

Category: Race
Species: Rider

A member of the Abrendese race.

Clothing Style: Typical Victorian Garb
Language: English

The Abrendese are fairly recent arrivals to the world of Shérok—clocking in at about five centuries ago. Before their arrival, the world of Shérok was made of small villages with low technological ability but incredible magic skill. After their arrival, the Abrendese imparted their advanced knowledge of space travel, engineering, cloning, medical practices, and experimentation to the Shéar. They began to build huge cities and automate many old occupations. There are two distinct populations of Abrendese—your typical ‘street dweller’ and the nobility. The nobility are shunned, though they hardly notice. The street dwellers live alongside the Shéar and are only distinguishable through their accents and a fondness for gadgets.

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