may have ovoid shapes or circular shapes, rather than diamonds. They should still look like natural markings you would find on a snake (not perfectly circular).


Category: Display

Echo is a highly versatile marking that allows you to add one to two outlines to any number of your dragon’s markings. You may also include a transparent space in between outlines. You may make the marking itself transparent, with only the outlines showing. You can make the interior a different shape, as long as the outermost outline meets the normal edge criteria for the marking. The inner outline/marking may have faded edges, as long as its original shape is apparent. Outlines may be any color. The affected marking must still be within normal color rules. Below, you can find several different examples of outlined. The white/off white sections are transparent.

Echo may affect different markings in any way you choose. You may add one cyan outline to one marking, then a green and white outline to another. In the event that a marking covers the entire body (such as Origin), you may create a 'seam' in a location of your choosing.

Texture Rules

The outlines will follow the normal edge/texture rules of the marking.

In this example, Echo is affecting aurora, so the red Echo has the same gradient texture. It is also affecting the circuit-like marks, which creates a solid blue outline around a transparent marking.

Color Rules

Each outline may be any color, regardless of elemental rules. It will not display a gradient. It can be affected by Vibrancy, Spectrum, and other traits that affect color.

Layering Rules

This marking will be on the same layer as the marking it affects.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. It will not outline modifiers.

Notable Interactions

  • Iridescence - When clipped to Echo, you may choose whether Iridescence appears on any of the echoes, the main mark, or a mix of the two. The only requirement is that it appears as iridescence clipped somewhere rather than a solid rainbow outline.

Charged Echo

Charged Echo allows you to use three outlines on your markings instead of two.



Category: Display

Creates large, angular shapes that are clumped together like window panes. The outer lines will be black and straight. The lines may be different widths, but each individual line should stay the same size throughout. You can have several clumps, but there will be at least three panes in each cluster. You may color the inside of each pane with any color found on the dragon. In example, the above dragon only has gray, so the panes can only be gray. The below dragon has several other colors, so the panes can be several colors. Stained glass will cover up to 50% of the dragon. Minimal stained glass will show a cluster of at least three small panes. The inner panes may be up to 50% translucent, but the outer border will always be solid.

Shape Rules

Glass is defined by its black border. Each line of the border will be straight. It will never curve. Each cluster of panes will have at least three panes connected (in example: three neighboring triangles).

Texture Rules

It should have a solid edge.

Color Rules

The outside border will always be black, unless affected by Vibrancy, Dazzle, or Spectrum. You may color the inside of each pane with any color found on the dragon. In example, the above dragon only has gray, so the panes can only be gray. The below dragon has several other colors, so the panes can be several colors. Each pane will be a single solid color. The inner panes may be up to 50% translucent.

Layering Rules

You may layer it as desired. It will never go above Top Layer markings, though.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. It can also appear on modifiers that are not touching the marking.


  • Glass and Crackle - When both of these traits are present, their windows may be any color on the dragon, any color in the elemental palette, and any earthy color. They may have different colors per window even without being charged.

Charged Glass

Charged glass allows you to use curved lines. Additionally, the panes may be any color, even if the dragon does not have that color. Furthermore, it may cover the entire dragon, as long as all other traits are visible. Lastly, you may have a single gradient in each individual pane.



Category: Display

Creates geometric patterns along your dragon. Must be a single solid color. They do not glow. You may choose to make them look painted on. If you use natural shapes (like spots), it should be mixed with unnatural shapes so it is clearly part of the marking. These markings can also take on the form of numbers and letters. There must be at least ten symbols.

Shape Rules

Natural markings, such as a circle, should be altered to look unnatural. This could mean adding lines or shapes in or nearby it so that it’s clearly an artificial pattern.

Runemarks can appear in any number of unnatural shapes, so long as they are one color. They will always have a solid edge.

Charged Runemarks

Charged Runemarks may use symbols with two colors. The colors should be distinct/NOT a gradient over the whole marking. They may glow.



Category: Display

Creates one or more smooth aurora shapes on your dragon. If there are multiple auroras, they should be easy to distinguish. They will never resemble clouds, mist, or a nebula.  You may place dots of your chosen aurora colors inside of the marking as long as the marking as a whole is still smooth. The interior will not have white stars or sparkle without other markings affecting it.

Color Rules

You may choose any two natural aurora colors (the bright pinks, blues, reds, and yellows from the thunder palette are a good example) and apply them smoothly along the aurora. They may form a gradient across the stripe and/or color different stripes separately.



Layering Rules

Aurora follows normal layering rules.

Shape & Texture

Aurora typically forms soft stripe-like shapes. Only one side of this 'stripe' can be hard edged, while the other will be smooth.


Here is a bad example of Aurora, what not to do:



  1. There are no blurred areas in this.
  2. The transition between colors is not smooth.
  3. It has white sparkles. While Aurora can have spots that match the marking color, it should be contained inside the mark and never have sparkles.


Special Interactions


  • Where Aurora touches leather, fins, horns, and nails, manes, and fur tufts, it may optionally affect the color of the whole trait it touched.
  • Aurora can be affected by Vibrancy. It can add a new color or be the only color.
  • If the dragon also has Rabicano, the Aurora may have streaks and subtle dots that are the same color as Rabicano. If this is used, then Rabicano does not need to show on the dragon. Rabicano can be the same color as Aurora if it is within the color palette, so showing Rabicano at all is optional.
  • Aurora does not need to show in all the 'windows' of Glass, Crackle, or Stairstep.


Charged Aurora

Charged Aurora may use up to three natural Aurora colors. Additionally, it may sparkle or glow. aurora6.png

The glow and sparkle of Charged Aurora is treated as a light effect.



Category: Display

Creates random, jagged lines across your dragon. Lines will not follow a pattern or look like natural stripes. They may end in sharp tips. The edges must be hard and random (as if a caterpillar munched on the edges). This is a Top Layer Marking. The lines must be relatively thin–the crest region of this example shows the widest it can be. It may also glow.

Shape Rules

Sparks will be a long line or lines. Branching is minimal and random. Their shape will never look organized or artificial. It looks most similar to lightning in shape.

Here are some examples of what not to do:

The first example has no random texture to its edge. The bottom left looks like stripes rather than random shapes. The top right are too uniform in the way they split, and they don’t resemble lightning shapes/random shapes. The bottom right is uniform, curled, and looks nothing like a lightning shape.

Texture Rules

Sparks will always have a solid edge.

Color Rules

Sparks may take any colors in the elemental color palette and/or the Thunder elemental color palette. It may have up to three colors that blend smoothly with each other.

Charged Sparks

Charged Sparks may have any number of colors that blend together. The gradient may affect the tips, the back, or create a stripe, as long as the transition is smooth and the marking has its regular texture.



Category: Display

A marking that consists of one to two colors and up to three tessellated shapes. A square checkerboard pattern will always be accepted, but feel free to use any sort of tessellated shapes. You are allowed to rotate shapes as long as they are in a grid-like pattern, so triangles are another easy tessellation option. You are still limited to two colors no matter how many shapes you use, which means you will have to be creative if you want a complex tessellation to be visible. The base coat will show through any empty spots, if you choose to use them.

Shape Rules

The shapes may be any shape. However, you are limited to three. Additionally, you have to have enough to tessellate/checker.

This means that you must have at least three shapes. These shapes should be in at least two rows and at least two columns, which means each shape must appear at least three times. As long as this requirement is met, you may have a few shapes ‘missing’ from the tessellation, as long as the pattern is clear. You may also space the shapes out partially, creating the illusion of an outline.

Texture Rules

Checkered will always be solid.

Color Rules

Checkered follows elemental color rules. It may have up to two colors. These colors can affect the outline and any other shape. They don’t have to be consistent–in a simple checker example, all of the following are examples of acceptable color schemes.

Charged Checkered

You may use up to four shapes and up to five colors for Charged Checkered. One of the colors may glow.


Category: Display

A marking that resembles lightning or other fractals. It starts in one central point and then branches out from there. It may be solid, blurry, or a mix–but opacity will be consistent and 100% throughout. You can apply a gradient on the marking. It may glow.


Color Rules

It can be any color, as long as that color is lighter than the base color. It can also display a gradient and/or glow.

Layering Rules

The regular Fractal mark follows regular layer rules. However, if you choose for the mark to glow, it may also be used as a light effect.



Fractals that resemble lightning can have random branching. Other fractals do not need to be perfect, but they should be recognizable as a repeating pattern. Only one type of fractal can be used in a design.


Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.


  • Vibrancy - Vibrancy adds a second color that may be used as a gradient or a separate fractal color.
  • Frost - Fractal is optional on a dragon that displays Frost.
  • If Breeze, Stamp, Runemarks, or other marks create a fractal shape, then showing Fractal separately is optional.


Charged Fractal

Charged Fractal may be darker than the base scale color. In addition, different shapes may be used, and each Fractal may have its own color.



Category: Display

Creates a single and artificial symbol somewhere on the dragon. A heart, star, moon, pentagram, exclamation mark, question mark, ellipsis, zodiac sign, and similar symbols are all acceptable examples. If a stamp is not on the center line of your dragon (IE it is placed on a flank), then the stamp can optionally be mirrored on the other side. The stamp should be small and contained. The example below shows the ideal size for stamp. It can have up to three solid colors. The colors do not have to obey elemental color rules.

The shape limit is relative to the dragon’s size. You can see the absolute maximum and absolute minimum on the image above.

Shape Rules

Stamp may be any artificial shape. A simple circle looks natural, so slightly adjusting that shape makes it a proper stamp. When using multiple shapes, they should be tightly packed (such as the dot in the letter i), rather than spaced out.

Texture Rules

The outside must have a solid edge. Color transitions should also have a solid edge. The shapes themselves can be random, but the solid edge is important.

Color Rules

Only three colors can be present in a Stamp. They should be separated by a solid edge. The overall shape should look unnatural.

Charged Stamp

Charged Stamp may have any number of colors. In addition, you can use gradients in your stamp, and your stamp may glow.



Category: Display

Wild allows you to add the markings and colors of any extant mammal or marsupial to your dragon. It may apply to the body or the entirety of the body and wings. This will cover any markings beneath it. It may only take inspiration from a single species, which must be listed in Design Notes. If the animal has bioluminescence, translucence, iridescence, transparent skin, or similar coloring traits, they may be included.

Texture Rules

The marking has no edge, therefore it has no texture.

Color Rules

This marking will only display the colors of the mammal or marsupial species it imitates.

Layering Rules

This overrides all other display traits. If your dragon has a mutation, the mutation will override it.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits
It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. These may be colored either to match adjacent colors/markings or to imitate the mammal’s or marsupial’s features. If the animal has bioluminescence, translucence, iridescence, transparent skin, or similar coloring traits, they may be included.

You may choose not to use Wild on traits that are not part of the main body, though if wings are present, at least one side of the wings will be covered. Examples of optional areas include fins, horns, spines, and armor. Regular markings may appear in places unaffected by Wild.

Charged Wild

Charged Wild allows you to use it as a base and display the other traits/markings on top.



Category: Display

Crackle is a marking inspired by giraffes. It can cover the entire body or just a portion. If you choose just a portion, you may choose between a gradient fade and/or a sharp ending. Just make sure that the marking still resembles a giraffe pattern. The interior may contain spots of a matching color within color rules. When using this option, not all spots need to be colored in.


Color Rules

The outline may be any color in elemental rules or white. The interior may be any color in elemental rules in addition to warm, earth-like hues. Check out the right side of the earth color palette for examples. All interior spots should have a matching color.

Layering Rules

The outline of Crackle follows regular layering rules.  Each spot does not need to be fully filled--if you choose to include holes in the spots, the spot should fade softly in a gradient. The 'windows' of Crackle will always be below the outline, but each spot may be on its own layer. This means other marks may criss-cross underneath the outline of Crackle.




It is a solid mark with holes cut out from it. The outline should have a texture that makes the marking look…crackled! Optionally, the inside holes may be filled in with a single color or single color gradient. Any spots made by the mark must touch the outline somewhere. Click here for an example of illegal spots that do not touch the mark.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. It can also appear on modifiers that are not touching the marking.


  • When the outline is above regular layer marks, not all 'windows' need to show the marks below. This applies even if they are not colored in.
  • Vibrancy  - May affect one or both of the layers. May affect spots individually, as well as create a two-color gradient in the spots.
  • Splotched - May affect one or both of the layers. If a dragon displays Crackle, then Splotched is optional.
  • Forged - May affect one or both of the layers.
  • Glass and Crackle - When both of these traits are present, their windows may be any color on the dragon, any color in the elemental palette, and any earthy color. They may have different colors per window even without being charged.

Charged Crackle

Charged Crackle may have different colored spots. The outline may be any color. The spots will follow regular color rules,  in addition to cooler earthy tones like steel blue (pictured above).


Category: Display

Sandstone creates layers of sediment-colored stripes on your dragon or colored stripes within the element’s color rules. When sediment-colored, these layers should be predominantly red or tan, but can have one or two cool-colored stripes. The color scheme of sediment colors will always be warm overall. You may scatter some bits of dust across the marking (must all be the same color). Transitions between ‘layers’ in this marking must be easy to spot. It can cover 50% of the body.



Color Rules

There are two color options: one is sediment colored and the other uses the elemental color palette. Below is an example of Sandstone colors for a Thunder Element dragon. Having trouble picking colors for sediments? Check out the right side of the earth color palette!

Layering Rules

Sandstone follows regular layering rules.


It may fade out in a gradient, have a solid edge, or have a textured edge. The sediment layers should all go the same direction (slight waves are fine, especially if it flows with the body). The shape itself will be solid and look like one collection of many-colored layers.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. It can also appear on modifiers that are not touching the marking.


  • Forged - If the edge of the mark is soft, then Forged is optional.
  • Splotched - If the edge of the mark is solid or the inside is textured, then Splotched is optional.

Charged Sandstone

Charged Sandstone may cover the whole body, rather than just 50%. Additionally, the pattern can be 'folded' or 'cut' like shifted sedimentary layers. It may also clip onto a mark. When it clips onto a mark, it will take the shape of the mark. You may have the lines stay straight, or you may make them look like the inside of a layered rock!



Category: Display

A marking that creates white marks on the dragon in the shape of a skunk’s white marks. It can be any color in the elemental color scheme, as well as white. You can reference the white markings of any skunk. The edge of the marking may be solid or soft, but should not be a full gradient.


Color Rules

It can be any color in the elemental color scheme, as well as white. Additionally, it can display a subtle gradient (such as white -- > light silver) that looks like a single color at first glance.

Layering Rules

Skunk follows regular layering rules. If it is only white, it may optionally be used as a pigment trait.


Any skunk species may be references. Here are examples of an Eastern Spotted Skunk and Hognose Skunk:

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.


  • When used as a Pigment marking, its color will match any other white Pigment marks.
  • Splotched - As long as Skunk has a solid edge, then showing Splotched elsewhere is optional.

Charged Skunk

Charged skunk may have a gradient of two colors. It will still follow normal color rules. If this option is used, then Skunk cannot be used as a Pigment trait.


Category: Display

Tobiano is a white Top Layer Marking. Mutations such as shimmer or iridescence will still show on top, though these are only light reflection effects and do not actually color the dragon. You can cover up to 75% of your dragon with white. The edges must be random and solid. A tiny halo effect is allowed, but it will always be in close association with the marking, and never form shapes of its own. Below, you can see the minimum coverage and maximum coverage. An example of the halo is also visible.


Texture and Shape Rules

It should have a solid edge. The halo should also be solid. The shape itself will be solid and random with minimal holes and spots; any spots will be closely associated with the mark, and any holes will be close to the edge. The majority of the marking will be a solid patch, no matter what. Below are examples of what NOT to do. The first has huge holes and is clearly shaped on the tail, instead of being random. The second has a non-random, almost tribal pattern on the neck. The second also has far too many holes and dots.

Color Rules

Tobiano will always be white. Its halo will also be white, though it shows at a lower opacity, so the colors below may show through.

Layering Rules

It is a Top Layer marking, so it will always appear on top of all other markings.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.

Charged Tobiano

Charged Tobiano may ignore layering rules. It can sit at the bottom of your marking layers, in the middle, or on top of any marking.



Category: Display

Creates a section of tightly packed stripes that are noticeably darker than what lays beneath them. These stripes should follow the flow of the body (refer to brindled dogs for direction examples). It may be heavily textured in varying opacities, but should be the same color throughout. They otherwise follow regular marking rules. They may cover the entirety of the dragon’s body. It will never appear with a soft edge, even when textured.

If it is on top of any markings, that marking will show through:

Charged Brindle

Charged Brindle may display up to two colors. These colors should follow elemental rules, but they may be darker OR brighter than what lays beneath it.

Fawn Spots

Category: Display

Fawn spots are a line of spots that are either white or in the elemental color scheme. They must be clearly connected in a line-like pattern.

Color Rules

Fawn Spots can be white or any color within the elemental color scheme.

Layering Rules

You may layer them normally or as a top-layer marking.


You must have at least one row of spots. You can choose for them to be vertical, horizontal, or spiraled–as long as the line of spots looks like a line.It is okay if they are not perfectly circular--small oval spots work just as well. Some teardrop spots are okay as long as they look like a line of dots.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. It can also appear on modifiers that are not touching the marking.


  • Spectrum - Fawn Spots affected by Spectrum do not need to have a gradient within them, as long as the colors appear in order on the mark.
  • Appaloosa, Tobiano, Roan - Instead of making dots on the dragon, Fawn Spots may create lines of holes within these marks.
  • Comet - The dots of Comet can create shapes within the mark as if they were Fawn Spots. If this effect is used, then regular Fawn Spots are optional.
  • Spotted - If both Spotted and Fawn Spots are present, then Spotted may create patterns the same way Fawn Spots does.

Charged Fawn Spots

Charged Fawn Spots may be any color, even if it’s outside of the elemental color scheme.



Category: Display

A simple marking that covers the belly of your dragon in a solid patch of color that is roughly symmetrical. At least 1/3rd of the mark will appear in the dark red area. The light red area shows the approximate maximum.

Shape Rules

It can cover the entirety of your dragon’s limbs, excluding the upper side of wings. It should not extend all the way to the spine of your dragon, the crest of your dragon, or the top of your dragon’s snout. Reference the underbelly of dogs and orcas if you are having difficulty with it! Here are some examples of shaping. First, these two are both examples of roughly minimum coverage, but in different locations:

Next, here is an example of alternate shaping with soft edges, then a more fluid shape:

Texture Rules

The dark red area shows the minimum size, although it may be in slightly different locations.

Color Rules

Underbelly may be any color in the elemental color palette as well as black or white.

Layering Rules

This marking can go above or beneath other markings. It will not cover top layer markings.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.

Charged Underbelly

Charged Underbelly may display a gradient between two colors. These colors must still follow regular marking rules.



Category: Display

Shark allows you to add the markings and colors of any fish or mollusk to your dragon. It will take up 100% of the dragon’s body and override all other display traits or color modifier traits. It may only take inspiration from a single species, which must be listed in Design Notes. If the animal has bioluminescence, translucence, iridescence, transparent skin, or similar coloring traits, they may be included.

