

Category: Race
Species: Rider

A member of the Shéar race or any older race from the world of Shérok.

Clothing Style: Typical Middle Eastern/Desert Garb
Language: Shéar (A mix of Spanish and Italian.) Written vertically right to left or horizontally left to right.

These are the main people that live everywhere on the planet. They are the name for natives of the planet that don’t have any other affiliation. Because the kingdoms (or Pradeshes) are currently united and several of them inhospitable, it is much more likely for Shéar to refer to themselves by their planetary origin rather than a particular kingdom. Their average skin tone is cinnamon, though they can have any natural human skin tone without being out of the ordinary.

Individual homes are scattered in the wilderness and made by hand. Their homes change depending on the climate—just draw what you would expect an Earth home to look like in a swamp, forest, and so on. In any place where many people gather, the architecture changes straight to urban skyscrapers. The density is also incredible—easily comparable to the densest areas of China and India. There’s not an in-between for the general populace! Shéar also tend to live alone, rather than family groups. It’s not unusual for families to become entirely fragmented over the land.


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