

Category: Familiars

Resale Value: 150


Effect: This Rider’s dragons gain +10 Willpower in Talent Shows.
If your Rider is Ocean element, you may Spiritbind this Familiar.


Use this item to create a MYO Familiar slot. Before submitting, make sure to include info on the Rider you are attaching it to.

Goldband Butterflyfish

Category: Fish

Resale Value: 25

Element: Metal
Rarity: Common

Can be added to an Aquarium den item's inventory or sold for Silvence.

This fish is often harvested for the precious metals found in its scales.
Based on Chelmon rostratus.


Category: Ores

Resale Value: 20

AP Exchange |  2 items : 1 AP

Found: Caving in Metal Terrain

Crafting Uses:
Forged Metal
Star Chart

Art by cosmonstars

3 results found.