Texture Rules

The marking has no edge, therefore it has no texture.

Color Rules

This marking will only display the colors of the fish species it imitates.

Layering Rules

This overrides all other display traits. If your dragon has a mutation, the mutation will override it.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. These may be colored either to match adjacent colors/markings or to imitate the fish species’s fins. If the animal has bioluminescence, translucence, iridescence, transparent skin, or similar coloring traits, they may be included.

You may choose not to use Shark on traits that are not part of the main body. Examples of optional areas include fins, horns, spines, wings, and armor. Regular markings may appear in places unaffected by Shark.

Charged Shark

Charged Shark allows you to use it as a base and display the other traits on top.



Category: Display

Koi creates spots or patterns on your dragon that a koi would have. At minimum, it may just be one spot in one of the colors mentioned below. At maximum, it may affect the whole dragon.


Color Rules

The mark must use at least one of the following colors, but may use any number of natural koi colors if desired (as long as it is a real-world pattern possibility):

  • Red/Red-orange
  • Black
  • White
  • Blue



Koi can take on any patterns and colors of a real-world koi. This includes any soft edges, gradients, marks, solid edges, and so on that a koi can show. If you’re having trouble putting down a pattern, you can refer to any pattern that appears on koi fish in real life. If there is a photo of a koi with the mark in the real world, then it is an acceptable form of Koi!

Layering Rules

Koi normally follows regular layering rules. All other traits should still be apparent. Koi can optionally be split into two sections--a layer that is a 'base' with only smooth/solid colors and a layer that has the 'marks.' The base may also have holes in the shape of an invisible 'mark' layer. Here is an example of different two-layer style layering with a separate green stripe mark:


Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. It can also appear on modifiers that are not touching the marking.It can even create solid areas on these traits (such as making all wing leather solid red, even if a koi pattern is not near it).


  • Vibrancy - This may add a color or even replace the required colors of Koi.
  • Spectrum - Spectrum affects layers of Koi individually.

Charged Koi

Charged Koi may use any color from the dragon's elemental color palette, in addition to natural Koi colors. Gradient markings connected to Koi may be treated as their own layer, rather than part of the base.


Category: Display

Creates a pattern of light and/or dark patches on your dragon’s scales. This means they don’t have to be black and white. The edges can be solid, textured, or a little bit messy.



Color Rules

Marbled follows elemental color rules, but the border should be darker than the inner area. Additionally, the inner area may be white/lighter than the palette and the outer layer may be black/darker than the palette. Each color can have a subtle gradient as long as it still looks like a solid color.

Layering Rules

The core of the mark is made of white, rounded shapes. This layer has a dark border around it. The border can be a plain outline or a bit mismatched, as long as all light spots are in contact with the border and not floating. Using the dark border layer is optional. You can use the 'light layer' to clip into the dark area and create holes in the dark marking, like the bottom example in this image:



The core of the mark is made of white, rounded shapes. This layer has a dark border around it. The border can be a plain outline or a bit mismatched, as long as all light spots are in contact with the border and not floating. Here are some examples of acceptable patterns:

In this example, red=transparent/base color.

You may cover a small area, the entirety of the dragon, or anywhere in between. When covering the whole dragon, it should still be clear that the mark is made of blotches of white and black. Reference the markings of African Wild Dogs or dogs with Merle coats for examples of two extreme shapes possible with Marbled. Bubble textures also work well. Part of the shape may fade out in a gradient, as shown below.


Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. It can also appear on modifiers that are not touching the marking.


  • If a dragon displays Hailstorm or a spotted marking that is lighter than the base, then showing Marbled in other ways is optional.
  • Spotted, Echo, Hailstorm - If a dragon displays Marbled, then showing these traits is optional.

Charged Marbled

You may add an extra outline/layer to Charged Marbled. This layer may be black, white, or any color in the elemental color rules.


Category: Display

Marked creates one solid patch of color that may be any hue on the end of the tail. At minimum, it covers 1/2 of the tail. At maximum, it covers the whole tail. Its edge may be solid, textured, soft, or a gradient. It is a Top Layer Marking.

Charged Marked

Charged Marked may extend up to the hind legs of the dragon. It will not affect the regular wings of the dragon.


Category: Display

Creates streaks or a web of a color running across your dragon that resembles the reflection of water ripples.

You may use white or a color from the regular palette. Ripple should be soft. You may include brighter patches on the lines of the marking, as well as subtle shadows inbetween the marking. These adjustments won't change the hue.

Here’s a video showing two different ways to make Ripple.

Charged Ripple

Charged Ripple may ignore color and brightness rules.



Category: Display

A simple marking that covers the top of your dragon in a solid patch of color that is roughly symmetrical. At least 1/3rd of the mark will appear in the dark red area. The light red area shows the approximate maximum.

Shape Rules

It can cover the entirety of your dragon’s back as well as part of the dragon's limbs. It can also cover the entire top of the wings, but will never appear on the bottom. It should not extend all the way to the belly of your dragon or the bottom of your dragon’s snout. Here are some examples of shaping and range:

Texture Rules

The edge may be hard or soft; It will never be a gradient.

Color Rules

Blanket may be any color in the elemental color palette as well as black or white.

Layering Rules

This marking can go above or beneath other markings. It will not cover top layer markings.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.

Charged Blanket

Charged Blanket may display a gradient between two colors. These colors must still follow regular marking rules.



Category: Display

Orca creates swirls on your dragon and may appear one of two ways. It can modify one marking to make it look swirled. Alternatively, it creates a simple marking that adds a patch of color from the elemental color scheme, or white, to the lower spine of your dragon (always close to the hindlimbs or where hindlimbs would be). It can take on some pretty weird shapes along with some plain ones–look at real orca markings for some ideas! The edge will appear soft, but not fully blended. If a marking is multiple layers, you may choose to affect the whole mark or just some of the layers.

Here are examples of orca affecting blanket and striped:

Charged Orca

Charged Orca may create a swirled marking anywhere on the dragon. Additionally, it can cover up to 1/3rd of the dragon, rather than a small back area.


Category: Display

Adds spots of a single color to your dragon. They may be various sizes (freckle-sized at least), but should clearly be spots. Place as desired. Follows regular marking rules plus you may use black or white. If spotted makes patterns, it will not create a line of swirls. You may create a heavy fleabitten effect with them, as long as all spots are the same color.

Color Rules

Spotted follows regular elemental color rules. A subtle gradient between two very similar colors may be used, as long as spots near each other appear to be the same color. Example of a gradient on the right:


Layering Rules

Spotted follows regular layering rules.


A spot is one circular, oval, or egg-like shape. It should be rounded. While spots can overlap a bit, they should still clearly look like spot shapes. If Spotted is creating a fleabitten effect, the opacity may vary a bit, and it can overlap heavily.


Charged Spotted

You may have two different colors of spots.


Category: Display

Somatic creates a patch that covers between 25%-75% of the dragon. It may be one solid patch, or it can be interspersed like a merle or patchy pattern. The edges may be solid, textured, or a gradient. This patch lays on the bottom of all markings. It can be any color within elemental rules. Markings on top of it also change color according to elemental rules.

Color Rules

Somatic is a base that can be any color that the dragon's base can normally be (as long as it is different than the actual base). The markings on top of it are also changed within normal color rules. Here are some examples of Somatic using this shape.


Layering Rules

The base of Somatic lays on the bottom. All markings above Somatic follow their color rules.


The base shape can be random or have a pattern (such as splitting the dragon equally down the middle or creating a checkerboard pattern).

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

This will affect the color of all modifiers and markings on top of it.


  •  You may use color modifiers on it, but markings on top will still follow elemental color rules. All effects will only affect the bottom layer of Somatic.
  • Cover Traits - Marks that use a whole species as a reference still have to stick to the species chosen. If no known color variants are known, then a slightly darker or lighter patch will work, or the Somatic trait can be hidden entirely. If color morphs are known, then the pattern will stay the same but the color will match the morphs. Here is an example of a Somatic budgie which can be used for Somatic + Dancer.

Charged Somatic

Charged Somatic allows you to change the position of markings along with their color. This creates the illusion of a physical chimera (or a combination of two completely different marking/color designs). If a trait references species, then different species may be used.



Category: Display

Frost creates large, light patterns across the dragon. They can either be patterns similar to snowflakes or they can create sheets of textured frost. It must be white or very close to white, and most certainly lighter than the base coat. Hints of color to add texture are fine (seen in the examples).


Color Rules

Frost should be predominantly light colored. White is preferred. Below is an example of a saturated Frost mark that still looks frozen.


Layering Rules

Frost is treated as a Variable Pigment Trait. It can be above or below most markings.


Frost can create patterns like snowflakes or lace frills. Alternatively, they can cover the dragon in patches of frost. Patterns of Frost should have a solid edge and be full opacity. Patches of Frost should have a solid or textured edge.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. It can also appear on modifiers that are not touching the marking.


  • Starry - If Charged Frost displays on a dragon, then Starry is optional.
  • Fractal - If Frost displays on a dragon, then Fractal is optional.

Charged Frost

You may add small snowflakes throughout the dragon design. Frost may be black or near-black instead of white.



Category: Display

Rare | Storm

Creates splotches on your dragon that look similar to blankets of blood. Inspired by the bloodmark gene in horses. It is a Pigment Trait, so it lies on top of most markings. The marking should have a clear, solid edge. You can cover up to 75% of your dragon with the vampire mark. It should be the color of a chestnut horse (brown, red, or maroon). If you are having trouble picking a color, you may use the sliders below:


Shape Rules

This shows two shaping options, as well as the minimum and maximum coverage:

The shape itself will be solid and random; any spots will be closely associated with the mark, and any holes will be close to the edge. You can either do a large, mostly solid pattern, or you may do something that looks like blood splatter or dripping liquid. Note that it must be opaque, and it will not have varying textures or opacities within the mark.


It should have a solid edge. This is true even with ‘splattery’ shapes. Here are some examples of good splattered vampire shapes:


Below are examples of what NOT to do. The first has a clearly shaped tail marking, instead of being random. The second has a too many varying opacities and a textured edge. The marking must be solid, not textured, and it must all be the same opacity.

Color Rules

Vampire will always be red, brown, tan, or maroon. It may display a subtle gradient between similar colors across the marking. Here is an example of the gradient:

Layering Rules

It is a Pigment Trait, so it lies on top of most markings.

Notable Interactions

  • Legacy Display - While Display can change the color of vampire, it will change it within color rules. This means you can change it from a tan-brown to a maroon-red, but not tan-brown to lime green.
  • Vibrancy - Vibrancy does not affect Vampire.
  • Dazzle - Dazzle does not affect Vampire.

Charged Vampire

Charged Vampire may ignore layering rules. It can sit at the bottom of your marking layers, in the middle, or on top of any marking. Charged Vampire may display varying opacities and textures, similar to ink splatter.


Category: Display

A light, dark, or mixed layer that resembles mist or smoke. Its edges should be soft and look like rolling clouds, mist, or the edges of smoke. It should not cover more than half of the dragon.

Color Rules

Mist may have up to two colors in the elemental color palette. Lighter and darker shades of these colors to create cloud shading is fine. White, black, and grey are also allowed.

Layering Rules

The mark follows regular layer rules.


Mist should never appear as a solid marking or smooth gradient. It should have variation in all visible areas that makes it appear like a cloud, fog, or mist. It will always be soft and any defined shapes should be easy to recognize as clouds.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. It can also appear on modifiers that are not touching the marking.


  • Spectrum - When Spectrum affects Mist, the Spectrum may be integrated into the mist pattern and make cloud shapes. The gradient should still be in roughly the right order, but it doesn't need to be exact where the Mist shapes interrupt it.
  • Detonation - If both Detonation and Mist are charged, then Detonation can create clouds that float off of the dragon's body that match the normal shape of Mist.

Charged Mist

Charged Mist may cover the dragon’s entire body. Additionally, it may appear with any number of colors as long as they still appear as clouds. Charged Mist does not follow elemental color rules.



Category: Display

Creates patches of skin with no scales. The skin shows through as a natural skin color or a pastel color. Since the marking commonly appears on the face, it makes it look like the dragon dipped its head into a pollen-filled flower.

 The color must be a very light pastel. If you are having trouble picking colors, you may use the lighter, less saturated colors of the light palette.


Color Rules

The skin shows through as a natural skin color or a pastel color. This includes black, brown, cream, gray, and other colors.

Note that fur, hair, and scale colors are not the same as skin colors.

Layering Rules

Pollen is a special display trait that affects the scales themselves. Wherever this marking touches, the scales of the dragon are removed, revealing the color of the flesh underneath. Pigment traits can affect Pollen, but those traits will always be washed out (for example, vampire will appear pink or light tan instead of red or brown). It will always go on top. It even covers other special layer traits.


It may be as small as the tips of the snout and limbs or cover up to 50% of a dragon. The edges may be a gradient. It can also have 'scales' erased out of it that match the scales of the dragon. Finally, you can choose to create a 3D transition to the mark, such as the fur cutting off below:

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

  • If a mark would create scales, fur, or non-bony protrusions on a dragon, then those traits will not show in that area.




  • The following markings will create an altered area of skin color where it would cover pollen: Hailstorm, Tobiano, Appaloosa, Vampire, Dust, Starry, Flaunt, Frost, and Zebra (as well as any other Pigment layer marks). Dust and Somatic can create splotching where it touches as well, within regular Pollen color rules. The altered color will still follow regular Pollen rules, and should be adjusted to roughly match the mark (red-hued for Vampire, lighter for Tobiano, etc.). It should be different enough that it is clearly on an area with no scales.
  • Chroma will display on top of pollen as normal.
  • This will still display on albino dragons.

Charged Pollen

Can make the entire dragon scaleless. If the whole dragon is scaleless, then things like Heraldry and Plumes are optional, as they have no way of showing.


Category: Display

A marking inspired by real-world vitiligo. It creates small white dots that can also gather in one place.


Color Rules

Hailstorm will always be white or off-white. Some spots as well as the halo may be a slightly lower opacity. They may be slightly transparent. You may include a halo of lighter opacity around it, which may have holes and spots of its own. This halo will be close to the main marking.

Layering Rules

Hailstorm is a Pigment trait and goes on top of most markings.



If it clumps together, it should be textured so that it’s recognizable as a collection of smaller white spots. Although they can clump together, they cannot create patterns.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. It can also appear on modifiers that are not touching the marking.

Charged Hailstorm

May include large white spots or use entirely large spots.



Category: Display

Panda is a marking with various forms. The first resembles a regular panda. The second resembles a red panda. The third resembles a lemur (which can be quite varied with all those lemur species out there). Panda will not hide other marks, even if both layers are displayed. If the lemur is unusual, please include what species it is when submitting your design--it makes it easier for us to reference them!

Color Rules

Panda has up to three layers. The first has the 'bright' area, which can be white or lighter than the dragon's base color. The second is the 'dark' area, which is black are of the species or the darkest color of the species pattern. On the dragon, these may be black or darker than the dragon's base color. The colors do not need to match hues as long as the brightness is correct. If a species only has two colors, then it will only have these layers, and they will fit together like puzzle pieces. For species with 'medium' or any other colors, it may be included as a 'base layer' with a single color. This color may be any color in the elemental color palette or a color that matches the referenced species (such as red for a Red Panda). The base layer must have a brightness in between the light and dark layers.


Layering Rules

Panda will not hide other marks, even if all layers are displayed. The light and dark area may be layered in any order, but any base layer must be on the bottom layer. You may show one, two, or three layers--all of the above and below configurations are valid examples of a Red Panda pattern.


Refer to the real animals for shapes. Edges may be hard or match the referenced species. In some species, gradients will show up, such as the lemur below. These gradient areas are optional. They can also be converted to hard edges.


Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. It can also appear on modifiers that are not touching the marking. It can even create solid areas on these traits (such as making all wing leather, horns, and fins a solid color that matches the dark layer).


  • Color modifications only affect one layer of Panda, regardless of how many layers you display.

Charged Panda

You may also use any color in the elemental color palette for the dark layer of Charged Panda. The dark layer may ignore brightness rules.


Category: Display

Creates natural stripes on the body of the dragon. It will never create tribal patterns. They follow regular color rules, but may also be black and white. The stripes will be about the size of tiger stripes, relative to the dragon, and will not be tightly packed. Alternatively, they may look like the striped pattern of tabby cats. They must be full opacity, although you can erase parts of the marking with a soft brush to create a fade-out effect. You may add a slightly lighter or darker gradient to the mark, as long as it looks like the same color throughout (left has gradient nuance, right is regular).


Tabby-style striped is large and blobby. It may extend a tiny bit onto the wings, as long as it's clearly part of the main mark. Gradients can be more pronounced on tabby-style stripes as long as the colors are similar. It may fade out across the whole mark, have varied edges where the 'spots' and 'stripes' fade independently, and do any sort of pattern you would expect to see on a real-world tabby cat.


Left: Solid Tabby by Zaxarie | Right: Fading Tabby by Doom

Charged Striped

Charged Striped may have two different stripe colors. It may appear as a gradient, different for each stripe, or a mix of these.


Category: Display

Dancer allows you to add the markings and colors of any bird to your dragon. It will take up 100% of the dragon’s body and override all other display traits or color modifier traits. It may only take inspiration from a single species, which must be listed in Design Notes. If the animal has bioluminescence, translucence, iridescence, transparent skin, or similar coloring traits, they may be included.

Texture Rules

The marking has no edge, therefore it has no texture.

Color Rules

This marking will only display the colors of the bird species it imitates.

Layering Rules

This overrides all other display traits. If your dragon has a mutation, the mutation will override it.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits
It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. These may be colored either to match adjacent colors/markings or to imitate the bird species’s features. If the animal has bioluminescence, translucence, iridescence, transparent skin, or similar coloring traits, they may be included. Light effect modifiers, such as shimmer, iridescence, gilded, and so on may show through the marking. These traits still follow their regular rules and would either attach to Dancer as a whole or affect a single marking beneath it.

You may choose not to use Dancer on traits that are not part of the main body, though if wings are present, at least one side of the wings will be covered. Examples of optional areas include fins, horns, spines, and armor. Regular markings may appear in places unaffected by Dancer.

Charged Dancer

Charged Dancer allows you to use it as a base coat and display the other traits on top.



Category: Display

A whimsical marking that creates thin lines tipped in feathery shapes, curls, or droplets. When using organic shapes, they should be small and complement the rest of the lined marking. The lines can branch as long as they continue to curl. You may include small droplets or dots close to the marking (it must clearly be part of the same marking and be very small/thin). They can be any single color. All of these are examples of Breeze styles. They may be used individually or all at once--there is no limit to the number of Breeze styles that can be on a dragon.


what NOT to do:

  • Do not make stripes without a mix of curves, dots, tears, or feathers.
  • Do not make lineless patterns. No feathers/dots/tears should be by themselves without a line nearby.
  • Breeze must have a curved line somewhere in the design.


