

Category: Display

Emblazoned forms long stripes that run along your dragon's body. It will be parallel with the spine. It should not be exclusive to the wings, and any stripes on the wings should be a small branch from the main mark.


Color Rules

You may have a gradient between two colors, a solid color, or a mix of the two. The gradient for each does not have to align. The marking follows normal elemental color rules. You can include small dots that match one of the chosen colors inside of the marking.


Shape Rules

Stripes will be long and flowing. It will run parallel to the dragon's spine. At minimum, one long stripe should be visible. You may create splits in the stripes, as long as the splits still follow the flow of the body. Only small branches of the stripes can affect the wings (shown below) and limbs.




Layering Rules

This marking can go above or beneath other markings. It will not cover top layer markings.



Texture Rules

Emblazoned has a solid edge.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.


  • It will not appear on wings and limbs unless it splits off from a longer body stripe.

Charged Emblazoned

This allows you to have a gradient of up to three colors, rather than just two. Charged Emblazoned can be any colors. It can also be much thicker and resemble blocks of color.



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