

Category: Display

This marking gives your dragon some wildcat spots! It may cover the whole body or appear as a small cluster of markings. The rosettes should generally be grouped together.

Shape Rules

There are two pieces to the shape–the border, and the dot. The border will always be into at least two–but preferably more–pieces. Broken parts of the border may be inside of the dot. The border will have a solid edge. The inner area may be soft, solid, or erased as a gradient within the inside of the border. You can reference wildcats for different types of rosettes that follow those rules. Most rosettes boil down to the following three types:

‘Donut’ rosettes. These are large spots with a standard solid border around them.

‘Pawprint’ rosettes, which usually have a poorly defined border. About half of the border will be broken into dots that resemble the beans on cat paws.

‘Arrowhead’ rosettes, which look like regular rosettes have been tugged in the direction of the body’s movement. Their border is somewhere between Pawprint and Donut rosettes.

You may mix and match Rosette types as long as they follow the dot and border rule.

Color Rules

No matter what design you have, Rosettes has two different-colored parts. The ‘central’ part is darker than what lays beneath it, but lighter than the border. The ‘border’ part is darker than anything inside it. The color of rosettes should be consistent throughout the dragon.

Layering Rules

This marking can go above or beneath other markings. It will not cover top layer markings.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.

Charged Rosettes

Each rosette may be a different color, and the rosettes may be brighter than what lies beneath them.


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