Charged Breeze

You may include any second color in the marking. It may appear as a gradient, as a second set of breeze lines, or a mix of both.

Flight Bars

Category: Display

These are most visible while in flight and are based on the speculum feathers of birds. They should be on the bottom area of the wing close to the body and only on a SINGLE SIDE of the wing (you pick dorsal or ventral). You may include horizontal white, black, or brown banding like the speculum feathers of some ducks. The band itself should not extend to the bottom of the wings unless you create a black, white, or brown bar on the bottom edges of the marking. It will not appear anywhere else on the dragon and will not show on wingless dragons. They will create opaque patches on translucent wings, with dorsal and ventral sides showing a different color.

NOTE: ALL STRIPES MUST BE HORIZONTAL! These stripes show the direction that flight bars can go.

Flight bars will never appear vertical in relation to the wing. They will only be horizontal. The length and position is up to you, as long as there is one main bar and it is horizontal. You may have any number of black and white bars, but only one of them may be brightly colored. The brightly colored bar should not touch the bottom edge of the wings.

Texture Rules

The edge of Flight Bars can be textured, a gradient, or solid.

Color Rules

Flight Bars may be any color within elemental rules. In addition, one central bar can show a gradient between any two colors. It can be affected by color modifiers. You may add white or black outline bars on the top or bottom of the marking. These outline bars can go out of range, as long as the marking covers less than 50% of the wing overall. Any sections that touch the edge of the wings will be white or black. Flight bars will create opaque patches on translucent wings, with dorsal and ventral sides of the colorful stripe showing a different color.
Here are some examples of how to create outlines on the Flight Bars:

Layering Rules

Flight Bars may be layered in any order, but will not appear over Top-Layer Markings.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

Flight Bars is restricted to the wings. It will not appear anywhere else on the dragon and will not show on wingless dragons.

Charged Flight Bars

Charged Flight Bars allows you to show the marking on both sides of the wing. Additionally, all bars may be any color, and the marking may be asymmetric.



Category: Display

A large stripe marking that affects the wings and/or tail of a dragon, along with any flat traits such as webbing or feathers. You may make multiple bars of various widths; Two is the minimum amount of bars allowed. The bars also do not have to extend the entirety of the wing. You may also make sections of the bar triangular or separated, similar to the wings of a snowy owl, as long as they are clearly part of a bar. Barred follows regular elemental color rules, plus it may pull from the Wind color palette.

Charged Barred

Charged Barred may be up to two different colors. These colors will still follow regular marking rules.


Category: Display

Rows of streaks on the belly, shoulders, face, legs, arms, neck, or back of a dragon. Basically, anywhere but a dragon's wings! They can resemble the belly, back, or neck streaks of any bird. In addition to the regular elemental colors, they may be brown, tan, white, or black. They may also create a line in the center area of feathered and smooth scales anywhere on the body, similar to the rachis of a feather. This 'rachis' streak mark can be anywhere on the dragon with scales or feathers that can show them.


Color Rules

In addition to the regular elemental colors, they may be brown, tan, white, or black.

Layering Rules

This marking can go above or beneath other markings. It will not cover top layer markings.


They can resemble the belly, back, or neck streaks of any bird. The chest plumes of a peregrine falcon are a perfect example. The streaks of a Song Sparrow show what longer, line-like streaks can look like.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. It can also appear on modifiers that are not touching the marking, as long as it is not on the wings.


  • Barred - If Barred appears on the tail, then showing Streaks is optional. If Barred is present, then Streaks may appear on the wings.

Charged Streaks

Charged Streaks may have up to two colors. It can appear on the back/top of wings near the shoulder. It will still follow regular color rules.


Category: Display

 It creates a solid color or a natural mask on your dragon’s face. You do not need to reference a species unless it looks tribal or unnatural.The two examples below show the maximum amount cap can show. It follows normal elemental color rules, plus it can use black, white, brown, tan, and/or gray. At minimum, a single natural-looking mark can show in the range and count as Cap.

Color Rules

It follows normal elemental color rules, plus it can use black, white, brown, tan, and/or gray. If you choose to reference a species for marks, you do not have to match the colors of that species. In example, here is a Blue Jay cap shown in an Earth palette:

Layering Rules

Cap follows regular layering rules.


A cap that can cover up to the entirety of your dragon’s head and the back of the neck. It may fade out in a gradient. The markings do not need to exist on a living animal, as long as they look natural. It will NOT go below the shoulders and will not appear on the front of the neck.


Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. At least part of it must be on the neck.


  • Collared - If Cap is present with Collared, then Cap may be treated as if it was Charged. Collared must appear within the usual range, but it may use Charged Cap color  and shape rules.
  • Frog Throat - If Frog Throat is present with Cap, then Cap can be treated as if it was Charged.

Charged Cap

Charged Cap does not need to follow color rules. It can cover the entire neck (but will not go past the upper shoulders).



Category: Display

Collared forms 1 to 3 rings around the neck that can stretch from the back of the skull all the way down to the shoulders. It doesn’t need to take up all that space. It may be as subtle as a single small half-ring.


Above: Maximum and Minimum (location of minimum can be anywhere on the neck)

Color Rules

Collared follows regular elemental color rules. You may also use black, white, brown, or tan instead of an elemental color. It may present in 1-3 colors. They may color each collar individually or create a gradient throughout the mark.

Layering Rules

Collared follows regular layering rules.



You may choose to have these collars taper out as they would in birds. The edges may be soft, hard, textured, or a mix of these–as long as their shape is still clearly visible. They can even present as stripes as long as they are in the normal range.




Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. At least part of it must be on the neck.


  • If PharaohRunemarks, Aurora, Sparks, Checkered, Fractal, Zebra, or similar marks present as stripes or rings on the neck, then adding Collared is optional.
  • Cap - If Cap is present with collared, then Cap may be treated as if it was Charged. Collared must appear within the usual range, but it may use Charged Cap color rules.
  • Coils, Halo, Debris, Bumble, and similar physical traits that present as a full ring around the neck of the dragon can be used instead of Collared, as long as they are a different color than the neck.
  • Marked - If both Collared and Marked are charged, then Marked can follow the same shape rules as Collared.

Charged Collared

Charged Collared have any number of colors and up to five rings.


Category: Display

Tipped may color the end of a dragon’s modifiers or limbs in any color within elemental rules. It should not make barred or striped patterns. There should be no holes in the marking. You may simply color the tips of fingers and limbs, create sock-like markings on your dragon, or do both. The marking will radiate from extremities. On limbs, these socks will never extend past the first ‘elbow’ or ‘knee’ of your dragon. For minimum areas, the very tips of the extremities should be colored (such as the toes).

For wings and other flat areas on the dragon, it’s a bit more complicated! If it has a joint, then the ‘elbow’ joint and beyond can be tipped. For everything else, the general rule is that it may cover half of the trait, starting from the furthest areas of the body. You may combine the two approaches. The red area shows an example of the maximum allowed for this dragon:


You can combine the two, but any transitions must be made within the normal range. At minimum, it must be visible on at least one limb’s extremities. Here are some examples of legal tips:

Texture Rules

It should have a solid edge.

Color Rules

Tipped will always be within elemental color rules unless it is affected by a color modifier or marking like Vibrancy.

Layering Rules

You may layer it above or below all regular markings.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things, as long as it is restricted to their tips.

Charged Tipped

Charged Tipped allows you to cover the whole limb, wing, neck, or similar protrusion. It can fill both the red and purple areas of this example:


Category: Display

Veil is a marking that covers the whole body; You can erase soft holes into it, but it should generally stick to creases or folds/accent musculature if possible. It can be any color. It will always have soft edges. Veil may be layered in any order. In the example below, Veil is black, and the base of the dragon is red. You can see the rest of the dragon's marks through the holes in Veil. It may optionally be used as a light effect where light does not reflect off of the scales.


Color Rules

Veil may be any color. It can also be a gradient between a dark and desaturated color and any other color.

Layering Rules

Veil hides any marking it covers. Displaying even cover and pigment traits on top is optional. It can show on top of most things as a light effect. Any area without Veil or with holes in Veil will still show markings as usual. If Veil covers the entire dragon, then all other marks are optional (with the exception of Pollen). Light effects optionally still show through Veil.


Veil may cover the whole dragon or simply be in a few creases. As long as the edge is soft and 'scarce' areas are closest to creases, it can be any shape.


Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things.


  • Displaying any mark over Veil is optional--with one exception.
  • Pollen - Will always display on top of Veil. However, the color of Pollen may be slightly altered to match Veil where it touches.

Charged Veil

Charged Veil may use a gradient between any three colors.



Category: Display

Creates a large marking with a solid, soft, or textured edge. It will never have a fully blended edge. The inside has two colors–in any pattern–with soft blending. These can be any colors except black or white. You may add dots within of the corresponding colors, but these dots should not be white, shimmer, or resemble stars. It may cover 75% of the dragon. You may layer this as you please, or you may use it like a Top Layer Marking.

Here is the minimum and maximum coverage for Nebula, as well as examples for the inner coloring:

Texture and Shape Rules

It may have a solid, soft, or textured edge. It will never have a fully blended edge. It will create random shapes and not be overly spotted on the edge. Here are some examples of what NOT to do. The left has a single color, has too much spotting on the wing area, and has inorganic shapes on the neck region. The right has large holes, striped shaping, white sparkles, and too many colors.



Color Rules

The inside has two colors–in any pattern–with soft blending. These can be any colors except black or white. You may add dots within of the corresponding colors, but these dots should not be white, shimmer, or resemble stars.The two colors will not be a gradient; Instead, they will form soft clouds within the marking. Note that the edges should still be hard. If you choose similar colors (such as the right example above), they should still be different enough that the cloud pattern is easily visible.

Layering Rules

You may choose whether this is a Top Layer Marking or a marking with regular layering.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.

Charged Nebula

Charged nebula can cover the whole body. It may have any number of colors, as long as it’s more than one. It may have sharp shapes and white stars on the inside, as long as it resembles an actual nebula.



Category: Display

Creates spooky markings on your dragon. Examples include: Zombie stitches, bones, spiders, webs, bats, and so on.


Color Rules

Stitched can be any color.

Layering Rules

Stitched is a variable pigment trait. This means it can be on top of most other markings or layered like a normal mark.


For details about the type of shapes that are allowed for stitching, check out the Mortician display trait. For bones and spiderwebs, you may use cartoony styles or realistic.


Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

Stitched may appear on any modifiers and physical traits unless covered by other Display traits.

Charged Stitched

A second color can be used for the mark. The color may be alternating, a gradient, or mixed and matched. In addition, any skull-shaped areas may show any colors, markings, and gradients.




Category: Display

Starry creates star shapes on the body of your dragon. They may have any number of points, so long as the points are clear. There is a minimum of four points. The shape may also be smaller dots, similar to a starry sky, as long as they do not overlap or resemble spots. When smaller dots are used, they should be fairly random, rather than dotted lines. Starry is a hard-edged marking and will not appear to glow or shimmer beyond its usual shape.

Texture Rules

Starry is a hard marking. It will not be blurry or glow.

Color Rules

You may use any or all of the following colors, in any amount and mixture, so long as each individual star is one color: White, Cyan, Red-orange, Yellow, Black, and any color from the dragon's Elemental colors. They must be visible against the base.

Layering Rules

It is a Top Layer marking, so it will always appear on top of all other markings.

Effects on Modifiers and Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things.

Charged Starry

Charged Starry allows for lines between the constellations. Lines should be straight and all one color.



Category: Display

Creates swirls along the dragon resembling incense smoke. Parts of what lays beneath it should be visible with variation in transparency (see the guides below for better detail). You may use any single color, even if it is outside of regular elemental rules. It may cover the whole body, as long as it does not resemble thick clouds.

What Not to Do:

The left example does not have any variation in transparency, so it won’t count for wisp.The right example looks more like thin lines/filigree patterns instead of smoke.

>Click for Video Tutorial<

Texture Rules

It must have several soft edges. You may emphasize the edge of Wisp, as long as parts on the inside are transparent.
Here are some tutorials on making wisp-like designs:

Color Rules

Wisp may be any color.

Layering Rules

This is a regular marking. It will appear below top layer markings.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits
It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. It can also appear on modifiers that are not touching the marking.

Charged Wisp

Charged Wisp may use a gradient of any two colors.



Category: Display

Creates bright flecks of color concentrated on one marking. It is a brighter color that takes from the marking itself, the element’s normal color rules, or white. If your dragon has no markings, it will display on minimal markings. Below, the white dots are comet on top of a Collared mark.

Color Rules

Although Comet can vary in opacity, it should be a single color. It will not create a shimmering or twinkling effect.

Layering Rules

Comet is part of the marking it affects. It will be the same layer as this mark. If the mark has multiple layers, you may apply comet to any number of them. Here are three examples of comet affecting the same mark.


Comet will not display outside of its designated marking. They may be small flecks or larger dots. You can see the largest dots below. At minimum, two flecks of comet should be visible on a mark. The speckles should only be random or make natural patterns.


Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where the mark it's attached to touches.


  • Fawn Spots - The dots of Comet can create shapes within the mark as if they were Fawn Spots. If this effect is used, then regular Fawn Spots are optional.
  • Vibrancy - Vibrancy may add a second color of spots.

Charged Comet

Charged Comet may affect up to three markings. It may also be any color.


Category: Display

Creates random patches of black or very dark marking colors on your dragon; It may be very slightly tinted but should appear black on the dragon. It should appear to be the darkest color on your dragon. They should be solid, random patches. It should never have a full gradient edge. You may layer this as you please, or you may use it like a Top Layer Marking. This is inspired by interstellar dust.

Here is the minimum and maximum for Dust coverage:

Color Rules

Dust will always be black. If you are using near-blacks, it should still appear unmistakably black and be the darkest color on the design.

Texture and Shape Rules

It should have a solid or slightly soft edge. The shape itself will be solid and random; any spots will be closely associated with the mark, and any holes will be close to the edge. You can either do a large, mostly solid pattern, or you may create soft patches. These patches may appear cloud-like, as long as they are black.

Here are examples of what NOT to do. The left has large holes as well as shaped tail marks. Dust should appear randomly or organically shaped. The right has an edge with too many holes and an unnaturally shaped neck marking.


Sooty - If Dust covers the maximum amount of space (and vice versa), then showing the other mark is optional.

Charged Dust

May have a solid, soft, blended, or textured edge. This texture may be quite heavy, as in the below example!


Category: Display

Sooty creates a dark or black mark that has holes on the edge. It may use any color in the dark dragon palette as long as it appears to be the darkest marking on the dragon. They can be smooth or they can resemble the Sooty texture of real-world horses. Here is a brush set if you can’t quite pin down that textured edge: Dapple brush .

Color Rules

It may use any color in the dark dragon palette as long as it appears to be the darkest marking on the dragon.

Layering Rules

Sooty follows regular layering rules.


Sooty will cover between 25-75% of the dragon. It should have interior holes that get more numerous as they reach the edge of the mark. These may be soft, hard, or textured. Having holes at the very center of the mark is optional. Here’s a video that shows different methods of making the sooty edge.


Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.


  • Dust - If Sooty covers the maximum amount of space (and vice versa), then showing the other mark is optional.

Charged Sooty

Charged Sooty may be lighter or white, rather than darker.


Category: Display

Grunge is an Ultra-rare marking that adds splotches of corrosion and scratches on any areas of your dragon’s body. It may be partial or the entirety of the body and can be any shape (as long as shapes are clearly part of the same marking). It should have some sort of texture to it. Alternatively, it can give a rough metal texture to an existing marking.

Color Rules

It may contain up to two colors from the metal color palette. Slight variations (such as red and yellow on orange Grunge) are allowed. The dragon below is considered as 'one color' even though yellow and red are visible in the splotches.


If it is making an existing marking textured, then changing the colors of that mark is optional. This means you can have a grungy neon green Aurora. (seen below)


Layering Rules

This trait may be layered like regular pigment traits (on top of all other marks) or you may layer it underneath. Additionally, this acts as both a Color Effect and Light Effect. When being used as an effect, it can be used on traits from any layer.


It will always have a textured interior, with splotches, drops, and scratches easily visible. The edge of the marking may either be heavily textured or solid. It will never have a soft edge. If using one color, it may be any shape or combination of shapes. It can cover a small part of the dragon, the whole dragon, or anywhere in between.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. It can also appear on modifiers that are not touching the marking. On the wings, the stripes will always go from the arm to the bottom of the wing. It will never resemble barred.


  • It can give a rough metal texture to an existing marking. If another marking already has a rough metal texture, then showing Grunge is optional. This includes Veined, Rusted, Patina, and similar marks or modifiers.
  • Frost - Grunge is optional when Frost presents as a texture.

Charged Grunge

Charged Grunge may use any two colors, even if they are not listed above or in the elemental color scheme.


Category: Display

Creates a rusty marking on the dragon. The main mark may be any natural metal color. It may be soft or textured. It can also have an inner layer that matches the oxidation color of the main mark's metal. In example, Copper has a teal or green patina.

You may also have it affect another mark as a Color Modifier. The edge of the affected mark will remain the same shape/opacity/layer as usual, but the interior will have the color and texture of Patina.

Color Rules

The base may be any metal color. The optional interior will be the oxidation color of that metal. This is typically a red or brown rust, but other colors of oxidation are possible, and they can be used. In example, it is possible for iron to oxidize in a blue color. Additionally, it can have a metallic sheen.

Layering Rules

Patina presents as a single layer. You may choose whether it appears as a top layer marking or a marking with regular layering.


The interior, exterior, or both can be soft. Otherwise, they should have textured edges. The inner area can be solid, textured, or have soft variations. A scratchy texture can be applied on top.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. 


  • Splotched, Rusted - If a dragon displays Patina, then these marks are optional.
  • Forged - If Patina has a soft edge, then showing Forged elsewhere is optional.

Charged Patina

The corroded area of Charged Patina may ignore color rules. If a corrosion effect is used somewhere on the dragon, then the entire base can be the chosen metal. If a metal is used as the base, then the corrosion layer is treated as a separate mark, and marks can be layered above or below it.



Category: Display

Straight lines that make sharp spirals. All splits must be at a sharp angle to the rest of the marking. It cannot be diagonal unless it is following the contour of the body and perspective makes it so. It may be any color and number of colors; however, the colors should flow smoothly into eachother. In areas that are completely contained, it may have an interior gradient with any number of colors. Both the lines and the interior may have 3D iridescent effects, similar to Bismuth hopper crystals.

Charged Stairstep

You may create curves rather than corners.


Category: Display

Forged creates a smooth or gradient part on a dragon's marking. Additionally, it can appear like the mark is dripping. This can affect the edge and/or interior of the mark. If the dragon has no markings,it will appear on a free mark. This trait only affects one marking.

Color Rules

This trait does not apply any colors of its own.

Layering Rules

This trait is on the same layer as the trait it affects.


