

Category: Display

Veil is a marking that covers the whole body; You can erase soft holes into it, but it should generally stick to creases or folds/accent musculature if possible. It can be any color. It will always have soft edges. Veil may be layered in any order. In the example below, Veil is black, and the base of the dragon is red. You can see the rest of the dragon's marks through the holes in Veil. It may optionally be used as a light effect where light does not reflect off of the scales.


Color Rules

Veil may be any color. It can also be a gradient between a dark and desaturated color and any other color.

Layering Rules

Veil hides any marking it covers. Displaying even cover and pigment traits on top is optional. It can show on top of most things as a light effect. Any area without Veil or with holes in Veil will still show markings as usual. If Veil covers the entire dragon, then all other marks are optional (with the exception of Pollen). Light effects optionally still show through Veil.


Veil may cover the whole dragon or simply be in a few creases. As long as the edge is soft and 'scarce' areas are closest to creases, it can be any shape.


Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things.


  • Displaying any mark over Veil is optional--with one exception.
  • Pollen - Will always display on top of Veil. However, the color of Pollen may be slightly altered to match Veil where it touches.

Charged Veil

Charged Veil may use a gradient between any three colors.


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