

Category: Element


Stellar is an element only achieved through the blessings of higher powers. As such, much of this information is speculative and based on a tiny sample size. Any inaccuracies should be reported to Abrendese Research Unit 20.39.5 C.

Dragons that have been blessed with a stellar blessing may bond with any Rider. At the time a dragon receives a stellar blessing, their body goes through metamorphosis, and all of their traits may take on a fantastic appearance. This metamorphosis does have permanent effects on their reproductive abilities, lowering their clutch size to one in any circumstance. At the same time, their single egg will always hatch into a Day or Night dragon. It is believed that the hatchling itself chooses what element to be upon hatching.

Curiously, Riders may also receive this blessing. Those who have been blessed with a stellar blessing have an affinity with all of the elements. While metamorphosis into other forms is possible, there is no known instance of the Rider becoming an elemental dragon, and some Riders display no change at all.

The nature and origin of the blessing is the most mysterious of all. It is reported to involve several deity-like figures, though their existence cannot be confirmed.

Free Trait: All Of Them
Default Physical Traits:
Mythic Snout
Mythic Crest
Mythic Body
Mythic Scales
Mythic Wings
Mythic Limbs
Mythic Tail


Both Stellar dragons and Stellar Riders have no predisposition. Rather, their personality seems to be founded on whatever element they once were, and we all know how inaccurate the temperament assessment of typical dragons can be. While some Stellars do appear to undergo personality adjustments, it is likely a reaction to their new circumstances, rather than a predisposition of the element.


Stellar Magic

Stellar dragons will automatically receive a boost of magic in all ten standard elements. According to current research, these elements cannot be developed further, even with the assistance of expert Trainers. Additionally, they appear to have access to an odd, dimensional-based magic all their own. It is somewhere between the instance magic of powerful Metals and the star generation that experienced Darks can wield. Shapeshifting also appears to be one of their specialties. After Stellar magic tests resulted in the disappearance of two research labs and a vending machine in another building, it was decided that further research would be put on hold until they could be located.


Element Color Rules

Stellar dragons may display any markings or lack thereof, regardless of their genes. They may display any colors. Additionally, these colors and shapes may shift over time, though all subjects remain recognizable when compared to their Identification Images.


Game Notes

  • Unless updated by the person who wrote it, a slot written before a dragon’s Stellar Blessing will use their old elements.
  • Stella’s Blessing is given as an item which can be applied to any Rider or dragon, even if that Rider or dragon was not in attendance during the blessing.  It is exclusive to a rare and difficult chain of Expeditions.
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