This trait is the same shape as the marking it affects. However, it can make that shape appear melted, fading out, or soft-edged instead of its usual edge. Even if a marking is required to have a hard edge, you may change it to have a soft edge, melted edge, or gradient fade out. When applying an inner softness to the marking, changing the edge of the mark is optional. It does not need to affect the entire mark. Small parts of the mark can go out of range when the edge is affected by Forged.


  • Splotched - When Forged and Splotched are used on the same trait, they can create a watercolor-like edge.
  • If the dragon has a soft-edged mark anywhere, then showing Forged in another way is optional.

Charged Forged

Charged Forged may affect any number of markings, as long as the minimum of one is met.


Category: Display

A marking that resembles veins of ore or crystal. It can be solid or textured. Optionally, you can give it an outline that takes from the normal elemental palette. If you choose to use an outline, the outline must be textured. It can be thin or thick as long as it splits at least twice on the marking and is a visible line, rather than a large splotch.

Color Rules

Veined may be any color and any number of colors. Additionally, it can have a metallic sheen or iridescence on the Veined area of the mark. The outer area must be within the elemental color rules.

Layering Rules

The mark follows regular layer rules. Any metallic sheen or iridescence on the vein area of the mark can be used as a light effect.


You may have a single vein, a vein that covers the whole body, or several scattered veins. It has no minimum or maximum coverage, as long as the trait is apparent.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.


  • Splotched - If a dragon displays Veined, then Splotched is optional.

Charged Veined

Charged Veined may glow. This glow may be used as a light effect.


Category: Display

Creates large, colored scales that resemble typical fish scales in shape. When referencing odd shapes, the scales should still be roughly symmetrical down their midline. Each scale can be any color. At least one scale must be visible. They will go on top of anything. Each scale may have its own gradient between two of any colors.

Color Rules

Each scale may have one to two colors. If two colors are used, they must have a smooth gradient. All scales may be different colors. This mark does not need to follow elemental color rules and can be any color.


Layering Rules

Chroma is a Variable Pigment Trait. It can go above or below most markings.


Chroma may be the shape of any type of fish scale. However, unlike fish scales, they should not fully overlap. The shapes will not combine. If you have the dedication, you may cover the entire dragon in Chroma scales, as long as no other marks are hidden, the Chroma scales do not overlap/are clearly individual marks, and it follows regular layering rules. While it can appear on the ends of horns and extremities, at least one scale shape should be fully visible somewhere on the dragon's body.

Chroma will never be so large that its shape is impossible to see.

Chroma will never be a perfect diamond or circle. The scale 'attachment' areas will alter these shapes.


Pharaoh - Chroma may be used as the repeating shape.

Checkered - Chroma may be used as the repeating shape.

Stamp - When Chroma is present, Stamp does not need to show.

Koi - Chroma may be the same color as Koi spots. In this case, it may overlap with Koi spots.

Barred - If Barred uses the Snowy Owl-type barring, then Chroma is optional.

Splotched - Splotched is optional on dragons that show Chroma.

Treasure - Treasure is optional on dragons that display Treasure scales.

Charged Chroma

Each scale may have its own gradient between three of any colors.


Category: Display

Creates a coat of red and orange across random patches of your dragon. The edges can be textured or solid. The interior must show some kind of texture. It should not be a pure gradient. You can cover up to 75% of your dragon with the Rusted mark. Here are examples of minimum and maximum range:

You may also have it affect another mark as a Color Modifier. The edge of the affected mark will remain the same shape/opacity/layer as usual, but the interior will have the color and texture of Rusted.

Texture and Shape Rules

It will always have a textured interior, with splotches, drops, and scratches easily visible. The edge of the marking may either be heavily textured or solid, sharp edge. It will never have a soft edge or gradient edge. The shape itself will be solid and random; any spots will be closely associated with the mark, and any holes will be close to the edge. Here is an example of a heavily textured mark:

Here are some examples of what not to do with stand-alone Rusted. The leftmost example has an edge that is too soft. The center example is shaped, rather than a random mark. If you are modifying Blanket with Rusted, then this would be fine for both traits; If you do not have a mark that can be this shape, then Rusted cannot do this. The last example has a clearly shaped tail marking, instead of being random, and has large holes within the marking.

Color Rules

It will always be red or orange tinted, similar to iron rust.

Layering Rules

You may choose whether it appears as a top layer marking or a marking with regular layering.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. 

Charged Rusted

Charged Rusted may have a soft edge.


Category: Display

Splotched creates a solid or textured part on a dragon's marking. This can affect the edge and/or interior of the mark. The texture can be subtle (such as rough edges) or extreme (such as a watercolor effect). If the dragon has no markings,it will appear on a free mark. This trait only affects one marking.


Color Rules

This trait does not apply any colors of its own.

Layering Rules

This trait is on the same layer as the trait it affects.


This trait is the same shape as the marking it affects. However, it can make that shape appear splattered, spotted, or hard-edged instead of its usual edge. Even if a marking is required to have a soft edge, you may change it to have a hard edge or textured edge. When applying a texture to the marking, changing the edge of the mark is optional. It does not need to affect the entire mark. Small parts of the mark can go out of range when the edge is affected by Splotched.


  • If the dragon has a hard-edged mark anywhere, then showing Splotched in another way is optional.

Charged Splotched

Charged Splotched may affect any number of markings, as long as the minimum of one is met.


Category: Display

Papillon creates the markings of veined insect wings. The veins will center around a spot and create a 'ring' like a wing would. Below, the veins resemble a butterfly wing. The mark may have white dots on top of the veins and vein-colored dots inside of the wing.


Shape Rules

The shape can resemble any insect wing. It does not need to be located on the wings, but the mark should be symmetrical. You may have any number of wings.


Color Rules

This mark may be any color, even ones outside of the elemental color palette. In addition, the veins may have white dots on top of them, similar to the white dots on monarch butterflies. Finally, vein-colored dots may be 'inside' of the Papillon wing shapes. The inside of the wing may have one to two colors. They may color individually, create a gradient, or a mix of both. The inside of the wings will not have solid shapes other than the main Papillon and vein-colored dots.


Layering Rules

Papillon follows regular layering rules.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

  • It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.
  • Papillon and Glass - When both of these traits are present, the wings may be different colors even without being Charged.

Charged Papillon

Charged Papillon may use any number of colors for the base wings. Each wing is still limited to a gradient of two colors.




Category: Display

Flicker turns one mark into a fiery shape. If there are no regular Display Traits to affect, then it will affect Accents. It can optionally take on a gradient from the fire elemental color palette or normal red-orange-yellow-white flames.


Shape Rules

The general shape of the original mark should be apparent. In the example above, the mark is still star-shaped. In the example below, there is still a spot in the fire-shaped mark. The edges are solid.


Color Rules

The mark may be its usual color, or it may take on a gradient from the fire elemental color palette or normal red-orange-yellow-white flames.

Layering Rules

This marking follows the same rules as whatever it affects.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

  • It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.

Charged Flicker

Charged Flicker may use unusual flame colors for its gradient. Charged Flicker may glow if it uses flame colors.



Category: Display

Soulmark is a simple display trait in the shape of an animal. The mark may glow. It resembles a typical tattoo and it may be any one color. The mark moves around freely on the body, but should be visible in the majority of the dragon's art. The mark is roughly the size of the dragon's shoulder or smaller.


Shape Rules

Like all forms of art, tattoos take on many styles. Sailor Jerry, Polynesian tribal, Celtic Tribal, blackout, realistic, and watercolor are just a tiny selection of tattoo styles. As long as the animal can be recognized, it will count.


Color Rules

This mark may be any color, even outside of elemental color rules. The mark may have holes, shading, gradients, etc. as long as the mark color is just lowered opacity and not a different color.

Layering Rules

This marking can change what layer it is on when it moves. It may show above top level marks, peek out from behind them, or hide entirely. The import image and majority of illustrations should show the full mark.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It can travel to any trait on the body.

Charged Soulmark

Charged Soulmark may use any number of colors. It may have an environmental ‘tattoo’ to ‘live’ in. This second mark is a static area that shows an area that animal might live. Examples include tree branches for birds, a city for a house cat, a stable for a horse, and a desert for a lizard. The environment does not move. It does not need to be the same style as the main Soulmark.


Note: this is the same Soulmark as the first example. The mark has moved and slightly changed shape. This is allowed in art!


Category: Display

Skyline creates a stark marking along your dragon. This marking resembles a distant skyline. It can be natural (such as mountains) or artificial (such as a city skyline).


Shape Rules

Skyline may take on the shape of any regular skyline. The top will be solid and the bottom must fade out as a gradient. Artificial skylines are allowed. Multiple skylines are allowed. There must be no detached/floating objects (such as birds or planes). They may be oriented any way on the dragon's body, as long as it appears 'straight' as the dragon's body moves. It can even be 'upside-down' on the dragon. It should not be a flat plain or waveless sea; It needs at least a few features.

Color Rules

This marking follows elemental color rules. It will be one color. Different skylines (such as the double mountain skyline above) may have a subtle color shift, such as indigo to purple.

Layering Rules

Skyline is a regular marking. You may layer it above or below all regular markings.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

  • It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.
  • Starry, Nebula, Dust, and Mist may appear behind Skyline, even if they normally wouldn't. They may 'end' at the skyline even if it makes the shape look unnatural.
  • Runemarks may be used to create details for skylines.

Charged Skyline

Charged Skyline may have details that make sense for the Skyline depicted. It may have one additional color for these details. In example, lights for a city, snow for mountains, or trees erased at the 'bottom' of a skyline.




Category: Display

This creates a maze-like structure on the dragon. Many animals show this mark in the real world! It helps with camouflage in busy environments while looking very snazzy. It can cover the entire dragon or just a portion. It may be any color or display a gradient of two colors. If displaying two colors, only one of them can be outside of elemental color rules. Here are some fish displaying Maze marks:



Shape Rules

Because Maze looks pretty crazy, here is a small tutorial to help with the shape. Start with dots. Then connect the dots in a random way with a line. Add more dots. Complete until there is no space left! Feel free to get squiggly with it. Maze may have some dots mixed in, as long as most are lines. The lines may be tiny (as in most fish) or very large, as long as a maze-like pattern is apparent. You may create a stripey mark on top of things, or erase a stripey shape out of a solid layer. This page has examples of both.


The mark itself is solid, but it can fade out in a gradient. Where it touches flat features or the face, it may become very stripey.



Color Rules

This mark may be any solid color, even outside of elemental color rules. It may also have a gradient. If displaying two colors, only one of them can be outside of elemental color rules.


Layering Rules

Maze is a regular marking. You may layer it above or below all regular markings.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

  • It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.
  • When touching flat webbing, leather, or a dragon's face, it may become stripe-like.
  • Spotted dragons may have a very small amount of lines compared to spots in their maze mark.

Charged Maze

Charged Maze creates a color beneath the main mark but over the base. You may choose to use the gradient on the main mark or the new layer.


The extra layer of Charged Maze is treated like a base, so other marks will still appear on the dragon even if Maze covers the whole dragon.


Category: Display

Rainstorm turns one mark into a splattered mark. The edges can have subtle water effects or be completely splattered. The general shape of the marking should be apparent. If there are no regular Display Traits to affect, then it will affect Accents.


Shape Rules

The general shape of the original mark should be apparent. In example, you can tell Rainstorm makes the shapes of stripes below:


Markings which are random to start with, such as Vampire, Tobiano, Dust, and so on, just need concentrated areas somewhere.

Color Rules

This mark may be any color, even outside of elemental color rules. It may also have a subtle gradient (such as the yellow-green to lime green on the right picture below).

Layering Rules

This marking follows the same rules as whatever it affects.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

  • It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.
  • Rainstorm + Splotched - This may create a light/dark variation in colors, as if part of the mark is dried.

Charged Rainstorm

Charged Rainstorm may create a completely new area of splatters in an existing marking. Traits used like this won't change their normal shape. The splatter may be any color, while the base mark follows regular rules.


Category: Display

Creates stitched patterns on top of the dragon.

Color Rules

Mortician can be any color.

Layering Rules

Mortician is a variable pigment trait. This means it can be on top of most other markings or layered like a normal mark.


You may choose to use unconventional stitches (cross stitches, zigzag, blanket, tack, back stitch, etc.), as long as it clearly has the appearance of something sewn together.  Mortician should not be overly long or short. You can see two extremes below.


Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

Mortician may appear on any modifiers and physical traits unless covered by other Display traits.

Charged Mortician

The 'thread' of the string may be any two colors. These may be alternating, a gradient, or mixed and matched. Up to two patches may be enclosed by Charged Mortician stitching--these patches may be any color or a typical cloth pattern. The patches will cover anything beneath it and are not affected by color modifiers (unless desired).




Category: Display

Welding is an uncommon Metal display trait that allows you to mix two markings on your dragon. All color rules are ignored for affected markings. Layering rules are also ignored. Here are some examples of markings combined with Welding.

Left to right: Zebra + Ripple, Collared + Rabicano, Sable + Spotted


Left to right: Fractal + Underbelly, Underbelly + Pangare, Tobiano + Chameleon

All markings must be recognizable. The Ripple + Zebra shows a very minimal zebra in the form of stripes. Underbelly + Pangare shows a few small blurry areas among the normal underbelly.

Charged Welding

Charged Welding may include a third trait in the Welding.


Category: Display

Alerion creates a wing-like mark on the dragon. The wings have up to two layers.

Shape Rules

They may take on any wing shape and can be stylized. Feathers should never float on their own unless the trait is Charged. You may still include long, trailing feathers, such as the ones seen in the pennant-winged nightjar. You can use one layer of wing feathers instead of two.

Color Rules

This mark may be any two colors within the dragon's elemental color palette. The two colors will be different layers of feathers, not individual feather marks. A gradient may be included. You may choose to use one color instead of two.

Layering Rules

This marking follows the same rules as whatever it affects.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

  • It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.

Charged Alerion

Charged Alerion can create a blanket of feathers and/or smooth colored areas on the dragon's back. It may use any two colors, even outside of the elemental palette. It can include solitary quills and plumes disconnected from the marking. You can decorate the marking with spots.


Category: Display


Afterglow creates a gradient of color on one half of the dragon (the front half or the back half). It may be any color, even outside of elemental color rules.


Shape Rules

The mark should cover half or very close to half of the dragon. The fade may be long (taking the whole dragon) or short (changing in a small area).


Color Rules

This mark may be any color.

Layering Rules

Afterglow follows regular layering rules.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

  • It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.

Charged Afterglow

Charged Afterglow may use a multiple colors. It should go in the order of the rainbow (skipping colors is allowed, starting in the middle is allowed, but doubling back is not).



Category: Modifier

This dragon was born with a blessing of light. It glows, sparkles, shines, has iridescence, and may even have lanterns, orbs, or rainbows floating around it. It may use the color palette of Light dragons in addition to its normal colors. Markings affected by Radiance may float or drift off of the body, as long as they resemble their markings and look like bright glitter or light at the same time.


This is the dragon before and after radiance is applied.

Color Rules

This will not affect the color rules of your dragon. However, iridescence may give it slight hues outside of the color spectrum. The real color underneath any shining or glowing will still be apparent. If a trait glows, it will glow the same color as what it affects.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

This can affect all traits of the dragon, as long as all traits are apparent.

Charged Radiance

In addition to its normal effects, Charged Radiance allows for tufts of fur on the feet, tip of the tail, horns, chin, and can create a mane on the top, bottom, or both sides of a dragon’s body. The main type of scale should still be apparent.



Category: Modifier

Spectrum modifies one display or modifier trait (that can be affected by color modifiers) and applies a smooth gradient to it. It will always affect the whole marking. It should only follow gradient orders that normal light would (red-orange-yellow-green-blue-indigo-violet). Saturation and brightness may also change (such as a light color to dark gray), as long as it is a smooth gradient and does not double back. Instead of using it on a display or modifier trait, you may instead change the base scale colors.

Color Rules

A transition must be clear, even with markings on top of it or space between parts of the marking. It can start from one color and end up at the other, but will NOT create bars of one color or loop back. It does not have to go the full spectrum of light, either. The colors should appear to be a smooth gradient. Here are some examples of correct and incorrect Spectrums:

Different Angles

Here are some examples of different types of spectrums.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

If a modifier can be affected by color mods, then you may use spectrum on them. You can also use spectrum on wings, minimum markings, claws, hooves, tufts of fur, and so on. These spectrum colors must match the spectrum on the flow of the body.

Charged Spectrum

Charged Spectrum may affect two markings instead of one. Each marking may use its own color palette.


Star Pearl

Category: Modifier

Creates a physical orb, simple lantern, or stellated polyhedra. It can be embedded in the dragon, float beside it, or detach at will. It can disappear when it’s not being used. A dragon is able to sense the area around the Star Pearl, even if said area is not within view. If separate too far from its dragon, the Star Pearl will flicker out and return to the dragon. It does not have a will of its own; It instead serves as a simple and movable eye for them.

Color Rules

It must follow elemental color rules. You may allow display traits to affect it.

Modifier & Physical Trait Interactions

This does not affect the colors of Physical Traits. You may use Modifier traits to change the traits of the pearl (in example: dorsal spines adding spines to it). In addition, it may have a soft glow even without Bioluminescence present. Only lantern-type pearls may be transparent/translucent unless the traits are present on the dragon.

Charged Star Pearl

Charged Star Pearl will create two pearls instead of one.



Category: Modifier

Light | Uncommon

Iridescence creates a colorful play of light on the surfaces of your dragon. This does not color your dragon’s actual body. You do not have to use the whole rainbow, but it should clearly have multiple hues in it. It should cover at least 50% of the dragon’s body or you may attach it to a single marking.

Color Rules

Creating an Iridescent effect can be tricky, so here is a method that works for digital art.

Step One.

Create a layer of soft color shifts at 100% opacity. You can use any colors you like, as long as they blend together softly and you use a lot of them!

Step Two.

Erase holes  with a soft brush. Follow the muscles of the dragon, or areas that wouldn't have direct light on them. You can blend and smudge the layer to make it look extra nice! Although portions may stay at 100% opacity, the holes should be large/transparent enough that you can see any markings the dragon has underneath.


It should cover at least 50% of the dragon’s body or you may attach it to a single marking.


As a light effect, it will display on top of anything, including things like Albinism and Tobiano.


  • Unless attached to a marking, areas of Iridescence will fade out in a gradient. When attached to a marking, it will take on the shape of that marking.

Notable Interactions

  • Iridescence is not affected by Accents.
  • Iridescence cannot be removed with Surgical Kit.
  • If paints, dyes, or Loremarks are used on the dragon, it will not show Iridescence in that area.
  • Parts of the body modified by Scalestain can still show Iridescence, as long as the trait isn't artificially colored.
  • Pharaoh, Spectrum, and similar multi-color modifiers may cause Iridescence to appear in a pattern. You can see an example of Pharaoh affecting Iridescence below. They will still follow any regular pattern and color order rules. Without some sort of modifier, the Iridescence colors will appear random.
  • Iridescence is optional in areas affected by Transparent Skin , Translucent, and Pollen.
  • Display and Vibrancy do not affect Iridescence.
  • Echo - When clipped to Echo, you may choose whether it appears on any of the echoes, the main mark, or a mix of the two. The only requirement is that it appears as iridescence clipped somewhere rather than a solid rainbow outline.
  • One way Glitch can effect Iridescence is causing flickers of Iridescence to hover near the dragon.

