It creates a solid color or a natural mask on your dragon’s face. You do not need to reference a species unless it looks tribal or unnatural.The two examples below show the maximum amount cap can show. It follows normal elemental color rules, plus it can use black, white, brown, tan, and/or gray. At minimum, a single natural-looking mark can show in the range and count as Cap.
Color Rules
It follows normal elemental color rules, plus it can use black, white, brown, tan, and/or gray. If you choose to reference a species for marks, you do not have to match the colors of that species. In example, here is a Blue Jay cap shown in an Earth palette:
Layering Rules
Cap follows regular layering rules.
A cap that can cover up to the entirety of your dragon’s head and the back of the neck. It may fade out in a gradient. The markings do not need to exist on a living animal, as long as they look natural. It will NOT go below the shoulders and will not appear on the front of the neck.
Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits
It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. At least part of it must be on the neck.
- Collared - If Cap is present with Collared, then Cap may be treated as if it was Charged. Collared must appear within the usual range, but it may use Charged Cap color and shape rules.
- Frog Throat - If Frog Throat is present with Cap, then Cap can be treated as if it was Charged.
Charged Cap
Charged Cap does not need to follow color rules. It can cover the entire neck (but will not go past the upper shoulders).