Charged Iridescence

Iridescence may affect as low as 25% of the body and/or you may attach it to any number of markings.


Category: Modifier

Select a color on your dragon (other than the base color). That color can glow at will. It does not change that marking’s color. If the marking would be black, it will glow with a gray color in dim lighting. This may be activated at will or kept on at all times.

Alternatively, it will affect a single trait (which might have multiple colors).

Color Rules

As a light effect, it will display on top of white mutations like albino and tobiano. The glow will match the color of whatever is beneath it.

Modifier & Physical Trait Interactions

Bioluminescent may not be affected by color modifiers directly. However, if the marking it is affecting is multiple colors, then the glow will match those colors. It may affect wings, crests, and tails where the affected marking touches or in places where the selected color is.

Charged Bioluminescence

Charged Bioluminescence can affect the base instead of markings.



Category: Modifier

Gives your dragon a beard. Feel free to make it a little goatee or a giant Santa Clause beard. Although it can go down the neck a bit, the roots will never go past the neck. It should not look like Maned or Bumble. It will never wrap around the neck like a lion mane. Optionally, instead of hair or fur, it takes on the appearance of material nearby it. For artificial scales, it can use artificial structures. For smooth scales, they can be spiny horns. These special materials only apply if the affected area also uses the structure. In example, for Bearded to take on artificial material, a dragon must have an artificial part in the area where Bearded would normally form.

Color Rules

It must follow elemental color rules. You may allow display traits to affect it.

Modifier & Physical Trait Interactions

This does not affect the colors of Physical Traits. You may use Modifier traits to change the traits of the beard (in example: bioluminescence making it glow).

Charged Bearded

Charged Bearded allows you to add fluffy eyebrows to your dragon, even if it doesn't have velvet scales! You may also apply just fluffy eyebrows if desired. In addition, the beard can run the full length of the body, rather than attaching at just the chin and neck.


Category: Modifier

Light | Common

This is sometimes referred to as fetlocks or feathering. Creates a long tuft or umbrella of fur on the bottom of every leg. Optionally, instead of fur, it takes on the appearance of material nearby it. For artificial scales, it can use artificial structures. For smooth scales, they can be spiny horns. These special materials only apply if the affected area also uses the structure. In example, for Heraldry to take on artificial material, a dragon must have an artificial part in the area where heraldry would normally form. You may also create tufts of fur on the shoulders and ‘hands’ of a wing. If the dragon has limbs and/or a tail and/or wings, then it must show in some way.

The two left examples show the absolute minimum Heraldry can have on a leg.

The regular tail will still be distinct from the fur when adding Heraldry to the tail.



Above is the maximum range of Heraldry. At minimum, Heraldry will show on the limbs of the dragon. If the dragon has no limbs, then it must show in one of the other locations.

Color Rules

It may be the same as the base color of the dragon, or it may take on any color in the elemental rules. Its color may display as a gradient. Any display traits that would affect points (such as suntouched) will also affect the heraldry of a dragon.


Heraldry may appear as a tuft of fur coming out of the side of the leg or an umbrella that drapes around the leg. You may mix and match this effect, so long as the design is symmetrical. You can use any natural hair or fur texture, as long as it's a unified texture across the dragon.

Notable Interactions

  • The end of Heraldry hair tips may be affected by Accents.
  • Surgical Kit may remove this trait in part or in full.
  • Scalestain may affect all portions of the trait, even if they are spaced out and outside of the regular Scalestain range.
  • Skittertint may affect the entire trait at once.
  • Tattered may cause the fur of heraldry to have breaks.
  • Transparent Skin will cause the fur to appear transparent as well. However, it will still absorb light, so it will still be visible. It will appear similar to optical wires.
  • Heraldry may be drippy or wispy on a Monstrous body.
  • If Pollen is located on all limbs, then showing Heraldry is optional.
  • If a dragon is Tailless, you may choose to have Heraldry create a long or short tail of just fur.
  • Extensions may cause Heraldry to grow incredibly long.
  • If Coils is present on the dragon, then Heraldry may be made from wires or cords.

Common Problems

  • They will never go all the way up the leg, or past the ‘elbow’ of the leg. This effect may be achieved through Charged Heraldry.
  • If the dragon has limbs, then Heraldry must appear on the limbs of the dragon, even if it is shown elsewhere.

Charged Heraldry

Charged Heraldry allows you to create a line of feathering anywhere on the dragon’s legs. It can also create a short horse-like mane on the neck, even if a dragon does not have ungulate snout or the maned trait.



Category: Modifier

This dragon was born with a blessing of fire. Its markings may appear to glow and churn like lava. You may place fire in any location on the dragon. If the dragon would be wingless, it may have wings made of fire. It may use the color palette of Fire dragons in addition to its normal colors. Markings affected by Phoenix may float or drift off of the body, as long as they resemble their markings and look like lava or fire at the same time.


Color Rules

Flames and lava effects on markings or the body must be within elemental color rules.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

This can affect all traits of the dragon, as long as all traits are apparent.

Charged Phoenix

In addition to its normal effects, Charged Phoenix may create a plated underbelly, spaded tail, large back spines, and a thorned crest on the dragon.


Double Crest

Category: Modifier

The dragon has two crest genes, rather than one. You may choose any crest that the dragon does not already have (other than ‘no crest’). Here are several examples:

Color Rules

It must follow elemental color rules. You may allow display traits to affect it.

Modifier & Physical Trait Interactions

The crests still follow normal crest rules. However, you may choose for each crest to have different colors / treat them as separate crests.

Charged Double Crest

A Charged Double Crest becomes a triple crest.


Category: Modifier

Element: Fire | Rarity: Rare

Allows your dragon to have a hard underbelly or protective scales around a weak point. It may be colored differently from the rest of the body, display a gradient, and/or have markings extend to it. It follows regular elemental coloring rules. There are two styles of Aegis:

  1. Style One: Focused on the underbelly, it may look similar to a Rattlesnake’s belly scales, Bedriaga’s Rock Lizard body scales, and similar creatures. The ridges may overlap.
  2. Style Two: The scales cover significantly less space than version one (no more than 20% of the dragon), but they may be anywhere, and they offer far more shielding. The scales are much sharper and jut out at odd angles. At least part of it must be clearly scale-shaped and in line with the body, even if it becomes gem-like. For metal element, silver scales may be used in place of gemstones.


The different types of Aegis have different ranges, along with sizes!

Left: Type One | Right: Type Two

Type One may present across the dragon's entire underside, with the exception of being on top of leather, webbing, bone, Pollen, and similar things. dark red represents the minimum area, while bright red represents the maximum range. The minimum may be anywhere within the red range, as long as it's symmetrical and goes along the bottom line of the dragon. In example, you can choose to only have the Aegis on the tail or undersides of the legs, as long as there is enough coverage.

Type Two has the scales focused much tighter, but has the benefit of being able to grow anywhere. The shapes on the right side simply show the size required--you may place it anywhere on the dragon. At least some parts of it should resemble regular scale shapes. This type does not need to be symmetrical.

Color Rules

It must follow elemental color rules. You may allow display traits to affect it. It will either be a solid color or have a gradient between two colors. For version two, it may resemble the dragon's gemstone, although it will be a solid color without extra traits (no transparency).


You may place display traits on top. They will show the same as they do on other scales, although highly textured scales might obscure the shape. You may also place it under the Aegis scales, with part of the mark showing. The minimum of the mark must still be met, and Aegis can't completely cover the Display trait. When placed near other modifiers, the modifiers still need to be visible. It won't hide modifier traits completely.


Type One must be symmetrical and centered on the baseline of the dragon. It may have splits/holes.

Type Two may be anywhere, but it must be a continuous shape. Any stray scales should be close to the main mark. It does not need to be symmetrical.

Special Interactions

  • Accents - Type One can have the edge of each scale affected by Accents. Type Two is not affected by accents.
  • Skittertint - Skittertint cannot dye Aegis.
  • Scalestain - Scalestain may adjust the scales into cosmetic shapes. The scales will still originate from the same area.
  • Loremark/Tattered - When injured or affected by Loremark/Tattered, flesh will show beneath. Tattered may also create cracks in the Aegis or large areas where the scales no longer grow.
  • Surgical Kit - This trait cannot be removed with a Surgical Kit.
  • Pharaoh - Type One may have alternating scale patterns according to the pharaoh pattern/colors.
  • Transparent Skin - This turns the Aegis plating into glass-like scales where it shows. Under the Aegis, Transparent Skin follows normal design rules.
  • Monstrous Body - Dragons with Aegis do not need to show Monstrous effects.
  • Pollen - Aegis will not grow in areas affected by Pollen. Unless Pollen is charged, it will still show somewhere else in the design.
  • Extensions - Extensions dramatically increases the scale length of Type One. They can jut out dramatically from the dragon, just like spines.

Charged Aegis

A Charged Aegis may use colors of any element. Type One is still limited to a solid color or a gradient between two colors. Type Two Aegis may cover up to 40% of the dragon and greatly protrude.

Thorned Spine

Category: Modifier

Large, thorn-shaped spines that erupt from the sides of the dragon. They should be horizontal with the ground and not protrude directly upwards from the spine. You may still have several rows, similar to an Ankylosaurus or Zuul crurivastato. They must cover at least one-fourth of the dragon’s body. Thorns may be small or greatly exaggerated. The thorns will always become smaller and disappear towards the end of the tail. It will never create a stegosaurus-type tail.

Color Rules

It must follow elemental color rules. You may allow display traits to affect it.

Modifier & Physical Trait Interactions

This does not affect the colors of Physical Traits. You may use Modifier traits to change the traits of the pearl (in example: Bioluminescence causing it to glow).

Charged Thorned Spines

Charged Thorned Spines may appear on the tail tip and does not have to get smaller towards the end.



Category: Modifier

Translucent causes the wings and some modifiers to be see-through or slightly see-through. As long as portions of the wing are transparent or translucent, it will pass. For feathered dragons, I recommend referencing the feathers of hummingbirds in flight (generally making the feathers thinner). For scythe wings, you can make them look like translucent plastic. For insect wings…well, there’s no shortage of examples in nature! Ventral and dorsal sides of these wings will be the same unless you use opaque patches. Flight Bars will always create opaque patches.

Color Rules

This does not affect the colors of your dragon’s wings.

Modifier & Physical Trait Interactions

This does not interact with other modifiers unless the dragon has no wings. On dragons without wings, you may apply it to any areas with thin skin (such as fins, feathered tails, or the tips of their crests). You may also apply it to hard modifiers (in example: making Plated Underbelly or Thorned Crest translucent).

Charged Translucent

Charged translucent allows you to affect hard modifiers, even if the dragon has wings.


Spaded Tail

Category: Modifier

Adds a spade to the end of the dragon’s tail. The spades may be diamond shaped or triangle shaped, but must always be distinguishable from a normal tail tip.

Color Rules

It must match the base color of the dragon. Any display traits that would affect points (such as suntouched) will also affect the feathering of a dragon.

Modifier & Physical Trait Interactions

This does not affect the colors of Physical Traits and does not interact with other modifiers.

Charged Spaded Tail

Charged Spaded Tail allows you to give your dragon two spades.

Dorsal Spines

Category: Modifier

Dorsal spines create a webbed or spined section along the spine. Dorsal spines go on top of your dragon's body. They do not need to extend the entirety of the dragon’s body. You may create betta-like fins and even sails using this modifier. You may choose to have these spines movable by your dragon, similar to the sailfish’s namesake. Optionally, you may add webbing to the spines.


Charged Dorsal Spines:

This allows you to create two lines of spines, running symmetrically down the body. They should still be positioned very close to the spine.



Category: Modifier

Element: Jungle | Rarity: Ultra-rare

This dragon was born with a blessing of jungle. It is always surrounded by some sort of amphibian or arthropod. It may have multiple insect wings, which may be located anywhere. The insect wings may replace the dragon’s normal traits or sit alongside them. Finally, it can have a set of antennae. It may use the color palette of Jungle dragons in addition to its normal colors. Markings affected by Swarm may float or drift off of the body in addition to sticking to the scales, as long as they resemble their markings and look like they are made of its associated animals at the same time.

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Color Rules

Swarm traits of the dragon will follow normal elemental color rules. The arthropod buddies may have any coloration, as long as they resemble real-world arthropods.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

It may replace the wing type of the dragon and wings may attach in any location regardless of modifiers, but all other traits should still be apparent.

Charged Swarm

In addition to its normal effects, Charged Swarm may add multiple insect limbs to your dragon. These limbs may replace the regular limbs or sit alongside them. Its tail may be a stinger or resemble a bug abdomen; This will replace the tail instead of adding a new one. Additionally, any animal considered a pest may be used in place of bugs/amphibians.



Category: Modifier

This is a color modifier that allows you to pick any hue for any traits as well as the base color. The trait must be able to be affected by modifiers. For traits with two parts like Panda, Dart Frog, and Rosette, the colors must still be distinguishable. Dazzle will not add new gradients to the markings . Dazzle does not effect the following traits: Vampire, Origin, Fairy, Wild, Shark, Dancer, Zebra, Appaloosa, Dust, Tobiano, Pollen, and any color mutations.

Color Rules

It does not follow elemental color rules. The color will not add a gradient to the marking.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

If a modifier can be affected by color mods, then you may use Dazzle on them. You can also use Dazzle on wings, minimum markings, claws, hooves, crests, and so on. It will not overwrite mutations.

Charged Dazzle

Charged Dazzle allows you to affect all display traits, including ones which normally can’t be changed by color modifiers.



Category: Modifier

Allows you to add any or all of the following arthropod traits to your dragon:

  • An abdomen
  • Compound eyes
  • Leg Hairs
  • Fly feet
  • Legs that resemble that of an insect’s or arachnid’s (number still limited by body type)
  • A dimpled scale texture (similar to beetle shells)
  • Spinnerets
  • Stingers
  • Antennae
  • Segmented Limbs
  • Mandibles

You may not add insect wings or multiple limbs. All traits of the dragon should still be visible (for example–if replacing limbs with fly feet, another set of limbs should be normal!).

Examples of Insectified:

Color Rules:

This modifier will not change the color of your dragon.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

Insectified attributes are considered part of the dragon’s main body. This means you may attach other modifiers or markings to the modifier. At the same time, it will not be affected by color modifiers unless it is affecting wings.

Charged Insectified:

Charged Insectified allows for multiple limbs and a conversion of wings into insect wings. Please note that you still need to use the same number of wings that the dragon is born with!


Floral Parasite

Category: Modifier

Adds floral parasitic growths to your dragon. The growths may resemble any naturally occurring plant, fungus, coral, algae, or mold, along with any canon plants and fungus found in the item database. You do not have to pick a specific species unless it has strange traits, such as bioluminescence, that you want to include. You can add as many parasites as desired, so long as they do not double the dragon’s size or hide other traits. Parasites may be different species from each other.

Color Rules

The flora may be any color, even ones outside of elemental color rules.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

You may apply Floral Parasite anywhere on the body. When you are altering a trait (such as antennae or wings), then that trait must still be apparent. Above, you can see that there are leaves on the feathered wings, but it’s still obviously a feathered wing! The tufted tail also still appears tufted, even if the tufts are made of leaves and twigs.

Charged Floral Parasite

Charged Floral Parasite has no size limit, as long as all traits are still visible in the design.

Other Notes:Jungle dragons are able to manipulate these plants once they have learned jungle magic. Other elements and untrained dragons simply have the plants hanging around! These plants do not contribute to terrain bonuses.


Frog Throat

Category: Modifier

Your dragon can expand an area beneath their throat in a display. This can help them make some neat noises. The example below is expanded, but you do not need to depict it expanded constantly, both in your art and in your design submission! It’s normal for Frog Throat to look indistinguishable from a normal dragon’s throat until they start singing.

Color Rules

Frog throat may take on a single color from the elemental rules if desired. You can have display traits and color modifiers affect it.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

This modifier will not affect other modifiers. However, this modifier will be affected by things which change the texture of skin or leather (Frilled, Tattered, etc.). It can also have a modifier resting on top (such as Bumble) without losing its function.

Charged Frog Throat

Charged Frog Throat may take on unconventional shapes. If it resembles a natural air sac, appears somewhere on the throat, and is used to make noise, then it will pass!


Category: Modifier

Creates two matching antennae on top of your dragon’s head! They can resemble any insect antennae. Here are some examples:

Color Rules

This modifier follows elemental color rules. You may also create a gradient of colors on it, as you would with wings. Display traits can go on top of it.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

This trait can be affected by color modifiers. It does not affect other modifiers. It will only appear on the head of the dragon.

Charged Antennae

Charged Antennae adds any number of Antennae to the head of your dragon. They may also be different styles.



Category: Modifier

The dragon’s proportions are incredibly exaggerated and chibi. Limbs and traits may be simplified, as long as their properties (such as claws for Reptilian Limbs) are recognizable. They can still grow gigantic, but they will just always look cute.

Color Rules

Miniature does not affect colors or display traits on the dragon.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

This modifier only affects the proportions of other modifiers.

Charged Miniature

Charged Miniature allows even large dragons to participate in activities for small dragons.


Category: Modifier

Element: Thunder | Rarity: Ultra-rare

This dragon was born with a blessing of thunder. Electricity discharges from its body. In addition, auroras or ball lightning may hover around it. The minimal markings of this dragon may glow. It may use the color palette of Thunder dragons in addition to its normal colors. Markings affected by Electric may float or drift off of the body, as long as they resemble their markings and look electric at the same time.


Color Rules

When affecting the minimal markings of a dragon, it will glow the same color as the marking, and that marking will follow regular elemental color rules. When present as an aurora, it will be natural aurora colors. When present as lightning, sparks, or orbs, it will be natural lightning colors.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

This may affect any traits. However, it does have some special interactions. For thick furry traits like bumble and maned, it may create glowing LED-type tips of any natural lightning color. The tips may vary in color. The base color of these traits must be apparent (the entire trait cannot have a changed color). This effect is not present for normal velvet scales or protofeathers.

Charged Electric

In addition to its normal effects, Charged Electric creates branches of lightning that course under this dragon’s skin. It may be restricted to markings or affect the entirety of the dragon.



Category: Modifier

Allows the dragon’s limbs, wings, and sometimes tail or neck to float separately from the body via magic or magnetism. The separations may show the insides of the body, use artificial caps, or close naturally. These limbs cannot attach to the body, though they are fully functional. Only one ‘split’ per limb is allowed. Middle portions of the limb may be removed (such as only having hands/feet for limbs, or no neck for a floating head), as long as the affected traits float where they normally go.

Color Rules

The insides of the dragon must appear similar to actual animals, if you choose to draw them. Elemental effects such as fire or lightning inside of the body can be added once the dragon has mastered the corresponding magic. Artificial caps may be any color.

Modifier & Physical Trait Interactions

This does not affect the colors of Physical Traits. No traits can affect Disassembly.

Charged Disassembly

Charged Disassembly allows the dragon’s limbs to be disassembled more than once in any location, as well as the body itself to be split.


Category: Modifier

Due to elemental fluctuations, the dragon appears to flicker into odd shapes. The appearance and markings of the dragon should still be apparent. Below is a dragon with glitch and their non-glitched form. How the glitch appears is up to you, but should not affect the physical shape of your dragon! Alternatively, you may have this affect one display/modifier trait dramatically.

Left: pre-glitch. Right: post-glitch.

Here are some examples of Glitches affecting a gray square. Feel free to find inspiration in other glitches!

A Small List of Glitch Ideas:

  • Inverted Colors
  • Static
  • Offset 'Image'
  • Pixellation
  • Color Splitting (such as the left example at top)
  • Datamosh Effect
  • Visual Artifacts
  • Compression Artifacts
  • General Distortion
  • Mosquito Noise Distortion
  • Moiré Patterns
  • Double Images
    Glitches do not have to follow color rules so long as they look glitchy!

Color Rules

This does not typically affect the colors of the dragon. When it does (such as color shifting parts of the dragon), the original colors are still obvious and appear on the majority of the dragon.

Modifier & Physical Trait Interactions

This does not affect physical traits and cannot be affected by modifiers.

Charged Glitch

Charged Glitch may use visual 'glitches' from physical media. Some examples are a marking 'running out of ink' as it goes along the dragon, misaligned halftones/screens, double printing, or similar issues.



Category: Modifier

Adds wire to the dragon in places. It can affect parts of the dragon like the tail or crest. It may also protrude from the dragon in random spots. The wires may glow.

Color Rules

It must follow elemental color rules. You may allow display traits to affect it. It will either be a solid color or have a gradient between two colors.

Modifier & Physical Trait Interactions

You may apply Coils anywhere on the body. When you are altering a trait (such as antennae or wings), then that trait must still be apparent.

Charged Coils

Charged Coils may have multicolored wires. These do not need to obey color rules.



Category: Modifier

Creates up to two energetic rings hovering around the dragon. Each halo should be a single flat sheet with no elemental effects (elemental effects may be added once your dragon learns magic). You can add small spikes coming out of the halo as long as it still appears circular, rather than star-like. You can have other traits influence the pattern of the halo. Halos are capable of moving from place to place, despite having no physical substance. Here are some examples of halo placement:

The halo may also move and change sizes between art pieces, as long as the general appearance is the same.

Color Rules

It must follow elemental color rules. You may allow display traits to affect it. It will either be a solid color or have a gradient between two colors.

Modifier & Physical Trait Interactions

This does not affect the colors of Physical Traits. You may use color Modifiers to change the color of the halo.

Charged Halo

Dragons with Charged Halo may have any number of rings, so long as the rings are still apparent.



Category: Modifier
Showing Display on a dragon's design is optional. This trait creates a screen display somewhere on your dragon. It may have connectors, attachments, and even small wires coming off of it. The screen may glow dimly. It may change what it displays. The display may be flat, curved, or shaped to match the body. It should not be at skin level without a container or look like a marking. It is limited to one area of the dragon (examples: face, chest, tail, back, one wing). You may choose whether it is embedded in the dragon or detachable; Either way, if there is a screen on the import, it must be shown in illustrations.

Color Rules

Display may show any images or colors. It may show any number of colors, and even have a look like photos. The container of the screen (the ‘plastic’ border) may be one solid color in the elemental palette or gray. The border may have small physical details (such as dials) that can be a secondary color. The secondary color can be any solid color. Any wires attached to it may be any solid color. It may have simple power indicators of any color.

Modifier & Physical Trait Interactions

  • Display may optionally be affected by any color modifiers and any markings, including the container part. In the case of color mutations, such as Albinism or Monochrome, you may choose whether or not Display is affected.
  • If the Display is permanently attached to the dragon, then showing Debris is optional.
  • If the Display shows on a dragon, then showing Thunder Elemental Anomaly and/or Electric is optional.
  • Somatic may split the screen colors and change the color of the border where it touches.
  • If Display is embedded, any marks the dragon has may show on top of the screen. If a mark is only on top of the screen and nowhere else on the dragon, then it is treated like a layer on top of the display, and cannot be hidden or moved.
  • If a dragon’s Display appears glitchy, then showing Glitch elsewhere on the dragon is optional. If Glitch only shows on the screen, the screen must appear glitchy in all images.
  • If the Display glows, it may count for Bioluminescence.
  • A Companion may possess the trait. In example, the Display can have a haunted ghost. It may also move the wires and attachments. As long as the Companion is inside the screen, it may take any appearance.
  • Tattered may show as a broken screen.
  • If Display is used to show eyes, it may count as True Sight. If it shows any sort of facial feature and is attached to the head of the dragon, it can count as Monstrous Snout.
  • Display will not completely replace traits (in example, the dragon cannot have a TV for a head).
  • A dragon with Transparent Skin may have Display completely embedded, as long as the screen is visible and does not look like a marking.

Charged Display

Charged Display may show up to three screens.


Category: Modifier

Thunder | Common

Whiskers, barbels, or a moustache-like trait that extends from somewhere on your dragon’s snout (nostrils, chin, eyebrows etc.). They can also simply be a collection of cat-like whiskers or very whiskered brow lines. They may be short or as long as the dragon itself. They are very flexible and can be manipulated by the dragon with ease. They should be consistently thin throughout, but may end with a slightly larger section. If the long and flexible look doesn't suit your dragon, they may match the scale style instead. These can be small horns where whiskers would be, large whiskers covered in scaley segments, two long feathers sticking up, and so on.


Whiskers can appear on the face area of the dragon, so long as it does not look like a beard, mane, or set of antennae. Whiskers will be symmetrical unless affected by other traits.

Color Rules

It must follow elemental color rules, with the exception of white, black, brown, red, gray, and tan. You may allow display traits to affect it. It will either be a solid color or have a gradient between two colors.


It may appear as fur or wire-like whiskers coming out from the brow or nostril region. It will not create a beard, mane, or antennae. It can match the scale type of the dragon, so long as it keeps its whiskery shape.

Notable Interactions

  • The end of Whisker tips may be affected by Accents.
  • Skittertint may affect the entire trait at once.
  • Surgical Kit may remove this trait in part or in full.
  • Color and Light effects such as Vibrancy, Bioluminescence, Spectrum, and so on may all affect Whiskers.
  • If Companion is possessing the whiskers, then they must have a something to indicate they are living, such as a mouth or single pair of eyes. A whole, defined snout will not be created.
  • Scalestain may affect all portions of the trait.
  • Tattered and Loremarks may cause the whiskers to break and appear asymmetrical.
  • Transparent Skin will cause the whiskers to appear transparent as well. However, it will still absorb light, so it will still be visible. They will appear similar to optical wires. Whiskers do not have bones. 
  • Whiskers may be drippy or wispy on a Monstrous body.
  • If Pollen is located on the whole snout, then showing Whiskers is optional.
  • Showing Extensions is optional if the Whiskers are portrayed as being at least half as long as the dragon. There is no length limit to Whiskers if Extensions is present.
  • Heraldry, Protofeathers, Plumes, and other traits that can affect the snout may cause the Whiskers to be heavily coated in scales.
  • If Coils is present on the dragon, then Whiskers may be made from wires or cords.

Common Problems

  • Whiskers on the chin cannot resemble a beard. Tiny, individual wires are alright, but a thick beard is a no-go.

Charged Whiskers

Charged whiskers may be longer than the body of the dragon. In addition, they may create a beard on the face of the dragon.



Category: Modifier

Element: Earth | Rarity: Ultra-rare

This dragon was born with a blessing of earth. Gemstones grow out of the dragon in various places. It may use the color palette of Earth dragons in addition to its normal colors. Markings affected by Jeweled may float or drift off of the body, as long as they resemble their markings and look like gemstones or sparkling dust at the same time.


Color Rules

Gemstones may be the color of any real-world gemstone. For gemstones with more than one color, they may resemble the colors of any natural gemstone. Each individual gemstone may have its own colors.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

This may be located anywhere on the dragon and may ‘overtake’ traits. In example, feathering may turn into spikes of gemstones covering the feet, or a thorned crest may be made of gemstones. At least part of all traits should be apparent.

Charged Jeweled

Charged Jeweled allows you to throw inclusions into the crystals.



Category: Modifier

Causes the ends of at least two of your dragon’s limbs to take on the form of a land vertebrate’s limbs. Paws, reptilian feet, hooves, fingers, or other land vertebrate limbs all work, as long as you choose one species. The limbs must be a pair (IE you can’t have only one forelimb and one hindlimb affected by Brawn). This means that normal Brawn will not be visible on limbless dragons (you do not need to make it recessive in that situation). If there are more than four limbs, it will only draw from one Brawn species and the regular limb type, and they will appear in pairs (like the bottom left example below). You may also give regular limbs pawpads and/or large claws.

Color Rules

This will take on the colors of the base scales. Color modifiers will not affect this. Markings may extend onto it.

Modifier & Physical Trait Interactions

This does not affect the colors of Physical Traits. You may use Modifier traits to add what you could to normal dragon legs (IE: Feathering on the legs).

Charged Brawn

Charged Brawn allows you to mix and match legs as you desire. That means you can have every single leg look different or have a single foot that is different. It also means you can pull from any number of land vertebrates, rather than just one species plus the regular limbs.


Category: Modifier

Allows you to add a neck frill to your dragon. Here are some examples of neck frills:

The frills will not have spines or thorns unless the referenced species have them. The frills will never resemble a frog throat.

Color Rules

It must follow elemental color rules. You may allow display traits to affect it. It will either be a solid color or have a gradient between two colors.

Modifier & Physical Trait Interactions

This does not affect the colors of Physical Traits. You may use Modifier traits to change the traits of the Neckfrill (in example: using transparent skin to make it clear).

Charged Neckfrill

A Charged Neckfrill may cover up to 75% of the dragon’s body. Below is about 45%, just a little more allowed than usual, but it could go even further.



Category: Modifier

A mutation that creates distinctive fangs on the dragon that protrude from the lips. They should be noticeably larger than the other teeth of the dragon. You can have any number of fangs.

Color Rules

It must follow elemental color rules. You may allow display traits to affect it. It will either be a solid color or have a gradient between two colors.

Modifier & Physical Trait Interactions

This does not affect the colors of Physical Traits. You may use Modifier traits to change the traits of the belly (in example: using transparent skin to make it clear).

Charged Fanged

Charged Fanged allows for tusks. Tusks are defined here as modified teeth that are longer horizontally than they are vertically. Examples are elephant tusks and narwhal tusks. It is still limited to a solid color or a gradient between two colors.


Category: Modifier

Creates fur-like scales or tiny spines across the body of your dragon. You may choose not to cover extremities (such as the face, legs, tail, fingers, etc.), but the main body of the dragon must be covered. It will still be short and not create manes, crests, beards, or tufts. It will not have volume or be super fluffy. You may also put feathers on the limbs of your dragons, even if they don’t have feathered wings or scales. These will be protofeathers rather than full flight feathers. Look at paleoart of ancient theropods for some examples! It does not affect feathered wings or raptor tails unless desired. It is short and will not create manes, crests, or tufts.

Color Rules

It must follow elemental color rules. You may allow display traits to affect it. This does not affect the colors of Physical Trait. It will take on the color of the base scales.

Modifier & Physical Trait Interactions

This only changes the texture of your dragon’s scales. It does not interact with nails, teeth, claws, leather, or hard traits like scythe wings. It will not create manes, crests, beards, or tufts.

Charged Protofeathers

Charged Protofeathers has no effect. Feel free to suggest one!


Club Tail

Category: Modifier

Adds a large, bony, and destructive structure to the end of the dragon’s tail. It does not show on tailless dragons. They can be smaller, as long as they don’t resemble spaded. They can also be a large and spiked thagomizer, rather than bumpy (even though…that’s more of a mace). Stegosaurus and Ankylosaurus have good examples of club tails. The club tail will only take up the very end of the tail.

Color Rules

It must follow elemental color rules. You may allow display traits to affect it. It will either be a solid color or have a gradient between two colors.

Modifier & Physical Trait Interactions

This does not affect the colors of Physical Traits. You may use Modifier traits to change the traits of the tail (in example: using Spectrum to give it a rainbow gradient).

Charged Club Tail

Charged Club Tail may extend for the entirety of the dragon’s tail.



Category: Modifier

Maned will create a line of fur on your dragon’s neck that travels down their spine. It does not have to be continuous. It will not wrap around like a lion mane, as that would resemble the Bumble modifier.

Color Rules

It must follow elemental color rules. Color modifiers and display traits may affect this. It may display a gradient between two colors.

Modifier & Physical Trait Interactions

This does not affect to other modifiers or physical traits. It is restricted to the spine. You may use Modifier traits to change some properties, within reason (IE: Tattered for a tattered mane, Extensions for part of the mane to be long, etc.).

Charged Maned

Charge maned allows you to place a mane on the belly of your dragon.



Category: Modifier

Element: Ocean | Rarity: Ultra-Rare

This dragon was born with a blessing of ocean. Markings may reveal liquid insides that bubble or slosh about. Liquid may spill out of markings. Parts of the dragon may be melting. The dragon may have a goo-like consistency. Fish will be attracted to the dragon and may even appear inside of the dragon. Markings affected by Torrent may float or drift off of the body, as long as they resemble their markings and look watery at the same time. It may use the color palette of Ocean dragons in addition to its normal colors.



Color Rules

The liquid will follow regular color rules.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

This can affect all traits of the dragon, as long as all traits are apparent.

Charged Torrent

Charged Torrent allows liquid inside the body to be any color, even if it would be outside of the elemental color scheme.


Category: Modifier

Gives any dragon an Aquatic Tail. On top of that, if the dragon has hind limbs, they may optionally be removed or become Aquatic Limbs. Inspired by Capricorn.

Color Rules

The new tail follows the regular rules of Aquatic Tails.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

The new tail follows the regular rules of Aquatic Tails.

Charged Capricorn

Instead of one tail, Charged Capricorn creates two tails. These tails should have the same design, shape, and size. They will both attach in the same spot. Additionally, the dragon may have two large wing-like fins that attach to the back. These will still be fin or sail shaped. This is inspired by Melusine.


Category: Modifier

Creates tentacles on the dragon. They may attach anywhere on the body. They can resemble squid, octopus, or jellyfish tentacles, and are limited to 10. They will only sprout out of flesh areas.

Color Rules

Tentacles will take on the base scale color if they blend in with the body. Their suckers (if they have any) may be any color within the elemental rules. The main tentacles are not affected by color modifiers, but their suckers can be affected.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

Tentacles will not affect other claws, leather, crests, or armored areas. However, if a mod would affect the body (such as bearded), it may create a tentacled version.

Charged Tentacles

You may have any number of tentacles.



Category: Modifier

Creates fins along the sides of the dragon and/or behind its jaw. The fins should be a solid color. If the dragon is affected by dorsal or pelvic spines, it may split the spines into multiple fins. The fins should not resemble wings and should be smaller than the dragon’s limbs.

Color Rules

It must follow elemental color rules. You may allow display traits to affect it. It will either be a solid color or have a gradient between two colors.

Modifier & Physical Trait Interactions

This does not affect the colors of Physical Traits. You may use Modifier traits to change the traits of the fins (in example: using transparent skin or translucence to make it clear).

Charged Many-finned

Charged Many-finned allows the creation of fins that look like wings, limbs, or are generally larger than limbs. All other traits should still be visible. Fins that look like wings will still function as fins and will not give the dragon flight on their own.


Pelvic Fins

Category: Modifier

This is based on the pelvic fin(s) of fish. Pelvic spines create a webbed or spined section along the belly of your dragon. They do not need to extend the entirety of the dragon’s body. You may create betta-like fins and even sails using this modifier. You may choose to have these spines movable by your dragon, similar to the sailfish’s namesake. Optionally, you may add webbing to the spines, or have up to two rows of spines running symmetrically along the belly. They will always be close to the belly and never on the sides of your dragons.


Charged Pelvic Fins:

This allows you to create two lines of fins, running symmetrically down the body. They should still be positioned very close to the belly.


Dorsal Fin

Category: Modifier

Adds a dorsal fin to the back of your dragon. It can imitate the fin of a shark, whale, dolphin, or fish. It will be one continuous fin with a visible peak, rather than a line of spines.

Color Rules

The main portion of the fin will be the same color as the body. If the fin has webbing, then the webbing may be any color within elemental rules and display a gradient.

Modifier & Physical Trait Interactions

This does not affect the colors of Physical Traits. You may use Modifier traits to change the traits of webbed fins (in example: using transparent skin or translucence to make it clear). Display traits may extend to the dorsal fin.

Charged Dorsal Fin

Charged Dorsal Fin allows your dragon to have two dorsal fins. They will still have clear peaks and not resemble spines. The two fins will not be connected by webbing.


Category: Modifier

Gives your dragon a cute little set of gills! These will be slits on the side of your dragon’s neck. They may take inspiration from any fish gills. Your dragon will be capable of breathing both air and water.

Color Rules

If the gills have webbing or frills, then the webbing may be any color within elemental rules and display a gradient.

Modifier & Physical Trait Interactions

This does not affect the colors of Physical Traits. You may use Modifier traits to change the traits of webbed gills (in example: using transparent skin or translucence to make it clear). Display traits may extend over the gills.

Charged Gilled

Charged Gills allows your dragon to have gills on any fleshy part of the body, instead of just the neck.


Category: Modifier

Element: Storm | Rarity: Ultra-rare

The dragon was born with a blessing of storm. Parts of the body are frozen and it may have ice, snow, and hail coming off of it or surrounding it. It may use the color palette of Storm dragons in addition to its normal colors. Markings affected by Avalanche may float or drift off of the body, as long as they resemble their markings and look icy at the same time.

-- >

Color Rules

Avalanche will appear mostly white. Darker ice may be tinted blue or cyan.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

This can affect all traits of the dragon, as long as all traits are apparent.

Charged Avalanche

In addition to its normal effects, Charged Avalanche creates clouds around the dragon. These clouds may drop hail or small bolts of electricity.



Category: Modifier

Allows you to put large, artificial objects in your dragon’s design. The debris should cover less than half of the dragon, and all other traits should be visible. They are made of a stone or metal-like substance and will always be attached to the dragon. As an example, you may have a sword stick out of its back. You can have a fence that goes around its neck. You could stick a chair on its back…don’t be too mean to it, though. Earrings, chains, colored glass shards, and horse shoes are all ‘tamer’ types of debris you can use on your dragon. Just make sure that they appear artificial, rather than like gemstones.

Color Rules

As artificial objects, debris may be any color. You may have any traits affect them, as long as the object is clearly artificial and not a normal part of the dragon’s body.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

Debris will not affect claws, leather, crests, or armored areas other than piercing them. However, if a mod would affect the body (such as bearded), it may create a physical version with spikes or objects resembling the trait it replaces.

Charged Debris

You may have any amount of debris, as long as all dragon traits are still visible.


Split Tail

Category: Modifier

Creates a prong somewhere on the tail that ends in different tips. It can result in up to nine tail tips. It can split at the base of the tail, somewhere in the middle, or both. The tail type should still be apparent. There will be no webbing between the tails unless the dragon also has the Webbed Tail trait.

Color Rules

The new tail follows the regular rules of tails.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

If a dragon is completely missing a tail, this trait will not show. If a dragon has a stub from the tailless mutation, it will show. Modifiers which affect normal tails may also affect split tails.The split tail follows the regular rules of tails.

Charged Split Tail

Charged Split Tail has no limit on tail tips. In addition, the tail tips may join back together.



Category: Modifier

Creates a very poofy area of scales on the dragon. It usually looks like fur, but it can also emulate whatever scales the dragon has as a base. This means feathers will form a bumble of feathers, smooth scales may create a thick mane of spines, and so on. It may cover up to half of the dragon, with minimum coverage being around the neck like a lion’s mane. It will only affect the muscled area of a dragon’s wings. It can be any regular marking color for your dragon’s element as well as black or white. It is inspired by the fuzz of bumblebees.

Color Rules

It can be any regular marking color for your dragon’s element as well as black or white. It can be affected by color modifiers. Display traits may go on top of it or go beneath it. It will not hide markings entirely.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

Bumble may affect any area with muscle/flesh. It will not affect leather, claws, armor, and similar materials on the dragon.

Charged Bumble

Charged Bumble has no coverage limit. It may cover 100% of a dragon’s body, as long as the area can grow scales.



Category: Modifier

This is pretty self-explanatory! You may completely remove your dragon’s tail. If you prefer, you can leave a small stump (less than 50% of the minimum tail size for the dragon). For tufted tail, clubbed tails, webbed tails, finned tails, and so on, you may choose to make the bits hidden or leave a cute little remnant showing on the end!

Color Rules

Excluding length, the new tail follows the regular rules of normal tails.

Modifier & Physical Trait Interactions

Excluding length, the new tail follows the regular rules of normal tails.

Charged Tailless

Charged Tailless is the same as normal tailless, but you can also cut off the tail in the center, as if it had fallen off.


Odd Ears

Category: Modifier

Odd ears changes the shape or substance of your dragon’s ears. Here are some examples:

  • Glowing Eartips
  • Elemental Ears
  • Two ears of different types.
  • Inner ears colored outside of elemental rules.
  • No Ears
  • Antennae
  • Ears anywhere on the body
  • Ear shape that does not match snout shape

In addition to that, you may choose to have between 0 – 16 ears. When these ears are not located on the head, they must resemble ears in some way.

Color Rules

Odd Ears may be any solid color or a gradient between two different colors. They may create a solid or blended color area where the odd ears attach to the body. The inner ear may have its own solid color or gradient between two different colors. Accents affect the tips and outer edges of the ears.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

Odd Ears can interact with other modifiers and traits if you find a way to make them do that!

Charged Odd Ears

Your dragon may have any number of Odd Ears.


Webbed Tail

Category: Modifier

Creates a layer of leather between the legs and the tail, similar to bats. Alternatively, it causes the leather or base of the wings to extend at least halfway down the tail. You may create flaps of leather that resemble rudders or stabilizers on the tail as well. These flaps should be triangular in shape. Tailless dragons will simply have webbing between their hind legs.

Color Rules

Webbed tail may be a solid color or a gradient between two colors. The colors must be within elemental rules. They may be affected by color modifiers.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

Webbed tail may be hidden on tailless dragons or you may connect the webbing to a stub, similar to bats. It will not affect claws, leather, crests, or armored areas.

Charged Webbed Tail

Charged Webbed Tail allows for webbing to go between front limbs and hind limbs.



Category: Modifier

Element: Wind | Rarity: Ultra-rare

This dragon was born with a blessing of wind. It always has an entourage of birds. Parts of the dragon may change into mist or clouds. It may use the color palette of Wind dragons in addition to its normal colors. Markings affected by Cirrus may float or drift off of the body, as long as they resemble their markings and look cloudy at the same time.


Color Rules

Clouds will be white, gray, silver, or blue. Birds may be any color, as long as they resemble real-world birds.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

This can affect all traits of the dragon, as long as all traits are apparent.

Charged Cirrus

It may have multiple feathered wings, which may be located anywhere. The feathered wings may replace the dragon’s normal traits or sit alongside them.


Category: Modifier

Allows you to curl the scales or feathers of your dragon in a fashion similar to wiry fur or a Frillback pigeon. It may affect all of your dragon’s scales or just part of them. Unless affecting the back, it will never be smooth or softly wavy–just curled. It will also hug tightly to the body and never make a large mane.

Color Rules

This will not affect the color of the dragon. It cannot be affected by color modifiers. Display traits may go on top of these scales.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

This modifier may affect any area with muscle.

Charged Curled

This allows you to apply a color to the Curled trait. This color must follow elemental color rules. It can be affected by color modifiers. The edge will always be hard. The color will not blend into the body as a gradient. Unless affected by a modifier, it will be one solid color. Display traits still show on top.



Category: Modifier

Creates wings which attach to one pair of legs or arms. These wings will match the wing genome of whatever the dragon already has. If the dragon is wingless or limbless, you may use feathered Seraph or have the trait not show. These extra wings use regular wing rules for coloring.

Color Rules

The new wings follow the regular rules of wings.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

The new wings follow the regular rules of wings.

Charged Seraph

The wings do not have to match the wing type of the dragon. This means that wingless dragons may still have wings attached to their legs.



Category: Modifier

Creates lace-like frills on the edge of your dragon’s wings, webbing, or fins. The frills should not be so large that they resemble wing extensions, trailing feathers, or plumes. You may use subtle edges or give it lace-like holes. If you put holes in the webbing or feathers, it should follow a clear pattern. The edge of frilled along with any hole patterns it creates will look tidy and never appear random or tattered without the tattered or charged leafy modifier.

Color Rules

Frilled only changes the edge of affected areas. It will not affect colors.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

Frilled only changes the edge of affected areas. It can interact with any flat area of the dragon, which includes webbing, frills, feathers, leather, sails, fins, and so on. It will not affect thicker or curved areas.

Charged Frilled

Charged frilled allows you to apply a slight color to the frilled area. The color will be lighter than the base color of the dragon. You may make the edge a gradient or a solid edge. The color may take on the same lace-like edge of the outer wings, making it appear like a ribbon. This colored area may be affected by color modifiers. If it is not affected by color modifiers, then it will stay within elemental color rules.


Category: Modifier

Large feathers that extend from a section of the dragon’s body. They can take multiple shapes, but should clearly be feathers. You may choose to cover the whole rump in plumes, if desired. Each color represents a section of the dragon’s body. There is no limit to the amount of feathers, but they may only attach to one area of the body.

Color Rules

You may change the color of the plumes, as long as it follows elemental rules. They may be affected by color or display modifiers.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

The plumes may attach to any modifier, so long as the area it attaches to is within one body section.

Charged Plumes

You may apply plumes to any number of body sections.



Category: Modifier

Gives any dragon a beak. It can be avian, turtle-like, or fish-like–if it’s considered a beak, it’s fair game. You may move the nostrils to any part of the snout or give the dragon nares.


Color Rules

You may choose to have the beak a different color, use a gradient on the beak, or simply leave the beak uncolored.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

This may be affected by color modifiers. Beaked only affects the snout of the dragon.

Charged Beaked

Allows you to create teeth attached to the beak. This will not create large fangs/tusks that hang beyond the snout profile.


Category: Modifier

This allows you to extend or exaggerate features of a single trait. As long as it is a single trait, you can make the extensions appear any way you like.

Alternatively, you may charge a common trait on the dragon. Free elemental traits may be chosen.


1) Insect Wings | 2) Tufted Tail | 3) Feathered Wings | 4) Leather Wings5) Maned (or default mane of Ungulate Snout) | 6) Aquatic Limbs | 7) Saurian Crest | 8) Segmented Tail

If a dragon has at least one naturally long trait (such as a very long mane, long digging claws, etc.), then showing Extensions in another area is optional.

Color Rules

This will not affect the colors of the traits.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

This can only affect one trait at a time.

Charged Extensions

Charged Extensions allows you to add physical extensions to as many traits as possible. This will not charge additional traits beyond the first.



Category: Modifier

Element: Dark | Rarity: Ultra-rare

This dragon was born with a blessing of dark. It looks as if it dropped from space. It is surrounded by stars or nebulous clouds. Some traits appear to be a window into a starry dimension. Markings affected by celestial may float or drift off of the body or emit plumes of spacey clouds. It may use the color palette of Dark dragons in addition to its normal colors.


Color Rules

Markings changed by Celestial will be black with stars. The nebulous dust around them will be black with stars. One other color may be added in with black.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

This can affect all traits of the dragon, as long as all traits are apparent.

Charged Celestial

Charged Celestial may have clouds with any number of colors, and black is not required.



Category: Modifier

Your dragon gains a second self…literally. A companion can manifest in multiple ways. Here are just a few:

  • A mini-me with simple traits that looks similar to the main dragon.
  • A second head with the same modifiers as the first.
  • A ravenous mouth on its stomach.
  • A living shadow or reflection.
  • Possessed traits, such as a possessed Floral Parasite or Star Pearl.
  • A hand on its tail with a mind of its own.

These entities have wills of their own and do not always form a mental connection with the dragon or their Rider. A mini-me Companion will not give EXP to any characters in an image without its bigger companion present. The relationship between companions, dragons, and Riders varies dramatically and is up for you to decide. Regular companion does not allow for split tails--the dragon will need the trait to be Charged or have the Split Tail trait.

If a dragon is born with a Soulbound Familiar, then the companion can take on the shape of that Familiar instead.

Color Rules

The companion will have the same base colors as its host. You may choose to have modifiers and display traits alter the appearance of the dragon, provided that the same traits are applied to the main dragon somewhere.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

It may affect any trait or modifier. If it is a separate entity, it may have any traits that its host has, so long as it resembles the host. You may choose to simplify these traits compared to the host.

Charged Companion

Charged Companion provides the dragon with up to five companions. The companions may take on a different form of companionship. In example, you can combine a belly mouth companion with a hand-for-a-tail. You may also give a dragon four heads, or two shadows. In addition to the number of companions, you can make a charged companion into a conjoined twin. This can allow for things like split tails or multiple limbs.


Category: Modifier

Must have at least two above the minimum set of legs for that body type. If Capricorn would reduce this to two, then you will have at least four legs along with the tail. If your dragon is normally quadrupedal, then it would have six legs minimum. Alternatively, you may ‘split’ limbs at the shoulder, elbow, or wrist so that there are two hands/legs coming from one arm. Having many limbs means the posture of your dragon might be a little different--bipedal dragons might walk on their extra set of limbs and appear quadruped and so on.

The Quadruped now has six feet, the Wyvern now has four limbs, and the Wyrm has two limbs at minimum.

Color Rules

The new limbs follow the regular rules of Dragon Limbs.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

The new limbs follow the regular rules of Dragon Limbs.

Charged Multi-Limbed

This allows limbs to appear on the tail, back, neck, tongue, or similar appropriate areas. It does not have to appear in pairs when charged. It will not split the tail if a hand is attached to the end. If you choose to use the multiple limbs in a place other than the limb area, then your dragon may have its usual body type. The new limb(s) follow the regular rules of Dragon Limbs.

Transparent Skin

Category: Modifier

Creates a transparent patch of skin somewhere on your dragon. Unless your dragon has Elemental Anomaly, Coils, or advanced magic, it will show typical organs, bones, or muscles within the dragon. It will never have glowing or elemental effects in the absence of Tier IV magic. This will not affect the wing leather/feathers/flight materials of your dragon. Under no circumstances will markings or skin modifiers show on top of this. You may stylize the inside of the dragon (such as a stamp-shaped heart instead of a realistic heart). The depth of the transparency is free for you to decide. The transparency can be a small patch. If you opt for larger coverage, it can affect up to 50% of the dragon. Inspired by the transparent skin of Glass Frogs.

Color Rules

The colors underneath the skin will imitate the colors of living muscles, bones, and organs in the natural world.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

You may choose for this to affect physical modifiers that would be covered by scales. Leather, webbing, and similar materials are not covered by scales, so they cannot be affected.

Charged Transparent Skin

Charged transparent skin may affect the entirety of the body, including the wings of the dragon. If desired, any markings on top may be partially visible (you should still be able to see under the marks).


True Sight

Category: Modifier

True sight changes the shape, color, or substance of your dragon’s eyes. Here are some examples:

  • Glowing Eyes
  • Bleeding Eyes
  • Heterochromia
  • Eyes anywhere on the body
  • Strange Pupil Shapes
  • Eye shape that does not match snout shape

In addition to that, you may choose to have up between 0 – 16 eyes.

Color Rules

You may color these in any fashion you see fit.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

You may have this affect any trait, so long as the number of eyes is between 0-16. In addition, the eyes should clearly be eyes.

Charged True Sight

With Charged True Sight, there is no limit to the number of eyes you may have on your dragon.



Category: Modifier

This trait has several effects you can pick and choose from. You must use at least one, but can also use them all.

  • Removes Wing Supports (the wings can bend any which way in their design).
  • Allows bones to 'surface' above the skin; Ribs can show on top, or the spine can be visible along the dragon.
  • Adjusts bone structure and allows the dragon to appear long, even if it doesn't have the Wyrm body type.
  • Have chibi-like, fingerless limbs.

This trait will not create wounds, holes, or bleeding anywhere on the dragon. Exposed bones act like shells rather than sensitive areas.

Additionally, you may have the boneless trait not show.
It is implied that your dragon can stretch like example one when you do this, and simply isn't stretching in the import image.

Color Rules

This does not change the colors of the dragon.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

This may affect any part of a dragon’s body.

Charged Wither

In addition to making bones flexible, Charged Wither causes the entire body to shrivel. Their body shape can stick to their bones, causing them to look like skeletons with skin. This does not cause the dragon to experience pain, but they will have a giant appetite, given there are no stores of fat. All traits should still show.


Category: Modifier

Creates tears and holes in the dragon’s wings, ears, webbing, fins, or thin areas of skin. It can create cracks in horns, nails, and similar hard objects. Lastly, it can create scars on the body. These scars follow the natural/small scar rules of Loremarkers. Despite its dramatic appearance, it has a negligible effect on a dragon’s health. Some breeders even seek out the trait, as you can use sturdier saddles on leather-winged dragons without cutting through the leather itself. As such, it has no impact on game mechanics.

Color Rules

Tattered does not affect the colors of a dragon, nor can it be affected by color modifiers.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

Tattered can affect any traits that have a flat surface or webbing, any trait that can be cracked, and any trait that can be scratched.

Charged Tattered

For webbing and similar thin areas, Charged Tattered can have its webbing or skin completely removed. It may be obscured with the amount of tattering. It can have up to 90% of affected areas missing. You may also add large scars (they should still look natural).


Category: Modifier

Element: Metal | Rarity: Ultra-rare

This dragon was born with a blessing of metal. Its scales may become plates, and it may gain any number of horns and claws in any location. The entirety of the dragon’s exterior is made of metal, and this reflects in its bright sheen. It may have scythe wings and sharp pieces of metal floating around it. This can create a very sharp dragon! They may also grow into any natural bone structure (such as turtle shells, a plated underbelly, snail shells, and so on)–as long as the scales can be clearly distinguished making up the structure. It may use the color palette of Metal dragons in addition to its normal colors. Markings affected by Treasure may float or drift off of the body, as long as they resemble their markings and look metallic at the same time.

The defining trait of Treasure are the dragon’s Treasured scales. These are secluded, large scales or pieces of metal that have a distinct color. With time, these precious scales will shed and regrow, and the discarded Treasure is coveted as an amazing crafting material.

The treasure scales of this dragon are silver.
The example shows the maximum. At minimum, you only need a single treasure scale visible on your dragon.

Color Rules

The dragon will follow normal elemental color rules, with the exception of their unique treasure scales. Treasure scales may be any color from the elemental color palette or the metal color palette.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

All traits must be apparent, however, they may be made of or contain metal scales or spikes instead of their regular material. All traits may have a metal sheen or shimmer.

Charged Treasure

Charged Treasure creates treasure scales of any color, even if it is not naturally a metal or within the elemental color scheme.



Category: Modifier

Makes a mark on the dragon appear three-dimensional and metallic. It should not stick out dramatically from your dragon like a horn, spine, sail, or wing would. The engravings must be apparent. You may give the engravings a sheen or metallic appearance. Alternatively, it will affect a single trait (which might have multiple colors). In either case, it should be apparent that the trait has more volume now, rather than just appears shiny. Alternatively, you may create a solid-edged marking on the back, belly, or any number of points on the dragon.

Several different types of engravings. They may also go inward.

Color Rules

You may have the engraved trait show bronze, silver, gold, or a desaturated pink instead of its regular color.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

This only affects one marking on the dragon.

Charged Engraved

You may have any number of traits be affected by engraved; you may also use any or all of the free marks, even if the dragon has other display traits.


Category: Modifier

This modifier creates a bright shimmer of sparkles on top of a single marking. It should not extend beyond the range of the marking. The affected marking may be any color, even ones outside of elemental color rules. It will not change the colors of the following traits: Vampire, Origin, Fairy, Wild, Shark, Dancer, Zebra, Appaloosa, Dust, Tobiano, Pollen, and any color mutations. It will not have multiple colors in it unless the marking is multi-colored. Alternatively , it may appear as a blended marking on the dragon's back, belly, or any number of points.

Two examples of shimmering.

Color Rules

The shimmering marking may be any color. It requires at least two visible sparkles in order to count as shimmer. ✨

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

This only affects one marking on the dragon.

Charged Shimmer

The entire dragon, including the base, may be affected by shimmer.



Category: Modifier

Gilded creates a metallic sheen on a limited area of the dragon’s body. Gilded will affect one color on the dragon other than the base color. Alternatively, it will affect a single trait (which might have multiple colors).

If you need advice making something look metallic, here are a few tutorials you can use:

Color Rules

The gilded marking still follows its normal rules. It only causes the trait to gain a metallic sheen.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

This only affects one marking on the dragon.

Charged Gilded

You may have up to three markings affected by gilded.



Category: Modifier

A modifier that causes the entire dragon to sheen like metal. It will not add extra colors to the dragon. The sheen will simply be a lighter color of what lays directly beneath it. It affects the entire dragon and accents all muscles and features.

Color Rules

Sheen does not change the color of the dragon. It may increase their vibrancy to a small extent, as seen in the example below.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

This affects every single trait of a dragon.

Charged Sheen

You may have the sheen affect as low as 25% of the dragon, rather than the entire dragon.



Category: Modifier

Creates large, bony structures on the body of the dragon. It can resemble rib bones, shells, or scutes. It will never make up more than half of the dragon's body and cannot be removed. Head armor will never cover eyes unless the dragon also has True Sight.

Color Rules

 The armor can be any color within elemental rules, white, black, or tan. You may have markings affect it or extend to it.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

You may have it affect any other trait. However, it should not stick out far from the trait.

Charged Shell

 Charged Shell may be any size. The dragon may detach from a shell if the shape resembles a shelter (such as a snail shell). The shell is still required in art, even if your dragon is out for a stroll. You may have the scute-like or shield-like shells protrude greatly from the dragon, as if they were spines or extensions. You may cover the eyes with armor. Note that even if a shell is huge, all of a dragon's traits will be visible.



Category: Modifier

Creates a series of large plates that go along the body of your dragon. They may be ridged or have a solid plating. They should not resemble tall spines, although they can have a small serrated edge. There is a minimum of 10% coverage and a maximum of 60% coverage. Plates will create patches and never appear as a single large scale. All traits will still be visible somewhere on the dragon.

Color Rules

You may choose to color the plates in a soft blanket or a solid outline. You may also simply take on the main colors underneath it. You may choose to have markings affect it or simply keep it a solid color.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

This will always affect the spine area. If a trait would also appear on the spine, it would appear on top of the plating or poke through in some way. In example, for dorsal spines, you may have a hole in the plating for the spines to stick out. When combined with Thorned Spine, you may give the dragon alligator or Ankylosaurus-type armor.

Charged Plated Spine

Charged Plated Spine allows for the Plating to greatly protrude from the dragon. You may also cover the entire body in plating. Note that all traits should still be visible!


Category: Mutation

Prevents most display traits from showing on your dragon and covers the dragon with a white or off-white mark. Its eyes will be red unless it has True Sight. Some things which affect the texture of scales, such as Shimmer, Iridescence, Bioluminescence, or Gilded, will still display. In areas where the scales are thin, some pink coloring may show through, and you may also use very light pink as accents on the body of the dragon.


You may erase areas of white to let the regular base show through–these patches will still be lighter colored than normal. You may also show non-white markings as a very light tan or pink color. Here is an example of the same Albino from above with a glowing mark, iridescence, and light tan markings showing:

Eclipse Gene

Category: Mutation

Eclipse is a sex separate from male and female, but during breedings, they may fill in for either one. At least one male or female still needs to be in the breeding--two Eclipse dragons can't breed together. As with all sexes in this game, these dragons may use any pronouns and identify as any gender. This sex only appears when the Eclipse Gene mutation is present on a dragon. Rites of Renewal cannot transform a dragon into this sex. Please be mindful of any pronouns that come after the dragon's sex, should you see them.


Elemental Anomaly

Category: Mutation

This dragon is born with Tier IV magic of the corresponding type. Additionally, the Elemental Anomaly mutation will display magical effects in its design from the moment it’s hatched. They also gain a terrain bonus from the corresponding element and may wear equipment of a matching element. It has access to all color sliders that its anomaly does, in addition to the palette of its natural elements. You can find magical effects on the element page for that anomaly's element. Note that while this can pass on to offspring, the anomaly element is still selected random. Here are quick links to the element pages:

Light | Fire | Jungle | Thunder | Earth | Ocean | Storm | Wind | Dark | Metal


Or you can click here for a broad guide on using magical effects on your dragon.

Elemental Chimerism

Category: Mutation

Your dragon has their element rolled twice, raising the maximum number of elements to between two and four. Only one set of elements may pass to the children, which must be designated at the design stage. This primary set of elements is treated as the parent's elements during breeding. They gain the benefits of multiple elements where applicable, such as magic mastery or marking inheritance.  It has access to all color sliders that its elements do.


Category: Mutation

This dragon will always bring an extra item home from activities.


Category: Mutation

One of the Dragon’s elements is replaced with Thunder or Dark. You may choose which element is replaced, and with what. This mutation cannot be made recessive. On single element dragons, you may tack on one of the two or replace the single element.


Category: Mutation

This dragon is compatible with all elements.


Category: Mutation

Allows the dragon to have eggs without a mate. Courtship art is unavailable for this type of reproduction. The parent would be used as both the mother and father in the breeder, so it does not create true clones 100% of the time. Eggs born from Genesis will have the same lineage as their parent. It has a lower chance of passing than other mutations. It will never appear randomly in a clutch. This dragon may still breed normally with other dragons.


Category: Mutation

Greying is a mutation that creates patches of desaturated scales on the dragon, desaturates a few markings of the dragon, or desaturates the dragon entirely. The areas affected by greying should not be recognizable as a particular color, and therefore greying is almost entirely desaturated. Here are some examples of greying.

Normal Design:

With Greying Applied:



Category: Mutation

The Independent gene must be active to gain the benefits of the mutation (not Recessive). This is a trait exclusive to auctions, events, sales, and dragons bred from one of those.

By nature, Elemental Dragons use much of their own essence to create their magic, which leaves them reliant on a Rider of some sort. Every now and then, a miracle happens, and a dragon is born which can support itself without the assistance of a Rider. These dragons are called Independent Dragons, and without their dependence on a Rider, they can take a far more active role in the world around them. 

Special Activities

  • Den Founding - A dragon may found their Den immediately upon hatching. Den items that expand Familiar availability do not work for dragons, as they are limited by magical means, rather than physical space.
  • Familiars & Rite of Summoning - After a dragon founds a Den, they may perform a Rite of Summoning to gain their first Familiar. Den items that expand Familiar availability do not work for dragons, as they are limited by magical means, rather than physical space.
  • Joining Affiliations - After a dragon founds a Den and completes their Rite of Passage, they may join an Affiliation.
  • Jobs - Independent dragons may take one Job: they may unlock their first Job after undergoing their Rite of Passage, may gain a promotion at level two, and may become a master at level four. 
  • Challenges - Dragons may compete in Races and Expeditions on their own, though they may be at a disadvantage without a Rider helping them. For Taming, they may invite a Rider of their choice to assist. If their chosen Rider swaps, they will still keep progress from previous attempts. They must have some sort of Rider accompanying them during Tamings.

Co-existing with a Rider

These dragons do not require a Rider, but they may still choose to bond with one. When they do bond, they do not need to match the elements of the Rider. There are a few caveats to bonding with a Rider, listed below.

  • Dens and Familiars - A dragon may share their Familiars with the Rider, but not the Rider's other dragons. In example, if a dragon has a Blue Sea Dragon, the Rider may use them in the rolls, but not another of the Rider’s dragons. They are only shared between the dragon and Rider. The same applies to Dens–a Rider is considered an inhabitant of their Dragon’s den, but other dragons belonging to that Rider are only visitors.
  • Political Affiliations - When bonded to a Rider, the dragon will take on the Affiliation of their Rider. If they were previously Independent and a member of the same Affiliation, then the dragon’s currency will be moved to the Rider’s wallet. If they were different Affiliations, then the dragon’s old Affiliation currency will be lost. If an Independent dragon separates from a Rider, they do not take their currency with them, and will have to re-enroll into an Affiliation to begin duties alone again.



Category: Mutation

Eggs from this dragon will have one extra random trait. The drop chances are influenced by trait rarity, but not by element rarity. This effect does not stack, even if there are two Kaleidoscope parents. Here are the approximate rarities:

1/1000 (0.1%) : Ultra-rare
99/1000 (9.9%) : Rare
300/1000 (30%) : Uncommon
600/1000 (60%) : Common


Category: Mutation

Prevents most display traits from showing on your dragon and covers the dragon with a black or near-black mark. Its eyes will be brown or black, unless it has True Sight. Some things which affect the texture of scales, such as Shimmer, Iridescence, or Gilded, will still display. In areas where the scales are thin, some dark brown coloring may show through, and you may also use dark brown as accents on the body of the dragon.

You may also show markings lighter than the base as a dark brown color. Here is an example of the same Melanistic dragon from above with Bioluminescence showing.


Category: Mutation

No Element | Mutation

Your dragon has more than one pair of wings. Any pairs of wings may be located anywhere on the body, so long as they are mirrored on the other side of the body.

The type of wing will match the dragon's genetics, and the wings otherwise follow normal rules. If your dragon is wingless, then you may either 'hide' the trait, or you may pick wings based on the scale type. These wings do not affect the genetics/offspring of the dragon--it will still be treated as wingless for breedings.

  1. Smooth Scales -- > Leather Wings
  2. Velvet Scales -- > Leather Wings
  3. Artificial Scales -- > Artificial Wings
  4. Feathered Scales -- > Feathered Wings

If your dragon is not wingless, you will need to use the wing type normally available to the dragon. The wing type will be consistent throughout and follow regular wing shape rules. They may also attach at any area, so long as they are symmetrical and recognizable as their wing type.


Multi-winged may appear anywhere on the body, as long as it is a symmetrical pair.

Color Rules

Wings will have normal color rules. However, you may choose to color each wing differently! They may also show different markings.

Shape & Effects

The wing shape will always be symmetrical. The wings themselves may have different shapes. In example, for a dragon with Insect Wings, you may have beetle-like wings for one set, then butterfly-like wings for another. You may also choose to apply modifiers to any set of wings--or all of them--so long as the wings are symmetrical. In example, you can choose for leather wings to have very stylized extensions on one set of wings, but a regular appearance on other sets of wings. Additionally, you can have the wings appear boneless--bending unnaturally and so on.

Notable Interactions

  • One Skittertint will be needed per pair of wings affected.
  • One Scalestain will be needed per pair of wings affected.
  • One Surgical Kit will be needed per single wing affected.
  • Two Surgical Kits will be needed to hide all wings.
  • Magic effects work normally on each wing. You may also have magic effects on one pair but not on the others, or any ratio you prefer.
  • Transparent Skin does not affect wings.
  • Pollen may affect scaled areas of the wings. You may choose to have it affect each set differently.

Common Problems

Below: This dragon only has one set of wings. There should at least be two sets of wings.

Below: This dragon is using two different types of wings. The wings will always be the same type. There are a few traits that allow for different types of wings: Swarm, Wind IV magic, Jungle IV magic, Thunder IV magic, and Metal IV magic. Without one of these traits, the wings must be the same base type.



Category: Mutation

No Element | Mutation

Monochrome is a mutation that applies one hue across your entire dragon. You may also ignore brightness rules, as long as all traits are visible. This will never obscure traits. The hue must be the same, literally--two similar colors, such as indigo and purple, do not count as a Monochrome color scheme. The easiest way to create a Monochrome design is to design it normally, then apply a 'color' or 'hue' layer (depending on your program). When you color dip the dragon, it should all have the same hue, even if it varies in brightness or saturation. Black, white, and gray do not have saturation, so they may also be used.

Here is an example of a regular dragon, before and after a Monochrome mutation is applied. The dragon on the left has violet, red, and neon green. The dragon on the right has only blue.

You may also ignore  brightness rules. For example, an all-black marking like Dust may be brightened, and a marking like Sable which darkens things underneath it may brighten them instead. Here is an example of both in action, on the same design:


Monochrome affects the whole dragon.


Monochrome will not have and holes. It will cover the entire dragon.


Because Monochrome does not have holes, it will not allow for an edge.


Monochrome will not be affected by color effects. However, light effects may show through, and they may even break the color scheme. Here is an example of an iridescent, Monochrome dragon:

Notable Interactions

  • Skittertint may not be used to add a second color to Monochrome.
  • Pollen still follows regular color rules. It must still appear pastel, and it can be any pastel color.
  • Loremarks, scratches, and scars may follow the color scheme of Pollen.
  • Transparent Skin, flesh, tongue, and magic effects still follow regular color rules. Alternatively, you may optionally apply Monochrome to them.
  • If a dragon has Display, you may choose two different monochrome colors. It may switch between these two colors. The entire dragon's colorscheme will change--not just one or two marks. It will never show both colors at once.
  • If a dragon has Somatic, you may choose for each half to have a different Monochrome color. You may also choose for only one side to show the Monochrome mutation.

Common Problems

Below: This dragon has holes in Monochrome. While this effect is lovely, Monochrome should not have holes. You may achieve this effect when it is combined with the Somatic trait.

Below: This dragon has two different hues. The blue on the wings is a different hue than the blue of the body. The hue of the dragon must be the same throughout. Part of the free marks are also red instead of blue.


Do I need to provide the regular color scheme?
No--the design is judged based on Monochrome color rules, so the design without a mutation is not needed.


Category: Mutation

If a dragon would gain stats, it gains that many +1 instead.


Category: Mutation

This dragon may exchange any of their physical traits with any other non-mythic traits. Once this dragon is uploaded, its traits are set in stone and can no longer change.


Category: Mutation

This is a trait exclusive to auctions, events,and sales. The dragon may form a bond with a Rider of any elemental specialty. It does not pass on in Breedings.


Category: Mutation

Choose an element. The dragon gains elemental breath of that element (such as breathing fire or spitting stones). Once chosen, the element cannot be changed, even with redesigns. This allows the dragon to learn the Tier IV breath attack of that element, even if the dragon does not match that element.


Category: Mutation

Affiliation Points earned from Political Affiliation quests are doubled. This does not include randomized effects, such as Familiar effects.


Category: Mutation

This allows the maximum amount of Summoning Rites for a dragon, even if they do not have Independent or were born with a Soulbound Familiar. This means they may have two Familiars total. When completing a Rite of Summoning, this dragon does not need a Keepsake Collar.


Category: Mutation

This dragon brings home an additional Collectable Item from Adventures. The item matches the activity. Currently, only one Collectable Item is available.

List of possible items:


Category: Mutation

This dragon's clutches have one additional egg.


Category: Mutation

This dragon has a small chance of obtaining a Familiar in any prompt. Familiars found are based on terrain.


Category: Mutation

This mutation prevents the dragon from receiving the following status effects:

  • Charmed
  • Burned
  • Poisoned
  • Stunned
  • Burdened
  • Weariness
  • Confusion
  • Despair
  • Cursed
  • Corrosion

This Mutation affects Expeditions and Battles.


Category: Mutation

If this dragon receives an adverse status effect from an Expedition, their reward rarity increases.

If either dragon receives an adverse status effect other than Wounded during a battle, this dragon immediately gains +10 to their score.


Category: Rank

This is a group Emissary; It belongs to no player! Slots to them are available periodically.

Dragon Rider

Category: Rank
Species: Rider

Dragon Rider is the base rank that all Riders start out at. As Riders complete tasks, they gain Prestige and can advance in the ranks. For more information on Riders, click here.


Dragon Companion

Category: Rank
Species: Rider

Dragon Companion is the first rank upgrade that Riders can achieve. As Riders complete tasks, they gain Prestige and can advance in the ranks.

Dragon Knight

Category: Rank
Species: Rider

Dragon Knight is the second rank upgrade that Riders can achieve. As Riders complete tasks, they gain Prestige and can advance in the ranks.

Dragon Master

Category: Rank
Species: Rider

Dragon Master is the final rank upgrade that Riders can achieve. It is the highest honor.


Category: Status

When this character returns from an activity, their loot is doubled.


Category: Status

This dragon is wounded, preventing it from participating in most activities until it is healed. It may still participate in the following activities: Gathering, First Aid Kit, Soft Bed. This status may be healed with a small health potion.


Category: Status

This character cannot participate in group activities. This is due to one of the following:

  • a dragon has no rider and does not have the independent trait
  • a rider has no dragon
  • a character has no owner
  • a character's owner has requested that they enter hibernation
  • it is an event dragon with certain aspects (such as name or sex) not yet determined by the owner.

Second Bond

Category: Status
Species: Rider

For information on a second bond and its benefits, visit this page.

Pair Bond

Category: Status

For more information on Pair Bonds and their benefits, click here.


Category: Status

Confused characters cannot participate in Challenges (racing, taming, expeditions, etc.). When adventuring, they will return with unusual items from the wrong location.


Category: Status

Twins are special dragons that were born from the same egg! There are very special circumstances that lead to an official twin. The easiest way to get them is through yearly events.

Second, they can rarely be born from player clutches. If two eggs are part of a Split clutch, have the exact same display traits, modifiers, and elements, and when submitted have the same Physical Traits (recessive swaps are okay for Physical Traits only), then they may become official twins. To become official twins, each egg must go to a different member of the split, and the dragons must be submitted at roughly the same time. The designs must look roughly the same, although color differences and small marking variations are allowed. Please note when a twin is submitted so that it is not approved alone!

Rite of Passage

Category: Rites

This dragon has completed their Rites of Passage!

Passage Incomplete

Category: Rites

This dragon has not completed their Rites of Passage. Read more about that here.

Rite of Ascension

Category: Rites

This dragon passed their Rite of Ascension and have access to unique features.

Grand Display

Category: Rites

This dragon has completed their Grand Display. If they have slots, they can breed with another dragon! If they do not have slots, they may use Courtship Art to breed without using one.

Display Incomplete

Category: Rites

This dragon has not completed their Grand Display and is unable to breed. Read more about that here.


Category: Familiars

 Brings back one extra item from the Caving elemental loot pool (element is random).

Salamanders can regrow limbs if they lose them. Please help your salamander keep track of all their legs in the first place.

Feisty Fish

Category: Familiars

Effect: If a dragon’s or Rider’s stats would be used, they are treated as if they had +3 in each stat.

Mac the Flirt

Category: Familiars

Effect: If Mac the Flirt is included in a submission, all dragons in the submission receive the friendly Familiar bonus. He must be depicted with a flower of some sort. This Familiar does not take up a Familiar slot.

He’s giving you a rose because apparently non-birds dislike offerings of pre-digested food. Don’t be afraid to ask, though. He’s ready.


Category: Familiars

Effect: This Rider’s dragons gain +10 Intelligence in races.
If your Rider is Jungle element, you may Spiritbind this Familiar.

Bearded Dragon

Category: Familiars

Effect: This Rider’s dragons gain +10 Strength in races.
If your Rider is Earth element, you may Spiritbind this Familiar.

They can run 40mph, making them the fastest reptile in all of the Chronoscape…as long as we’re ignoring reptiles bigger than them.


Category: Familiars

Effect: This Rider’s dragons gain +10 Strength in races.

A constant bundle of zoomies.


Category: Familiars

Effect: This Rider’s dragons gain +10 Intelligence in races.
If your Rider is Thunder element, you may Spiritbind this Familiar.


They only get it on whenever lightning strikes. Antlers…aren’t exactly the best thing to have in a thunderstorm, so there’s not very many of the little critters.


Category: Familiars

Effect: This Rider’s dragons gain +10 Willpower in races.
If your Rider is Dark element, you may Spiritbind this Familiar.


Despite popular opinion, this good pupper can run twice as fast as a roadrunner.

Free-tailed Bat

Category: Familiars

Effect: This Rider’s dragons gain +10 Dexterity in races.
If your Rider is Storm element, you may Spiritbind this Familiar.

This little critter makes the cheetah look like it’s standing still.